POLL: No Shave November – Who Rocks Facial Hair The Best?

BeardsPROMOIt’s No Shave November (aka Movember) so it’s time to celebrate our favorite scruffy characters from Television!  We’ve compiled a list of our favorite bearded and mustached characters.  This list has 44 whiskered men and one fabulous lady.  For those of you who aren’t aware, Movember is a charity event meant to raise awareness about prostate cancer and men’s health, so if you can, consider giving to an awesome charity in support of the cause!  If you can’t donate, the least you can do is set aside the razor for the month, look at these 45 fuzzy candidates, and vote for your favorite.

Yes, we have missed people.  Lots of people!  We limited it to four characters per show so not all of the epic scruffiness from extremely hairy shows such as Lost or Game of Thrones made it to the list. We also compiled this list based on our own viewing history and, even though there are a lot of us here at the Geekiary, we haven’t seen everything (but we’re trying).  We’ve also limited it to actual facial hair, not just fuzz or scruff, though we do realize this can sometimes be up for debate.  There’s a fine (hairy) line between scruff and facial hair, so sorry if your favorite fuzzed character didn’t make the cut!


Images in promotional collage copyright The CW, BBC, NBC, ABC, HBO, CBS, and Paramount.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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130 thoughts on “POLL: No Shave November – Who Rocks Facial Hair The Best?

  1. Spoilt for choice! But Blackadder the Third is best. Particularly happy to see him, Thaantos, and Bobby Singer in this poll. Facial hair FTW!

    1. Changed. I am aware of who he is, but didn’t feel the need to denote it when making the poll. But you’re right, Abed is denoted as an alt version so I’ll keep it even. Thanks.

      -Admin Angel

  2. cascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascascas

    [Mod note: A few hundred extra lines of the name “cas” over and over have been removed from this comment. Your enthusiasm is appreciated, but we get the point and we’d like to keep our comments section usable. Thank you.]

  3. This was seriously so hard to pick, but I ended up going with Wes, because daaamn Alexis Dennisof can work scruff, Bobby Singer, Hook, and Jayne Cobb. I know a lot of people voted Cas, but his Purgatory scruff just made him look a bit…scrawny. MISHA, on the other hand…

  4. “Thantos”?! The name is Xanatos. Guy’s even got a TV Trope named after him.

    That said, my vote goes to House.

  5. Come on people, most of these are barely stubble!!! Anthony Ainley and Jonathan Frakes knew/know how to wear facial hair!!!

  6. And I just discovered that No-Shave November itself is meant to raise awareness of all cancers, since many cancer patients lose their hair. Money normally spent on razors and waxing can be donated to help fight cancer. 🙂


  7. Xanatos (Gargoyles)!?!???!?? Hello childhood rearing it’s questionably wonderful head. But Cas forever. <3

    1. Tyler Hoechlin is an actor and this is a character poll. However I will see about adding the character Derek Hale to this list.

    1. Such a good pic. He’s winning anyway, but that S3 despair beard totally outperforms the S2 scruff they’ve got up in the poll.

  8. Looks its so easy…


    Vote Derek ya’ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. So i wasn’t the only one who wondered why Derek Hale wasn’t on the poll…i thought the poll creators didn’t want him there for some reason…idk…my mind comes up with weird reasons for why people do things ;)…but he’s here…so hurrah! Let’s go Teen Wolf/Derek Hale/Tyler Hoechlin fans!

  10. Oh no. Battle between SPN and Teen Wolf again -__- This leaves no chances for other fandoms. It’s not fair(

  11. I’m torn!!! It is a three-way tie for me — Ichabod Crane, Will Graham and Captain Hook. All three rock their facial hair. Many men who (try to) wear facial hair are unsuccessful, but these guys should be a three-way tie at the top.

  12. Are you sure that was real hair on Matt Smith at the end of season 6? It looked fake to me.

    I voted for Cas, Benny, Crowley, and the Parks and Rec guys. A mustache defines Ron Swanson the way it does few other characters.

    And Cas – well he’s never looked more beautiful than he did in Purgatory. And who can forget future Cas?

  13. I just kept scrolling until I found Benny. Dear God he’s the only man I’ve ever seen that facial hair makes him even more incredibly sexy. Add in that southern accent and he’s down right edible.

  14. Definately Castiel. The facial hair really accentuates his jawline and lips very well. Makes him look really hot!!

  15. Damn, some hard choices!Daryl and Rick can rock their facial hair, and Duke Crocker is damn sexy with a little scruff. But Cas, man, he makes it so sexy!

  16. I can’t in fairness vote for Cas here, no matter how much I love him. He looks good with a little scruff, but the full-out beard just doesn’t do anything for him. Derek Hale and Ichabod Crane, on the other hand, both look AMAZING. 🙂

  17. I would have preferred Peter Hale. However, since he is not on the list, his next of kin gets my vote.

      1. You can vote up to 4 people at a time which mean it’s the same amount of votes. Originally Derek wasn’t even on the list but people rallied for him. There is literally no disadvantage for Teen Wolf here. If anything you have an advantage because the SPN folk have to scroll to find all four people, thus they spend more time scrolling and you get more time voting.

        -Admin Angel

      2. It really is. I like SPN well enough, but the show lost me with soulless!Sam.

        Peter isn’t Soulless, he’s just evil. >:)

  18. I cannot in good conscience vote against David Xanatos’ beard, even though I am a fan of many of the men here. (I have a thing for beards, sue me.)

  19. Gotta say, voting for Derek Hale for /best/ beard. Now, if it was ‘most iconic’, I’d have to go for Mirror Spock. No other beard here has a bad named after it, and is so well known that simply wearing that beard (i.e. TWO other people on this list, ‘Evil Abed’ and Sheldon) means you’re the evil version of yourself. Pretty impressive.

  20. Why did the poll close an hour early? It says open until Midnight November 30 EST, but it was closed by 11 PM (I live in the EST zone). I feel cheated as I was in the process of voting and my choice was just 16 votes behind the next contender (having been 600 behind earlier this afternoon). I sure won’t waste my time in the future on any polls here!

    1. This was a time zone error. It was originally set up for EST but through an error it went off at CST instead. This was not intentional and merely a mistake through our Polldaddy setup.

      1. On a brighter note you won the award for passive aggressive Lynette!! Congrats!! Come on you were voting for 5th place, not a huge deal move on,

        1. Don’t worry about her. Rudeness is againstour TOS and her comment has been deleted. If she returns and continue being rude her IP will be blocked. What happened is that I’m in CST so I set it for 11pm CST which would be midnight EST, but it turns out the Polldaddy site had me set for EST instead so it went off an hour early.

          Wait no sorry I actually am just malicious and wanted Ichabod to lose.

          -Admin Angel

          1. Heck, I like me some Ichabod (was giving him my second vote after Derek), but really… stuff happens.

  21. I hope you make a whole post in honor of Derek, because, I know it’s just a poll, but come on it was awesome he was added 2 week later, we took the first place the last day we were losing and in a little more than an hour we took it back and won the poll :D. GOD i LOVE MY FANDOM

    1. We made one on Tumblr and we weren’t intending on doing one here, but we’ve found the Teen Wolf fandom difficult to resist so… yes I will make a post about it. 🙂

      -Admin Angel

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