‘The New Mutants’ Pushed Back Again, Bring On The Memes

the new mutants 2020 April film
The New Mutants (Source: 20th Century Fox, 2018)

There are two things that are certain in life: death and The New Mutants being postponed. Oh, and a third thing: memes.

The New Mutants is cursed. Absolutely cursed. First, it had a recut due to a test screening, then a delayed-release, reshoots, then another delay, and then the Disney acquisition. Disney was less than impressed with what it got, it seems. But finally, the film was completed on March 7th and it looked like things were finally going to fall into place for an April 3, 2020 release.

Enter: pandemic.

A couple of weeks ago (which honestly feels like several years ago), Disney announced that many of its films, including The New Mutants, would be pushed back because of the outbreak. Now there’s talk that the film could go straight to a Disney+ release, similar to Onward which saw a short-lived run in theaters before crap truly hit the fan in the United States. Artemis Fowl has also been shifted to a Disney+ release

This seems even more likely as new release dates have been announced for almost every film except for The New Mutants, which is a weird sort of kick in the pants for a film that’s already been kicked around for years. Releasing it this way could be a blessing for Disney, which has seemed pretty damn nervous about whatever mess they’ve been handed by Fox. They can get this film out there while hiding any bad numbers for it within their streaming service.  

But the Internet is having a field day with this. The Netizens are doing what they do best… making memes about the situation. What else are we going to do?

This whole situation is fairly ridiculous and Disney just needs to drop the film digitally to end everyone’s suffering. Maybe it’s a terrible film. Maybe it isn’t. But delaying it so many times has made the delay itself the most talked-about aspect of this movie, which isn’t good for anyone.

Just throw it online already, please.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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