iZombie 2×13 Review: The Whopper


If there is one criticism that I have for season two of iZombie, it is that all of the storylines converging seem to be convoluted and it is difficult to keep track of, even for an active viewer.

To me, this was evident in “The Whopper”, especially since Liv consumed the brains of a pathological liar, and it was a bit of a chore to keep up.

As always, though, there are a lot of reasons to love this show. One of the best parts of this episode was Blaine. I love Blaine, but I often feel like the writers aren’t sure what to do with him. And David Anders is a treasure as the character, so getting to see some momentum in his plot this week was a pleasure. Blaine has a sick, twisted, and hilarious sense of humor; I love that he made himself look old for revealing himself to his father. Of course, his father deserved it after having left him nothing in his will on the caveat regarding the circumstances of his death. I sometimes feel sorry for Blaine, but he is the definition of resilient, and I think that is a big reason why I love him so much.

Whoa, Blaine found out that Major is the Chaos Killer! Finally, Major talks, although I wish he was communicating with Liv instead of Blaine, but I suppose this is a good enough move forward. It is refreshing that Major was so up-front about everything, and even though he and Liv are no longer together, it does make for a believable story that he would continue to protect her. I also actually enjoyed Major and Blaine teaming up–they actually go quite nicely together. I wonder how Blaine is going to move forward with the knowledge that someone is taking out zombies. I feel like this will be a significant plot point, but not sure how exactly it will play out.

Liv and her brain-of-the-week were kind of “meh” this week for me, but I liked seeing that Clive is starting tothewhopper-2 catch onto something about her “psychic ability”. Come on, Clive, you are a smart dude, you can figure this out! I am not sure that “zombie” is at the forefront of his theories about her, but I like that the wheels are spinning. Clive is a good detective, and I am super interested to see how he will learn about Liv’s affliction and how he will react. After all, Major threw it in his face this week that he was admitted to mental institution at the insistence of Clive.

Ravi continues to be the best part of this show. I love that he is listening to a Star Wars podcast, because what else would he be listening to while trying to find a grave? Also, the fact that Ravi ratted out Clive for dating Dale was actually another small detail that I loved. I will go back to what I have said about this series all along: the characters are smart, and I like when they figure things out. But how sad was it when New Hope died? It is convenient timing, though, that just when she died, they end up finding a Utopium corpse. Lucky! I still feel bad for New Hope though because she had become a major character, even for a rat.

Now for the sad part: can we get Lowell back? Drake is just not cutting it for me. He doesn’t have chemistry with Liv and I don’t like that he is working for Boss; I actually like that Liv is venturing out away from Major and trying something new, but Drake is bad news and I don’t see things going well. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Drake dies, which would mean even more heartbreak for Liv. Let’s not even go there (and sorry for even bringing it up, but it seems obvious that this is where the story is headed).

Speaking of Boss, there was so very little of his story this week, and therefore no Peyton. Although she probably would not have fit in well with this episode, I definitely was missing her by the end. I hope the writers have a good end-game for her–we need more female energy in this show, and Peyton is a great active bystander.

Overall, another solid episode of iZombie, and although I am starting to see a light at the end of season two, I do wish that everything was a little more clear and that the characters were doing a better job of communicating with each other. But frankly, this show does “realistic” well, even though it is a show about zombies! I can’t wait to see the fallout from Drake and Liv, and fingers crossed that Clive finds out about the zombie secret ASAP!




Author: Erin

Erin has reviewed many shows over the years including Orphan Black, iZombie, Penny Dreadful, and Killing Eve. She has a keen eye for on-screen chemistry, and loves to tackle the subject of casting. She is also our horror aficionado. She live tweets shows, and loves to share her feelings. Erin has a BA in History, and likes to analyze the lore behind historical fiction. She attends San Diego Comic Con every year and has also attended C2E2 and WonderCon.

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