Parasite is Now Streaming on Hulu!


Bong Joon-ho’s award-winning and history-making South Korean thriller Parasite is now streaming on Hulu. Go watch it now!

Parasite made history when it became the first non-English language film to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards, and Bong Joon-ho tying the record with Walt Disney for the most Oscars won in a single night. The film is one of the most critically acclaimed movies of 2019 and you’re truly missing out if you didn’t catch it in theaters.

In case you haven’t heard of it before, here’s the description per IMDb:

A poor family, the Kims, con their way into becoming the servants of a rich family, the Parks. But their easy life gets complicated when their deception is threatened with exposure.

It gets better, though. This isn’t the only Bong Joon-ho film streaming on Hulu! You can also watch Mother, The Host, and Barking Dogs Never Bite. Of those titles, the only one I’ve personally seen is The Host, which was absolutely phenomenal. Once you’re done with Parasite, hop on over to The Host

Back when The Host first came out in 2016 I wasn’t the biggest fan of monster flicks, but it was truly something special. Since then my taste has expanded a bit and I have more experience with the genre, but I highly recommend it to everyone, even if you don’t think it’ll be your thing. Bong Joon-ho has a habit of making films that have an appeal outside of their defined genre, so give it a chance.

But hopping back over to Parasite for a second, there’s something rather fitting about the film being released on a streaming platform while we are all mostly stuck at home under quarantine. I think EW summarized the thematic irony of the situation best:

Parasite, a movie about different socio-economic classes being confined within their homes, has officially hit Hulu amidst social distancing and quarantine.

As someone who is trapped at home in a tiny studio apartment with no air conditioning while celebs post funny clips on social of themselves quarantined in their mega-mansions, this parallel isn’t lost on me. Like, I’m a big time introvert and quite the hermit, but oh my god someone get me out of here.

Ahem. Anyway…

For those of you looking to watch it for the first time with some other moviegoers, go check out Vulture’s Friday Night Movie Club. You may be stuck at home, but you can still experience the film with others in a virtual setting. You can join them on Twitter at 7 pm EST on April 10th and partake in the live film watching experience with some other movie lovers. 

Also, for those of you who already know you love the film but want a bit more of it, it will also be coming to the Criterion Collection. It’s sure to satisfy all your extra-feature film-loving needs, but you might have to wait a bit.

For now, Hulu is your best bet and if you don’t want to wait around for Vulture’s virtual film night, you can go watch it right now.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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