iZombie 4×8: Chivalry Is Dead

iZombie Chivalry is Dead

I was seriously looking forward to this week’s iZombie because renaissance fairs and the like are kind of my jam. But the brain of the week in “Chivalry Is Dead” was a little too over-the-top for my taste, and with all of the confusing and sort of boring side stories, I found myself kind of “meh” about this episode, with a few big exceptions.

Let me be clear, I love iZombie more than a lot of other things in the world, but I am having a really hard time with season four and the overarching stories of Angus the Prophet and Fillmore Graves. I don’t really understand the huge significance of either story…I really just want more of our Scoobie gang eating brains and solving crimes. I am sure that there will be a big payoff in the end (there always is with this show), but I am just so bored. I am not seeing the vision of Angus, and the only thing that Fillmore Graves is good for is making Major into a seriously unlikable character.

Speaking of unlikable, just about everyone ended up on that list for me in “Chivalry Is Dead”. Liv’s eyeroll-inducing accent and medieval speak just didn’t do it for me the way that I was hoping. And I seriously am SO confused by Major. I want to hope that he is doing all of this bad stuff to stay in good graces with Chase Graves, but at this point, does it even matter? Even Peyton is starting to get off the Major love train. I am still interested to see how it all plays out because Major has had so much awesome growth as a ciZombie Chivalry is Deadharacter over four seasons, and I hate to see him condensed to a plot device.

While we are talking about plot devices, I was actually excited to see Boss return. I just love the bad guys on this show! Seeing Blaine, Boss, and Don E together was the best. I would watch an entire series of them just wreaking havoc and being hilarious. I also did enjoy seeing Blaine and Angus spend some quality time together–it really provided more depth to their relationship, but also as individual characters.

But really, who can say that Ravi and Clive were not the best parts of “Chivalry Is Dead”? Even though Clive seems to be the true geek of the show, he was out-nerded by Ravi’s interest in LARPing and knowledge of TARDIS. If we are talking about possible spinoffs, I would love to see these two get together and just discover new things and geek out together. They are so similar in their interests but their personalities are so different–it is truly great writing coming from the energy that the actors bring. Love it!

I was surprised by Peyton’s reaction to the discovery that Liv is now a coyote and has been sneaking people in to New Seattle. I keep thinking back to when Peyton first found out that Liv was a zombie and she just could not handle it. Now, she is supportive and actively wants to get involved. It seems very in-character for her, and I really like the growth that she’s had over the course of the series. I am just hoping that her new support for Renegade does not cause a conflict of interest with her job, because she is really an asset in the New Seattle politics.

I realize that I had very high expectations for this episode, and I wouldn’t say that I was disappointed, I was just more surprised with the direction that it went and how over-the-top the brain of the week was. I thought Rose McIver (again) did an amazing job with what she was given, and it was definitely fun to watch. I am so looking forward to finding out why Isabel was unable to turn to a zombie, which I am sure will be explored next week.


Author: Erin

Erin has reviewed many shows over the years including Orphan Black, iZombie, Penny Dreadful, and Killing Eve. She has a keen eye for on-screen chemistry, and loves to tackle the subject of casting. She is also our horror aficionado. She live tweets shows, and loves to share her feelings. Erin has a BA in History, and likes to analyze the lore behind historical fiction. She attends San Diego Comic Con every year and has also attended C2E2 and WonderCon.

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