Lead Admin, Author, Social Media Manager, Podcast Host
Angel (aka Stephanie) has a BA in Film & Digital Media from the University of California, Santa Cruz. They’ve been a guest on various podcasts and webcasts including Genre TV for All, Free2B Radio, An Englishman in SDCC, and our own website’s FEELINGS… with the Geekiary. She was also a news anchor on her college campus news station and has written for Friends of Comic-Con. They also has essays published in Fandom Frontlines.
They write for various fandoms including Heaven Official’s Blessing/Tian Guan Ci Fu, Fugou Keiji, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Marvel, Hannibal (it WILL be back), Boku no Hero Academia, Yuri on Ice, and various other titles. They are particularly interested in fandom activism, fan produced works, feminism in geek culture, and LGBTQ+ representation in media. They cover geek culture in Honolulu, Hawaii, including the local LARP community, and travels back to the mainland annually for San Diego Comic-Con. Check out their SDCC Hotel Tips, SDCC Newbie Guide, and SDCC on a Budget articles.
Angel maintains the back end of The Geekiary and oversees the maintenance of social media, website masterposts, and our convention schedule.
Twitter: @angel_ponders
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Co-Admin, Editor, Author
Jamie has an English degree with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. This helped with self-publishing her very own novel. (Not quite positive how it helped, but surely it did.) The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day is available through Amazon and has sold very well among her family members. Her second novel is perpetually in progress. For a while, she tried her hand at vlogging – but shhh, we don’t talk about that.
Jamie reviews Haikyuu, The Dragon Prince, and Star Trek: Prodigy, just to name a few. She also recommends some great TV that you’re missing out on and contributes her insight on movies. She reviews books as she works her way through her massive “to read” pile. Jamie is a member of the San Diego Comic-Con team as well as part of our New York crew, helping cover numerous events in the Big Apple, including New York Comic Con. Check out her NYCC Beginner’s Guide!
Jamie helps with back end operations of the website, including merchandise giveaways and social media. Occasionally she pops up in our themed webcasts. She previously wrote for Fangirlish.
Twitter: @jamiesugah
New York, USA
Co-Admin, Editor, Author
Khai is a writer and game designer with a military background. She studied anthropology at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, alternately amusing and confusing people with her academic analysis of fandom culture. Some of her original research, including one titled “Gender, Sex, and Werewolves”, has been presented at international conferences. In between serious research, she hosted a comedy radio program called The ROFLCopter Radio Show.
Since leaving academia, Khai has been writing, hitting conventions, and creating games (both board games and RPGs) with Calico Games. She’s been staff for several LARPS and conventions including New World Magischola and PenguiCon. PenguiCon is also where she led a convention panel on creating board and card games.
Khai is co-editor of (and contributor to) a comic anthology called True War Stories, out in March from Z2 Comics. She’s been a guest on the popular nerdy podcast Comics Squee and serves as admin for several social media groups including the multi-platform The Gish Network.
Here at The Geekiary, Khai serves as editor, and writer. Her focus is games, comics, and geek culture. She also helps support back end operations of the website.
Twitter: @DeadlyHausfrau
United States

Twitter: @tempest071990
Calgary, Canada
Editor, Author
Bekah has a B.F.A. in Theatre Performance from Anderson University and is the Executive Assistant at Saga Event Planning, as well as co-hosting “The Bitching Dead” webcast. She edits pieces before publication and adds content to the website; she also attends and covers several conventions in the US, including Dragon Con, MegaCon Orlando, and Ice & Fire Con. She writes about various fandoms such as Hunger Games, the Walking Dead universe, Disney (particularly Maleficent and Peter Pan), Harry Potter, The 100, and more. Bekah provides quality memes and product reviews for the site. She lives with her beloved dog, Splendid, who is named after the character from Mad Max: Fury Road, which is one of her Top 5 favorite films.
Twitter: @starshineonfire
South Carolina, USA
StickyKeys aka Stacey Yvonne graduated suma cum laude from the School of Hard Knox with a major in “These Streets” and “Scams”. She contributes to The Geekiary by way of producing content that will either get her yelled out by several angry people or not read at all. She loves it!
In her spare time she runs Beacon Hills: After Dark which is primarily a Teen Wolf podcast though she hasn’t actually talked about Teen Wolf in a very long time, go figure.
Interests include: Dylan O’Brien
Jessica Wolff is a graduate of Drexel University with a BS in Film/Video. She has a passion for entertainment and representation in entertainment. She currently resides outside of Washington, DC.
Bradda M. currently lives in Virginia. He teaches ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) at a public school and spends his free time reading and watching movies each night with his partner. For The Geekiary, he writes about webcomics and SFF media.
Angie is a writer, photographer, and all-round fangirl geek, whether it’s TV, movies, theatre, or podcasts. She also loves to read and play video games. She produces her own podcast, Contents May Vary, where she interviews geeky people about geeky things.
Along with freelancing with The Geekiary, she has been published in Den of Geek, Stage Directions, LA Weekly, The Mary Sue, and others. You can see her work and social media connections over at her website
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