After ‘No Way Home’, Fans Want These Two Characters To Meet

Spider-Man No Way Home Andrew Garfield and Tom Hardy

As much as I loathe doing clickbait headlines, the fear of spoiling Spider-Man: No Way Home is REAL. So just click on the article, man.

WARNING: This article will contain spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home, so don’t read on unless you’ve seen the film or don’t really care about spoilers.

Is that enough warning?

Can I talk about the thing now?


Let’s talk about some characters from Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Let’s talk about THEM.

Spider-Man No Way Home Andrew Garfield and Tom Hardy

After seeing Spider-Man: No Way Home opening night I noticed two distinct trends on Twitter: “We need more Andrew Garfield Spider-Man” and “I wish Eddie and Venom had actually interacted with some other characters.” Over the next day or so these two hopes seemed to merge into “I hope Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man and Tom Hardy’s Venom do a movie together” and… you know what? That’s brilliant. Let’s do it! Let’s make an Andrew Garfield and Tom Hardy film!

Do you hear that, Sony? It’s the sound of big nerd dollars being thrust in your general direction. Will you accept the challenge? Will you take our money and give us the Garfield-Hardy film we so desperately crave?

Given the context of No Way Home, this is an absolutely plausible thing to make happen. The three Spider-Men are from different universes. Tobey’s already had an Eddie Brock and a Venom, so Hardy’s Eddie and Venom obviously aren’t from there. They also clearly weren’t from Tom Holland’s universe as the spell going haywire is what brought them into that one. Besides, the mid-credit scene seems to indicate that if a Symbiote gets introduced to the MCU, it might be spawned from the bit they left behind right before the spell sucked them back home. It just doesn’t seem like Hardy’s Eddie and Venom would show up for either of these characters.

And then we have Andrew Garfield’s universe. Garfield’s Peter specifically says he hasn’t met an alien yet, so at the very least we know he hasn’t been off having Symbiote adventures off-screen. He doesn’t have a Venom that we know of yet, so Hardy’s could fit in quite nicely. Of course, there are infinite universes and not just these three, but the possibility is there, and that’s what we’re clinging to. If Venom is going to interact with a Peter Parker, Garfield’s is the only one that doesn’t have an obvious Symbiote counterpart already in the films themselves. It just makes sense.

Furthermore, Andrew Garfield is the only one of the three who doesn’t have his own trilogy, and that’s honestly a tragedy in and of itself. He’s been extremely under-utilized given his immense talent. Tom Holland may be getting a fourth one and we’ve also heard there’s a third Venom film in the works. Sony seems to want to toss more sequels at everyone, but Andrew Garfield. So hey, Sony, if you don’t want to give Garfield his own third movie (you should, though, Sony! You really really should!), then you can at least possibly fit him into the third Venom movie, because why the heck not?

Yeah yeah, they probably already have plot ideas in store for the next Venom film. But hey, I can dream. Just let me dream. Until we hear that the script is finalized, there’s still hope.

Some people may point out Andrew Garfield’s age as a possible rebuttal against this desire of ours. He’s actually older than me and was playing a high schooler when I was already long out of college. So I get that. But he looks quite young, and Peter Parker does have quite a few adventures as an adult in the comics. Andrew’s Peter also seems to indicate that it’s been a while since the incident with Gwen, and he’s been dealing with a lot of trauma in the interim. A young adult Peter Parker carrying his own film isn’t really that unbelievable. 

I honestly think this argument just comes from Andrew Garfield haters, because really, it’s not that big of a deal. He’s fine.

In general, I just want to see these two actors together. Tom Hardy and Andrew Garfield are immensely talented actors and I feel like they would play off each other well. The fact that they haven’t shared the screen together is honestly kind of a crime against good acting. I would definitely crack the multiverse open just to find a universe where they’ve already shared the screen together. 

But they also have something else in common: the queer energy they bring to the table is off the charts! Between Tom Hardy’s ‘of course I’ve had sex with men‘ and Andrew Garfield’s ‘Peter Parker can be bi,’ the two of them would be projecting Big Queer Energy and I’m here for it. Can you imagine the press junket shenanigans with these two? It would be absurd!

This is all just wishful thinking for now. I know that the future of these characters is in the hands of Sony (and, ostensibly, Disney, should they continue their partnership). I’m just some blogger with a hope and a dream. But until this possibility is completely off the table, I’m going to keep this dream alive.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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