POLL: Who’s Your Favorite Badass in a Long Coat?


The long coat has been a popular trope across media for many centuries.  In fact, there is a rather long entry describing it on TV Tropes.  It seems like everywhere you turn there’s a hero or a villain with a long coat fluttering dramatically behind them in the wind.  Here we’ve compiled a list of over 30 of the most popular badasses in long coats from TV.  Who is your favorite?

Like all of our other polls, we aren’t perfect and we may have missed some important ones.  If there’s enough demand we may add them to the list.  Derek Hale was forgotten in our No Shave November Poll, requested by numerous fans, added 2 weeks later, then beat all the competitors despite having a disadvantage by being added later.  Also like all of our other polls, the parameters of the question are up for interpretation.  What makes a “badass?”  Someone who kicks butt? Someone who can think their way out of a situation?  Someone who is brave in the face of adversity?  A hero? A villain? Something else?  So if you don’t think a character belongs on this list because they’re not “badass” enough, just remember someone out there probably disagrees with your definition of “badass.”  Vote for your favorite and let others vote for their’s.  Let’s have fun!

You can vote up to 5 times at a time.  Unlimited repeat voting!

Poll closes January 20th 11:59pm EST!

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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74 thoughts on “POLL: Who’s Your Favorite Badass in a Long Coat?

  1. So many good choices. I love many of them, but I’m going understated and voting for Donna Noble.

  2. I vote for Castiel because he’s the best/most bad-ass angel ever brought into existence :3

  3. Do you think you could feature one badass woman in a long coat among your photos? I vote for Special Agent Dana Scully, since she is currently in third place, though probably not for long.

    1. “Among our photos” as in our promo pictures? Keep watching Tumblr. We’ve got 2 special “women’s only” promos queued up over the next week as well as show specific ones including one for X-Files that fired off today and one for Doctor Who and one for Torchwood scheduled to go off in the next few days. The Torchwood one features Tosh and the Doctor Who one features Donna.

      -Admin Angel

  4. Потому что у Миши самые преданные фанаты! Ура! Мы выигрываем!!!

  5. John Crichton is the numero uno badass in a trench coat – He destroyed an entire planet and its inhabitants

    1. The Doctor *saved* entire planets and its inhabitants (and the entire universe on a number of occasions).

    1. I agree the last I had looked Cas was winning by alot in unshaven and it was almost at the end. I am so disappointed. Thats why I hate these polls sometimes. He was by far the best as he is in this one. Wonder if I will be disappointed and perplexed on this one too.

      1. Looks like you won’t be disappointed this time 🙂 Less than 3 hours left… I hope Castiel keeps the lead until it’s over . I’m still voting 🙂 Go Castiel !

      1. I’m thrilled that Crichton is second, but why is Aeryn so much further behind? She’s equally badass. I know I’m voting for them both. Ms. “Shooting makes me feel better” deserves to be higher on this list

        1. *shrugs* Dunno why she’s so far behind. Get in there and vote…..they are right next to each other and unlimited voting. If we had 20 Scapers voting for a solid 20 minutes….we could catch them both up.

          1. Farscape is making such a good showing! *sniffles* I’m just so happy. Aeryn Sun and John Crichton are far and away my favorite badasses.

            1. We need Scapers voting for both. One or more Castiel fans come in and dump over 700 votes a night….

                1. We’ve got almost 3,000 hits from a Facebook post in 12 hours. My guess is that a popular Castiel Facebook group posted about this poll. I promise there is no rigging going on on our end. This is a polldaddy poll. We set it up and walk away. Polldaddy also has mechanisms in place to block bots.

                  -Admin Angel

  6. Farscape was all about the long coated, badass, anti-hero hero. Best scifi ever made and the series that dramatically changed the genre for the future.
    Crichton and Aeryn are it!!

  7. Any fan of Doctor Who would know that the 11th Doctor doesn’t even wear a trench coat nor does Donna Noble. This is silly.

    1. It’s a good thing this isn’t a trench coat poll, then. It’s a long coat poll. And both characters definitely do wear long coats. We even included pictures in the poll itself of them wearing said coats. Are they not showing up for you?

      -Admin Angel

      1. LOL, Good point Admin Angel. Curious….is the Admin taking a neutral stance or actually voting for a certain angel. 😉

  8. There are so many good options BUT my favorite is CASTIEL definitely. You can vote for 5 characters max.

  9. Admin – How can this be legit when 700 votes at have been dumped on Castiel on numerous occasions? I doubt 700 voters are all lined up voting together….

    1. Castiel is enormously popular and this website has roots in the Supernatural fandom. That said, Supernatural fandom has lost almost every poll we’ve put up despite being the fandom we took root in. It lost to Hannibal in the biggest poll this site has ever put on. Our poll is run through poll daddy which has a mechanism that blocks things like bots. In this case I really think it’s just a case of a persistently voting fandom.

      -Admin Angel

  10. Spike, Angel..Mulder..are adorable..but my answer is : CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS..HE IS THE MOST BAD-ASS A NGEL THANKS TO HIS SEXY LONG COAT <3

  11. Castiel is always my choice, but then I scrolled thru all the T-Coats……you included the MacClouds!!!!!! Those men wore it extremely well!!! 🙂

  12. So I confess to knowing nothing of Castiel – sorry, and congrats to the fans. But it’s awesome to see the heavenly John Crichton at no2. Love Firefly, so it’s great to see Mal and Zoe at 3&4 BUT – they really shouldn’t have come in over the radiant Aeryn Sun. She’s every bit as bad ass as Zoe, just as dry, funny and strong – and yet her character went SO much further with 4 seasons to develop. The depth and complexity of Aeryn were mesmerising to watch – sorry Zoe, you were frelling awesome but there simply is no comparison.

    1. “Here we’ve compiled a list of over 30 of the most popular badasses in long coats from TV.”

      Neo is in a movie, not a TV show. That is why he is not included in this poll.

      -Admin Angel

    1. “Here we’ve compiled a list of over 30 of the most popular badasses in long coats from TV.”

      Forgive me if I’m wrong, but Constantine was only in movies and comics, not TV right?

      -Admin Angel

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