POLL: Favorite Mid-season Show


Fall season is usually when the bulk of popular shows premiere on TV, but there are plenty of favorites that fall outside of the traditional time frame.  We wanted to put together a poll highlighting our favorite mid-season premieres and ask you about your favorites.  For the purposes of this poll, we’re limited it to new and returning fiction shows that premiered a completely new season between January 1st 2014 and June 1st 2014.  If your favorite show falls outside of that time period, we apologize.  Maybe it’ll make it into our next poll!


All hate in the comments section will be deleted.  Share what you love! Don’t spread hatred.  Please read our policies before commenting.

Voting is unlimited, but IPs are logged and bot votes will be deleted.  Don’t do this please.

We do not limit voting, but Polldaddy has an internal system that puts some users in a “cool off” period.  We have absolutely no control over this.  We wish we did so we could shut it off.  You should be able to vote again in a few hours.

Poll closes on May 1st, 11:59pm EST.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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480 thoughts on “POLL: Favorite Mid-season Show

    1. The same way I was able to include a vote for Lost Girl, even though I hated a lot of the past season. I’m taking both as a whole even though there are elements I don’t like.

      My ultimate vote is for Orphan Black which, IMHO is one of the best shows on air and hasn’t disappointed me yet. 🙂

      1. Me: My ultimate vote is for Hannibal which, IMHO is one of the best shows on air and hasn’t disappointed me yet 😀

    1. We will vote! And we will vote in the name of every single clone.
      (We’re still bitter about that missing emmy nomination)


    1. It has to be a brand new season and season 3 started last year and continued this year.

      -Admin Angel

  1. Your rules state: For the purposes of this poll, we’re limited it to new and returning fiction shows that premiered a completely new season between January 1st 2014 and June 1st 2014.

    Lost Girl season four premiered November 10, 2013, so why is it included on the poll?

    1. I’m guessing they’re basing it on the US premiere date on Syfy, which as I recall, was in January

  2. Just got into Orphan Black a few weeks ago and I’m totally hooked. One of the best acted and well written shows I’ve seen in a long time. Tatiana Maslany is incredible playing all the clones. Alison and Sarah are my faves

    1. have you ever seen Hannibal is the best show in years,it really make you love the show and be expecting and waiting like a crazy dumb the new episode

  3. Seems like the “Clone Club” got nicely organized since their last drubbing at Hannibal’s hands. Good for them! They are a lot classier than those skeevy SOA fans!

  4. Orphan Black!
    I love Hannibal and watched it before I’d seen OB but I know that even with me on Team OB, we’ve got a challenge ahead of ourselves with the Fannibals 😉
    Orphan Black has to be my favourite show like ever so I have to go with that. 🙂

  5. Yep, ORPHAN BLACK is the best show EVER.
    Go Clone Club! Let’s vote our fingers off!

  6. vote hannibal please help with our struggling rating please please all titty malaysias pleaase

    1. I’m also pleased to see Believe on here. I really enjoy the show.

      I was surprised not to see Resurrection on there. I’m having a harder time with it than I am with Believe but it is a pretty interesting show which…I’m pretty sure…qualifies as a mid-season show…

  7. I think Hannibal should win this voting. Because it’s literally the best thing that ever happened to all TV world. First of all, the story is unbelievable. It’s influence by Red Dragon by Thomas Harris. I love that book. It’s an one-kind-of work of art. As well as the story, cast is amazing as well. And Hannibal doesn’t include obscene images unlike many other TV shows do. Because other TV shows think that their project will be more popular when they put obscene images, use slangy words, show nudity irrespective of people’s honour. You can’t find that thing on Hannibal.
    There are a lot of reasons why I love this show so much. These were just a few of them.
    Anyways, vote for Hannibal.

  8. please vote for hannibal, we are the most likely to get cancelled on this list i think so im willing to try anything to show we want season 3

  9. Where is the americans? I would be voting for that! I suppose veep is a close second though 🙂

  10. I’m putting my vote towards Hannibal! Or rather, this new Will Graham. I can’t get enough of him.

    Good luck to everyone though!

  11. Hannibal deserves to win as the most beautifully shot and amazingly acted show out there.

    Oh, and Orphan Black? Jumping that many votes ahead in five minutes? Bot alert.

    Very very very unfair.

    1. They’ve slowed down again now funnily enough. 600 votes in 10 minutes, and then suddenly back to 10 votes a minute. Weird.

    1. there are, like, 30 posts going around on tumblr and thousands of people voting… calm down

  12. I’m both a Fannibal and a Clone Clubber and both shows are wicked good but Orphan Black desperatly needs more representation than Hannibal.

  13. There is no need for “bot alerts” or saying about “unfair’ voting – you need to remember that there are HUNDREDS of people voting at the same time, and before your computer get’s the numbers is looks weird. But it’s all just system. And thousands of fans voting in every second.

    1. Exactly! These ‘bot alerts’ are just plain ridiculous, like why even? There are not just one but multiple posts going around about this poll on tumblr so it’s not surprising if there are sudden surges in the numbers. Cut the silly, people.

    2. Sadly there are fandoms that are so fussed about online polls as to cheat.

      But I do not believe that to be the case about either the Hannibal nor the Orphan Black fandoms.

      This is actually one of the first online polls I’ve enjoyed playing in because, yes, we each want our shows to win but it’s truly all in good fun.

      Such a nice change.

  14. I’ve seen some folks on here saying that a jump of blank number of votes in a few minutes is a bot. No, that’s not how it works.

    A bot generates votes regularly over a period of time. I know because on a different poll on another site, I watched and traced bot activity for a significant period of time to determine the patterns.

    What this is is several people on Tumblr with large followings just advised that we needed to get here and vote. Lots of people coming in all at once from these kinds of tweets or Tumblr posts would generate a mass bump like that.


    I’ve analyzed the IP addresses from the votes and as of this moment it doesn’t appear to be a bot. There are no single IPs that give a large amount of votes in just a few minutes. The most active IP is one from Malaysia that has nearly 700 votes but they are spread out over several hours, so it can’t account for a large spike. Furthermore they are spread out unevenly, so I don’t even suspect that one of being a bot. Sometimes they are 7 seconds apart, sometimes 10, sometimes a full minute. It seems natural. There is a large spike in traffic that coincides with the voting and most of the IPs that voted in that time frame come from Europe, which makes sense given the time that the spike occurred. A lot of traffic is also coming from a popular European social networking website.

    So no bot at this time. Just very enthusiastic European Orphan Black fans and one very determined person in Malaysia.

    -Admin Angel

    -Admin Angel

    1. The most active IP is from Malaysia. IT’S TITTY MALAYSIA HELPING ORPHAN BLACK. IT MUST BE.

      1. And ANOTHER 200 votes the next minute. This is such a shame that they can’t win honestly.

        1. I’ll look into this, but don’t say it’s “definitely” a bot because the last time it was suspected to be one it wasn’t. Give me a few minutes to analyze IPs.

          -Admin Angel

          1. It is strange though that the second Hannibal moves into the lead, 800 more votes were added for OB in a matter of minutes!

            1. I just responded below. There is no bot at this time. Just dedicated fans around the world.

              -Admin Angel

            2. Definitely fishy. It’s like the admins of this site have never heard of bots that vote with proxies.

              1. The admin can read your sassy comments just FYI and it’s definitely not winning me over to your side of the argument. Why sass the person in charge of the poll if you want me to take your concerns seriously? People have come to me with concerns without being rude and I’ve investigated and posted results. Cut the sass please.

                If someone is going through the trouble of changing their IP every few seconds to vote with a bot, it seems like that’d take more time and effort than just voting the legit way. And if they are doing this there is no way to detect it so it’s your word against theirs.

                -Admin Angel

              2. Hannibal fandom would you stop with the ‘bot alerts’? It’s been clearly proven that there are no bots. Also the difference in amount of votes between Hannibal and OB are merely 400+ right now, if there were really bots I’m pretty sure the difference should be a lot greater, because why bother using a bot if it’s only going to make such a small difference in the end?

                Let’s just make peace yeah and stop with all the accusations.

                1. Yup sorry guys. No votes. Just a fanatically dedicated fandom and especially a few bloggers with significant followings on tumblrs . Every time they repost the poll you can see a significant bump

        2. The IPs from the last 10 minutes are varied. They come from the US, Canada, Mexico, the UK, Germany, Russian, France, Finland, Brazil, and so many more places. There is no single IP causing the spike. There are some consistent voters, but they are scattered around the world and not voting at steady intervals, which would be a sign of a bot.

          There is nothing at this time that indicates there is a bot.

          -Admin Angel

          1. No bot here guys. Just the word spreading through tumblr and dedicated cloneclubbers around the globe.

  16. Hannibal is, hands down, the best show on television right now. The writing and acting are superb! Even considering the dark subject matter, the imagery is gorgeous. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been excited about it being Friday night. Now, when I wake up on Friday morning, the first thing I think is, “Allright! Hannibal is on tonight!”.

    1. Hannibal is without a doubt the most beautiful shows and very brilliant but to me Orphan Black still triumphs when it comes to story and especially acting

  17. The Orphan Black votes are not bots. Clone club is a very close knit fandom and we all would really like it to win so we’re voting to win.

  18. Orphan Black deserves to win. One actress playing countless clones, clones as other clones, beautiful cinematography, and wonderful supporting actors? It’d be a bloody shame if they didn’t win. Don’t let a show about a man /eating/ people win.

    1. Support what you love but please don’t put other shows down while doing so. You can support your show without insulting the other.

      -Admin Angel

        1. No, we’ll just invite them over for dinner.

          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

          (Before I get accused of favoritism, I review both of these shows for this website. You can check my article list to verify that. I love them both but I can’t resist a good cannibal joke).

          -Admin Angel

    2. Delphine, I get that you REALLY love Cosima, but let’s not drive a barrier between fandoms. Besides, Orphan Black and Hannibal have foreign accented serial killers in common. We could really get along.

    3. It’s so obvious you don’t watch Hannibal.. that show is stunning it just keeps surprising me; my favorite right now; you don’t know what you’re missing. I like Orphan Black btw.

  19. If you see a large spike in voters, it’s probably because a lot of the popular orphan black blogs are reblogging the link to this voting page so there’s a lot more people seeing it and coming over to vote.

  20. Keep voting for Titty Malaysia! Orphan Black isn’t distributed worldwide unlike Hannibal making it still a fairly unknown show, it doesn’t even show in my country but Hannibal does, so OB definitely needs more recognition right now.

    1. People who don’t know that insider fandom joke are saying, “what the heck is a titty malaysia??” while Clone Clubbers are laughing our butts off. lol

  21. To those bot accusations for the Orphan Black fandom: Have you seen Orphan Black? Take a good look at how addictive it is, and take another good look at the Clone Club. I get 100+ posts on my dashboard in less than a minute, I think it’s safe to say that we don’t need no bot for the votes to climb so fast like Cosima climbing up the Delphine tree

  22. Omg, who else is voting from México? I want to know my fellow mexicans clone clubbers!

  23. Orphan Black is just the best show. We don’t need a poll to prove it, but it’ll be nice to win here. 🙂

    1. Fannibals don’t need to prove we’re the best show, either. “The best” is subjective anyway. Your show is the best for you, our show is the best for us. But we *do* have something to prove. Not to other fandoms, though. To NBC. That’s what all this is about. It doesn’t matter if we come second, as long as we do it with as many votes as possible. If The Powers That Be stumble on this poll’s results, they won’t think: “Oh, that show about clones has more fans than our show, let’s cancel it!” – but they might think: “Oh, our show has a lot of very enthusiastic fans – maybe not cancel it yet?”

      That’s why we’re still voting. It’s not about proving we’re better than you. It’s about supporting our show in any possible way. Including participation in all these polls.

      1. Agreed. And I am not saying “we” are better than “you”, because we ALL here are the same – we are fans! So everything is good, no hard feelings.

  24. While I am a hardcore Clone Clubber for life I want to give a big hell yeah to both Clone Clubbers and Fanibals. Even though both of our shows have tiny ratings and despite the fact that we are against juggernaut fandoms like Sherlock and Game of Thrones we are the ones leading the pack. We are like two beautiful honey badgers standing our ground against a herd of elephants and I think that’s beautiful

      1. We take shifts. The Americas take one, The Europeans take a second and one special person from Malaysia takes a third

    1. Um, no you aren’t. You are holding still, and Hannibal is slowly passing you. Get used to it.

      1. We’re getting there… But if it’s anything like the last couple of days, the stats can change rapidly. I think sometimes Poll Daddy doesn’t update things right away and then just dumps a bunch all at once. Plus, the Clone Club did some mad overnight (for the US) button clicking. We might have the same problem again. But be nice to them. Lol They only want their show to win, just like we do. Frankly, I’m shocked we haven’t run away with this thing… The CC must be dedicated!

        1. We are! 😀 But we’re nice about it. Like I said on the previous page of comments, this is the first poll I’ve actually enjoyed playing in because it truly is all in good fun. I’m part of another fandom (actually that show is on the list) and a subsect of that other fandom takes things WAY too far. Win by any means, tearing people down, whinging, attacking others…and for what? To win a silly poll? I find it sad.

          But in the Orphan Black fandom, I’ve been really pleased to see a fun side of fandom, not one marred by unfortunate attitudes and distasteful behavior.

          1. As a fan of many vicious fandom and someone who has hosted polls with many *ahem* enthusiastic fans, I agree with this sentiment. Both Fannibals and Clone Club have been incredible polite and, best of all, absolutely hilarious. All the cannibal puns and enthusiastic cheering of Titty Malaysia has been a delight in my inbox. (yes I get an email every time somebody comments)

            -Admin Angel

            1. I cracked a joke about that drinking gif you post when dealing with various fan groups but the comment section ate it. (I’m sure there’s a Hannibal joke in there somewhere). 😉

      1. hey now, no need for hostility towards the clone club. We all have the same goal here, and it has been a friendly competition so far. We just want to have a fun time voting for our favorite shows. So, Van, if you could take the sass down a notch. That would be rad

    1. True Detective was excellent! There are a lot of great shows on this list. Orphan Black is #1, Game of Thrones #2…Vikings is great too.

  25. a battle between two fandoms.. beautiful. but seriously now, OB is awesome

  26. im really glad to see Hannibal doing well, it might help the ratings so there may be a chance for a 3rd season! ahghhh!

  27. please fannibals let the seestras win promise we give you fresh prolethean meat and lots of jello

    1. Sorry, but as good as that sounds, we also need assurance of a third season and winning this is the first step towards that </3

      1. Ok how about this…we share the trophy and Hannibal and Orphan Black do a crossover where Hannibal and Will Graham adopt Helena

  28. It just shows that the Orphan Black may not be as well known as Hannibal but Clone Club is just huge and dedicated as the Fannibals. 😀

        1. When does your season end? We Fannibals have 3 more weeks if you don’t count this one. They announced the renewal pretty late last season, but I’m still feeling a little antsy.

          Well, I hope for our sakes that both shows get renewed.

  29. Oh my god I would vote for Sherlock but rn Hannibal needs all the help it can get! But now Orphan Black is looking like such a good show…maybe I should start watching it, if so many people think it’s good!!

    1. I watch a lot of tv shows, actually a lot of them are on the list, but hands down Orphan Black has to be my favorite. It is such an INCREDIBLE show. You should definitely watch the first episode and see if it’s right for you if you have time.

    2. I am utterly biased but I truly believe that Orphan Black is one of the best scripted, acted and directed shows on this list and I believe on television (and I’m saying that as a fan of other shows on this list so no dissing here. lol). The world the show runners have created is one you are immediately immersed in and the story draws you in within the first set of scenes.

      With the wrong writing or wrong cast, the concept could have been hokey but truly…Tatiana Maslany breathes life into each character with such grace and class and she seamlessly portrays each with their own quirks, flaws and characteristics with absolute believability.

      In other words…you forget entirely that this is a single individual playing multiple parts from time to time. Give it at least the first episode to see if it’s your cup of tea but I cannot recommend it highly enough.

    3. As a Fannibal, try it out. It’s incredibly good. TBH, Hannibal is letting me down a bit lately with their treatment of female characters. Orphan Black? There are women by spades. Of course, it’s not the only reason to watch a show but it helps a lot.

  30. Tbh I’ve watched both everything released from Hannibal and Orphan Black and though I do adore OB, I have to say I’m voting for Hannibal. There’s really a lack of good psychological thrillers with a darker twist out there and Hannibal completely nails that genre and deserves all the votes it can get.


  31. Clone club rules! Season two, although just two episodes in, has been brilliant, suspenseful, edgy & sexy! Orphan Black is addictive!

  32. I have seen Hannibal and while a good show, it cannot live up to the awesomeness that is Orphan Black. Tatiana is an amazing actress and Orphan Black is by far the best show I have ever seen.

  33. Hannibal is the one the best TV shows I have ever seen. It really deserves to win! Come on Fannibals!

  34. Meanwhile, Frank Underwood is planning how to destroy everyone who is not voting for his show.

  35. As much as I love Hannibal, I’m voting for Orphan Black in this poll.. Mainly because of TM’s acting (she’s got some kind of superpower, I swear..). So go Clone Club! But I am a huge fan of both of those shows and I’m hoping both will get a third season (please?).

    1. I wish they had, actually. I’m a huge Sherlock fan, and I think it would be more interesting and exciting to have it be between three shows. But anyone who comes here now knows there’s not a snowball’s chance, so… It’s just us. Lol

  36. I came here to vote for Hannibal, but I may check out Orphan Black now. Absolutely adore Hannibal though 🙂

  37. As we seem to be both fighting for the same cause (a third season for the respective shows), why don’t we try and get the votes exactly equal lol

  38. Orphan Black hands down! The best TV-series at the moment, I wish more people would check it out!

  39. My ability of voting infinite times for Orphan Black is not the most interesting thing about me.

  40. Total clone clubber on this poll but since there is also so many votes on Hannibal I’ll definitely check it out (: Fannibals seem loyal and that’s always great!
    To anyone reading this please also check out Hannibal and tweet about it to help them out! I’m sure we would all be scared if we hadnt gotten word about our shows getting a renewal

      1. It’s an amazing show. Plus TMas’s acting is beyond anything I have ever seen before. I don’t watch Hannibal, but as soon as the second season is over I’ll be sure to check it out! With fans like all of you, it’d be hard not to watch it! I really hope you guys get renewed for another season!

      2. It really is! If you have any questions about it or whatever, feel free to follow me on Twitter @theuberfan and/or on Tumblr at http://uberfaenatic.tumblr.com.

        And not just you…this offer is open to anyone here who wants to chat about Orphan Black or Lost Girl or GoT or whatever. 🙂

  41. Hannibal and Orphan Black are my two favorite shows on the air at the moment, so this poll was particularly difficult for me, but ultimately I went with OB just because Tatiana Maslany is probably delivering the best performance on TV in that show and no one’s seeing it because it’s on such a niche channel that a lot of people aren’t even aware does original programming.

    But they’re both brilliant and two of the best shows on TV as far as I’m concerned, so they’d both better get 3rd seasons!

    I also have to say this must be one of the most civil fandom competitions I’ve seen. The comments on these types of polls usually would have devolved into a flamewar by now. I would say I think this reflects well on the fandoms of both these shows, but then I’m biased since I kind of belong to both, haha.

  42. I’m so glad Orphan Black is doing so well on this poll! Go Clone Club! I believe it deserves all the recognition it can get worldwide. 🙂

    On that note, any other clone clubbers from the Philippines? It’s almost unknown here so it would be great to know more fans.

  43. I sincerely hope Orphan Black wins. OB is such a fantastic show with phenomenal acting, (how does Tatiana even do that thing with her face!?) and it really needs more recognition.

  44. Keep trying Fannibals! We’ll keep trying until the end! Best efforts for Hannibal and Orphan Black! And remember, if OB wins then it’s “even steven” since we(Hannibal) won the last poll on Hulu. So don’t worry Fannibals, just keep trying till the end! (\^^/)

  45. At this point, it doesn’t really matter which one wins. By the end of this poll, both shows are making the headline by accumulating some 300,000 votes among them.

    To be honest, what I really expect to get from this is some new people checking out our show. No showrunner is going to care about this poll, but any new fan we can get is worth fighting for.

    So both the Clone Club and the Fannibals can be happy now, I mean it, both the shows are getting the attention and hopefully new fans 🙂

    1. I totally agree with this. Show runners don’t (or shouldn’t) care about online polls but potential fans and random lurkers do. I’m now curious about Hannibal and a couple other shows in a way I wasn’t before because of what I’ve seen here. 🙂

  46. Not for nothing, but between Orphan Black and Hannibal there is almost half the votes each. The next closest one has more than 100,000 votes less. I think there should be a dual victory here.

    1. It would be so nice if by the time the poll closes both shows had the same votes, or one won by a matter of 5 or 6 votes. In any case, its clear both have some of the best and most dedicated fandoms in the internet (*coughs* and both deserve a third season *coughs*).

  47. Come on Club Club! I don’t know why I care so much. But I want to beat these Fannybals.

  48. I totally LOVE Hannibal, seriously I don’t even know where to begin to describe just how awesome that show is! So, as a devoted fannibal it’s pretty obvious where my vote goes 😉
    By the way I’d never heard of Orphan Black before, but since there’s such a strong fandom (Clone Club, right?) I assume it’s quite interesting as well… gotta check it out later! 🙂

  49. If I’m going to procrastinate I might as well do something useful, like helping clone club!

    1. The irony in that comment is so funny because a character in OB is considered a puppy for her hair

      1. Haha. Will Graham is also super puppy-like (more in season 1). I just wanted to cuddle him when he looked at Hannibal with those wide desperate eyes. Poor Will, it’s too bad that Hanni’s just a plaid sausage blob. D’:

      2. Actually no, Will graham owns like eighteen dogs. Delphine can’t even compare.

        1. He owns seven currently, but I bet he would steal- I mean, ADOPT all the puppies if he could. I mean look at Buster! He’s such a meatloaf, I want like 20.

        2. No but Delphine is an actual puppy.
          No amount of dog ownership can compare.

          1. Delphine is nowhere even close to being as much of a puppy as Will Graham is. I love her, but the one true actual puppy is Will, no question.

            1. you cant compare delphine to will when delphine IS an actually puppy

            2. did they mention anywhere in hannibal that will’s a puppy? nope but they did say that delphine is a puppy in ob. delphine is canoncically a puppy. the argument is over.

          2. One of our favourite characters, Winston, is a literal dog. Unless Delphine is a physical dog, your arguement is invalid.

            1. Fun fact: our fandoms are so awesome that the closest thing to an “argument” you’re having is actually a discussion about who’s more puppy-like 😉

            2. Our argument is still valid because we are comparing Will Graham and Delphine Cormier to puppies. Is Will Graham a literal puppy? Because if not, your argument is also invalid.

              1. I’m not even going to moderate this argument because it’s about puppies and puppies are adorable.

                Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                -Admin Angel

    2. I had no idea we were called Fannibals…I’m such a terrible person.

      On another note, yes, omg…vote Hannibal! This show is ridiculously stunning.

        1. It’s not a matter of fact, it’s a matter of opinion. Don’t be rude, we’ll eat you.

            1. Well, I guess we could just put your body into a beautiful yet disturbing piece of art for everyone to admire 🙂

        2. In your deluded dreams, little girl. The morning has not dawned when OB could compare to Hannibal. Sorry. And even if we lose this poll, it just means you have more obsessives willing to stay here and vote for hours at a stretch–nothing better to do, I wager…

          1. wait… so if hannibal wins the poll, that means that hannibal is a better show than orphan black, but if orphan black wins, that only means that the orphan black fandom has “more obsessives willing to stay here and vote for hours at a stretch”? yay, logic.

          2. Can you not do this please. There is no reason to be rude and condescending towards your opponents.

            -Admin Angel

          3. Don’t bad mouth another fandom. One of Fannibal’s main mottos is Eat The Rude.
            Don’t you think it’s a little classless to be rude when voicing your support for the show?

          4. Orphan Black is superior to Hannibal, trust me. Clearly you haven’t seen Orphan Black, because though Hannibal has its moments, Orphan Black is consistently wonderful.

            1. As a matter of fact it is possible to have watched both shows and still prefer Hannibal over Orphan Black. I do enjoy Orphan Black very much, however in my personal opinion Hannibal is superior. Orphan Black is indeed wonderful, but the sheer macabre beauty and twisted delight I find in Hannibal has no peer.

            2. I’m a fan of both shows and Hannibal is wayyyyyy better. I love OB but it’s pretty uneven and some of the writing isn’t quite up to par. It’s definitely getting better though! But Hannibal has been flawless right out the gate and hasn’t slowed down a bit.

          5. Hey, let’s play nice. Don’t give Fannibals a bad name. Lol OB fans have been really classy so far, and I know they want the win just as much as we do. 🙂

            1. I think it’s fair to say that all fandoms have a few of those folks who, whenever they write something, you roll your eyes and mentally send them to the corner.

              I don’t attribute negativity in those one or two Hannibal fans to the whole of your fandom and I sure hope the same is true when a bonehead in my fandom says something…well… boneheaded. 🙂

          6. Oh I love Hannibal. Massive fannibal here! But please don’t be rude. OB fandom seems pretty cool, so lets just be civil cos we are in a similar situation with wanting seasons to be confirmed.

            1. Orphan Black is going to get a 3rd season, there’s no question. If I knew fans were worried about Hannibal getting renewed, I wouldn’t have voted for OB.

    3. Puupies are irrelevant. You see, Fannibals are simply superior becase we have plans to find, kill, and eat all who do not vote for Hannibal. Orphan Black fans will die. They will all die like rude census takers. Hannibal will prevail. But really, may the best show win, whether it be OB or Hannibal :). Hooray for quality shows all around!

      1. Dude, I think you need help. And remember, no matter how much we love any of them, in the end, it JUST a TV show.

  50. Fannibals, I think we’ve made our point to the “powers that be.” It’s not about winning an internet contest for us, it’s about getting a third season of our favourite show…

    1. Clone Club is trying to do the exact same thing, there is no word of a season 3 for us yet either. Also, OB is still a fairly unknown show, and winning the poll might help get the show a little more recognition because people would be like “wow, Orphan Black beat so and so other shows” and might go check out our weird little show :D.

      1. I support both shows and I think the fact that both have a huuuuuuuuge fanbase/have massive fan support is something to admire.
        That being said though it would probably benefit OB a bit more to win this poll.

      2. Clone Club is not trying to do the same thing. Orphan Black keeps gaining huge numbers of new fans, not to mention critics are in love with it; you’re crazy if think it’s not going to get a 3rd season. I mean, compared to now, what were the ratings when they greenlit season 2? Not to mention a golden globe nomination after just 10 episodes and the expected emmy nomination.

    2. Yeah, but unlike the Hulu best in show, this poll won’t even be a blip on NBC’s radar, so there really isn’t any point. Hannibal already won the poll that NBC will notice.

      1. Hey man, the Admin is reading this comments and that hurt. I am a fannibal and you know what we do to the rude.

        -Admin Angel

        1. Aww, I didn’t mean it like that. I love this site, but you know that NBC isn’t going to be in the know about this sort of thing.

          1. It’s ok. It’s not like I’m crying in the corner or anything.

            I’m totally fine.


            Image and video hosting by TinyPic

            -Admin Angel

            1. I was actually directed to this poll by the official nbc Hannibal blog, so apparently somebody at least a bit officially related to the show cares about theGeekiary.

      1. Ahahah it’s also thanks to comments like this one that I love my fellow Fannibals! <3

  51. Quite crazy. Went to sleep last night with barely a difference between OB and Hannibal and look at it now! I am not going to be at all surprised if we win this thing.

    But there is still today and tomorrow so who knows. A 10k lead might lower but I don’t think it will by much.

    This is quite wonderful though. It took me ages to realise that both the Clone Club and Fannibals are actually up against Sherlock and Game of Thrones and other shows. Those are HUGE shows and have huge fanbases but our two little shows are heading this thing and that’s a great thing. 🙂

    1. That’s in part because those big shows don’t need the publicity and to get the word out as much as we do. That’s why us big fans of smalls shows are here leaving hours of our life.

      1. I know but it’s still pretty great because usually, even with small polls like this, the big fandoms like to come and “assert their dominance” in a way but that hasn’t happened here. Plus, for the most part, we’ve all got along with this which is also another rare thing for fandoms that are competing. 🙂

  52. You know, I came here to vote for Hannibal, but almost rethought that when I saw Orphan Black. I can live with either of my two favorite shows taking this, but if I could have only one…it would have to be Hannibal.

    1. Same, Hannibal and Orphan Black are both some of my faves, but nothing compares to Hannibal.

  53. What is this? An internet poll that hasn’t yet devolved into name-calling and accusations of cheating? Well played so far both fandoms <3

    Get in Clone Clubbers, do it for science!

    1. LOL not rude at all unless you’re pulling a ‘Hannibal’. That was hilarious DC books!!

  54. We fannibals are strong indeed! Dealing with an army of so-called “clones” is certainly not an easy task! 🙂 At this point I’d really like a crossover between our shows, to commemorate this “battle” 😉 Though I know nothing of Orphan Black, I’d suggest that the setting wasn’t Hannibal’s… it can be pretty bloody and messed up and your characters might meet their death in *cough* picturesque ways.

    1. A crossover where actual puppy Will Graham befriends actual puppy Dephine Cormier and her scientist girlfriend Cosima. Or Felix Dawkins meets sassy science team. Or a crossover where Dr. Aldous Leekie gets invited by his old friend, Dr. Lecter over for a dinner.

    2. Valja, Orphan Black has already had several characters dying in picturesque ways. I think we can (kinda) handle it. The show opens with a pretty consequential death like three minutes in.

    3. I haven’t watched Hannibal (I had no idea it was considered a good show until seeing this poll), but I can’t imagine anything being more bloody and messed up than Helena.

      1. One character was force fed an ear and another willingly ate his own leg. Another character was sliced up accordion style and another had his guts pulled out while he was still alive. It can get pretty bloody.

        -Admin Angel

      2. Have you seen the films or read the books? If so, you may know where the show is going. They just introduced Mason and Margot Verger.

        Google search Mason Verger. It’s an extremely messed-up story arc and involves lots of gore.

        Hannibal is extremely gorey. . . You really can’t imagine how gorey until you watch it, because it’s very — ah — creative. Blood. Guts. Cannibalism. Body mutilation. And lots of it.

  55. having watched most of that list, orphan black is defo the best show on there by a mile.. hannibal is awesome too but i have to ask if u other fannibals have watched orphan black? cos i really dont think you’d still be voting for hannibal so much if u had..

    1. DIK… Yeah, I think I would be. I’m a fan of the books and films too, you see. I will check out Orphan Black when this is all over though.

      1. fair do’s, i mean dont get me wrong, i remember watching silence of the lambs when i was 8 ish.. hannibal is the boom shiz, just as long as orphan black gets noticed we’ll be happy. tatiana maslany is an epic actress 🙂

  56. ooh ooh, also, this seems like the perfect place to tell some new peeps about another series thats well worth a watch. – Utopia – crazy show it is. check it out y’all.. ps. caaan i be a clonibal? pps. big UPS to Helix, Fargo, Da Vincis Demons, the 100 and Vikings, loving those shows too.. 😀

  57. I have to say, I’m really impressed with the Clone Clubbers. I’m definitely going to watch OB now. If this many people love it, it has to be good. (Hope you guys will watch Hannibal, too!)

    1. u guys are in for such a treat! u can even watch OB whilst eating! (totally ruined sausage rolls for myself during that ‘horse’ ep of hannibal a few weeks ago :S

    2. I definitely will watch Hannibal, I’m so glad I found this poll because I had no clue there was another top show out there. With OB, the crazy ride doesn’t really start until episode 3.

  58. Hannibal’s my favorite show but I gotta say if it doesn’t win there’s no show I’d rather be bested by then Orphan Black. The Clone Club is genuinely one of the nicest fandoms I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Anyone who’s a fan of Hannibal and isn’t already watching Orphan Black should definitely check it out!

  59. Vote for Hannibal Fannibals. This show is the best show i’ve ever watched. And I watch many shows. If there is a Hannibal option I can’t chose but Hannibal.

  60. I’d just like to thank everyone for completely annihilating Game of Thrones and apologise for ever believing it could do its source material justice.

    1. The constant use of unnecassry rape scenes (sexualized rape scenes) is so disappointing too. You let me down Game of Thrones

      1. i cant watch game of thrones without getting the southpark version of the theme tune stuck in me head XD tho it is an excellent show, it shouldnt be behind lost girl surely?

        1. ah, but it should. they messed up so bad (several times) and even though the actors and quality are amazing that just doesn’t make up for that. :/

  61. It’s hard picking a show. As much as I love OB and my seestras, I really would like Hannibal to get more attention and support so we can definitely have a third season!

  62. This is actually amazing, I’m honestly so proud to be part of the Clone Club right now, I’m so proud that for the most part Clone Club and Fannibals have managed to stay away from conflicts. Clone Club, I love you!!

    To those Fannibals deciding to watch Orphan Black now, welcome to the trip!! I hope you enjoy it, seriously it’s a great show!!

    Though Hannibal wasn’t on my incredibly extensive list of TV shows to watch it is now, after having the pleasure of interacting with such a lovely fan base.

    1. Aren’t you lovely? <3

      I think it's just because we both have the same goal here. We're both fighting hard for a show to stay on the air, and we silently understand the struggle. It really does suck that it has to be this way. No one has to fight to keep Toddlers and Tiaras on TV. :/

      But yeah, though I'm voting Hannibal right now, Orphan Black is up next on my list of things to watch and I'm so glad that it, like Hannibal, has a great fanbase.

      May the fastest clickers win!

    2. Hannibal is completely worth your time! I think the reason our fandoms get along, if I can understand, OB is about some pretty sensitive people. Well the hero of Hannibal (Will) is a seriously sensitive dude. So most people stick around for the gore (if they’re not into gore) to see Will through. Poor bloke goes through Hannibal’s meat grinder (actually one of the characters DOES go through a meat grinder, but it’s not Will, that was completely metaphorical).

      Good luck to both shows but I’m strictly a fannibal! Ain’t got no time or money for any other TV show and it’s sooooo worth it! Such well dressed characters, too!

  63. I love being part of Clone Club!
    If we joined these two fandoms we could be unstoppable. Really excited to check out Hannibal!!!

  64. i love both hannibal and orphan black, both are fantastic shows and both have the nicest fans i have come across
    i’m voting for orphan black but it makes me so happy to see both fandoms getting on in the comments even as the voting gets heated. love you all 😀

    1. btw fannibals, you’re all welcome to come join cloneclub on facebook, twould be a pleasure to have u with us.. i for one wouldd be more than happy to join the fannibals group if u guys need more support.. ive been watching from week one anyway 🙂 #needtoknowwhathappenstowill

  65. COME ON FANNIBALS! We can do this, this show is fantastic, and it deserves to win. Not saying that OB doesn’t, but let’s be honest, do we want to see more Hannibal jokes?

    The answer is always yes.

  66. Ok but seriously OB fans – you’re show isn’t in danger of being cancelled, as far as I know, but Hannibal is. And if NBC sees that it’s winning polls like this, it might contribute slightly to getting it renewed.

    So can you please just concede this poll to us Fannibals?!?! I will actually cry so hard if Hannibal doesn’t get renewed because it’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen, and I watch Orphan Black too, but it’s not in danger of being cancelled so PLEASE VOTE FOR HANNIBAL PLEASE *puppy dog eyes*

      1. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT LINK – that made me feel much better (especially the part where Bryan said that even if it doesn’t get renewed by NBC, there are alternative options to continue the show ^^).

        That also took a load off my shoulder tysm 😀

      2. Echoing thanks, here! I read almost every article about the show I can. Didn’t see this one.

        Sounds like they’d pursue a Kickstarter kind of thing. I’m sure they could raise the money, no problem. Lol

    1. I love Hannibal, and god I never want to see it cancelled, but online polls like this aren’t even a blip on the radar to the folks who actually make renew/cancel decisions. If that’s your concern you’re taking this too seriously.

      Throw your weight behind whatever fandom you love most and encourage your friends to do the same, but in the end this is just a for-fun fandom pride kinda thing. I love both shows and even if I come down on Orphan Black’s side of the fence I’m not super concerned with who wins. The OB fandom hasn’t really been mainstream enough until recently to show up on these kind of things, and they have just as much right to get excited about it and ty to win as Hannibal fans, and aren’t going to hurt your show if they win.

      Have fun and support your show, but try not to guilt trip other people out of doing the same.

  67. I may be part of Clone Club, but I showed my mom this poll and she’s a Fannibal. So together we make a family.

  68. Come on Fannibals! VOTE FOR OUR FAVOURITE PLAID SAUSAGE. VOTE FOR WILL GRAHAM. VOTE FOR THE PUPPIES (especially Buster- he tried).

  69. Come on Fannibals! Do it for me! And for my daddy.

    And also Dr. Chilton, he let us smell his crotch.

    1. Buster, are you okay? How’s your arm? You shouldn’t be out of bed, you silly mutt.

      1. My arm is well, thank you. Daddy took care of it and put a bandage around it, and that Dr. Lecter fellow (I think that’s Daddy’s boyfriend) gave me some meat!

        It is fine, I have Winston helping me type.

    1. This is really not necessary and I’ll be deleting your comment. If your IP continues to make remarks that go against our terms of service you will be banned.

      -Admin Angel

  70. I just voted 10 times on hannibal, just to see what’s going on here. And why i was voting.. I came to this conclusion! Orphan black can take the lead and win this poll!!! Win – Win for them and me, the way i see it, the fans of “orphan black” For me the only use of the hannibal fans are that we need enough viewers for RENEWAL.. Do you think Dr. Lector would care about who is the most popular in the poll!. This is not high school all over again. Greetings people

  71. Now could some please tell me where the bar is? I’m maybe not a serial , but i sure like a drink! Who’s coming?

  72. All I’m hearing is Hannibal can’t touch OB. But, in fact we are touching it and with a fandom as powerful as ours we’ll overthrow you in a matter of hours and have your fandom looking like the Red Wedding up in here.

    1. Why are things getting impolite on here all of a sudden? We were all getting along so well. And I think it’s only “our side” that’s doing it. Play nice, now. 🙂

      1. You are right KM ZAFARI, but in there defence i think it gives people a good feeling to go out on the internet and scream and do/say the things they can’t in real life. Doesn’t really bother me, well just as much as evrybody would tell and yell how happy they are… People should do what they feel like doing if it gives them a good feeling. but it’s not my cup of thee.


        1. I’m used to like flame wars going down and stuff, lol, but this site has a different feel to it than others. The admin is very diligent about keeping it nice, and when things get skewed, especially from our end, I think it’s important to say something. Yk?

          And I second the call to vote! For whoever you want. Of course, I’m encouraging Hannibal. Lol

          1. Thank you so much for the kind words! I hope you stick around. We review both shows as well as a bunch of others. We have quite a few ongoing series about specialty topics as well. I’m glad you found us and are enjoying it here so far 🙂

            -Admin Angel

            1. You’re quite welcome! I’m very glad you stay on top of things – I know it’s a lot of work to do so. It’s refreshing to visit a site where a positive atmosphere matters, and I really appreciate it. 🙂

          2. Well enjoy your night KM Z and ANG K and the rest . I’m going to bed.

  73. BTW, orphan black fans, seems that you won big time already,if your show has less viewers then hannibal, and your coverage is also a lot smaller. meaning that you win big time.

    1. I don’t think they understand cannibalism is the only way forward in this situation

      1. Yeah, you are right. This is making me hungry. I will vote 10 times on Orphan Black if they give al the hannibal fans unlimited spareribs

  74. I love Orphan Black and Hannibal, but let’s face it, Hannibal needs this win a lot more. It’s actually in danger of cancellation and any recognition it can get helps.

    1. You are right but this news is a few hours in.

      Bryan Fuller has revealed that he is “very confident” that Hannibal will be renewed for a third season.

      “I hear very positive things,” Fuller told Digital Spy. “All of the creatives at NBC are so supportive of the show and want it back, and the schedules and salespeople are like, ‘It’s a new show, get rid of it’. We are banking on the creative people winning out over the salespeople.

  75. For all the people that are voting! Here is a tip,if you Zoom out on your browser screen you see the whole list of show at once. this means you don’t have to scroll each time when you you refrech to vote again.

  76. i love so many shows from this list,but when it comes to the best,i can definitely choose only one and that is ORPHAN BLACK! BRILLIANT SHOW,amazing actors & writing!

  77. So Fannibals, I hear you have some very interesting..errr taste? If you want to know what freaky religious extremist taste like give us a call. We have a handful of those in OB and I’ll be happy to give them away. I’ll even throu in a guy with a tale to spice thing up 😀

  78. As the admin I would like to thank everyone for having the most heated argument so far be about puppies. Thank you

    -Admin Angel

    1. What do you think every time a new puppy argument comment appears? (I can’t stop laughing)

      1. I think that there’s a reason you two are my favorite fandoms. 🙂

        -Admin Angel

  79. I truly believe the victory should go to both Hannibal and Orphan Black… Or better, to the respective fandoms 🙂
    I’m so sad that only one of us can win… (more so since I’m a fannibal and it seems the clone are beating us here). From now on, can I consider you Clones our “cousins”? ^___^ we should really become allies, since it’s the first time I’ve found a fandom so similar to the one I belong to, moreover polite and funny 🙂


      I swear I saw a post on tumblr abou fannibals and clone club forming an alliance.

  80. Fannibals don’t be rude, it just makes us hypocritical as our motto is “we eat the rude” no matter how rude some of the OB fandom is.
    Look we are under pressure because winning this would increase our chances of getting renewed for a 3rd season, whereas Ob has already been rrenewed. So forgive us ob fandom if we are rude but our third season may depend on this and so we maybe a bit on edge.

    1. sorry if any of the clone club have been rude but honestly the majority of us aren’t rude at all, much like the fannibals! But might I just point out that OB hasn’t been renewed for a 3rd season yet either, so I’d say both our fandoms are aiming for the same thing! 🙂

      1. I think the fact that both shows are winning by a land slide is enough for both shows to get noticed for a season 3!

      2. It’s not the same, because the 2nd season of your show has just begun and there is a lot of time for it to get the 3rd season. And the 2nd season of Hannibal is almost over and it hasn’t got the 3rd season yet. That is more scary.

        1. Well, Fannibals! Season 3 was just announced! We all got what we wanted!

    2. I agree. I don’t watch OB but I’m sure it is a fantastic show. However I do watch and adore Hannibal and it sucks that there’s the constant threat of it not coming back. If any of you OB fans watch it, you’ll know that it’s beautifully written, the cinematography is a masterpiece and the acting is exquisite. I know you need your show and your pride but we are dedicated fans and losing a silly poll won’t mean much to you but that losing that silly poll to us could mean losing the show we love.

      1. don’t worry Fannibals, it will get renewed for sure,it is a great show after all.but please understand thatmy heart belongs to OB in this one,so i’m gonna vote for it.

      2. Actually we’re in the exact same boat you are. We haven’t been renewed for a third season yet and our show is from a tiny Canadian network in a struggling industry, and I heard that the show is over its production budget. We need this just as badly as you do.

    3. Well, actually, the act of Cannibalism is intrinsically rude. That is not to say that you cannot be situationally unpleasant, therefore. If necessary, one must instigate with tooth and nail to make a point, which from the other person’s perspective translates into rude behavior–that is unavoidable in argument. So, if we Fannibals seem a bit noisome, that is the reasoning.

      1. You make an interesting albeit somewhat florid point…the thing is Hannibal fans aren’t cannibals. They’re fans of a fictitious one on a tv show. We shouldn’t forget that.

        One can disagree and still be civil. An argument can be civil, and the most impressive thing about the Hannibal fandom is that most fans actually make a conscious decision to rise about the knee-jerk reaction to be UN-civil just because ideals present themselves that do not line up with our own. We typically give our fan-based counterparts the benefit of the doubt. You can vote for what you like without treating it as though we’re fighting in enemy territory. I feel like most fans of just about anything could learn that.

    4. Who was rude? Do we need to forcibly throw someone in the ball pit?
      Seriously tho, we’ll turn you over to Leakie for being rude.
      The only conflict I’ve seen is about whether Will(?) or Delphine is puppier.

  81. Aren’t you Fannibals the one with the flower crowns? I saw gifs of your cast on tumblr and I thought it was adorable. Maybe this is why we are all so dedicated, not only we love the shows but both our casts and TPTBs deserve so much love 🙂

  82. C’mon Fannibals, we’re falling behind! Orphan Black totally does deserve to win but I’d rather see Hannibal get that top place. Do it for the puppies! Do it for the beautiful and artistic murders! Do it for the nightmare stag! Do it because if we don’t get enough support, we’ll lose our show!

  83. Whoever wins this poll I have to say, it’s honestly been a pleasure to see how well these two fandoms have got on! I’m so proud to be part of the Clone Club, I love my seestras!The fannibals seem super awesome and if we do have to lose I can’t think of a better fandom to lose to.

    Good luck to both fandoms, may the fastest clickers win!! 🙂

    1. It has been a pleasure. It’s nice to know there’s a fandom so much like the Fannibals and the biggest arguement I’ve seen on this poll is about puppies haha
      It seems to be getting more obvious that OB will win so good luck for that! I’m just hoping coming second will still get us enough attention to keep our show going (and yours too, since I read that a new season hasn’t been confirmed) 🙂 🙂

    2. That’s really sweet and I must say, your name belongs to my favorite clone.

      By the way, what would a merge between fandoms should be called? Fanniclones? Clonennibals? xD

      1. Clonennibals…I’d join that just to say the word. lol Fanniclones is adorable too.

        Frankly I don’t care what we call ourselves. I just enjoy the association with a really neat fandom. 🙂

          1. I’m actually going to start watching Orphan Black because of this… with such a fanbase, it’s definitely worth a go!

          1. The only problem is that Fan doesn’t look like fannibal, unless is Fann Club. Or it does? We need a poll! xD

  84. I’m sorry but why are you even fighting? I know that both OB fans and Hannibal fans want their favorite shows to win, but seriously, it doesn’t matter who the winner will be. Fannibals will still have Hannibal as their favourite and best TV show, OB fans will have Orphan Black. It’s just … play nice. I might be a Fannibal, but it doesn’t bother me if we’ll lose, I will still prefer Hannibal, so what?

    1. I haven’t seen any fighting? Haha. Like I said, biggest arguement was about puppies. I think the Orphan Black and Hannibal fandoms get on really well for some reason and it’s nice.

      1. Yeah no fighting. We are just curious to see how crazy both us are about our shows 🙂

    1. I hope it’s soon. Wonder how I’m going to explain this to my teachers tomorrow when I turn up with no homework.
      “Sorry, Sir, I was too busy clicking a button repeatedly to do my homework.”

  85. Oh, I know, there aren’t any huge arguments (which is great imho) it’s just I’ve read some random comments which weren’t that sweet. I’m talking to those ones, not to those funny and cool ones =’D puppy argument is awesome! =’D

    1. Yeah, of course there’s always people around to give fandoms bad names. I’d much rather make friends from other fandoms and possibly even bring each other into our fandoms rather than be rude. In which case I’d have to eat myself. “Eat the Rude” 😉

    2. Puppy argument is Admin’s favorite part of this poll experience so far.

      Image and video hosting by TinyPic

      (Admin has over 1.5GB of gifs and is happy to use them)

      (Admin isn’t sure why she’s speaking in 3rd person tonight but it feels appropriate)

      -Admin Angel

      1. I have it on good authority that this is actual video footage of Delphine as a baby (even though it’s not a cocker spaniel).

        1. The puppy arguement has returned.
          (I do want to watch Orphan Black but Will Graham will always be my favourite puppy.)

          1. And what a brutal argument it is!

            While other fandoms have flame wars…we both scream PUPPIES!!! and run around in circles giggling. 😀

          2. The thing is, Delphine and Cosima actually call each other puppies in the show somewhere in Season 2 (that episode hasn’t aired yet). Delphine being a puppy was a fandom joke for a really long time and they actually turned the joke into canon in the show!

    1. It says a few hours in the description thing. What were you voting for? 🙂

  86. I’ve come back again to vote with my fellow Fannibals…and there is puppies. Puppies everywhere. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE.

  87. I watch both Hannibal and OB and it feels like a betrayal, but my votes go to OB *hides*

  88. I’m not gonna actually reply to anyone because I know I’ll get a million calls of “But someone actually /called/ Delphine a puppy so we win!!!”
    But Hannibal wins the puppy arguement. Seven puppies including one who plays an actual character role. Oh Winston, you are the keeper of my heart.

      1. Our puppy has a floofy tail. And our human-puppy is scruffy and is happiest when surrounded by his puppy collection. Couldn’t be a better puppy than that.

          1. But one of our puppies went out to save human-puppy from human-cavebear! And then human-puppy made a mad dash in the snow to save actual-puppy from said human-cavebear. (Because you tried Buster, you tried hard and we’re so proud of you bby.)

            1. That’s incredibly sweet and amazing.
              Can someone draw your puppy(is it Will?) and Delphine puppy fan art?

  89. I dont think a internet poll that isnt connnected to the network, will have any say whether or not it gets renewed for a new season. However, it would be nice to see Orphan Black win. It has been snubbed many times and this might feel a bit like a victory. That said, I also enjoy watching Hannibal and I would hate to see it cancelled. What would make sense to help it from possibly being cannelled is to watch it on cable. Tell your friends to watch it. Help improve its ratings. Not fighting, and that is directed to both fandoms.

    1. I’ve never actually heard a bad word about Orphan Black! That being said, I haven’t heard much about it and only knew it existed because of someone I followed on Tumblr. So yeah, it would be nice to see OB win because I’m sure raising awareness for it would be great for you guys. But Hannibal will always be my favourite show out of the many shows I watch (including Sherlock but that had a steady place in the poll as everyone was more interested in Hannibal and OB).
      But yeah. Either way, it’s a victory for one fandom. This has just been more of a time to let the Fannibals and Clones get to know each other.


  91. wow comment sections usually have such bad vibes but everyone is just talking about puppies here and being really cute and i’m SO PLEASED. My heart is forever devoted to orphan black but I gotta say I’m fan of the fannibals 🙂 Good luck to both shows!

  92. I know both OB and Hannibal fans are doing this partly so we’ll get a renewal, but do you think there’s a chance that the clear competition from both fandoms is enough, and therefore in a way, both win? X

  93. It is hard because I love both of these shows equally for different reasons. The one thing they both have in common is wonderful writing and character development. They don’t treat their viewers like idiots. It is time for reality TV to die a quick death. Both of these shows need to be renewed if for no other reason, that a reality TV show won’t be born.

  94. I leave you silly tits alone for just 5 minutes to do something for work and you stART LOSING? UGHH CLONE CLUB. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

  95. Are you kidding me? I mean after the X-File era, Orphan Black is the best show!

  96. I watch both Orphan Black and Hannibal (and some of the other shows on the list too!) and they’re both have beautiful filming and writing and acting but I have to say I’m more into Orphan Black. Either group winning would be great though. Season threes for everybody!

  97. Whose bright idea was to allow unlimited votes per IP? The only thing this poll shows is which fandom has more unhemployed fans ready to bot-vote all day. Urge to ever watch OB: lost.

    1. It was my bright idea. The admin of this sight. The one who has the power to ban your IP for breaking the rules of this website and turning a polite comments section into something rude and toxic. Cheers

      Image and video hosting by TinyPic

      -Admin Angel

  98. Hello Clone Club and Fannibals! I watch Orphan Black and Hannibal too. I think they’re both beautiful and wonderful shows, but my heart belongs to OB. Though, I think the Fannibals are a great fandom, much respect to you guys! Whatever show wins, love. xx

  99. I just read some of the comments and you fannibals and OB fans are just lovely, seriously. Both Hannibal and OB are amazing shows, and they both deserve a third season, hopefully we all will get it.

  100. I don’t get the point of voting, if some show wins, then what? they will get a new season or something?

    1. Publicity. The taste of satisfaction. The happy anticipation of being able to feel contempt. The reasons for voting is different for each person.

      I like doing it because I like to win, but also because I like to interact with other fandoms (because as much as I like winning, I wouldn’t ruin my fandom’s reputation of being polite to do so. All these Clone Clubbers saying they’ll try Hannibal out? THAT’S a true win for me.).

  101. heh yeah you guys are all so nice, props to you admin for keeping everything so lovely 🙂 not to take away from how fabulous clone club and fannibals are. I gotta say joining cloneclub has been so great because everybody is so wonderful, and i wanted to let the fannibals know that even if the network drops your show (which it might) the studio is in contact with a ton of other channels/networks in other countries. So even if it does get ‘cancelled’ i’m pretty sure you’ll still have a show, so don’t let it get you down or stress you out 🙂 good luck guys, also – delphine is definitely the puppy 🙂


  103. Go cloneclub! Though whatever the results, both our shows won. And i sure will check hannibal out.

  104. I’m a huge fan of both Orphan Black and Hannibal (though I haven’t seen all of OB yet) and whichever wins, I think it’s just really exciting that both of these shows have such passionate fan-bases. I mean, out of 28 shows, those two have over 87% of the votes, and there are a couple other really popular ones on the list.
    Best of luck to these shows, and here’s hoping they both get renewed!

  105. This is amazing. Hannibal’s ahead, then Orphan Black then Hannibal then Orphan Black. What a fantastic horse race! 😀

    I really feel this is anyone’s game and I think both our fandoms come out on top just because we’re so bloody awesome. So here’s to whoever wins… and whoever loses… may both be done graciously and with the same kind of character, integrity and general coolness I’ve seen in this comment section. 🙂

  106. but no matter who wins this, we should try to support both shows, or at least give the other show a try if you haven’t already. I feel that both shows are super intelligent, well acted and (obviously) deserve the love we’re giving them, and who knows? Maybe this will lead us to one more awesome thing to love.

    (To anyone new to the clone club: welcome to the trip :))

  107. This comment section is amazing. I legit got teary-eyed reading so many wonderful and super nice comments. It isn’t something you see very often in polls.

    This said, I would like to give Admin Angel a well deserved shoutout for keeping things so clean here. YOU ARE DOING AN AMAZING WORK! Thank you for that. 🙂

    Good luck everyone. I watch both Orphan Black and Hannibal, they are both so damn good. Gotta vote for OB though, that show blows my mind in the best possible way.

    1. Hear, hear. Poll mods don’t get much luv I’ll bet but we all sure appreciate her putting up with our craziness.

      And our puppies.

    2. Thank you for your kind words. And thanks to both Fannibals and Clone Club for being so hilarious and friendly.

      -Admin Angel

  108. Wow! Believe, Vikings, and Game of Thrones are losing! 🙁
    Man. Actually, a lot of good shows on this list are losing!
    Credit to the dedicated Fannibals and the Clone Club. One of you is going to win! Please check out some of the other shows on this list though! You might find you like one just as much!
    (Also, props to these two fandoms. As far as I’ve seen, you’ve both been really nice. And congratulations to whoever wins!)

    1. Archer is losing.
      Everytime I vote for Orphan Black I also vote for Archer.
      Good luck to you Fannibals too. Whatever happens, one puppy will win.

  109. I haven’t gotten a chance to watch Orphan Black yet, but I intend to! Until then, though, my vote goes to Hannibal!

  110. Voting closes today and I just wanted to say well done to OB and Hannibal, I don’t watch Hannibal but I guess it’s a really great show, I know you guys need to win but the thing is, OB hasn’t been renewed for a third season either. I apologise for any member of the clone club that has been rude, I will be voting for OB and I want it to win, but Hannibal deserves it too!

  111. Fannibals don’t forget to tweet #RenewHannibal @nbc!! It will help loads for season 3 renewal (which nbc are saying its likely) also OB fans it’d be great if you guys have some spare time just to tweet it quickly^.^
    Btw we’re going to come second but I’m so glad we lose to OB you’re such a lovely group of people and I hope we can form some kind of mego hannibal/ob fandom XD
    (Also this has inspired me to start watching ob after exams)

    1. I’m a huge Orphan Black fan and I haven’t seen Hannibal, but I tweeted. Other Clone Clubbers, pls do too, because no fandom deserves to suffer the pain of their show being cancelled 🙁 Also, I will def. start watching Hannibal soon

    2. Going to tweet now, don’t want Hannibal going the way of burn notice, which was a GREAT show that didn’t deserve to be canceled.

    3. Just tweeted this:
      #RenewHannibal Don’t send Hannibal the way you sent burn notice. Both great shows that don’t deserve being cancelled. RENEW. RENEW!!!!!
      Feel free to use this as your tweet Clone Clubbers, I know cut and paste can sometimes be easier than composing something.

  112. I don’t mean to be a poop and rain on anyone’s parade, but votes seem to be coming in suspiciously fast on both sides… Have you checked for bots, by any chance?

    1. I vote, in between doing other things, by clicking the vote button, clicking on the button to go back to the poll, pressing Ctrl+G(to search for Hannibal), clicking that, scrolling down to the vote button, repeat. Not sure what triggers the suspicious cooldown business, but sometimes I can go a while and sometimes I can resume after a long break and I’m done after 15 minutes.

  113. us europeans will have to go to sleep, american clone club. it’s in your hands! Keep it up!! we make a family, yes?

  114. Ramp it up, my fellow clones! We’re starting to decline a little. Don’t get complacent, keep on moving!

  115. I’m a real Fannibal. And I know that winning this will increase our chance to have a season 3. But even if we loose against orphan black, I’m sure that Hannibal won’t be forgetten. These two shows are so close to each other. It’s like the competition is just between the both of them now. I want Hannibal wins but even if it finishs at second place, it would be like the first to me. I’m just glad that there is so many people who cares about the greatest show of the last decade. Go Fannibals !

  116. i’m really surprised to see all the hate between some of the fans. in my experience, the fannibals have been very kind and calm and i have only seen very nice people in the orphan black fandom. please don’t cause trouble between the fandoms because of one survey. this is one website and we all know this has been widely publicized by many. this is no real way to gauge which show is the favorite. best of luck to all.

  117. To add a little bit to what I mentioned earlier…I love seeing how sweet and welcoming most of the people voting are. It’s very refreshing and wonderful to see. Best luck to everyone!

  118. I know this is really a contest between Hannibal and Orphan Black at this point, but more people need to watch Fargo! I promise, it’s really good. Martin Freeman, Billy Bob Thornton, and Bob Odenkirk are in it! There’s also a fantastic deputy cop played by Allison Tolman. And it’s based on the 1996 film of the same name made by the Coen brothers. What’s not to love?

  119. Looks like the Clones want this thing more than we do, Fannabals. How disappointing…

    1. I reckon a chunk of the Fannibals were off tweeting #RenewHannibal, actually. (Because that will probably draw the execs’ attention more than this poll, which is more for fun than anything.)

      1. Yeah, I didn’t vote much on this because it won’t have any real world benefit, but I tweeted the hell out of #RenewHannibal!

        1. I don’t think there’s cause for huge worry. Bryan Fuller has talked a lot about how the viewership is still nothing to sneeze at, plus it’s clear that people really enjoy it from the response it’s getting online. They’re kind of uniquely funded as well, and he says he has back-up plans even if NBC wants to drop Hannibal in the future! I think the Fannibals can keep the show alive. =) Now I should probably watch Orphan Black and see what all the fuss is about!

  120. Just wanted to congratulate the Clone Club. Nice job, guys! It’s been fun. 🙂 As another commenter said, now we are “even steven”. Lol

  121. Thanks for the great time, Fannibals! And congrats to us all for being really great examples of our fandoms (if I do say so myself). 😉

    This really could have gone either way. Thank you for being great sports and fantastic competition. Whew! 😀

    I sure hope you all get your new season too. If anyone deserves good things to happen, it’s you fine folks.

    Take care now!

  122. Yay, Orphan Black won! That show really is incredible. I watch many of these shows but the actress on OB is really top notch. I wish it had more widespread viewership. I only voted once a day but looks like even those counted as this was so close!

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