New Star Trek Teaser Trailer Released By CBS


CBS has released a Star Trek teaser trailer and… it doesn’t show much. But that’s okay!

The Star Trek teaser trailer advertises the new series that CBS has planned for 2017 that features Bryan Fuller as the show runner.  As of now the series still remains unnamed, but it’ll be unrelated to the reboot series based off TOS that’s currently set to release a new installment in theaters this July.  The trailer is just as vague, not even showing any of the new characters, villains, or planets.  But man, all the vagueness doesn’t really matter because man…  Star TrekBryan Fuller.  I’m just happy it exists.

The biggest thing I’m hoping for is that the show continues to be as progressive and diverse as the shows we’ve had before it.  CBS’s fall line up is extremely white and male, but Star Trek has always been one step ahead of the curve on diversity.  With Bryan Fuller at the helm, the chances of it keeping to this core value is even stronger.  His shows are often filled with dynamic women, POC characters, and LGBTQ+ characters, often as protagonists.  I trust Fuller with this.  So far the man has not disappointed me.

It’s been eleven years since Star Trek has had a television show.  The recent reboots vary in popularity, with many new fans like myself appreciative that it brought us into Trek fandom, but many old school fans disappointed with how stylized the movies are (let’s not mention the lens flare). The movies also have some massive issues with whitewashing (ugh Khan) and relying too heavily on the male gaze (Alice Eve panty shot, anyone?).  I’m still a fan of the reboot series and I owe my exploration of the Star Trek universe to its existence, but it lacks the progressive diversity of much of the rest of the franchise and definitely has a different visual feel.

Will this TV series keep with Star Trek‘s progressive roots?  I hope so.  So far we know nothing about the cast, but the series is in great hands.  This was a small taste of things to come, but I’m more than excited to have been given this glimpse.


Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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