Siren 3×04 Review: Life and Death

life and death ryn header

At long last, we finally have our glorious mermaid baby, but the title ‘Life and Death’ seems a bit lazy in its inception. A death and a birth. How original. 

I was a little worried that nothing would happen in this week’s episode of Siren but ‘Life and Death’ brought us what we’ve been waiting for since the end of the second season: a baby mermaid. And boy is she a chonker. Freeform released a birth announcement the day the episode aired.

mermaid birth announcement

So far, I haven’t been impressed with the story the writers are working on. The acting in the show has been lukewarm but the music is always great. I thought I haven’t had much to write about the past several episodes but somehow I manage to rage-write more than twice the amount I thought I could squeeze out. This episode, however, lacked momentum or excitement. 

The only thing I was looking forward to was the birth and unfortunately, we do lose the surrogate, Meredith, as she gives birth to an eighteen lb baby. However, Ryn, recognizing the sacrifice, orders that Meredith be given a mermaid burial under the ocean.

Postmortem, she honors her as a mermaid, something Meredith always wanted to be. That did move me a bit. Ryn is such a stoic character who rarely smiles but seeing this small kindness was enjoyable. 

The tensions continue to rise between Ben, Maddie, and Robb, “with two B’s”. Maybe Ben and Maddie were never officially together? I could have sworn they were but maybe this explains why there’s no accusations of cheating being hurled around. 

Speaking of Ben “with one B”, the mermaid stem cells he injected in himself have already started working, repairing a cut on his hand within a day. His little stunt with the mermaid corpse paid off with himself but trying to convince his dad to use the stem cells is probably not going to go well. I foresee Ted being continually antagonistic or finally becoming an ally of the merfolk.

Tia gaining momentum in the ocean isn’t much of a concern at the moment although next week’s episode trailer teased the return of Levi, the cute, awkward merman who has done nothing wrong in his entire life, ever, and perhaps the mermaid baby-napping of Ryn’s daughter. I don’t really know the storyline they’re trying to take with this series so I guess I’ll just have to be surprised. Better than being totally bored, though.

Are you excited about the rest of the season of Siren? What do you think they should have done differently? Let us know. 

Author: Bekah

Bekah has a B.F.A. in Theatre Performance from Anderson University and is the Executive Assistant at Saga Event Planning. She is a frequent convention attendee and cosplayer and co-hosts The Geekiary webcast “The Bitching Dead”.

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