The Geekiary at C2E2!
Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) has become a regular fixture on our annual con roster. This Midwest con boasts some incredible guests and a LOT of cosplay. Below you’ll find exclusive interviews, roundtable discussions, con reports, and videos from the convention. Though the convention has only been around since 2010, it has quickly become one of our favorites to attend, and is one of the largest with approximately 70,000 attendees.
C2E2 2017
General Reports
Secret Empire #1 Puts Shock Value Above Soldiers And That’s A Problem
C2E2 2016
Exclusive Interviews
Diamond Select Toys at C2E2
A Josiah Bancroft Interview: The Adventures of The Books of Babel Continue!
Panels and Booths
Star Wars: Bloodline to be Important Franchise Installment
Julia Vanishes Features Great Writing Marred by Average Storytelling
General Reports
It’s Official: C2E2 Is My Favorite Con
C2E2 Cosplay Highlights
Con Speed Dating: An Experience at C2E2
C2E2 2015
Exclusive Interviews
No Need of a Laugh Track: An Interview with Hal Lublin, Mark Gagliardi, and Timothy Omundson from The Thrilling Adventure Hour at C2E2
Lost Girl at C2E2: An Interview with Paul Amos and Emmanuelle Vaugier
Press Rooms
Orphan Black: The Cast Talks Season 3 at C2E2
Fierce Females of TV at C2E2
C2E2 2015: Kick-Ass Women of S.H.I.E.L.D. Featuring Hayley Atwell and Ming-Na Wen
General Reports
TAHCon: The Thrilling Adventure Hour Takes Over C2E2