The Yuri on Ice Movie Has Been Postponed

Yuri on Ice Adolescence Yuri on Ice Movie Footage

The much anticipated Yuri on Ice movie has been postponed for an unspecified length of time. Ultimately this could be a good thing.

A short time ago, the official website released the following statement regarding the Yuri on Ice movie (roughly translated):

“Yuri !!! on ICE theatrical version: ICE ADOLESCENCE”, which was scheduled to be released this year, has been postponed in order to significantly scale up the contents of the work from the original plan. We apologize for the change in the release date for all who are looking forward to this work.

The entire staff will strive to bring a fully mature film to fruition.

We will keep everyone posted on the future release date as soon as it is decided.  We appreciate your continued support.

Yuri !!! on ICE Production Committee

Back in January, some lucky Yuri on Ice fans were able to watch some movie footage on the big screen, and from the sound of it, the footage was looking pretty amazing.

We’ve been eagerly waiting for the footage to be released more widely outside of these select screenings, but so far no such luck. And now it looks like we’ll have to wait even longer for the entire thing to be released.

It’s been a long three years for the fandom, but at the same time, I can understand wanting to take their time to make this something truly incredible.

The Yuri on Ice movie thus far sounds absolutely amazing, so postponing it to “scale up the contents” of the film will likely be a good thing in the long run.

Yes, this hurts a lot.

Yes, we’ve been waiting forever.

Animating something as intricate as figure skating is going to take some time. I’ll wait a bit longer to have something truly breathtaking up on the big screen. I expect these delays will result in animation that will truly take our breath away.


Yuri on ice

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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8 thoughts on “The Yuri on Ice Movie Has Been Postponed

  1. i
    want to die now
    because the movie isnt gonna come out anytime soon
    and ive been waiting for four whole months

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