Rumor Patrol: Will Marvel Studios Be At SDCC?

sdcc mcu geekiary
MCU Phase 4 details at SDCC 2019 (Image: @TheGeekiary)

Will Marvel Studios be at SDCC?  We don’t have a simple yes or no answer, but we’ve got plenty of experience with the con.

I’ve been attending San Diego Comic-Con since 2011 and have made it into Hall H for Marvel Studios panels three times (2016, 2017, 2019).  Since I committed myself to these panels, Marvel Studios has skipped one year, which was 2018.  They also skipped 2015, the year before I decided I was a Marvel Studios Hall H Fanatic.  Prior to that, I had other priorities.  My entire convention experience circles on Marvel Studios now, though, so this has sort of become my life.

If you’re looking for a definitive yes or no answer, this isn’t the article for you.  What I’m going to do here is gather up all the current chatter and try to figure out what’s likely.  So let’s dive into the rumors and try to figure this out.

Rumor: Marvel Studios will go to D23 instead.

The D23 convention takes place every other year (with a two year gap this time due to the pandemic).  Marvel Studios skipped SDCC twice in favor of doing their big MCU reveals there instead (2011, 2015).  However, they’ve also doubled up several times (2017, 2019) and skipped years when there was no D23 (2018), so this means nothing.  For some reason, however, people have it stuck in their heads that this is THE deciding factor.

If someone tells you this, you can dismiss them as having no idea what they are talking about.  It’s not a reliable indicator of anything.  It’s something they just do sometimes, but not other times.  That’s all.

Rumor: Marvel Studios will be there because they put up banners.

The big news of the day is that Marvel Studios banners have appeared in the Gaslamp district.  This is a good sign, but not a definitive sign.  Let’s remember that back in 2018 they had banners too, and they weren’t there.  So, like D23, this isn’t a reliable indicator of their planned presence in Hall H.

Things are a little different this time around, however.  Marvel Studios also has loads of Disney+ content that they are pushing, and the current banners seem to be slanted towards that.  My speculation is that Disney+ will have a large presence, but if something skips the con, it’s going to be the films instead.  This is just a gut feeling, however, so don’t go around spreading it as fact.

Speaking of spreading it as fact…

Rumor: Some guy on Reddit said they’d be there.

I’m active in a couple SDCC groups on Reddit and a few weeks back some random dude said they would definitely be there.  I knew I should be cautious with just some guy saying stuff on a forum, but I still got my hopes up.  Once rumors started to fly that they weren’t going to show up I pressed the guy.  He promised to look into it and get back to me, but he has not.  I really should not have expected anything different.

Let’s be real here, folks.  That guy knows nothing.  Go ahead and chuck his statements out the window because he’s already been contradicted.  I really should not have let myself get hopeful, but I’ve been missing Marvel Studios fiercely and let myself believe in some random guy for a moment.  Don’t be me!

Final Marvel Studios Hall H Verdict: Disney+ will probably be there, but the movies may not.

Do remember that this is just speculation on my part.  But it’s speculation based on experience and an obsessive amount of SDCC community involvement.  I’m in four Facebook groups, two Reddit subs, and four Discords.  I’m not the ultimate SDCC authority, but I definitely have my ear to the ground.  However, I could be wrong.  So just keep that in mind.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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