This blog has on average between 12 and 20 active participants at any one time. When chatting with us via social media, you may be curious who you’re talking to. Here’s a breakdown.
Our articles automatically post over to Twitter when they get published.
The majority of Retweets, responses, and Direct Messages are done by the admin Angel and Jamie.
The account is also monitored frequently by co-admin’s Tara and Khai, editor Erin, and frequent con attendees Stacey and Froggy. Others may tweets from conventions occasionally. Check out our Convention Calendar for clues about who is making convention related tweets at any given time.
If you have a question about who you are talking to at any given time, just ask! We will sign our personal correspondences when character limit allows it.
We no longer use Tumblr. Find out why here.
All articles automatically crosspost to Facebook. Most messages are answered by Angel.
Instagram includes pictures from conventions taken by our entire staff, as well as occasionally geeky observations as we go about our daily lives. Angel, Erin, Bekah, Jamie, and Froggy are the current frequent users.
Angel is the main Pinner. She aPINogizes for the pin puns. Erin also assists.
YouTube and Gmail
Angel, Jamie, Farid. Khai, and Erin have access to these accounts. All email correspondences will be signed by whomever you are talking to at any given time.