The Geekiary does the Ice Bucket Challenge


For the past few weeks there’s been a big rush of people dumping ice on their heads for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  It’s spread across fandoms with celebrities participating including actors from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (all three Chris’s have participated), Teen Wolf, Arrow, and Supernatural.  It’s even transcended politics with George W Bush participating and throwing down a challenge to Bill Clinton.  Hillary Clinton was also challenged by Supernatural‘s Misha Collins.  I, the Admin of the website, have decided to throw my own hat in the ring and pull in some new fandoms that have not yet participated.  I challenge Winchester Family Business, Lenny from An Englishman at SDCC, and both Dominion showrunner Vaun Wilmott and actor Tom Wisdom.  Traditionally you’re only supposed to nominate three people, but I simply couldn’t decide who to nominate from Dominion so I just nominated two hoping that at least one of them will take up the challenge.

The challenge has two purposes.  One is simply to raise money for the ALSA or similar orgs.  Last year in the same time period they raised about $50,000, but so far this year I’ve seen estimates as high as $30 Million (estimates have varied, so I can’t verify the exact figure).  The second purpose is simply to raise awareness of ALS, which is an illness that not many people know about.  In the USA it is often referred to as Lou Gherig’s disease after the famous baseball player who was diagnosed with it in 1939.  In the UK it’s referred to as MND (Motor Neuron Disease).  The campaign has been successful on both fronts.  And hey, let’s be real, cold wet people are funny.  Especially cold wet celebrities.

So I’ve thrown down this challenge to four individuals.  Let’s see who steps up.

Edit 8/23:

Our YouTube Manage Lynette has stepped up and nominated Bryan Fuller, Cecil Baldwin, and Cara McGee.

Edited on 8/22:

The first challenger has stepped up to the plate.

Edit: 8/23

Cara McGee beat us to the punch and released a video right before we nominated her!

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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