Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 1×39 Review: The Path Lit By The Full Moon

The Path lit by The Full Moon Boruto 39 review Mitsuki

This week’s episode of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, titled ‘The Path Lit By The Full Moon,’ showed the reason behind Mitsuki always following Boruto around as well as the hope Orochimaru has for his child.

Whether you ship Boruto and Mitsuki as a couple or not, it’s a fact that Mistuki feels some kind of special connection with Boruto. ‘The Path Lit By The Full Moon’ fleshed out Mitsuki’s backstory and how he came to know about Boruto. I don’t know how the relationship between the two boys will evolve with time. However, for now, it’s fun to see both young ninjas covering each other’s back.

‘The Path Lit By The Full Moon’ opened with Salad and Mitsuki waiting for Boruto so they could go meet Konohamaru for a mission. A flashback is triggered when Salad asks Mitsuki about having free will and we get to see how Orochimaru created his son and what he wants him to do.

I really enjoyed seeing Orochimaru being a parent. He doesn’t care about gender norms or expectations. Even though Mitsuki asked if Orochimaru was his mother or father, the Sannin didn’t give an answer. For Orochimaru, being Mitsuki’s parent is what matters. What’s great is that Orochimaru has another son who is a grownup version of Mitsuki.

Even though the episode touched upon some philosophical points about artificial beings not being worthy of living, I liked Orochimaru’s explanation about how someone like him can also have desires and want children to love, regardless of how he gives birth to them.

It’s clear that Orochimaru wants the best for Mitsuki. He wants his son to be the light in the darkness. His hope is what leads Mitsuki to Boruto. As explained by Mitsuki’s older brother, even though Mitsuki isn’t the sun, he can find his own sun (Boruto) and shine its light in the darkness like a moon. That’s a lot of ship-worthy content right there!

What did you think of Boruto this week? Did you enjoy ‘The Path Lit By The Full Moon’? Let us know.

Author: Farid-ul-Haq

Farid has a Double Masters in Psychology and Biotechnology as well as an M.Phil in Molecular Genetics. He is the author of numerous books including Missing in Somerville, and The Game Master of Somerville. He gives us insight into comics, books, TV shows, anime/manga, video games, and movies.

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