Deedee Magno Hall and Zach Callison Wow Honolulu Audience

Deedee Magno Hall Zach Callison Kawaii Kon
Deedee Magno Hall and Zach Callison Kawaii Kon 2017

Kawaii Kon 2017 invited two voice actors from Steven Universe to this year’s festivities.  Deedee Magno Hall (Pearl) and Zach Callison (Steven Universe) wowed fans by answering questions in their characters’ voices, giving insight into what it’s like to work on the hit Cartoon Network show, and embracing the spirit of Aloha.

Deedee Magno Hall was particularly charming as she seemed to have a strong understanding of the islands.  Her husband, who was in the audience during her solo panel, was born and raised in Kaneohe.  She delighted the audience by speaking pidgin twice, once with Zach Callison, who responded confusingly in the voice of Steven, and again in her solo panel as one audience member challenged her to speak both pidgin and Hawaiian.


Deedee’s son also stole the show as he took to the stage beside her with his bright green hair.  He would often answer questions along with his mom, including singing out the “and Steven!” part of the intro song as Deedee played the ukelele.  At one point the audience even began directing questions towards him and, when questioned about who his favorite gem was, he was delighted to say it was both Steven and Pearl.  Deedee enthusiastically rewarded him a Pearl Point supplied by an audience member.

As is usually the case with these panels, it was low on the information side, but that’s to be expected.  They had to be tight-lipped about any potential spoilers, but we did get to pick their brains about the already existing canon.  Due to the small size of the convention, many audience members got to ask multiple questions, often long and detailed, and hundreds of fans got to get autographs and have personal chats with them at their tables in the dealer’s hall.

Kawaii Kon 2017 was greatly enhanced with the presence of Deedee Magno Hall and Zach Callison.  I hope to see them visit the Aloha state again in the future.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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