The Wheel of Time 2×04 Review: “Daughter of the Night”

"Daughter of the Night"
Egwene (Madeleine Madden), Nynaeve (Zoe Robins), and Elayne (Ceara Coveney) in “Daughter of the Night.”

The Dark One’s recently returned associate is hiding in plain sight in “Daughter of the Night.”

After making a discovery in the first of three episodes that punctuated the start of The Wheel of Time’s long awaited second season, Moiraine (Rosamund Pike) sets out on a journey to locate Rand (Josha Stradowski) in “Daughter of the Night.” Her quest succeeds just in time, as Rand nearly dies at the hands of the Dark One’s (Fares Fares) recently returned associate Lanfear (Natasha O’Keefe), who has seduced Rand as love interest Selene. Though it didn’t seem like Rand’s somewhat toxic fling with Selene would last, the twist of her true identity is interesting and well-done.

As she searches for Rand, Moiraine visits her sister Anvaere (Lindsay Duncan) and false dragon reborn Logain (Alvaro Morte). Anvaere chastises Moiraine for the long gap of time from her last visit, and Moiraine asks Logain to help train Rand. Moiraine’s interactions with her sister shed more light on her backstory, particularly the personal effects of her longstanding commitment to the Aes Sedai.

Meanwhile, Lan (Daniel Henney) struggles with his severed connection to Moiraine and her decision to leave him behind. The Aes Sedai that he and Moiraine have been staying with, Alanna (Priyanka Bose), and her two polyamorous lovers try to comfort him. The season has done a good job with allowing characters to truly deal with the events that have transpired, and it’s good to get additional insight into Lan’s relationship with Moiraine and his feelings about the severed connection.

Despite resisting Elyas’ (Gary Beadle) advice in the first three episodes, Perrin (Marcus Rutherford) finally decides to listen to him. Elyas reveals that Perrin is a wolf-brother like him and gives him insight into their nature. Finally getting more answers about Perrin’s nature is satisfying, and his instant bond with a wolf friend is sweet. Elsewhere, Min (Kae Alexander) finds herself in a meeting with the Dark One’s associate. Though it’s unclear what the Dark One and his associates want with Mat (Donal Finn), Min’s refusal to let Mat be harmed makes her a more likable character despite her dubious alliance with Liandrin (Kate Fleetwood).

At the Aes Sedai tower, Nynaeve (Zoe Robins) struggles with the aftermath of her harrowing trials, particularly the “daughter” she left behind in the portal. Though she has some tension with Egwene (Madeleine Madden), Liandrin is the surprising person that helps her cope with everything. Though there is plenty of manipulation involved on Liandrin’s part, Liandrin’s vulnerability about her secret son and her helpful advice to Nynaeve is a nice moment.

Unfortunately, Liandrin’s motives remain unclear. She tells Nynaeve that Perrin needs her help and Nynaeve plans to leave the tower. Egwene refuses to let her go alone and Elayne (Ceara Coveney) follows them. Egwene’s speech about wanting to excel at Aes Sedai training due to wishing that she was able to help Rand in his battle is an emotional highlight, and Elayne continues to be a great addition to the cast with her fast friendship with Egwene. Unfortunately, the three seem to walk into a trap as Liandrin knocks them out during the attempt to leave the tower for reasons yet to be revealed.

“Daughter of the Night” is yet another strong, character driven entry in The Wheel of Time’s second season. In addition to the strong character moments, the production design on the season has also been solid. However, the night scenes throughout the season’s four episodes could use some brightening to help better see the action. Regardless, it will be intriguing to see what Lanfear’s next move will be, what exactly Liandrin’s plans are, and what else is in store for our heroes.

Author: Jessica Wolff

Jessica Wolff is a graduate of Drexel University with a BS in Film/Video. She has a passion for entertainment and representation in entertainment. She currently resides outside of Washington, DC.

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