Loot Pets April 2016: The Quest Collection

Loot Crate Review

The past couple of months, the Loot Pets boxes I’ve received have been heavy on the treats and accessories…but The Quest Collection definitely included some different and fun items.

The Quest Collection was heavy on Adventure Time, which is a show I only watch once in a while – but that means that I’ll be able to run a fun Loot Pets giveaway from my booth at MegaCon next month! The giveaway will include a small Unisex t-shirt, a doggie t-shirt that is a L/XL, and probably a couple other items from The Quest Collection as well!

To be honest, The Quest Collection box sat on my counter for half a day before I had a chance to open it, and needless to say it wasn’t just my dogs who were interested in what it contained. Of course that very likely had something to do with more than just the Queststrips treats inside; the contents were wrapped in bacon-printed paper with a scratch-and-sniff bacon sticker holding it together!

The Quest Collection Loot Pets

That’s not to say that my dogs weren’t excited about those treats – I mean, how couldn’t they be? The Queststrips are 100% all natural beef treats, made in the USA, and don’t contain any gluten, soy, corn, or grains. As someone who is pretty particular about the treats I feed my dogs (and even more so, how many treats I feed them), I once again have to applaud the quality of the food items that Loot Pets offers. And yes, my dogs love them.

The Quest Collection Loot Pets

I have to admit that although Wendy loved the toys included in the February and March Loot Pets boxes, she didn’t seem quite sure what to do with the bacon toy included in The Quest Collection. To be honest I have a feeling it’s because the toy is crinkly and not stuffed. What can I say, she likes to pull the stuffing out of things…

The Quest Collection Loot Pets

And now for a sneak peak of some of the items that will likely be included in my MegaCon Loot Pets: The Quest Collection giveaway! There is a really cool dog collar tag, as well as a mini graphic novel called “Battlepug” (draw your own conclusions)…but also, the aforementioned matching parent and pup Adventure Time t-shirts!

The Quest Collection Loot Pets

Every month there’s been at least a couple things that my pups love in Loot Crate’s Loot Pets subscription. The treats themselves are usually worth it, the toys are always fun (even if my dogs are snobby about them ::cough cough:: Wendy), and there’s always a surprise (or two) in store as well. Here’s ’til next month!

Author: Tara Lynne

Tara Lynne is an author, fandom and geek culture expert, and public speaker. She founded Ice & Fire Con, the first ever Game of Thrones convention in the US, and now runs its parent company Saga Event Planning.

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