‘Teen Wolf’ News Retraction

Two days ago we published a Teen Wolf article with a premise based on a factual error, which has since been removed.  Not only was the premise incorrect, but the error inadvertently erased an actor’s biracial identity.  For that we deeply apologize.  We try to provide consistently accurate information while simultaneously standing up for groups that are often under-represented in media and geek culture.  We failed on both fronts with this article and there is no excuse.  We apologize not only for the factual error, but for going against our own standards when it comes to standing up for representation.  We also apologize to those who were hurt by the erasure.  We failed you and went against our own standards.

Our motto here at The Geekiary is, “We’re fans. We have FEELINGS.  This is where we talk about them.”  We will always defend our author’s right to express their feelings, even if they are critical, angry, or otherwise negative.  We stand by the author of this piece when it comes to her expressions of frustration over certain elements of the show, even if other staff members and some readers disagree.  This does not excuse the factual error or the erasure of an actor’s racial identity.  We believe that her heart was in the right place and she meant well, but in this instance, a fact was overlooked which caused the article to be based on a false premise.  We truly believe this was an accident, and we’ll continue to support our author’s critical view of media as long as it’s factual and meets the standards of our website.

Our Teen Wolf crew is diverse and often disagrees over issues of representation, character development, and plot.  We are evaluating our Teen Wolf crew internally with each individual member to decide how we’ll be covering the upcoming season.  The negativity over this incident, compounded with other factors, has caused our most positive Teen Wolf author to drop out of reviewing the upcoming season.  This is a big blow to the diversity of the team and we’ll be taking a critical look at how we’ll be handling coverage of the show moving forward.  We are proud that all of our shows with multiple reviewers have differing opinions and we strive to keep it that way.

We’d like to thank everyone who reads our website and has supported our various endeavors.  We’re sorry to have let you down.  We’re sorry for getting such an important fact wrong, and for hurting people who are often hurt by representation in media and society at large on a daily basis.  We unequivocally apologize for our error, for the offense caused by the error, and for going against our own website standards in regards to representation.

-Geekiary Administration

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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