The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 14 “Spirit Day” – Review

spirit day
Things are getting serious at Hieronymous Wiggenstaff’s School for Heroism and Villainy. In “Spirit Day,” the boys have been tasked with getting a magical apple, solving a dispute between two rival centaur factions, and saving Hieronymous’ life… all without telling anyone what happened to him.

In “Spirit Day,” the Thundermen are busy dealing with the centaurs and their magic apple and the Spirit of the Scarlet Woods, but they also have to deal with the firbolg’s inability to lie and the trade he worked out with Althea. He’s afraid that she knows their secret about Hieronymous due to the bug she gave him.

Since she’s with the centaurs anyway, the firbolg (politely) confronts her. Althea assures him she doesn’t know, but I’m not so sure. She’s too mysterious for me to trust her right now.

As the boys investigate the Spirit of the Scarlet Woods, it turns out that it isn’t even the apple the spirit needs. The entity wants a SACRIFICE, pure and simple. The apple worked as a sacrifice because there were only two of them in existence, and now they need to figure out something comparable to sacrifice.

The firbolg gives up some of his memories, sharing his expulsion from his tribe with the spirit, earning himself the knowledge they need to move on… but the puzzle remains. I’m really not sure how they’re going to solve this one.

The boys also talk to a wizard who turns out to be a graduate from the sidekick track who, like many freshly-minted graduates in the real world, couldn’t find a job and ends up working for the centaurs as an ill-prepared wizard. They try to charm him, they try to threaten him, Travis has to remind Clint to use “the magic of words” instead of relying on die rolls, and then they bust out of there with a tentative plan to get the two centaur tribes back together.

The boys have just accepted a dinner date with Althea when Sir Fitzroy drops to the ground with what he describes as a heart attack… but it’s not a heart attack. He’s been cursed.

I’ve had a cursed D&D character before, and it’s honestly super fun… but the fact that this is happening in the middle of a high-stakes operation to reconcile centaur tribes, assuage a forest entity, and rescue the real Hieronymous is super inconvenient for Sir Fitzroy. I can’t wait to see how Griffin reacts to the revelation next week.

A lot of smaller things happened in this episode that add up to the potential for a great couple of episodes coming up. The Thundermen are on the verge of some discoveries bigger than the one about Hieronymous being a fake, but everything is tied together.

I can’t wait to see where Travis is taking us.

Before I wrap up this review, I want to remind you to be nice to content creators on the Internet. They’re real people with real feelings; if you don’t like a piece of media, it’s okay to just… stop consuming it.

Don’t be a jerk.

Author: Kate

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