POLL: Favorite Summer Show


Summer is coming to a close and we’ve got to ask, what’s been your favorite summer show?  Have the angels of Dominion captured your interest?  Are the werewolves (and Kitsune and Banshee) keeping you entertained this summer?  Are the vampires and werewolves of True Blood giving you a good final season?  Let us know with your votes!

In order to be eligible for this poll, the show needs to have had episodes airing between June 1st 2014 and August, though the show could have premiered originally before that date.  Not every show is included simply because there are a lot of TV shows out there and the list is extremely long already.  We apologize if your favorite didn’t make the cut.

VOTING IS UNLIMITED, but Polldaddy has a built in system to reduce spam, which we have no control over.  If you vote too fast it will set you in a “cool off period.”  You should be able to vote again in a few hours.


Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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217 thoughts on “POLL: Favorite Summer Show

  1. Can I gush about Dominion? I was just looking for something to fill some TV time during summer, so I was floored to find a show that stole a piece of my heart. The first two episodes were okay – I purchased the movie the TV show is based off and filled in my knowledge gaps – but episode three, just, wow! And then I found out how sweet, and fun, and approachable the cast and writers are. They were like finding new friends you can talk to and squee with during episodes. I really hope SyFy renews this show because it’s an awesome, well-written, filled with twists and turns, beautifully shot, directed, and with wonderful special effects show. But I also want it because I think the cast and crew are superb at their interactions with fans.

  2. Dominion for me i had low exspectaions but it just blew me away the writers and cast are really lovely to talk to i really hope for a season 2 i want to find out what happened to Michael when he left Vega after killing Becca i want to see Alex story continue wil he join Gabriel there is so much more i want to see.

  3. It has to be Dominion. No question about it. There was suspense at every turn, surprising twists in every episode. The cast is amazing, the writers are brilliant, their interaction with fans during episodes is awesome.

  4. It’s really hard to pick between Dominion and Penny Dreadful. I think I might alternate votes only because I’m not entirely sure which show I want to win. I honestly love both but for different reasons.

    1. You can select more than one show, you can even vote for all shows at once, you don’t have to alternate the votes, if you don’t want to 🙂

      1. Thanks! I figured that out the second time I went to vote. I noticed my options weren’t greyed out after selecting one show.

  5. LJ, I hear you because Penny is wonderful. I love it too and it’s a wicked new take on the classics with a fabulous cast, etc, so it’s hard not to. BUT-and this is important-it’s future is currently assured as it is on Sho and the premium cable channels do things a little differently than do those like SyFy, which also counts on ad revenues. For Dominion to advance assuredly, it needs to show it has a COMMITTED fan base. This is no time for indecisiveness. You’re on a mission here, for pity sake! Snap out of it! #Dominion

  6. To add my two cents, Defiance needs that support too you guys. Defiance really needs a third season, just like Dominion needs a second. We gotta support the Syfy shows, and I mean, the casts of both shows are so sweet and friendly. Nothing would make me happier than hearing of a pair of renewals for the shows. So if we could try and get Defiance higher on the poll, maybe not dominating Dominion, heh, but higher than it is, it might be a good message to Syfy to say, “Hey! Renew these shows! We want more!”

    1. I don’t like Defiance as much as Dominion. Dominion is much more intimate, character driven. Defiance is too much violence.

    2. Alice, who’re a couple of ppl to follow for Defiance. I’d like to help with your tweetouts on Thursdays.

      1. That’s so sweet of you, thank you! Here are some fans, cast members, and some other people involved in the show who tend to have really good tweets!

        WomenOfDefiance HellbugsInLove kevinmurphyhc dedalvs juliebenz msjaimemurray AnnaBananaHops DewshaneW and Lonely_Nerdette (okay Lonely_Nerdette is me but I’m fun I swear)

      2. Defiance lost me this year. I am going to have to spend a day watching it to try to understand it better. I will vote for it. Did you know you can vote for more than one show at a time?

  7. I love DEFIANCE, it’s amazing and it totally deserves a 3rd season! I’m in love with the show and the storylines since episode one, if you haven’t watch it, DO IT. You’ll see what i’m talking about once you start watching! The plot on season 2 is beyond incredible and don’t make me start with the cast! They are the most dedicated group of actors you’ll ever found! Renew Defiance!!!

    1. Amen! It’s an incredible show, isn’t it? Everyone who I’ve ever shown it to has fallen in love!

    2. I know right :D. Grant is a sweet heart (and a pain in my butt lol, but I still love him) I’ve talked with all of the cast (minus Steph)

      1. I’ve talked to Steph and can assure you she is just as sweet as the rest of the cast. Defiance is a cast of sweeties.

  8. LOL, I see someone woke the Orphans! I love Tatiana, but Orphan Black is solid gold, so my vote has to be with Dominion. For Those who are torn between Defiance and Dominion, I recommend you support one or the other rather than divide between the two. So, if you feel like Defiance needs to move up then make your focus there. SyFy definitely will get the message if they see an organized push behind it’s shows. Just my thinking anyhow. Splitting your vote up weakens it.

    1. Defiance needs it more right now, if you ask me. Both Syfy shows are great (and OB has already been renewed so they’re safe) so I hope Defiance and Dominion share the top of this poll. If you look, Defiance has sailed up from under 100 votes to over 500! We’re getting there!

    2. Since you can multivote on one ballot, you can vote for both Defiance and Dominion at the same time and it won’t hurt either. Show the love to SyFy.

  9. I love In The Flesh and Dominion battling it for that top spot. I think at this point either deserves it with how dedicated the fans are. 😀

    I will have to give my vote to Dominion (shows like Teen Wolf and Game of Thrones already have their seasons announced and don’t really need it). There are no more episodes coming that can show our passion for the show. Defiance still has a couple of episodes to go and can get buzz on social media when the episodes are airing.

    1. I hope Dominion and Defiance get renewed, they both have really promising futures. Syfy, hear our plea!

  10. Some great shows listed but it has to be In The Flesh all the way for me! Such a beautifully written, poignant show that so deserves a third series!

    1. Honestly, I want every single one of these shows to be renewed! Everyone seems so excited and passionate about their favourites! I don’t watch all of these, but if people are as excited as they are, well, these shows deserve to keep going!

  11. If I were a hacker, I’d replace all the options on this poll with Defiance.

    …okay, no, I wouldn’t, because I’m not a jerk, but you see where I’m going with this. I really like Defiance a lot.

  12. Does Dominion get better after the first episode? I made myself watch the movie it was based on and then started the pilot because I have a soft spot for Chris Egan (justice for Kings!) but it was just soooo cringeworthy to me. The acting, the costumes, the effects… even the romances bugged me. in It’s a shame because the plot sounds like something I’d really be interested in. So should I give the show another shot? Or is the pilot a good indication of how I’ll feel about the show as a whole?

    1. omg, hi fellow kings fan! it did improve a bit from the pilot but tbh i still mostly watch it for egan and am not very invested in the plot and the characters 🙁 (sorry dominion, i did vote for you!)

  13. I’m puzzled how this poll works. I’m voting for the best show ever, Dominion. I’ll vote, see new votes there, but then come back and these votes seem to have vanished. What the heck is going on?!!!!

    1. We’re looking into it. Right now the vote logging on the back end doesn’t show anything unusual but we’ll monitor this for a while and see what we can find out.

      -Admin Angel

  14. My fave show Beauty and the Beast aired its 6 back eps of S2 this summer but since it’s not listed I only watch 3 other shows on this list ~ Dominion , Teen Wolf and GoT so easy peasy vote for me ~ DOMINION all the way!

  15. How come my comment got deleted just because I said I wanted anything but Teen Wolf to win?

    1. It’s possible that it’s because I’ve been removing anything that is pure bashing with no discourse. I’ve deleted about a dozen comments that are just insulting things without any actual discussion. If your comment included discussion and wasn’t pure bashing, deleting it was my mistake and I apologize. If it was bashing, please keep in mind we don’t allow that in our comments section.

      -Admin Angel

    1. As is stated in the introduction paragraph:

      “Not every show is included simply because there are a lot of TV shows out there and the list is extremely long already. We apologize if your favorite didn’t make the cut.”

  16. For me there is no contest – In The Flesh all the way. It is such a important, beautifully written, shoot and acted series, and it needs season 3.

    1. I’m with you, In The Flesh for me, its just such a clever well written show, its a joy to watch.

  17. Love your polls, allowing more than one option!
    This year I’m voting The 100, In the Flesh, Dominion and Penny Dreadful, all new promising shows.
    What a difference a year makes, last year I was TW fan all the way.

  18. i adore Orphan Black, i love Penny Dreadful and Rizzoli and Isles, and Orange is the New Black, but the show that made my summer is In The Flesh. our fandom might be small, but our love for the show is great. winning in polls is a way to demonstrate that. WE WANT SEASON 3 (and 4, and 5, and more) VERY MUCH. PLEASE GIVE IN THE FLESH SEASON 3!


  20. I just discovered “In The Flesh” last weekend and I ended up watching both seasons in one sitting. It’s a fantastic show with incredibly developed characters. Each one has purpose and meaning. I also really like that women aren’t treated just as love interests; they have their own storyline as well. I really hope there is a third season, and I hope we get it soon.

  21. I’m here to show my support for In The Flesh! It’s a fantastic series, and since there’s no word of season 3 yet we fans need to show our support wherever we can. If you haven’t seen the show, give it a try. I haven’t been this smitten with a show since the BBC’s Sherlock.

  22. In the flesh is so brilliant.

    Don’t saw Dominion yet but going too.

    Teen Wolf became an horrible show drived by an awful self centered jerk showrunner.

  23. In The Flesh is the most brilliant show I’ve ever seen. *ranty rant* It deals with so much, besides putting a new and enthralling spin on a dead genre. ITF goes through prejudice, discrimination and society itself. It also deals with depression, anxiety and mental disorder WITH REALISTIC REPRESENTATION and the different reactions surrounding them. Not to mention the absolutely amazing sexual representation and breaking away from that ‘oh they’re gay it consumes the storyline’ stigma so many shows develop, it’s just like any other romance in a different show and doesn’t overtake the importance of the main plotline. Dominic also brings in great female characters that are multi-dimensional in ways other shows skip over. ITF is by FAR my favorite show I have ever had the pleasure of watching.

  24. I love IN THE FLESH from the bottom of our hearts, and almost all my family and friends watched it, and we are all want save this show! Please, give us a third season and #SaveInTheFlesh

  25. I love IN THE FLESH from the bottom of my heart, and almost all my family and friends watched it, and we are all want save this show! Please, give us a third season and #SaveInTheFlesh

  26. In the Flesh is a beautiful show that I think society is craving right now. People who have depression or feel marginalized in any way seem to identify with different storylines. It’s a show with a lot of heart and it made me cry many times; something not a lot of shows have done!

  27. I’d also like to add to other comments by saying that I truly believe that Dominion is the future of basic cable/Satellite. Not just because the show is brilliant & original – which is definitely is – or because the cast of actors are very talented – which they are; but because of the wonderful way that they communicate with the fandom. Every single one of them, down to writers and producers, tweet live during the show. And most of them tweet on a regular basis even when the show isn’t currently broadcasting. They’ve become almost friends, people who we look forward to tweeting with when we sign onto Twitter. Bravo, Dominion, for making us fall in love with both the characters, and the actors who play them!

  28. It has got to be In the Flesh. It is such a brilliant show; great writing, great characters, spectacular plotline. We desperately need a season 3 #Saveintheflesh

  29. The thing about In The Flesh is that – apart from being a beautiful, well-written show – it is also an important one. The themes it addresses are so often ignored in tv, or are mishandled, but ITF portrays them so well. And for a show that does touch on those topics to be cancelled would be such a huge loss because there really is nothing quite like it. #saveintheflesh!

  30. In the Flesh is the one. It’s one of the rare shows that addresses so many problems we have nowadays in such a good (or bad, if you think about how awful these problems are), realistic way. Depression, homophobia, racism, self harm, anxiety and many more. People may laugh that it’s just a dumb show about gay zombies, but those people probably haven’t even seen it. In the Flesh deserves another season and you would think so as well if you watched it. #saveintheflesh

  31. I really hope in the flesh wins!! Its such a great show and it depicts all the aspects about modern society’s flaws that a lot of shows dont generally pick up on. Also with the threats of it being cancelled maybe winning this will give it a chance for a third season!!!

  32. I really hope In the Flesh wins. It is such an amazing perfect show, I’ve never seen anything like it. Also, if it wins, we might have a better chance of saving it! Save the gay zombies!!! 😀 SaveIntheFlesh

  33. In The Flesh just has to win. We need a third season so badly and this would totally show BBC3 that ITF has so much potential. ITF for the win?

  34. im a bit surprised how there arent more comments about in the flesh !! fantastic show. i dont know what i would do if there wont be a third season! #saveintheflesh

  35. In the Flesh is my favorite show this year and ever since discovering it I have fallen in love with the storyline and certain characters. I am a huge fan and hopefully others find their way towards this show and see just how wonderful it is. Kieren Walker is a character handled well, in sexuality (which is not what defines him), to his development throughout the series. Amy and Simon were fantastic as well, and Simon’s backstory was something else. The ending to season two, episode three, surprised me in the good way; even if I saw hints of it happening. The plot is unique and seeing zombies in this way is a fresh experience where in this age rabid zombies are wildly popular. I’ll re-watch this series over and over until I get exhausted and that won’t be for a long time. Even then I will continue to be enamored by this whole show. It deserves a third season, and anyone out there who has not seen this show yet, I highly recommend it!

  36. This isn’t bashing – I just have never heard if In The Flesh and am surprised it is winning. What channel is it on and what is it about?? It seems like some really small obscure one but it is in the lead so I am a bit confused…

    1. It’s the most amazing show ever written I swear to god, they tackle real life situations such as miniority discrimination, to mental health, to sucidial thoughts and feeling and handles them extremely well, they also have amazing LGBTQ+ reprensintation hence the Lead Character is Pansexual/Bisexual and it’s perf.

      Anyway, the show is based upon the biblical apocalypse, where approximitally 144,000 people were risen from the dead, that died in 2009, and risen in 2013 I believe, and now their trying to fit back into everyday life, while other was the second rising, etc. anyway I recommend the show to every cause it’s perfect. The acting, the writing, and everyone in it.

      1. Oh and I forgot to mention, it isn’t on air anymore/yet, we’re trying to save the TV show, hence this poll, you can get links from Tumblr if you want to watch it, there are 2 seasons, the 1st season has 3 episodes, and the 2nd one has 6, all around an hour each episode. But again I really strongly recommend it.

        1. In The Flesh is not just a zombie show – it’s an intelligent, beautiful commentary on real-word issues given through the eyes of a completely realistic character. But yeah, it’s not a series you would watch purely for entertainment.

          1. I’m very invested in Dominion. It is a deep story but can also be a light story if you don’t want to really immerse yourself in it. I am in love with Dominion as a whole, and I do have this thing about characters, would not enjoy the show without Michael. Thing is I love shows like you are talking about. I have Amazon Fire TV and wonder if I can watch the former seasons on that, or maybe they are on Showtime? Is that where In The Flesh is aired? I might try it when tv gets bleak, like when the shows come back in the fall. I am so tired of the tired old formulas they use on the networks. Hey does anyone watch Perception?

            1. I could not stay invested in In The Flesh. Ponderously slow and I am tired of zombies, rehabilitated or not.
              On the other hand, I love Dominion! It is so different and I am looking forward to the mythology that the Creator/Executive Producer Vaun Wilmott has planned.

              1. In The Flesh isn’t really a “zombie” series. Yes, some major characters are “undead” but its nothing like The Walking Dead/Zombieland/*_of_The Dead etc.

                For me, the big attraction was how much I hated the characters that the audience was meant be unsympathetic towards, and how much I liked the characters that audience was meant to feel sympathy for. Most of the time I really don’t feel anything towards tv characters, so when I found ITF that was what really made me a fan of the show.

            2. Acorn, I love Perception. It’s an awesome show.

              For this, I’m 100% behind Dominion. I can’t wait to see what Vaun will create for us. It’s a world that I’m very happy to get lost in. It keeps me thinking. I’ve come up with my own solutions to some of the puzzles we’ve been given, and I’m curious to see what I might have gotten right. Fighting for that second season.

    2. You know what would be great? If Dominion and In The Flesh could finish in the 1st place with the same number of votes. They’re the 2 best shows on the poll and both deserve to win (and be renewed, of course).
      After that, I’d like 3rd place to go to Hemlock Grove because it needs to be renewed, too. And then Penny Dreadful, The Strain and The 100.

      1. I’d like there to just be renewal all ’round, everyone seems really excited about their shows! Personally, I think Defiance needs renewal above all, but of the shows on this poll I have seen, I think they all have merit enough to continue.

    3. OK so I watched it and wow. I have no words it was amazing and – sorry Dominion fans – I have switched teams. I love both shows but honestly if I had to pick a favourite there is no competition now. If you haven’t seen it yet, please please do it is a beautiful story with beautiful characters, and is only 9 episodes long so you can catch up pretty quickly! 🙂

      1. LOL, I was the same way, Joanne. I got bored one weekend and decided to watch one episode to see what the fuss was about. I spent the rest of my weekend watching both seasons and I just bought the DVDs.

    4. How unusual, an American who hasn’t heard of something outside of the borders of America.

      1. This is an uncalled for personal attack. The Geekiary is run by people around the world and we don’t tolerate insulting people based on their nationality. Please don’t do this.

        -Admin Angel

      2. You are misinformed. I am an American and I probably know more about Britain than I do about the US. There are many Anglophiles here.

      3. Two of my favorite shows are Sherlock and In The Flesh. But comments like this really don’t make me want to support British television.

    5. In the Flesh is about zombie readjusting to society after being cured but the people are still against them. The protagonist is Kieren and he is 18/23 played by Luke Newberry

  37. I really hope In The Flesh wins. It would be *amazing* if our tiny almost-indie, low-key English show with next to no budget — but seriously solid and profound writing instead — surpassed all those big-budget shows and proved to the BBC that we’re the little fandom that could, and that this perfect show is worth saving. #SaveInTheFlesh!

    1. I really love BBC America. I take care of my mother and when the time comes I am going to visit all my friends in Britain. Including one all the way up there in Scotland. And one in Glastonbury too. Of course I hope my mother lives forever. She is my best friend. At least she was before she got shingles in her brain. She had a setback today so I am glad I have my Dominion, etc friends here this evening.

    2. Hi Mara,
      I’m wondering if there’s a “renew In The Flesh” petition going? I thought I’d signed something after series 2 ended, but I may have mixed it up in my head with the “don’t shut down bbc3” petition.
      I just watched Luke Newberry in Suspects this afternoon. It’s amazing the amount of talent this kid has!!

  38. I’m really glad that In The Flesh is leading because this show deserves to win this poll. If you guys haven’t seen this show yet you should definitely watch it, because In The Flesh is just amazing!

    1. I keep seeing such passionate support for this show! I may just have to watch it myself. However, I shall keep voting for Defiance, as it is deserving of a third season above all in my eyes.

      1. You should definitely try watching in the flesh it is a beautiful show that tackles issues of prejudice and oppression aswell as just being entertaining. We are desperately trying to save our show so I completely empathise with your want of a third season, good luck with that I hope you get it!

  39. So glad In The Flesh is in the lead! It really REALLY deserves it! On of the most most visually beautiful and profoundly written show ive seen, with a good dose of subtle British humour to add poignancy. It is a bit of a slow burner so i can see why it isnt for everyone, but man do i love it.
    Hope it gets renewed!!

    1. Please vote for Dominion. You have had In the Flesh for years, we have had only 8 episodes! We need votes for Dominion!

      1. Seriously? We have only like one episode more than Dominion, besides we want In The Flesh to be renewed just as much as you want it for Dominion.

        1. I apologize, was told there were a few seasons of In The Flesh. Then I heard we get it on BBC America. I usually don’t watch zombie shows but I will try it if I see it. And I also apologize for being selfish thinking only of Dominion. I also like Defiance, and to tell you the truth, I am a huge Game of Thrones fan and have not been voting for it. That is how much I love Dominion. I hope they both get renewed! Good luck.

          1. In terms of seasons vs. epis. It’s true, Dominion and in the Flesh are similar. What is different, however is that In the Flesh has had a couple of years to develop a fan base while Dominion has done what it has done in only a few months. That’s what I was talking about when I earlier mentioned your number of seasons. There is no question about the quality of the shows on this list! And the passion of the fans rages for more shows than just ours (speaking of the two that have–heh-heh–hijacked the poll). In fact, no matter who ends up on top, this poll has brought so much positive attention to the way fans will organize and work together, strategizing, forming cross-partnerships, etc. I’ve told a couple of the AngelCorps members that I admire your (call you zombies

            1. I have never participated in a campaign to save a tv show. There were a few I thought about but none have grabbed me like Dominion has. And I only watched it because a friend told me she didn’t like it, so of course I knew I would probably love it and I did. But I never knew you could actually fall in love with a tv show. It is not just Tom Wisdom’s performance as Michael, although that is a huge part of it. I just want him to pick me up and fly me out of my life onto his top of Vega nest. Not much of a life for me. I take care of my elderly mom who battled lymphoma and shingles in her brain. I am thankful every day I wake up and see her breathing. But an interlude with Dominion once a week would do me a world of good.

              1. I agree with your comments entirely, and for the same reasons. I’ve never been a SyFy fan, DON’T like zombies; but have fallen in love with Dominion…and Tom Wisdom’s Michael. If this show doesn’t get renewed, I think I’ll go into mourning!

      2. And we’ve only had 9 episodes in two years. Plus we need In The Flesh renewed for season 3.

        But anyway, people should vote for whatever show they like best. In my case it’s In The Flesh, no contest.

        1. Exactly. That’s why I’m voting for In The Flesh, I need this show more than air right now. It’s brilliant, the cast is wonderful, the whole story is just breathtaking and I’m so unbelievably attached to these characters it’s seriously insane! Tbh I haven’t seen Dominion but I’m not going to vote for something I don’t even know.

          1. I have never seen In The Flesh but I do know what you mean about needing a show more than air. That is how I feel about Dominion. Let’s hope they are both renewed. I don’t think this vote matters to those who decide to renew or not. It is different networks after all. So I hope both our shows are renewed so that we don’t suffocate without them. Needing a show is something I am quite familiar with.

            1. Yeah, I agree, sadly this poll has nothing to do with the possibility of being renewed. Anyway we’re in the same situation so good luck guys and let’s hope that both our shows will be renewed soon enough.

  40. In the Flesh it is for me. I really hope that it will win. Maybe a small sign to TPTB? I would break my heart if this show did not get renewed for season 3.

  41. I like the Dominion cast but I have issues with the show’s writing. The women characters are highly sexualized. The “lesbian” Arika sleeps with a man, she’s willing to sell girls into slavery, she kills all her handmaidens & a woman “her sister” to stay in Vega. Yes most of the characters are immoral but the show kills off way more visible women characters than men, the 1st 8-ball, Bixby, Clementine, all the aforementioned women and Becca. The sleeping positioning of the women in the opening orgy scene is ludicrous, of course some guy Michael sleeps with multiple women. The writing just reinforces the tired anti-woman tropes that women are hoes, conniving, lesbians sleep with men, and that women’s lives are worthless & disposable. Many other shows in this list deserve to win this poll, namely Penny Dreadful (that shows REAL intimacy), OITNB, Orphan Black! ALL high quality shows with writing that shows in depth characters & does not objectify women.

    1. In the flesh also features non-sexualised females, a canonically queer protagonist, a WOC antagonist who’s motives are actually understandable, and accurate portayals of people with mental disorders. ((I enjoy orphan black but in The Flesh is my baby.))

      1. Just started watching In The Flesh due to this poll, literally 20 minutes in! Thanks for the summary. Sounds refreshing.

        1. Greeeaat, this poll is actally making people try out the show?! I’d love to hear what you thought about it, you could share it with us!

          1. Oh my yes. Admin here. Never seen In The Flesh, but when something I haven’t watched does well in a poll I set up I tend to check it out. Watched all 9 episodes in a day and a half. Now I’ll be happy if either show wins. 🙂

            1. Haha, I was the same when I first discovered In The Flesh! I watched all nine episodes in a few days. I haven’t been so in love with a show since Sherlock first aired <3

              1. Just the comments section, though I have been debating opening up a forum for quite some time. I haven’t looked into the options yet, but it’s an idea I’ve bounced around for a while.

                1. A forum would be pretty awesome. A lot of people here have such loving passion for their shows, and I would love to interact with them more than just in the comments.

    2. The female characters may be sexualized but they are also very strong female characters. Let’s see, strong females using men by dangling sexual favours. Sounds not unlike real life to me.

      1. That was for DOM1994. I can’t tell if that went under their comment or not. So the one that starts “Putting the word lesbian in quotes…” was in response to them.

    3. Putting the word lesbian in quotes makes me think you’re assuming she can’t be a lesbian just because she slept with a man (epsecially when she points out it is strictly business). The point is, she’s using her sexuality to get what she wants and to gain the upper hand. That’s not really sexualizing when she’s the one in control of how and when she uses her own sexuality.
      All the women are extremely strong characters. The sexualizing is being done by people like you who assume that a woman can’t be sexy AND powerful.
      Also, just because women may be in an orgy with a guy, doesn’t mean they’re powerless either. If I wanted to be in an orgy then I will damn well do it. It’s my choice what I will do sexually. I could sleep with men and women alike if I damn well chose. That doesn’t mean I’m being sexualized. It means I’m taking charge of my own sexuality and doing with it as I damn well please.

      1. The word lesbian in quotation marks is meant by me to indicate the dictionary definition of lesbian as a female homosexual. I believe that the majority of this show’s intended demographic is likely to use this same-sex definition of lesbian. The more nuanced definition of lesbian, where sexual behaviour does not entirely match sexual identity is beyond the scope of my off-the-cuff critique in my original post. My point is that when lesbian characters are presented in mainstream shows they are often shown being predominately sexual with men or in this case with men first. It’s a case of the lesbian still being accessible sexually to men so as to be less threatening. (Note: I wouldn’t even have brought this up and would have assumed Arika to be bisexual if it weren’t for tweets from one of the producers joking about “lesbians-lesbians-lesbians”).

        I don’t know what viewers mean when they say that the women characters are “extremely strong”. I would agree that the women are strong in that they are resilient but they are not powerful. Not one of the female characters is powerful in her own right. I could detail character by character why I hold this opinion but it would be too long for this thread.

        I’m not sure how my comments on a tv show would limit your choice to sleep with whomever you’d like and I have no interest in policing your sexuality. My comments on the orgy were with respect to the sleeping positions of the women, which were ridiculous. I never said the women did not consent to participating in the orgy I assume they did. However, those women are in fact powerless because when they are told they are to be shipped off to Helena they have no choice, they are powerless over their own lives.
        As an aside, the orgy could have been gender balanced by including half men and half women but didn’t presumably to demonstrate Michael’s strength through his heterosexual virility (why angels would be anything other than pansexual is beyond me but that’s not relevant here).

        Women using their sexuality to get ahead “in business” is the literal definition of sexualized. Arika OUGHT to be a powerful person as she is the founder and leader of her very own city. Presumably in order to survive and found her own city (as Edward Riesen did with Vega) she is intelligent, resourceful, and a leader. In addition, Arika has resources and assets with which she can negotiate. BUT no … she has to use her sexuality and sleep with David in order to advance her agenda/strategy. Arika’s strength is reduced to her sexuality which means “sexualized”. Edward doesn’t have to sleep with anyone to advance his agenda but alas the woman leader does … Which is additionally sad since Arika & Uriel have had some 25 YEARS to come up with a plan. I agree that a woman can be (and are) sexy and powerful but just like the powerful men (ex: Edward) it would be refreshing if the woman characters could just be powerful by using their brains instead of being reduced to their sexuality.

        1. This is a reply to Dom1994. My name is Mike and I’m a writer. I really like your comments about the writing of the characters in Dominion. TBH I thought all the women characters were written as kicka$$ but when you mansplain it I can see it in a different light now. I would like to hear your thoughts on the other characters and any other shows. If you would like to discuss more maybe there is a fan discussion page on this site or you could contact me at magicmichaelguy at mail dot com. I’d really like to avoid the same pitfalls in my own writing. Thanks.

      2. This is harsh TIFFANY. I don’t agree with everything DOM1994 stated either but there is no reason to use damn well over and over and over again.

  42. I don’t get involved in very many fandoms or get all that worked up about most TV shows, but Dominion has really struck a cord with me. The writing is fantastic, the acting is superb, the scenery and the effects are outstanding. Each week of the extremely short 8 episode season just got better and better in terms of story and pacing. There are a lot of “main” characters but each gets enough screen time so that no ones story suffers, plus each episode had at least one OMG moment that was totally unexpected and shocking, that’s what makes compelling TV for me. In addition the cast and crew is so incredibly accessible, friendly and fun on social media. I am really hoping that SYFY gives this show the chance to continue to build the audience it deserves.

  43. I like a lot of these shows. However, I’m getting worn out with zombies. I’m cheering for Dominion because it is something completely different than what is on TV right now. There’s lots of zombies and aliens but not angels. I like the way angels are very different than the normal way we’ve seen them throughout the years. I say let’s have more Dominion!! 🙂

    1. Have you seen In The Flesh? It has nothing in common with all the zombie shows out there. I mean CURED ZOMBIES! Have you ever seen this?!
      I agree with you in the fact that Dominion has a different take on angels, but it can’t compare to In The Flesh in that matter.
      Besides, there are more and more shows with angels (Supernatural for one), but that doesn’t make Dominion any less marvelous. So the fact that there are several other zombie series shouldn’t make In The Flesh any less brilliant, just like the tons of vampire stuff shouldn’t make The Strain any less awesome and inventive.

      1. I haven’t seen it yet, no. It sounds interesting. I am just so burned out on the zombie stuff lately that I haven’t had the chance to check it out. I hadn’t even heard about it until this poll. I’m always up for checking out new shows. I’m a fan of Supernatural and I liked the angels in that too. I just really like how the angels are in Dominion :). I will check out In the Flesh eventually. I just have so many shows to keep track of at the moment.

        1. Yeah, you definitely should check out In The Flesh. It’s as brilliant and perfect as Dominion, but in a totally different way. I couldn’t choose between the 2 if my life depended on it 😉

          1. I will definitely check it out in the near future. For now though, my heart belongs to Dominion lol.

    2. Anyone who refuses to watch In The Flesh because they’re tired of zombies clearly has no idea what the show is about. I can think of another show that uses angels (Supernatural), so I could easily shrug off Dominion by saying I’m sick of shows with angels. But then I would be unfairly judging a show I only know the tiniest bit about.

      1. Kelsey: (I’m not sure if you were addressing me because my phone makes the comments difficult to follow): I NEVER said I refuse to watch the show. In fact, if you’ve read my other comments, you’d realize that I have said I have been wanting to give In the Flesh a shot (now that it is on my radar because I hadn’t heard of it until this poll) but haven’t had the time. I am allowed to be burned out on the entire zombie genre as I’ve been a fan for years and watched countless shows and movies. I simply say that I like the way the angels are portrayed in Dominion. That’s my opinion which I am entitled to. I have never said I didn’t like the show. I mentioned in a previous comment that I haven’t seen it yet (in other words, I can’t give my full opinion on it in terms of the show as a whole.
        I am rarely disappointed in anything the BBC puts out there and I suspect I will feel the same when I get around to watching In the Flesh. I’m sure it’s great. I see that there’s a decent fan base surrounding the show. That’s great. I’m just stating that I’m cheering for Dominion because I really like the show and want to see more. Just as you and fellow fans of In the Flesh are.

      2. How can we watch a show that we never heard of until this poll? They say it was on BBC America, I did not notice it ever. Beings there was only 9 episodes spread over two years it would have been a hit or miss for us to find it at all. I’m not sure I would be interested in seeing something with pan-sexuals in it either. I know a lot of you Brits think we Americans are stupid and self-absorbed. I like my SciFi to be entertaining, not dealing with today’s issues. We have enough issues here like guns around every corner, rednecks, Christians that don’t believe anything Jesus said. Doesn’t matter to me, but please stop trashing people who never heard of your tv show.

        1. Calm down. Nobody is trashing anybody. And we get it. You love Dominion. Great. We are happy for you. Nobody forces you to watch In The Flesh. This show caters to a certain audience anyway. And I, for one, wouldn’t have it any other way. To quote one of the actors Emmett Scanlan: “It didn’t cater for a wider audience – it pretty much said ‘F-k you, this is who I am, take me or leave me'”. I may be completely in love with this little indie show, but since it wasn’t made to be a mainstream sucess, I don’t really expect everyone to fall in love with it. I mean, after all this show deals with themes like mental illness, suicide, self-harm, self-hatred, and feeling alienated, where zombie state (partially deceased syndrome) is a metaphor for many issues like ableism, homophobia, racism, and so on. And yeah, the main character is not straight. Obviously ITF is not for everybody. But I’m so proud to call myself a fan. And what our small, but great fandom can accomplish when we put our minds and efforts together.

        2. I’m an American GO Tampa! and I’m a big fan of British tv Dr. Who, Penny Dreadful etc. and also Canadian tv Lost Girl, Orphan Black, Vikings etc. AND of American tv OITNB, Defiance, Dominion etc. BUT I must say I am disappointed and a bit embarrassed by the behaviour of the Dominion fans in the comments here. I’ve never heard of In The Flesh either. In these comments though the ITF’ers are just championing their show whereas some of the Dominion fans feel the need to compare the shows and put down ITF for having zombies even though they haven’t seen a single eppy. Even if you had seen all the episodes and didn’t like the show I think it would still be more respectful to just say I Love Dominion and not compare any other show. I think BRIT ARMY up there was a bit rude but I think they were probably miffed by the tone of the original poster.
          This reply from ACORN is beyond the pale though. I personally am offended by the comment “I’m not sure I would be interested in seeing something with pan-sexuals in it either”. Whaat?! Seriously?! I come to this site BECAUSE it is inclusive & we can have respectful convos about sexism, racism and esp. LGBTIQQ issues. It would be totally unacceptable to say “I’m not sure I would be interested in seeing something with African Americans in it either” but you think it’s ok to say that about pansexuals?!
          I would really like to see Penny Dreadful win this poll but based on the behaviour of the Dominion fans I think this poll should be closed and ITF should be declared the winner. My two cents. SMH!

          1. Actually after reading all these negative comments from Dominion fans I’m done. I just can’t.

          2. I deeply apologize that his comments offended you. As a pansexual AND a Dominion fan I just want to assure you that not all fans of the show are against the idea of In The Flesh or depictions of sexuality in TV shows. In fact, this entire website is about bringing to light various under represented groups in the media. So I’m very sorry and I hope you won’t hold this offense against the entire Dominion fandom, who so far have been a really fun group of people to have conversations with.

            Good luck with the poll.

            -Admin Angel

            1. Yes, I know I promised not to post again, but I have found out why we had a hard time communicating. Generational gap. I am 59 years old, hardly of an age with most of you. Yes, I lived through the 60s, free love and all that. But I am kind of shy still when it comes to being as open as the younger generation about their sexuality. Although it took me almost all day, I finally found the answer to my question asking what pansexual means. I should have known, being a pantheist myself. What a beautiful way to ignore gender and love personalities. In my case, we called them friends. I never thought of being a lover of a woman I loved. Anyway, I am sorry for the misunderstanding. I was not even dissing In The Flesh, I just didn’t understand a lot of what I was reading. So yeah, I am older than most of you most likely. I saw the original Star Trek when it was originally on. And the Day the Earth Stood Still with Gort and Klaatu when I was 3 years old. I have been a SciFi girl since I was big enough to sit on my dad’s lap at the movies. And even though he is only a few months older than my son, I lust after Tom Wisdom.

              1. You didn’t know what pansexual means, and yet you dismissed the idea of watching a show with a pansexual protagonist altogether? If you’re unfamiliar with something, don’t immediately put it down because it’s new.

                1. What I did was make a mistake. Now I would like to say that I try to keep up with everything, music, tv shows, and I am a big fan of BBC America. I usually ask my 15 year old niece about what things mean but this time I did not but it made me understand her facebook a whole lot better. It seems like this is one of the things I missed out on, since I am socially awkward being bipolar and all. I live an isolated live with my mother, my cat, a blind squirrel and a very small chipmunk that I saved from the brink of death when a hawk dropped him. My windows to the world are my computers and my TV. I have no problem with you. If you didn’t know what a chipmunk was and said to me that you have no desire to watch a show about chipmunks, I would pretty much say, fine your loss. You could have said that to me rather than think I was racist or some kind of ahole. My grandparents came to the US in the early 20th century, from Eastern Europe. My mother was born here but she faced such prejudice from the people in this small mostly PA Dutch and Welsh people. They called her a “Hunk” not what it means today, believe me. My parents troubles in their childhood made me realize how precious any life is, particularly one that doesn’t fit into the box like all the other pegs. Maybe you should think about that sometime. I am probably twice your age. I have lived through interesting times. Everyone makes mistakes, so I think you can forgive one made by me.

                  1. I didn’t say I would never forgive your mistake, I’m just saying don’t be so quick to shut something down because it’s new.

                    I also realize how precious all lives are, especially the square pegs in round holes. I’m an activist in the LGBTQ community and have always found myself with the “misfits,” whether it be due to race, gender expression, gender identity, sexuality, or just personality in general. I know you probably weren’t trying to be condescending, but you came across that way when you told me to consider the values of people’s lives who maybe don’t fit in, because I am one of them and it is something I’ve never needed to truly think about. I understand that you’re older, as you’ve stated multiple times in other comments, but you should understand that age isn’t always relevant. Just because I haven’t lived through the same “interesting times” as you doesn’t mean I haven’t learned the same lessons, and other lessons. I don’t appreciate being talked down to due to my age, because, believe it or not, I’ve been through a lot, and I am still an adult.

                    1. Please read this with a friendly tone to the words. This is what I dislike about email and social media. You cannot hear me speak and so you put your tone on what I type. Me condescending? I worked hard to get gay marriage legal in Pennsylvania. I put myself out there, something that is very hard for me, for a cause that I believed in. No I am not condescending. Talk about being a misfit, that is me and throw in the bipolar when I slip into manic mode and tell people to get out of my way and then break down crying after I do it, it is no wonder why I stay home. It is a good idea to talk to people that are not of your age, with the same or different interests. I can be very interesting and I’m kind to others and take care of baby squirrels and chipmunks. The fact that people think I am condescending really hurts. I made one mistake, saying I wasn’t sure about watching a show with pansexuals. I should have said because I don’t know what it means. I should have said until I know what it means and now I know and understand. I am terribly sorry that some got the impression I thought I was better because I am older. I seem to get to be more of a misfit as I get older.

          3. Dear Meryl, I did not know what a pansexual was until today. I wasn’t trashing anyone and I was not beyond the pale. As I explained to Angel K, I am 59 years old. I didn’t know what it meant. I don’t keep up with all the terminology anymore. I’ve been trying to tell the ITF people that I would like to see it since it comes so highly recommended. Also I have bipolar disorder and that is a mental issue, I have been and will probably continue to be suicidal until the time comes when I finally do it. I have 4 beautiful grandchildren that I do not want to let down or hurt by deciding they were not worth living for. So, welcome to my world. My crazy, bipolar, spinning out of control world.

        3. This entire conversation is escalating beyond reasonable bounds at this point. We can have a discussion about our shows, show our appreciation, and not discredit others.

          It’s fine to have a preference in media, but the conversations I’ve seen so far from ITF fans aren’t something I’d classify as “trashing” at this point. It’s just different preferences and I gave their show a shot (yes, putting it out there, the admin was a Dominion fan first) and enjoyed it quite a bit. If it’s not your cup of tea that’s fine. But let’s cool the tone down here and try to just enjoy this fun poll for what it is.

          -Admin Angel

  44. http://beesandjam.tumblr.com/post/94371544737/episodes-series-1-1×1-1×2-1×3
    ^^^ Links to in the flesh episodes on google drive ^^^

    For anyone who hasn’t seen in the flesh and for some reason are saying bad things about it. I highly recommend that you just watch one episode. Because I have to admit that the trailer does this amazing show no justice whatsoever. I’m sure that after you’ve watched it you’ll change your mind, its not just a stupid zombie show, it tackles lots of real life problems in modern society and has a good LGBTQ+ representation with a pansexual (or bisexual) main character! And if you dont change your mind, that’s ok. you dont like it and that’s fine. But please dont say you dont like it without at least trying to watch it first. Thank you!

  45. OMG this show In the Flesh I can’t believe it exists. Fabulous show such human emotion, S103 episode … whaaaa!

  46. So excited that In the Flesh is winning. It’s such a fabulously-made show. There is not another show where the protagonist is a pansexual/bisexual zombie. Plus they tackle big real-world issues like discrimination and mental illness. This poll is making me so happy. Maybe it’ll be an extra push for a third season? #SaveIntheFlesh

  47. I can’t describle how much I love in the flesh. The show has amazing characters with relatable traits i’ve never seen represented on television before. It deserves at least five more seasons
    To those who are looking for another great show, I recommend you guys go check out utopia. The show has multiple people of colour in lead roles and, just like in the flesh, well developed leading female characters.

  48. Shall we talk about we’re we found our shows? For example, Before I discovered In The Flesh, I was in the Teen Wolf Fandom (but ever sense the start of Season 4, I just pretended it doesn’t exist anymore past season 3b) and a friend of mine recommended it to me, and I fell in love instantly, Now I consider my main Fandom to be ITF, all though I did take Sterek and the rest of the characters of Teen Wolf with me haha.

    1. OMG!!! The same here. I loved Sterek. I never started watching Teen Wolf season 4…this whole storyline…haaaah…just so bad. Nevermind.

      And thene there was LIGHT…in the form of “In the Flesh”. BEST show I have watched in a while!!! LOVE IT!

      1. I was into Teen Wolf too but left when it started to get all convoluted and plot hole-y. This was way before I found In The Flesh though. So what filled the gap? Welcome To Night Vale!

  49. I hope there will be season 3 FOR“ in the flesh”,and really Kieren is too cute to be gone.and Amy too.
    please make it season 3 4 5…..
    can’t wait to see …
    it’s a great show ,really great,I suppose season 3 will be top 1 season I never seen yet

  50. Dominion WOW! its about time Syfy gave us a series with genuine appeal. I love the story line and the acting,(Tom Wisdom is a exceptional actor, he brings Michaels character real depth and believability “OUTSTANDING”). I have recorded all the episodes just in case Syfy is stupid enough to cancel and not give the show a real chance. It takes some viewers a little while to find these gems. After all you have to dig through a lot of coal before you find a diamond. So Syfy give us what we want and that is Dominion! There is so much they can do with the story line and there is so much material to work with. So Syfy polish this Diamond and let it shine!

  51. oh man, I came here a few days ago to vote for Dominion (which I did). Upon noticing that In The Flesh was coming first, I decided to go and watch it. Sorry, but IN THE FLESH HOLY F*CK IT’S GREAT. I like Dominion still, of course…but turns out In The Flesh really was better O_o holy crap I wasn’t expecting that.

  52. This poll is a fraud! Everytime I vote for Dominion, one vote gets added to Dominion and exactly 5 votes get added to In The Flesh! I’ve tested this 21 times!

    1. Are you aware that you’re not the only person voting? There are dozens of people voting constantly for In The Flesh so it’s normal that the number of votes keeps changing. And it changes faster than Dominion because there are obviously more voters, or they know a way to vote faster. For example, you can make more than one vote at a time by clicking several times in a row on the “vote” button.

      1. It is statistically impossible for the votes added for in the flesh is exactly 5 every time I vote. I have experimented with this at different times, different rates and different blocks of voting. Of course, I know others are voting. But it would be different for every time I vote! It would be very easy to rig this poll!

        1. “Statistically impossible.”

          No, it’s absolutely possible that more than 5 times the amount of ITF fans than Dominion fans are voting on this poll. In fact, when I check IPs and link backs from various sources, it reflects that. I do not appreciate you calling my poll a “fraud.” I’ve worked very hard to keep things fair here.

          -Admin Angel

    2. Are you kidding me? Can’t you just accept that you guys are losing at the moment with some dignity, instead of creating conspiracy theories?

      When I was voting yesterday, I must’ve been alone for a while, so the count for In the Flesh was raised by only my votes for a short while, while Dominion’s bar keep increasing by at least 5 or more votes with every click, and yet you didn’t see me being sour about it. Maybe because I logically assumed that there were just more Dominion fans voting at that moment…

      1. I am a scientist, I don’t get upset about trivial matters of who is winning unless I think the game is rigged. I believe in honesty and fair play. If anything, your reply shows how little dignity you have for yourself. I was just stating a fact after performing a scientific experiment on this poll. My conclusion is that it is statistically impossible for my one vote for Dominion resulted in 5 votes for In the Flesh,every single time I voted. I would feel the same way if voting for In the Flesh resulted in 5 votes for Dominion. I have no opinion of whether In the Flesh is a good or bad show.

        1. You need to tone down the tone of your accusations. It’s not helping your cause. In fact, accusing the poll runners of fraud makes me less inclined to side with you. Watch your tone please.

          -Admin Angel

        2. ANGELWANNABE: I’m a statistician and it is not “statistically impossible” for your one vote to be outvoted at a 5x rate by competing votes at any period of time. By the way in statistics and statistically sound random experiments we do not speak of “statistically impossible” but rather of “statistically improbable”. Your experiment was not sufficiently random to draw a valid conclusion. I would suggest that if you chose to participate in this poll that you respectfully trust the efforts of the poll owners to ensure fair voting practices. This poll certainly has not brought out the best in certain fandoms.

          1. I should have mentioned that I have been monitoring the data and randomly sampling this poll as part of a graduate student team researching on-line crowd behaviour. My sampling indicates that the voting has followed usual human voting tendencies with the results skewed due to the high voting of the two leading fandoms. This poll has been interesting with respect to the psychological aspects of crowd behaviour. Issues related to gender, sexual identity, nationality and age have been commented upon. Our research has indicated that trailing categories often accuse the leading category of cheating in the final hours of open voting. It is often the case that the losing categories will demonstrate disrespectful practices especially just prior to and in the following days of the poll’s closing. TheGeekiary.com should be commended on the levelled and respectful approach moderating this poll.

        3. Honestly, when I first came to vote in this poll I was 100% rooting for Dominion – and I still think the show is incredible – but while I was voting I noticed that In The Flesh kept getting 5 or so votes every time I voted once for Dominion. So instead of shouting ‘FRAUD!’ I figured that it was probably an interesting show so went to check it out. I watched the whole thing in one sitting, fell completely in love, and so I changed who I was voting for accordingly. I was still a fan of Dominion then, but more and more the behaviour of the fandom in the comments is driving me away and I am pretty sure I am not the only one who loves the show but is appalled at the fans behaviour.

  53. I’m an ITF fan, and haven’t heard of Dominion and Defiance before voting in this poll. They and a few other series on the list seem really interesting, so I’m going to check them out. <3

  54. I’m an American grad student at an American university on the team that is conducting a social media crowd behaviour study and I just want to thank TheGeekiary. We on the research team are finding tv fandom behaviour fascinating. In particular this poll has highlighted very interesting fandom attributes through the juxtaposition of the ITF and Dominion fandoms. The comments on this poll and those that have spilled over onto other social media platforms Twitter, Instagram, LET, blogs etc. have been very interesting to research. The Dominion fandom in particular is very interesting as it is only months old yet so passionate and active in social media. In our opinion both fandoms could be nominated for a ‘most engaged and passionate’ award!
    The ITF and Dominion fandoms are interesting to study because they are so different. From social media it is estimated the ITF fans are much younger with mean age in 20s, predominately male, heterosexual, white, with a large and loyal LGBTQ following (as is typical of non-heterosexual audiences). The Dominion fandom is estimated to be some 15-20 years older with mean age in mid-30s, predominately male, heterosexual, with a large and loyal female following, as well as a small yet active and socially well accepted LGBTQ following.
    The most interesting aspect of the Dominion fandom from our perspective is the exceptionally high participation of the Dominion cast & crew on social media and their regular engagement with fans. The Dominion cast, in particular the female cast, can be applauded for their open and welcoming engagement of a small but socially active LGBTQ fandom. The Dominion Executive producer Vaun Wilmott is exceptionally active and well respected by the fandom as are the male and female lead Chris Egan and Roxanne McKee and main supporting cast.
    The ITF show itself is slower moving, more “indie” style, with a younger cast. The show has a much higher critical rating with a Metascore of 76 and a User Score of 8.2. Dominion has low/mixed critical reviews with only a 48 Metascore and although it is not recognized as sophisticated TV it is generally considered to be entertaining. Interestingly despite the low critical success the fan rating is only 5% lower with a User Score 7.8. The show is faster paced and has more emphasis on gun violence with Syfy posters predominately focusing on automatic weapons. Dominion scores much lower on the Woman in Media Representation test with a high degree of female objectification, sexualisation , violence towards women and gratuitous nudity. The least stereotypical female role of Becca was deleted from the show otherwise the score would have been slightly higher. Both shows require improvements in the representations of Persons of Color.
    The fan comments here on the Geekiary aptly show the fan dynamics. The majority of fans are respectful with a vocal minority that are negative in their commentary.
    The first comment thread by JOANNE 11:53 am August 19, 2014 was interesting in that her comments resulted in a negative response from BRIT ARMY which in turn resulted in negative comments from ACORN and AMERICAN. However to user JOANNE’s credit she did not engage the negative comments and in an interesting turn of events became a ITF fan.
    Some Dominion fans engaged in show comparisons such as NANCY with the ‘other’ show judged as inferior.
    The user DOM1994 a Dominion fan engaged in ‘same’ show critical analysis, which is in our opinion is entirely appropriate and should be welcomed by a show’s producers. DOM1994’s fan critique resulted in a rebuttal from TIFFANY. Interestingly TIFFANY did not continue the ongoing debate but moved it to Twitter where she tweeted the female cast of Dominion a screen capture and sought approval of her opinion. This is very interesting to our team given the age gap of the Dominion vs ITF fandoms and the higher social interaction of the Dominion cast on Twitter. This interaction is predominately positive and fun for fans however it has also highlighted negative aspects such as clique forming and cast approval seeking. Interestingly, it can be noted that the older Dominion fan base is highly motivated to be engaged with a younger cast. The ITF and Dominion poll has highlighted to us this ‘age gap’ effect of fandom that we will be exploring in more depth with other fandoms.
    The other aspect we will be exploring is with respect to nationality. Although both shows are in danger of being cancelled inducing a level of desperation we have assessed the older American Dominion fandom to have been ‘less positive’ than the younger British ITF fandom in their comments over all social media platforms. We do not know if this is related to age, nationality, sexual identity, etc. but it is positive that a younger generation can engage is positive debate.
    In the end which ever show wins this poll we think the communication and ‘same’ show fan interaction is positive. We will continue our research in the hope of improve ‘inter’ or ‘other’ show fandom interaction so that fans may engage in civil debate and ‘other’ show appreciation.
    In the end it is as fan FRANCES stated: FRANCES 11:09 am August 22, 2014
    Greeeaat, this poll is actally making people try out the show?! I’d love to hear what you thought about it, you could share it with us!

    1. You lost me at “From social media it is estimated the ITF fans are much younger with mean age in 20s, predominately male, heterosexual, white, with a large and loyal LGBTQ following (as is typical of non-heterosexual audiences)”
      Could you please provide source for the fandom demographics, because I wouldn’t have assumed that white heterosexual males in their mid-20’s were the largest audience.

      1. The source of our study are social networks such as Instagram, FB, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Vine, let, Yik Yak, kik, Pheed, 4Chan, etc. We have scripts that crawl for certain keywords that are further categorized by our (human) research team and volunteers. There is a distinction here between our study and actual tv viewer demographics as we are studying tv fandom active on social networks. Our study group is ‘estimated’ since the majority of social network users do not state their age or location. Younger social network users are more likely to do so. In instances where age/location/gender/sexual identity etc is not stated we infer from profile pictures, posted pictures and comments. We are aware that our methodology is far from precise but that is the nature of social networking. You raise a valid point however that I will bring back to the team. With respect to ITF the “heterosexual” members may in fact be GBTQ youth that have not publicly identified as such. Thank you for your observation.

        1. I find it especially weird since you’d say that most ITF fans are male, since the majority of people I’ve seen on the ITF tag on tumblr are female.

    2. I’m very honored our poll could help you with your research. If it becomes published material we’d love to give it a read. If you have any questions you can contact us at TheGeekiary@Gmail.com

      -Admin Angel

    3. oh wow. interesting.

      You know, you would have had an analysis fest with the Teen Wolf fandom…
      Like, for real.

  55. One other study observation that is unique in our research and an indirect compliment to the Dominion cast and fandom is that the fandom is growing so fast that other Syfy fandoms have taken notice and for whatever reason have stated to engage in negative commentary towards the fandom. What is unique is that the negative commentary is ‘same’ network and directed not at the quality of the show but at the fandom itself. Recently some members of the Defiance and Warehouse 13 fandoms have criticized the Dominion fandom, stating that the fandom is insignificant and that the fan are is ‘so bad tho’. This is unique in that these are same network Syfy fandoms criticizing another newer Syfy fandom. To the Dominion fandom’s credit with the exception of some extreme negative name calling at the critical fans the Dominion fandom has been overwhelmingly restrained and good humoured about it. In social media comments the Dominion fandom is encouraging new fans to continue with their novice fan art and is re-framing the other fandom negativity as ‘a challenge’. This is a very positive response from a new fandom. It should also be noted that although the Dominion fandom is new it is not insignificant and has on average 1/3 higher number of tweets per live-tweeting event as compared to the Defiance fandom.

    1. Just an FYI, I consider myself to be in the ITF Fandom, and I’m a Gay Mexican if that helps? (17 turning 18 on next month), and if your interested in Slash Ship research. You can check out the 2014 Ultimate Slash Competition on TheBacklot . com, very interesting, over 5k comments, over 5 million votes casted. Hope I helped!

      1. AIRICK yes thank you. There are members who are definitely interested in slash ships. I know of one student that mentioned a recent After Ellen poll for instance. I will bring your suggestion to the team. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  56. Well congratulations everyone! I’ll be checking out Dominion and Defiance soon, once I have time. I hope everyone gets their shows renewed. Anyway this has been fun, and I hope Thegeekiary (I’m looking at you Angel) gets in contact with BBC or even Dominic for an interview.

  57. Sorry I make a typing error the sentence should have read ‘art’ not ‘are’:
    Recently some members of the Defiance and Warehouse 13 fandoms have criticized the Dominion fandom, stating that the fandom is insignificant and that the FAN ART is ‘so bad tho’.

  58. I came and stayed here for ITF, but it looks like I’ll definitely have to check out Dominion!

  59. Just did a two-day marathon. Wow. Was one of those shows I hadn’t heard much about, but I after one episode was hooked. By far the best new show this year, with impressive production, great acting, and a new and fascinating story. I hope SyFy sticks with a winner and I know more people will become fans.

  60. Add another vote for “In the Flesh.” This may be the best show I have ever seen, and I do not write that lightly in the least.

  61. You guys if you haven’t already seen it please watch in the flesh it is an amazing show that is in danger of never seeing another season. Please watch vote for it in other things to because this is a beautiful show that is often underappreciated.

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