Comic Book Reviews (Week December 8, 2021): Dark Knights of Steel Issue 2, Basilisk Issue 3 & More!
Dark Knights of Steel Issue 2 (Image: DC Comics) Welcome to my comic book review round-up for the week of...
Dark Knights of Steel Issue 2 (Image: DC Comics) Welcome to my comic book review round-up for the week of...
I've seen dozens of theories about that mysterious Rolex from Hawkeye, but none of them seem to fit the clues....
Fab, the Argentinan creator of Lesbiampires, tells the story of lesbian vampires who feed off humans in order to survive....
Featured from left to right: Slight Pepper, Nash Sketches, The Playpen, Hi It's Mubina, Weird Indian Girl Tales, and Coco's...
Graphic created with Canva If you’ve ever browsed through Tapas, I’m sure you’ve noticed the “Villainess” titles among the platform’s...
"Echoes" introduces a much-anticipated fan-favorite character while dropping some tantalizing hints for the future of the MCU. (more…)
Robin Annual 2021 provides information on some of the major players in the Lazarus Tournament via Batman’s research in the...
Odd Worlds tells the story of Melria's escape from her family as she tries to save reality itself, and is...
Nightwing Annual 2021 brings together brothers Dick Grayson and Jason Todd in a team-up to help clear Red Hood’s name....
Graphic created with Canva I’m dedicating this month and December’s roundups for the LGBTQ+ people struggling with unaccepting and toxic...