Another Day, Another Flood of Sherlock Season 3 Spoilers

“There might not be much more forthcoming,” I said. “Mostly indoor or studio work.” HA! That should teach me to speculate about the filming schedule from the other side of the planet. Holy wow! There have been a lot of spoilers in the last 24 hours! The amount of people that showed up in front of Speedy’s for 221b exterior shots is quite staggering and I barely know where to begin. We also got the title of the second episode, The Sign of Three, which I’m going to enjoy speculating on once it starts to actually film. For everything up until this point, check out our episode one summary post or our season 3 spoilers masterpost.
Before we go any further, there’s been quite the kerfuffle over the posting of spoilers. One of the producers, Sue Vertue, posted a message to the fandom.
“Hi, Sue Vertue here.
As many of you are aware, we’ll soon be embarking on our first London leg of filming for series 3. I’m also aware that there is quite a lot of speculation about where we’re shooting when. I can’t stress how much we the Producers and Benedict, Martin and the rest of the cast appreciate your love and dedication to our show – we’ll endeavour to live up to your expectations for Series 3.
What I am nervous about is that our London shooting schedule is punishing and will really give us very little time to interact with you. The actors really hope you understand that.
Also, and I know this is probably asking a lot, the majority of fans and indeed ourselves would REALLY appreciate it if you didn’t post pictures or spoilers or ideally our daily locations.
Thanks for your understanding. Sue x”
Some people interpreted this is as “don’t go and don’t talk about it.” Others interpreted it as a simple plea to be respectful. Having large amount of people on set can be a distraction. Since we’re still posting about it, you can probably guess we’re interpreting it as the latter. In fact, a fan was even thanked by Benedict Cumberbatch for being so respectful on the set. He didn’t ask them to leave or put away their cameras. In fact, he even took out his own phone and started recording (how adorkable). Both he and Martin Freeman even had some fun messing around with the fans by waving and winking at them. Amanda Abbington seemed to be in good spirits about it too, judging from her Twitter.
Over all it seems like today’s filming was quite pleasant. As long as fans continue to respect the cast and crew, we’ll continue talking about it. If you chase the actors down, get in their way, or pass any sort of barrier to get pictures you’re an asshole and we won’t be using anything you have. It’s that type of stuff that would ruin this whole thing. Standing out of the way and snapping pictures and interacting with the actors only when they initiate it hasn’t seemed to cause any trouble yet. Cast, crew, and fans alike seem to be generally having a good time. So let’s keep doing it like that, yeah? On with the spoilers!
The biggest news of the day? DEER STALKER HAT. Yes, that silly little hat is coming back and Benedict is adorable in it. There were also numerous extras dressed as journalists snapping pictures of Sherlock in the deer stalker cap as he exited 221b. This could mean his return is rather public, not the quiet resurfacing that some fans had written fanworks about. Overall, excellent day for set pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch. Thank you setlock crew. Great work.
Speaking of how the boys are looking, Martin’s mustache is gone. Thank heavens! That was… not pleasant. Clean shaven Martin Freeman, however, very pleasant. Some fans have reported that John might be injured, though, indicating that this scene is possibly set after the bonfire and not before it. This makes me wonder if I’ve been completely off on the “bonfire=climax of the episode” theory. Maybe it’s the catalyst for the plot instead.
Also, it appears that the beginning of the bonfire scene is being filmed just outside 221b. Sherlock and Mary (come on, guys, Amanda is playing Mary, get over it) appear to hijack a motorcycle and speed away to rescue John from the bonfire (you can read all about that scene here under the title “bonfire scene”). This means that Mary either visits or lives at 221b. The interior set pictures that were posted (and abruptly deleted) reveal that the interior set has gone through a rather extensive make over. Could Mary have moved into 221b? Does this mean that we’ll have all three of them sharing the flat at the same time? Interesting.
Another important piece of information that came out today that has nothing to do with episode spoilers is, well, the picture speaks for itself really.

Author: Angel Wilson
Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.
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