Sherlock 3×03 Review: His Last Vow
We made it to the finale! Only 12 days ago we were on hiatus and here we are launching into...
We made it to the finale! Only 12 days ago we were on hiatus and here we are launching into...
For me, Young Avengers issue 15 did what no other movie, TV show, or comic book has been able to...
This week’s episode continued the Governor’s storyline; to nobody’s surprise. Was it good? Was it bad? It all depends on...
Last season left us off at a hell of a cliffhanger; FBI agent Peter Burke was arrested for a murder...
Ok, so Riddick is supposed to be the culmination of the Chronicles of Riddick film trilogy. But truthfully while it...
As I was casually strolling through the Space Husbands tag on Tumblr I stumbled across a post about Zachary Quinto...
The last two episodes have introduced the idea of “monitors” to the Orphan Black universe. These people seem to be...
So it appears that we've gotten to the meaty plotty portion of the season and holy crap I have a...
Supernatural fans have something to cheer about as actress Felicia Day and writer Robbie Thompson once again paired up to...
There’s a hard fact of life that every shipper must face: besides a few glorious exceptions, our queer interpretations of...