Spider-Man vs. Deadpool #26


Spider-Man vs. Deadpool #26 is a little (okay, a lot!) different than the previous few issues that Robbie Thompson has penned.  The story starts, surprisingly, in a retirement home. And it took me a little while to realize that the character talking was, in fact, Peter Parker. Issue #26 gives us a world where the super heroes we are familiar with are all very old or dead. I think Thompson took a risk going with this storyline, but it does not disappoint.

It should come as no surprise that Wade Wilson as a senior citizen really isn’t much different than the Wilson we’re all familiar with. He still enjoys messing with people (especially Peter), making funny comments, and always taking moments to talk directly to the reader. Peter and Wade may be retired, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still needed. (Especially since all the Avengers are dead, as we come to find out.) It also doesn’t mean they are out of the game, no matter what Peter may think at first.

Peter Parker doesn’t mind being old so much, but he isn’t exactly thrilled that Wade is in the same retirement home as he is. Wade thinks they should take out Chameleon after he had evaded them for all these years, but Peter would rather the younger super heroes take care of the problem. Wade isn’t about to take no for an answer. So, a much older Deadpool and Spider-Man get back into the crime-fighting game.

I have to say that this issue was not at all what I was expecting, but it was definitely interesting to see heroes we’re so familiar with at a much different point in their lives. They are retired and have been for quite some time, but you can never truly take the crime-fighting out of the crime-fighter.  It’s also amusing that, of course, Peter and Wade would end up at the same retirement home. One of the funnier parts is when Peter came across a thief in the retirement home and said, “I want to make a topical reference here, but I’m afraid you won’t get my references…” (alluding to his age, of course!) and then proceeds to get in a fist-fight with the thief.

Even though this issue was a lot different than I was expecting, it is well worth the read. It explores something a little different and gives you insight into what these characters could be like in the distant future.  I enjoy seeing all the different stories Thompson is exploring with his run of Spider-Man vs. Deadpool, and I can’t wait to see what adventures he comes up with for Spider-Man and Deadpool next!

Author: Jessica Rae

Jessica has a BA in music with an emphasis in voice and spends her day typesetting, editing, writing, and moderating webinars. Jessica primarily reviews anime and comic book series. She also offers insights on various movies, books, games, and other geeky topics.

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