Naruto Gaiden – Naruto x 710 Review: Projected Into These Eyes


The last chapter of Naruto Gaiden – The Seventh Hokage: Projected Into These Eyes released this week and even though it was sad to say farewell to the characters again, I was satisfied with how Masashi Kishimoto finished the current story.

The biggest surprise for me was Naruto taking all the Shin clones to an orphanage. It was a kind thing to do but as Sasuke mentioned every Shin clone had a Sharringan which could pose a serious threat in the future.

It was good to see Kabuto running the orphanage, a place that took him in when he was all alone. I have a question though, what happened to the original Shin? Did not seeing his body in the finale mean he escaped somehow?

The other thing Kishimoto took care of was Chocho’s acceptance when it came to Choji being her real father. Seeing a slim Choji, after he used his butterfly mode during a mission, made Chocho realize that he was her actual father. I know the whole thing was done for comedic purposes but I liked how Kishimoto handled Chocho’s character throughout the story.

11056595_408378509345956_2576345278181442048_nThe question about Salad’s real mother also got answered this week. I know there were fans who thought Sasuke had Salad with Karin. Even though I knew from the start that Sakura was Salad’s real mother it was good to have a confirmation nonetheless. Hopefully some fans will stop arguing on social media now.

I also liked the way Kishimoto handled Karin’s and Sasuke’s relationship. Even though Karin wanted to hook up with Sasuke ever since Naruto she matured over the years and even helped Sakura give birth to Salad when she wouldn’t leave her husband’s side during a mission. I don’t know about you all, but I would like to see how the three worked together on a mission and how Salad was born in the Naruto anime or another manga series.

Seeing Sasuke spending time with his family felt amazing to read. He lost his whole clan in Naruto and it was obvious he cherished his bonds with Sakura and Salad. The hug he gave Salad followed by the Uchiha forehead poke looked very emotional and rightfully so. I was a bit disappointed he didn’t show any physical affection towards Sakura before he left but I have a feeling Kishimoto is holding that for Boruto: Naruto the Movie.

What did you think about Naruto Gaiden – The Seventh Hokage: Projected Into These Eyes? Are you sad to say goodbye to Naruto again? What are your predictions for Boruto: Naruto the Movie? Let us know!

Author: Farid-ul-Haq

Farid has a Double Masters in Psychology and Biotechnology as well as an M.Phil in Molecular Genetics. He is the author of numerous books including Missing in Somerville, and The Game Master of Somerville. He gives us insight into comics, books, TV shows, anime/manga, video games, and movies.

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2 thoughts on “Naruto Gaiden – Naruto x 710 Review: Projected Into These Eyes

  1. It is truly sad to see the short story come to a close. I agree with most of what you have written, however I am still not satisfied especially with adult Sasuke’s character-there is still much left to wanting and I hope we get to understand more of who Sasuke has become in Boruto (his personality and perspective on the shinobi world now after travelling around for so many year), I hope it’s well worth it, especially since it still does not sit well with me that he left his family to fend for themselves all those years while he did Recon (and sought redemption)

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