POLL: Genre TV Show Down 2015


This is our Genre TV show down! We have three categories: Comic Inspired, Science Fiction, and Fantasy/Urban Legend Inspired shows. The top 2 winners from each category will move on to the next round, which will go up after this round closes.

Rules to be eligible: The show has to have aired at some point in 2015 through the duration of this competition (the end of April). Shows with a premiere date after April or who have been off the air since 2014 aren’t eligible for this competition. Sorry! We know that cut out some favorites like Doctor Who, but we had to draw a line somewhere.

If we missed a TV show that fits into that category, let us know and we will happily add it!

VOTING IS UNLIMITED, however polldaddy has an internal bot detecting system that we have no control over. If you vote too fast, you’ll get caught by it and put into a “cool off” period. We wish we could disable this. We cannot. We’re sorry.

THIS ROUND CLOSES APRIL 18th 11:59pm EST The next round will go up as soon as possible.




Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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16 thoughts on “POLL: Genre TV Show Down 2015

  1. this is difficult, but that’s nice! So many good Sci-fi, fantasy, and urban legend shows on TV right now.

    1. It unfortunately doesn’t meet the eligibility requirements:

      “Rules to be eligible: The show has to have aired at some point in 2015 through the duration of this competition (the end of April). Shows with a premiere date after April or who have been off the air since 2014 aren’t eligible for this competition. Sorry! We know that cut out some favorites like Doctor Who, but we had to draw a line somewhere.”

    1. That didn’t air in 2015 yet and didn’t meet the criteria:

      “Rules to be eligible: The show has to have aired at some point in 2015 through the duration of this competition (the end of April). Shows with a premiere date after April or who have been off the air since 2014 aren’t eligible for this competition. Sorry! We know that cut out some favorites like Doctor Who, but we had to draw a line somewhere.”

  2. Don’t you think Person of Interest is stretching it a bit? It’s more a police procedural than SciFi

    1. Yep, a police procedural about two AIs by Jonathan Nolan and J.J. Abrams. *sarcasm*
      It’s definitely SciFi imo.

  3. Why is it past time & yet people are still adding numbers to the votes? Is this an error or are to assume this is considered the 2nd round?

    1. Because polldaddy and time zones are an issue with me. I always try to set it to east coast but it screws up and sets it to my time zone sometimes.

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