Favorite Horror Themed TV Show 2014
It’s October, which means it’s time for the Geekiary’s annual Horror Themed TV Show poll!
The rules of this poll are simple. In order to qualify the show had to air, premiere, or be between seasons in 2014. The show has to have some element of horror in it such as vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, or some other level of grotesque or gory quality (such as cannibalism for Hannibal). Not everyone may agree that these shows fit squarely in the “horror” category (In the Flesh, for example, isn’t a typical zombie show), but the horror elements present within the narrative qualify it for this poll.
Last year’s winner was Hannibal. Will it keep its title this year? It’s up to you.
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Author: Angel Wilson
Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.
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I’m keeping my fingers crossed for In The Flesh! Amazing show and we need all the help we can get to get it renewed.
I agree i really hope In The Flesh wins we need this badly
in the flesh come on coME ON U CAN DO IT ITF
I agree I really hope they win. Such an amazing show and so many important things are adressed.
Yes, We need all the help we can get. I feel like winning this would be a good start to getting a third season<3
go into the flesh..i would vote teen wolf..but i don’t want to give them the satisfacation
LOL, me too! I’m giving all my votes to In The Flesh this year.
Hang on a sec, pretty sure the number of votes for in the flesh has just dropped dramatically. Boo!
And now it’s not letting me vote.
I’m a die-hard Fannibal, but it’s really awesome to see a great show like In the Flesh get some love. I hope it comes in at a close second.
Same here! In fact, I wouldn’t even mind if In the flesh wins, it does need all the publicity it can get. I’ll cry if it doesn’t get another season =(
I love a lot of these shows but I am desperate/rabid for In The Flesh to get another series soooooooo
In The Flesh, you goodddddd. But as a hardcore Fannibal, I can’t promise that you’re going to stay on top. That is, unless you mean on top of the table with some nice fava beans. Then by all means… ;3
May the most dedicated fandom win, and good luck to all!
I really, really like Hannibal, but honestly I think In The Flesh deserves to win this. And besides, if it does then its a step closer towards a third season and come on I mean, that should be top priority shouldn’t it?
Come on ppl, this brings us even closer to a third season of In The Flesh. :]
Always voting for In The Flesh! Amazing show with queer representation and realistic depiction of mental health issues! Also Luke Newberry and zombies <33
As much as I love Hannibal, please please please vote for In The Flesh we NEED a third season! That show is soo important and deserves much much more recognition!!!
In the flesh may not be a real horror but it brings up so many important issues. It has already helped so many people. And this show is much more to offer. In the flesh needs to be renewed. And as we know every little heps. This victory may bring us closer to a third season. ^_^
Not real horror?? I can’t think of much more horrifying than a war going down where you think it’s humanity vs “monsters that are wearing the faces of people you used to love while trying to kill you” but it turns out that those people you killed could totally have been saved and turned back into people again XD Even on the surface level this show is awesome!!
The show IS awesome
Well, I meant that it’s not scary like idk ‘Saw’ or something like that. There’s almost no gore in ITF but it IS horrifying when you think about how cruel and ignorant and paranoid people can be and how they can destroy their own kind. But I can go on and on about it. So just #SaveInTheFlesh , people ^_^
In the flesh is such a good show because like it tackles so many modern day problems and has a pan/bisexual protagonist!!! Also the plot is so good because its not like a normal zombie thing where they go around killing them, this time the zombies, er PDS sufferers, get to stand up to all the people killing them which i think is great!!! I really hope it wins as this show deserves a 3rd season so badly! But still good luck to all and may the best fandom win!!
I love Supernatural and always vote for it but In the Flesh definitely deserves to win.
Totally here voting for In the Flesh! This show deserves all the attention it can get, and hopefully we can rally enough attention to get a third season!! Good luck to everyone!
Voting in the flesh to save this amazing series!!
In the Flesh is probably by favorite show. I love Hannibal a LOT too, but if I had to pick one, I’d definately choose ITF.
I am sure all the other shows are amazing. I’ve seen Hannibal and its a great show. But my love for In The Flesh is beyond words! #SaveInTheFlesh!
hey anyone who might be reading this,
even if you don’t watch in the flesh, please vote for us! most of the other fandoms here have bright futures and can risk losing one poll, but we need all the help we can get or else there is no future for us. thanks !!
Everyone please continue to vote for In The Flesh, we seriously need the votes, hopefully it’ll help us get renewed for series 3! It is one of the best shows in terms of lgbt+ representation, there are women who aren’t just pretty background characters but actual heroes with incredible storylines and even though it is about zombies you’ll quickly find out that really it’s so much more.
Let’s make In The Flesh win this one, too! I love many other shows listed here, but In The Flesh is by far my absolute favourite. So let’s win this thing and let’s #SaveInTheFlesh, we can do this! o/
Keep voting guys. Save In The Flesh !!
I need a 3rd season of In The Flesh like I need air. It’s so amazing. Please let us win so that everyone sees how much we love it. No shade to the other shows here (I love Supernatural so much) but winning this poll will hopefully secure us another season. #SaveInTheFlesh
There are a lot of shows on this list that I absolutely love, but for me, In The Flesh definitely deserves to win. All we need now is a series 3! #SAVEINTHEFLESH
pls vote for In the Flesh! It’s so important for the show!!
Thanks to your comments, boys and girls, now I want to watch In The Flesh… it seems a so good show!
Anyway, I’m a fannibal. So, I will vote for Hannibal, that’s like… my life reason, right now. It’s a great, great show, with the most stunning photography and the best acting that I’ve ever seen.
watch it pls :/ it deserves a 3rd season but bbc does not give out information whether it’ll be cancelled or confirmed and we desperately try to save this amazing show!
Just echoing this statement. All of it. Lol
I understand why people would want In the Flesh to win, and if it does then good job, but I’m going to vote for the shows that scare me. I love the In the Flesh concept but I wouldn’t label it a horror.
Dear In the Flesh fans,
I just want you to know that the fannibal consensus on Twitter is that you are a really nice fandom and we all want to start watching your show.
That is amazing :3 Thanks so much to all of you!
Awww thank you so much! We love you guys too! And yes please do watch In The Flesh because you will love it, I promise you! ^_^
in the flesh is an amazing show that needs all the help it can get. (Hannibal fans please let itf get this one, season 3 is up in the air at the moment whereas hannibal doesn’t reeally need this win as it’s pretty secure already).
I feel your pain, when Fannibals were waiting for news for season 3 it was terrible! Unfortunately, Hannibal isn’t secure in the long run and there’s not telling if we’ll get renewed after this season. So we can’t let go any more than ITF :/
Voted for In the Flesh! It’s one of my favourite shows at the moment. I really hope it gets a third season.
I love Hannibal with all my heart but it really doesn’t need this win. Hannibal already has a season three in the works while itf could go either way! If you’re stuck between itf and hannibal please go with itf, I need a season three!
Hannibal is, and will forever be, the love of my life. Season 3 was a struggle for us. I feel like season 4 will be no different. I love a multitude of shows on this list, actually. Having said that, if itf beats Hannibal, I won’t even be remotely disappointed. The fannibals have been there, and we all understand that worry over renewal.
As a fan of the amazing In the flesh, I’m surely voting for it! But just THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the people of other fandoms being so lovely and supporting, maybe even if your fandom isn’t in the lead of this poll right now. Just thank you, all us In the flesh fans really aprreciate your support and awesomeness! You are all amazing and i hope you have a wonderful day!
It really looks like the popular vote is leaning towards “In the Flesh.” I love “Hannibal,” but I also watch ITF, and I like it very much. I choose not to vote for either, to avoid compromising either of them in the poll.
Hannibal for the win
Definitely voting for In The Flesh but I do have to say that no matter what the outcome is, it’s a pleasure competing with you Fannibals. You guys are hard. We’re in the lead at the moment but I know it’s gonna be a tough fight. Unless the Supernatural fandom catches wind and somehow wins by a landslide. I’m sorry I jinxed us all. Good luck all!
To be honest, if Supernatural (or another big fandom) comes along, I would probably vote for ITF instead of Hannibal. Don’t get me wrong, Hannibal is the love of my life. It’s just that I think we Fannibals can sympathize with not knowing if our beloved show will be renewed or not (thanks NBC, we appreciate the annual stress). So if we don’t win, then you guys certainly should.
As much as I ADORE Hannibal; In the Flesh desperately needs to win! This beautiful show deserves to have another season!!!
Hardcore Fannibal and Fleshling!!!
In the Flesh is so well done and deals with such important social themes. It deserves recognition for the superb job it does of blending pop culture with complex societal issues. It is proof that a show can have deep, thought provoking characters and plots and still be massively entertaining. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a third season!
Please, give the vote to Hannibal.
Please have mercy on us Fannibals! ;-; I love Hannibal too (although I’m not all the way caught up yet), but we really want ITF to win because the show might not get a season three, while Hannibal s3 is confirmed. I mean, yes, you can vote for whoever you want, and no matter which way this poll goes it’s pretty much guaranteed that either show will come in 1st or 2nd place, which is still great.
Also, if you haven’t seen ITF yet, you should really try it! It’s a beautifully done show. To be honest don’t think I’ve ever been so in love with a show before. It’s basically a twist on the zombie genre, where instead of it being humans vs zombies, scientists have found a way to ‘cure’ the zombies and rehabilitate them back into society. It’s so amazing and I don’t want to say more because you should just watch it and find out for yourself.
So save in the flesh please!
I haven’t voted in these online polls in ages, but Hannibal and In The Flesh are two of the best series’ I’ve seen in awhileh. I am only more emotionally-invested in In The Flesh however, so I am voting for that! Just when I thought I couldn’t love a series this badly anymore, In The Flesh comes along. Every single thing about it is amazing. It’s like a dream-series come true and my friends & I are doing everything we can to help get it a third series because we could so use more of this show in our lives. #SaveInTheFlesh
I just keep waiting with bated breath about a season 3 of In The Flesh. I mean, do you guys know how incredible this is? This 9 episode show, which before last week I had no idea existed because apparently it didn’t get much advertisement, is up there along with Hannibal. Not to mention that both of these shows are beating the more popular fandoms (only my opinion from what I’ve seen on Tumblr). We’re practically neck and neck at this point. Did I mention ITF has only 9 episodes?! Yeah, it’d be a shame not to renew it. It really has so much potential and is one of the best shows I’ve seen in my 28 years.
Hannibal fandom, wow. Way to get at it with that surge. Seeing how many votes you guys put in last year to win is a little daunting, let me tell you… but I think we’re up for the challenge. Best of luck!
Im in the same boat as you, just found out about it last week thanks to an amazing friend with great taste!
Couldn’t believe the quality of the show when I found out about it, too many heartbreaking scenes and I’ve fallen in love with just about every character. Gone a little In The Flesh mad since then.
The Hannibal fandom has been so chill the whole way through the voting period on twitter and the comments here, goodluck to all the shows competing!
Keep In The Flesh going! We need answers and that means another season!
In the Flesh. don’t get me wrong, I love Hannibal and Supernatural as well – but they are certainly getting a next season. we don’t know about In the Flesh. and we need it. we are starving for it.
Please! In the flesh has to win! Maybe then we’ll get a third series. Can’t you Hannibal fans understand this? Please vote for In the Flesh!
I love ITF but frankly cant see how the voting result will lead to its renewal- this is BBC and ITF already got some TV awards. Sterek got a million votes at Slash Madness Tournament but still can’t make Sterek canon.
It’s because ITF hadn’t a good rating, but most of all fans only knew about the show after season2 was already broadcasted, so the BBC has to see that there are now more people who want to see the show.
We need a third season of ‘In the flesh’. It’s a best show, which I was watching however. Vote for ‘In the flesh’!
Um, I actually enjoy In the Flesh, but I LOVE Hannibal. So, we Fannibals are coming to eat you. Nothing personal!
We need another series of In The Flesh
Vote In the Flesh!!!
Don’t tell me how to live my life! I do what I want! (Couldn’t resist. Lol)
I had actually decided not to vote, at first, out of loyalty to both shows. But I decided Hannibal just meant a lot more to me than ITF.
Good choice
i love how friendly the competition between hannibal and in the flesh is. like seriously no matter who is voting what, everyone is like, ‘it is a honour to be competing with this show’ or like ‘i love this show, but i also love this show’
like this is how fandoms should be. not wars, just love of great shows
I’m loving it as well.
This way in the end, whichever of the two wins it’s not too disappointing knowing that we acted decently towards each other. Because both shows truly are very beautiful.
Even though I am first and foremost a Fannibal, I love In the Flesh and have no problem whatsoever with it taking a win this year. I hope BBC 3 notices how dedicated the fandom is and gives it a third series. Both shows deserve all of the love they receive and more.
It boggles my mind how these 2 shows, who are so loved by their respective fandoms, are always threatened to not be renewed because of the low viewership.
I will be happy with either of them on top of this pool.
Keep up the love between fandoms, people! (I’m a fannibal through and through, but also love ITF)
I think ITF definitely deserves it more than Hannibal. Hannibal won LAST year. But, never the less. I’m so proud because even if ITF doesn’t win
it’ll come in 2d.
AND that is just amazing. And the amount of support for both Hannibal and ITF is amazing too. Soooo. I’m happy. <3
Still hoping for ITF!!
They’re both brilliant shows! Personally, I think Hannibal is a much better “horror genre” show, and INF is more of a social commentary than anything, but I won’t be voting Hannibal this year. It’s still a great show, but INF is in a very perilous state, renewal-wise. I’d do anything to get that show a deserved 3rd season.
93,000 votes for ITF.
Yay! #saveintheflesh
Let’s save ITF!
Hannibal is and will always be my most favorite horror TV Show!
Voted Hannibal. Never seen In The Flesh. But whoever wins congrates.
I love Hannibal. I really do. But I voted for In The Flesh anyway, even though Hannibal is more important to me. The media lacks homosexual normatively, it is so important that producers recognize that people want it. They want an awesome zombie series where the main characters happen to have a same-sex relationship without it being a “gay show”. Hannibal is great, but it is already famous. It is already popular. It is not controversial. Producers will fund it. On the other hand, In The Flesh may not get another season. So I urge you to vote for In The Flesh, even if you don’t necessarily like the show, because it’s not about that, it’s about making a statement. We need change in media representation, and this will help.
I’m slightly puzzled by your statement that “Hannibal […] is not controversial”. It’s beloved by some critics, it has dedicated fans – but it’s very far from being a mainstream hit. And “Producers will fund it” – I wish I had your certainty… Our future isn’t stable. The cancellation threat will always be the sword hanging over our heads.
Honestly, if ITF wins this poll, I absolutely won’t be furious (maybe just a little sad), and I wish you guys to get all the seasons you want and deserve. And I’m all for queer representation in media, being queer myself. It just so happened that my heart and other assorted organs belong to the show that, as of now, doesn’t have any same-sex couples. Unfortunately. But it has other things that are important to me, and things that fascinate me, and things that turn me on, sorry, and things I just always wanted to see onscreen. Yes, it also doesn’t have some things I’d want to see onscreen, and *does* have some that I absolutely would rather not see. But for the most part – it’s *my* show. Almost tailor-made for me.
But you say it doesn’t matter. Representation is more important. Maybe you’re right. There’s a nasty little voice in my head that says not agreeing with your arguments and choosing my show over ITF makes me a Bad Queer Person, and since I don’t make the right statement by voting for the right show, it totally means I’m making a statement that I *don’t* want representation… I’m going to ignore this voice, though. It’d find the way to try to guilt-trip me regardless of my voting choises. When I was too ill to participate in the poll it tried to blame me for the show not getting enough votes.
I’m making my statement. And this statement is *not* “I can’t care less about representation”, though I realise that it might look this way for other people. I’m sorry.
I’d say there’s nothing wrong with preferring another show.
I mean, I’m here to support In the Flesh, but that’s because hits me in a way that no other show has in years. I’ll admit, I don’t watch Hannibal, but if it’s the show that hits those points for you, then that’s the show you should vote for.
Even if only so you won’t regret it later.
I will beg you to at least watch In the Flesh, so you can understand why so many of us utterly adore this show, even above and beyond the main character’s sexuality.
Where’s the American Horror Story fans? As much as I love Hannibal, this is sort of sad since American Horror Story is so good. The Supernatural fans seem to be beat for once.
I love over half these shows to death-especially Hannibal and Hemlock Grove. That’s another one you guys should check out if you have Netflix.
I’m just grateful that the SPN people either haven’t heard of the poll or have decided to stay out of it. I’m usually an SPN fan, but I’m 100% voting ITF this time, because it needs the win more than SPN does at this point.
Personally, I love American Horror Story and it’s so terrific but also a bit disguisting.
How does “Constantine” get votes when it hasn’t even premiered yet!?
Might be becauset he pilot leaked a few months ago.
I guess Constantine has a very good trailer LOL..definitely I’ll watch this show. So happy that I nearly watched all the Shows here.
Come on, guys! Hannibal doesn’t need the votes! ITF does if we want to have a third season eventually, please, please!
voting for hannibal as i haven’t seen in the flesh yet, but i think i’ll like it.
I adore Hannibal to the depths of my dark soul. Until I walk into Hot Topic and see a Hannibal merch display next to the Doctor Who and Supernatural ones, I won’t be satisfied with it’s popularity or lack thereof.
Most of the people I talk to didn’t even know Hannibal was a show until I told them.
That being said, I sympathize with the plight of In the Flesh, and while I’ve never seen or even heard of the show, I do sincerely hope the fans can rally and ensure its continuation. All of us know the pain of a show ending before its time, of the fear that each season finale might be a series finale…except maybe the SPN fandom, the show like its main characters apparently above death, hahaha. Ah, I did love my Winchesters…but not nearly as much as I love my cannibal and his empath.
So, good luck, In the Flesh! I hope you succeed in your efforts to remain on the air, because after reading the comments from fans on this poll, I’m incredibly intrigued and will be checking the show out. I would hate to start a story destined never to finish, so pick up your game!
I’m so so proud of Fannibals-anyway, I love ITF as well and believe it can be renewed no matter how.
Still voting for Hannibal!!!!
Well, I am glad to see Hannibal is now ahead. I hope we keep the lead, but it looks like both In The Flesh and Hannibal will be the fandoms tussling back and forth for the lead.
In The Flesh really deserves a third season! Such a well written show, massive congratulations to Dominic Mitchell on doing such an amazing job. There are so many unanswered questions, and I think we especially want to see the further developments of Simon and Kierens’ relationship – and of course Amy and Phillip! (What is going to happen to Amy??).
In The Flesh has only had 9 episodes!! We neeeeed more!!
I am a pretty die-hard Hannibal fan, and I’m DEFINITELY excited for season 3. BUT. I LOVE In the Flesh, and it’s third season has not yet been confirmed yet. It deserves a third season, it’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen, and watching it makes me feel great! It’s unpredictable, and I’m always pleasantly surprised about what comes next. The LGBT representation is fantastic, the characters are amazing and lovable, and the acting is A+++. I can’t believe it’s struggling for a season 3, I’ve got to vote In the Flesh (although I’d vote In the Flesh regardless, because I love it that much, seriously, this should not be the type of show that’s future is up in the air. Save that for Big Bang or something. God.) Please, ITF!!! We NEED a season 3!!!!! This show is so underrated! 5/5 stars always yes thank you <3
I mean I love Hannibal, I really do, but In The Flesh deserves all the attention it can get, we need to win, we need season 3, PLEASE
Cant stop voting for Hannibal! Look at Hannibal, the shot thegreekiary using here, he is pleading us to vote for him XD
I’m still voting for In The Flesh, even though I love Hannibal and I would probably vote for it if ITF wasn’t in the poll. That said, I really hope In The Flesh wins! But if it loses to Hannibal I’m okay because seriously the Fannibals are, like, the nicest fandom ever! Don’t ever change, guys, you’re awesome!
Hemlock Grove: fantastic program, fantastic actors we need more seasons
I’ll keep voting, voting, voting:)
I love that the Hannibal fandom is being so nice. But could you guys maybe just back off? I don’t mean to sound rude its just Hannibal is already doing really well and you have a 3rd season and good ratings and lots of viewers. In The Flesh really need this one guys, we on the edge of loosing another great show and it makes me so sad when i think about not knowing whats gonna happen to the characters. In The Flesh means a lot to me and wining this would really help us out. it would mean the world to me. as of right now all i really want is a 3rd season for in the flesh. so i would love all out you so much, if you just took is easy and let us have this one. thanks a bunch.
I agree that ITF deserves a second season, but people are entitled to vote how they want to vote. Let the most enthusiastic and determined fandom win fair and square.
Think of it this way, too. The more competitive the war, the more people that get exposed to your show. And if you guys beat us after so much hard work, victory will be all the sweeter, won’t it? I’m super impressed with both fandoms, tbh.
I really hope ITF wins. Personally, Hannibal won last year, so I hope it doesn’t win again, it’s had it’s chance in the spot light. But the show is still okay!!
I just want to say that no matter how this goes, it has been an honor competing against ITF. Hannibal is by no means secure (season 3 is and that’s about it) and doesn’t have nearly the recognition and ratings it deserves. I want to throw that out there, so people understand that we Fannibals aren’t trying to bully anyone for a win. Still, I, personally, truly admire the ITF fandom. You all are very passionate, and your determination is admirable. I wish you all luck in getting season 3, and many more in the future. You deserve it.
As a fellow fannibal, just wanted to second this comment.
As a fan of both In The Flesh and Hannibal, I second this comment!
I love both shows and both fandoms with all my heart! I’m rooting for ITF, but as I said even if we lose it really is an honor to compete with the Fannibals, who are always so nice! Plus, a little competition is always good, right? Whoever wins has to earn it!
In The Flesh deserves all the attention it can get. It’s not only deliciously thrilling and beautifully scripted/directed/acted, but the message it sends about embracing one’s self and accepting minorities to society is a quite important one.
In the flesh definitely needs all the support it can get! I love hannibal but that show is safe. It’s locked in for more seasons, but ITF is left on a cliffhanger & is showing no signs of continuing. Even though it’s an AMAZING show.
I respect the fandom of ITF, but every fans voting here support their own show. Our beloved show deserve all our support as well.
I’m voting Hannibal because I love this show more. I don’t even check which show is leading now.
Hannibal needs to win. It honestly deserves it more, as Horror shows go. Season two was absolutely spectacular and they deserve all the recognition they can get for that, in any form they can get it in.
Is your show on the verge of cancelation? No? Well then, why does it NEED to win?
Don’t do this. Remain respectful to each other.
-Admin Angel
>>>Is your show on the verge of cancelation?
Actually, yes.
Oh, we *are* getting the new season next year. That’s more than ITF fans can say, I’m not going to deny it. Our situation is somewhat more secure. Does it mean we’re safe? Nope.
Fuller wanted seven seasons initially, now he says we’re getting five. It doesn’t fill me with hope for the future. Maybe his plans changed because his vision changed. Or maybe he fears that he might not get a chance to bring all the seven seasons to the screen. Who knows? NBC doesn’t promote the show enough yet talks about how sad it is that no one watches it. Our participation in all those polls is a proof that people *do* watch and love it.
Do we “NEED to win”? Well… Winning would be nice, not winning… wouldn’t be the end of the world, no. Second place, whichever fandom ends up on it, *won’t* lead to executives deciding to cancel the show *as the result of its second-placeness*. But the more votes the fandom gets, the better. So of course fannibals want to get as many votes as possible. Of course we’re not just going to stop voting long before the poll is over.
It’s not some personal vendetta against ITF, I promise. There are jerks in every fandom, and sometimes the spirit of competition can get the best of a person, but I really don’t think most of us are voting for our favorite show (in the poll *about* favourite shows) with the goal of ruining another show’s chances to get renewed. I’d like to hope we’re better than that.
Noooo. I think Fuller is planning for 6 Seasons…..Dont tell me we are only getting Five..sobbing
He said “five or six”. I’d like to hope for at least “or six” to happen, but “five” left me very concerned.
I adore Hannibal, but it’s got its own third season! Vote for In The Flesh, please!
I respect the fandom of ITF, but every fans voting here support their own shows. Our beloved show deserve all our support as well.
surprised and glad that supernatural fans havent seen this yet
Supernatural was my favorite show for the past 2 years (got into it pretty late in the game and marathoned the crap out of it), but it’s been so disappointing to me lately that I just couldn’t vote for it. (I really don’t like how my Cas is being written) Especially since I discovered ITF and, while it’s not a whole lot of episodes, it’s the best acting I’ve seen in quite some time.
Guys! In The Flesh is losing by almost 1,000 votes! Even if you are a Hannibal fan, please vote for ITF! We might not get another season, and considering the position they left us in, we are in desperate need of another season. Keep voting!
I’m quite okay even if Hannibal is losing to ITF, but I can’t convince myself if I’ve not strived my best to vote Hannibal…
I’m honestly so proud of both fandoms. ITF and Fannibals alike. While I am an ITF fan and I would absolutely love us to win because we DO need it, the Fannibals well deserve their own support. The sportsmanship here has been incredible and I have so much respect for you Fannibals. I want to win but if we come in second at least it’s to a fantastic fandom like yours.
Fannibals, could we perhaps mass tweet “#SaveInTheFlesh” to @bbcthree and @BBCAMERICA? I have personally never seen the show, but we all know what it’s like to have to fight to keep our show alive. I think that would do ITF a lot more good than winning one poll that BBC will never even notice.
Yes, that would be wonderful and we would really appreciate it! To be honest, I personally don’t think that winning this poll will have a big effect on the BBC renewing our show. Well, not directly anyway. The thing is, having ITF win this poll is more about generating attention about this show and getting it known, which it seems to have done pretty well by reading the comments! The show sadly has a small fanbase and not that many people know about it, and it’s pretty safe to say that Hannibal is a lot more popular than it.
The bottom line is, the best thing anyone could to for ITF would be to watch it, fall in love with it, and spread the word about how awesome it is! It only has 9 episodes and I’m pretty sure that they’re all on YouTube. Oh, and tweet #saveintheflesh @bbcone and @bbcamerica too of course. (Also buy the DVD’s and support it if you have the money, because that REALLY helps. The BBC notices that.)
Best of luck to both fandoms in this! Thanks for being really chill about this whole thing, Fannibals. I don’t think we could’ve asked for a better fandom to compete against.
Hey Fannibals, I salute all of us- we try so hard catching up in leading again – this battle is not easy for us- this only explains how we obsess HANNIBAL just like Hannibal obsesses with Will Graham
Hannibal has once outvoted ITF and again fallen behind. Our fellow fannibals have been fighting very hard. Fannibals, please keep voting and spread the polling out!
Great job Fannibals! Keep going! We’re on fire!!!
vote for in the flesh!! it’s such an important show
I LOVE Hannibal to the depths of my soul, it is one of my all time favorite shows. However, I would be 100% okay with In the Flesh winning this poll. I love ITF as well, and I know how badly the show needs this kind of publicity. I’m amazed how well both shows are taking the competition, both so friendly and supportive of each other! What a great competition guys! I love whoever wins, keep up the voting!
Come on In the Flesh fans! We can do this!!!!!
Come on fannibals! were in the lead!!! lets stay that way
No sleep until we’re leading by 20K!!!
I was not going to put full efforts into voting since I do want to help ITF with their season 3 but…
“Our announcement: if we move ahead by 20K votes at any point between now and #PaleyFest, we’ll do our best to get a thank you from “someone” – DeLaurentiisCo”
Sorry ITF,I love you too, But HANNIBAL is my fatal romance
I wonder what this poll would look like if we were only allowed one vote per IP address. As it is and has been, it’s a fight amongst the most passionate followings and seeing as we get to see current standings immediately, I’d imagine it’s kind of disheartening if you don’t watch Hannibal or In The Flesh. Not that True Blood deserves any love anymore. I also don’t get why Constantine is here if it hasn’t even aired yet.
Voting for HANNIBAL!
Keep Voting because we are Fannibals!
Leading by 20K because we can get a “thank you” from someone…
look, I love Hannibal but In the Flesh has the possibility of not coming back for a third season because of budget cuts and BBC needs to see that the fans cannot stand for that. please help support ITF instead of Hannibal.
I get it. Honestly. I remember when the BBC cancelled Classic Who and we had to wait 17 years for them to correct that mistake – but the BBC will do what they do. I have ordered series 1 and 2 of ITF on DVD, but I’m going to keep voting for my favourite show in this poll…
Vote for in the flesh, don’t let them win!
Okay Fannibals. Been up all night voting. Let’s hold our position. We NEED that 20K!!!
I am a big fan of both hannibal and in the flesh but itf needs every bit of publicity so please please vote for it!!
Which one, Dear? You never say!
In the Flesh is in danger of not getting a third season, so we need as many votes as possible, please. The show is so good and I’d hate to have it left hanging.
Well, this’s like an Omegian cry from a fannibal.
“Alpha Fannibals, pls keep voting Hannibal”
I’ve been voting non-stop for at least 12hrs- I’m so exhausted now
We NEED that 20k!!!
Please, vote for In The Flesh! We need other series!
Hey Fannibals, Hannibal also needs to keep high publicity to secure its future seasons!!!
Fellow Fannibals, please hear me out.
I love Hannibal. It’s an amazing show and it deserves all the critical acclaim it has.
But Hannibal has the backing and support to keep it going. We’ve already gotten the greenlight for a third season. We’re on a major American television network with lots of advertising and people KNOW about Hannibal.
In the Flesh needs this poll. It’s one of my all-time favorite shows, but it’s in need of saving. It, too, has seen BUCKET LOADS of critical acclaim. It’s amazing representation for women, LGBT, etc. The MAIN PROTAGONIST IS BISEXUAL AND NO IT’S NOT “IMPLIED.” And we’re only going off 9 episodes of content (s1 =3, s2 =6). In season two, one of the main power players is a black woman of color. She’s the antagonist, but the more you learn about her, the more she is just HUMAN and her motives are PAINFULLY human. It’s parallels to modern discrimination and message of the acceptance of our common humanity is something you don’t see in TV every day, and certainly not to this level of sophistication and unique storytelling. All the characters, protagonist and antagonist and minor characters, are written in these shades of grey and have such depth, because the story is ultimately a human story. (In fact, I’d highly recommend you all watch. It’s kind of amazing.)
Also, damn, I need answers after that s2 cliffhanger!
So please. Help us #saveintheflesh!
Let us have this poll.
It’s not like we didn’t already win it last year anyway! lol
i agree 100% with this. i love hannibal, and it’s an amazing show, but it’s already got all the support it needs, while in the flesh has not.
*ahem* all we know is that Kieren is multisexual,not specifically bisexual(though, from the description of his sexuality, it’s more likely that he’s pansexual)
just a friendly reminder
Exactly! So… please. The Hannibal cast will thank us aniway, they have already proven they care about their fans, but In the Flesh is in dire need of rescuing. We can’t risk losing a show as representative and good as this.
Well, I dont know what to say…but as a die hard fannibal, I dont understand why my fellow fannibals keep convincing me not to vote Hannibal..
Well, I mean, I’m just one Fannibal. Although if you’ve heard multiple Fannibals championing ITF, that’s amazing! It really is such a good show, it just doesn’t have that much publicity. It’s just kind of on a smaller station of the BBC and has won so many awards and has so many good reviews. Just not enough people know about it.
Hannibal is pretty secure, but ITF is really on the precipice. The writers are prepared to do more seasons of ITF, but the network execs are side-eyeing it because of ratings (which I really think would be higher if they’d put it on BBCAmerica or left it up on iPlayer – so many people and Americans such as myself had to watch it streaming on other sites). We really are trying to save our show.
Even if you keep voting Hannibal, I highly recommend watching ITF!
I watched ITF but this is my choice to vote Hannibal!
It’s because we know Hannibal is safer than ITF right now. If you’ve seen In The Flesh then you’ve seen that it’s a show with a LGBTQ+ lead character with mental illness, dealing with real world issues – I think it’s safe to say we don’t have anything like this anywhere else right now.
Hannibal is freaking awesome, [Insults towards ITF and fandom removed by Admin Angel] Get voting for Hannibal
[Insults towards Hannibal and Fannibals removed by Admin Angel]
Hannibal is not a knock-off, it’s extremely original and separate from the original films (which are “knock-offs of the books”, it takes things in completely different directions and contexts… not even kind of a knock off
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[Insults towards Hannibal and Fannibals removed by Admin Angel]
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-Admin Angel
Fannibals, are we going to fail it?? are we going to let “someone” down?
“Our announcement: if we move ahead by 20K votes at any point between now and #PaleyFest, we’ll do our best to get a thank you from “someone” – DeLaurentiisCo”
In The Flesh really needs this. We need more people watching the show we already have a very very incredibly small chance at having another season. So we really need this.
Hannibal also won last year. So if you could be nice enough and let us have this and give us a chance at having another season. Especially if you guy are already in the go for another season.
We need our 20k lead thank you from “someone”
and our future is extremely unstable every season, we got lucky. Who knows if we will get lucky a fourth time. We are in the same boat, and it sucks we know and we’re sorry, but both need it.
Yeah I understand that but we might not get lucky for another season. Our future is much much more unstable.
If Hannibal and ITF’s situations were switched. I would probably try and help out Hannibal.
As a Fannibal, I don’t NEED to win, but I want to. Because our ratings are shit and because NBC doesn’t want to advertise it and because every finale is written as if we won’t get a new season. So In The Flesh, we aren’t voting out of spite. We are voting because we want the best for our show, just like you. So lets all just try our best, okay?
Let me start with this. There is no reason to sit here and spread hate for the show that you are voting against. There have only been a few instances of this, thankfully, but as time gets closer and the competition gets fiercer, it is getting worse. Stop it. Both shows deserve respect. Simple courtesy dictates that.
Second, I have never seen ITF, but it sounds like a good show with an important message of acceptance. I can respect and support that. I am glad you all are getting the advertisement and representation out of this that you need, and I fully support you getting a third season.
Having said that, I am voting avidly for Hannibal. This show is, by no means, secure. Season 3 is secure, granted. That’s it. We will be fighting for renewal at literally every turn. We are not a huge fandom. We are simply a passionate one. Ratings are still far below average. Viewership is small.
It takes a certain intellect, sense of humor, and level of sophistication to truly appreciate Hannibal-and that is what I love about it. In my experience, it is so hard to find such a beautifully written, scripted, acted, and orchestrated show; especially considering the fact that it is full of murders, cannibalism, and very dark humor. It seems that the most popular shows in the world right now are stupid comedy and reality tv. Not that there is anything wrong with either category, but when it is of a class that only drops intelligence, it makes me want to vomit. It is the brilliance of mentality behind Hannibal that I love so much, and I want that to set an example for the future of television. Vote how you want, but I have my reasons for leaning that way.
Also there is a good representation of many minorities in Hannibal as well, though the central message is not focused around the acceptance of them…which I feel should be common sense between all humans anyway with or without a tv show.
Also…Mads Mikkelsen. Hugh Dancy.
[Insults towards ITF fans removed by Admin Angel] , that’s not spreading hate its stating my opinion of the acting in the show, some say that Hannibal is boring, again that’s not hate its their opinion. Are we not allowed an opinion now. I for one am not going to say i like a show if i dont, nobody else should either. Hannibal for me! (or am i not allowed to say that either?)
I don’t remember calling anyone out on that portion of the comment…
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-Admin Angel
Hannibal forever <3
Mads and Hugh <3
I got curious about In The Flesh, since I’ve seen his fans so involved and enthusiastic about that show, so I’m sure I’ll watch it eventually
But my vote goes to Hannibal. Awesome show… and that “thank you”-from-someone thing TOTALLY caught my attention.
And as someone else said… Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy, guys.
I LOOOOOOOVE Hannibal. I adore it, literally. It’s one of the most beautiful and difficult shows I’ve ever watched. And one of a few, that ever made me cry.
Guys, I think for some fannibals, who watched ITF, it’s simply cruel to put ITF together with Hannibal in one poll. How can we even compare?
In The Flesh is different. I’m not saying, that one of those is better or worse then the other. It’s just that I have never – for my entire life – seen anything as painfull and full of desperate hope as ITF. Exept Doctor Who, I guess)))) I mean, seriously! How can I not support something, that is so much more than just a tv-show, that gives all the answers and the feeling of real freedom, which is inseparable from true responsibility? Yeah, I do not know either.
For me it’s a simple choise. Hannibal’s third season is already secure and even if it wouldn’t be, I could have survived – if the show were to be closed. Yes, ofcourse, it would be painfull, and I would be devastated, cuz I’ve put so much effort in supporting the show.
But if it happens to In The Flesh, I doubt I will be able to survive. Because what message will such outcome carry about our modern society? That we are not ready to endure, understand and cherish this huge revelation, and all of the struggle for common sense and logic in every aspect of our lifes is useless. I don’t want to believe in something like that. It’s just not compatible with life itself.
If people could just vote In The Flesh, it would be amazing. As a fan of many of these other TV shows, Hannibal included, In The Flesh has the least security. With BBC3 being closed down at the end of this year, the BBC has made no effort to explain to fans the fate of this TV show. By winning this poll, it would give us fans the chance to show to the BBC how much this show means to us, and why it is important that it it renewed for a third series.
So please, even if you haven’t seen the show, just give fans the chance to at least try show the BBC how much this show means to us. As one of the few shows with representation of mental illnesses and the LGBTQA community, without sticking to the discriminative trope, that many TV shows allow to air, it would be a loss to the world, if we weren’t able to win this poll.
Hannibal forever and always
Ok I haven’t commented on this thing in a while, but since the competition seems to be heating up people seem to be getting more agitated (if that’s the right word to describe it) and annoyed with each other, I have to say something.
It doesn’t really matter if ITF wins. What really matters is that people find out about ITF and watch it because of this poll. Whether we come in 1st or 2nd place, all I can tell anyone reading this who hasn’t already is to WATCH IT IN THE FLESH. I don’t know how much more convinicing people need before they do. Vote for Hannibal all you want. If it does win, great! Just please be kind enough to give ITF a try. There are dozens of comments alredy about how much people love the show, but I just have to add my own two cents so here I go…
-The main character is canonically bi/pansexual, and it’s treated as completely normal and his story does not revolve around his sexuality at all. There are also other LGBTQ characters that are really important to the plot.
-The female charcters are so well written, and so human. None of them exist only to be sexualized, used as plot devices, or used as a love interest for a male character. They all have their own stories and it’s great.
-This show has literally HELPED people. The main theme of this show is otherness and learning how to accept yourself. The main character has delt with depression and suicide, another has to deal with PTSD, and there are other issues presented in the show and they are all handled so well.
And there’s also alot of other stuff but I’m gonna leave it there. A lot of other reviews have done a lot better than me about it. Not convinced already? Just watch it. Seriously, WATCH IT.
(Not really a big spoiler, but… we also have a really cute zombie couple and one of them literally meets the other by saying “Excuse me, you’re sitting on my grave.” and I think that’s beautiful.)
And I’m sorry if this upsets anyone…that’s not my intention at all. But so many people are supporting ITF because of the fact that it is centered around the acceptance of differences between people and minorities, and essentially saying that it’s a crime if it doesn’t win because that representation is so important. In my opinion, the REAL crime is that we live in a world where we have to rely on a tv show to teach us basic humanity.
That didn’t come out quite right. I’m not attacking ITF or the message it sends. From what I’ve heard, it is a very important message. What I’m trying to say is that it is just plain sad that we live in a world where simple humanity/acceptancy/empathy is so rare that it IS so important.
Also, this poll is about horror shows. Nothing about that says horror to me. Hannibal isn’t exactly terrifying, but it IS very disturbing. It’s the kind of thing that gets under your skin and sticks in your head-between imagery and the psychology behind the characters. That’s what classifies it as horror for me, and I love that.
In The Flesh is a different kind of horror. The real horror isn’t the zombies it’s the people. That’s the point of the show – the horror in human nature. The show is designed to flip the genre on its head to make the audience question who the monster is: the undead, who killed thousands and destroyed communities, or the living who are judging them for what they did when they had no control over themselves and continue to commit hate killings and oppress them despite the fact they are now medicated and are, for the most part, no longer dangerous.
It might not be conventional horror but I still think it fits the genre
To be fair, I haven’t seen it, but that DOES sound pretty cool. I do want to watch it now, so definitely well-done on calling attention to it.
I can see that being interesting. Problem is, I’m in America, so I won’t be able to watch it from a legit source that will generate higher ratings for you guys, but I really do hope you get your third season. Try giving Hannibal a shot too. It’s really awesome. 
I am actually a pretty big fan of Hannibal – just ITF is getting my votes here
I would be happy if either show won really. And yeah, not having a legal source for things you want to see if frustrating
The DVD’s are on amazon but I guess if you don’t know if you will like the show (although I think most people would) it might be a bit of a risk spending the money….
Please vote for In The Flesh ! This is important, this isn’t about competition, it’s about a show who rissk to be stopped EXCEPT if it win this poll and is we collect enough vote for this one: http://www.change.org/p/bbc-three-give-in-the-flesh-a-third-season#share
Please, it coast nothing, the show has to go on ! ♥
Please, please, please be nice to each other! Most of us are, but I’ve seen several rude comments from both the Hannible and In The Flesh fandom. I really don’t want a fight between these two fandoms. Even though ITF is one of my favorite shows (that I have been voting for and hoping it wins and/or gets a sthird season) and I have never seen an episode of Hannible (one of my friends said it was good though so I’ll take her word for that), but good luck to the Fannibles.
I am voting like crazy for Hannibal! Come guys we can do this!
OK. I wasn’t going to comment on this poll but now I want to because there are more and more comments that the admin had had to remove insults from. First of all, I think both shows are spectacular. They are both, in my opinion, clever, well crafted, unique shows. They both have faults as well, don’t get me wrong. But I honestly think both shows deserve to win.
Now, I get that inter-fandom tensions are rising as the poll gets closer to closing, and that people are getting more competitive, but seriously, neither show OR it’s fandom deserves to be bashed in the comments.
Personally, I am voting for In The Flesh mainly here – in my opinion as well as being entertainment it is also an important piece of social commentary that deals with issues ignored by a lot of other media. However that doesn’t mean I think any less of Hannibal, and don’t feel any need to criticise it. That isn’t the way to gain support.
The comments are for encouragement and discussion, not conflict between the two fandoms. Remember at the start, when all the comments where about how both shows where great, and we would be happy whoever won? Yeah. That is what the comments are meant to be used for – civilised, respectful, discussion.
*sings ‘Why cant we be friends?’ by War*
Guys… In The Flesh really, really needs to win this. It’s so important to save this show, but we don’t even know if it’s going to have a third season or not! We need all the support we can get. ITF should be able to keep airing. Please vote!
Both shows are unstable in their future
I don’t think most of the ITF fans know anything about Hannibal, or the fact that we go through hell every year waiting to see if its renewed or not.
I do, being a Fannibal myself. Also, I know very well of Bryan Fuller’s cursed second seasons and all, considering my all-time favorite show Pushing Daises had that same fate. But people. ITF ha srepresentation like no other show right now – it’s important to let it win. Hannibal still has a secure 3rd season, we don’t even have that. We’ll see again next year, but for this time? In The Flesh needs this.
I admit to being the slightest bit put off by ITF’s pleading. As much as I understand wanting your show to get renewed and to get the recognition it deserves, one of my biggest pet peeve is guilt-tripping. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind watching ITF or signing their petition… but asking me to vote for it on this poll is like asking me to shoot myself in my own foot. I personally and desperately want to get that 20k lead, but I’m not going to ask ITF to halt their efforts for me. Because I respect them as rivals, and I respect their appreciation for their show. That is not something I want them to give up. I guess I just wished some of them could empathize with Hannibal’s situation a little, that as much as we want to help, our show’s well-being remains a priority.
* Note that I can only speak for myself. I know some Fannibals are prioritizing ITF, and that’s great. I’m just not one of them.
You do realise that this poll doesn’t really amount to that much right? People are only asking for help for itf because it’s really not that well known. It was incredibly small scale, wasn’t properly advertised and wasn’t even going to originally last as long as it did. Itf is important to people because representation in media is important to people. Seeing your sexuality or illness addressed and normalised in media can mean everything. Additionally, Hannibal has been renewed for a Season 3. If you don’t want to, okay then but do you not think “asking me to vote for it on this poll is like asking me to shoot myself in my own foot” is more than a little overdramatic?
Both yes and yes to your questions. To the first, I don’t think this poll is going to make a drastic difference in the execs’ decision-making- both for ITF and Hannibal- but all small things count at the end of the day. To the second, I got my point across, I believe(?). Voting for ITF or completely stop voting at all is counterproductive to the goals I want to achieve (ie promote Hannibal, assure it can get all its 5-6 seasons). Which is why I won’t do it, but if you want me to sign something for ITF, then I’ll be happy to.
I understand, but we’re not guilt-tripping. We’re prioriticizing and trying to reason. We know ITF is in more danger than Hannibal, and we’re trying to save it because as good as Hannibal is (and believe me, I KNOW it’s good), ITF talks about different issues, issues that no other show is giving a shit about. Since Hannibal is incredibly popular, way more than In The Flesh, I think it’s safe to assume a second position will not harm the show. This is just one poll.
I don’t mind if you post about how great In The Flesh is (because it probably is very good) or if you try to reason that ITF is deserving of winning this poll to get a third season. I just dislike the comments asking that people (not just Fannibals) should drop whatever loyalties they have because ITF NEEDS it. I support voting above and beyond what is expected in order to win. I don’t support asking of people to diminish their votes in order to win. Do you get where I’m coming from?
Furthermore, if you want to say that this is ‘just one poll’, then the same can be applicable to IDF. Gaining second place on this poll will not make or break the show. I rather think the AMOUNT of votes gathered is more important. Think of it this way: Is it better to win a poll which contains only 10 000 votes in total or would you rather arrive second place in a poll with 300 000 votes to yourself? Certainly, I think 300 000 votes is a pretty impressive number, not to mention that no one would put it against you for losing against a show that is hardcore horror in a horror poll.
But I digress! Since I believe that this isn’t ‘just one poll’, I suppose I encourage IDF to (try to) beat us Fannibals.
If you win, we’ll still love to have you over for dinner some time. (Perhaps we can bond over our similar diets?)
” (Perhaps we can bond over our similar diets?)”
*Admin literally LOLING in a public space right now.*
btw small spoiler ahead —> tecnically pds don’t eat. so the diet is totally different from the one hannibal has))))) but i’d love to join at the table anyway – if not for phisycal meal, then at least for spiritual. :p
Hannibal’s been renewed for a Season 3! We don’t know if that’s going to happen with In The Flesh! But even if this was not the case, ITF is a show with LGBTQ+ leading characters that accurately depicts mental illness and treats real world issues that teenagers and people everywhere struggle with in their evweryday life – believe me, I know all of this has been said before, but that’s exactly the reason this show deserves to survive!
The only really insulting message I’ve seen is that Hannibal is boring. And that just shows up that particular person’s appalling taste/attention span.
I think everyone else just needs to take a deep breath and calm down. We’re all friends here, getting recognition for both of the underrated shows we love. Lets keep it friendly.
Please please guys, vote for In The Flesh! This show has genuinely done so much for me, and if it isn’t renewed for a third season I really don’t know what I’ll do. Fannibals, please: your show is awesome and well written, but it already has the ratings and the support it needs! Hannibal will continue! As for ITF, its future is very uncertain. Winning this poll would really really help us get a third season! Please, vote for In The Flesh because so many people will be lost without it.
Nothing against ITF, but Hannibal is no more stable than you guys are. That’s why we fight so hard! I have been an advocate for you guys getting renewed since the start of this, but I’m still voting Hannibal.
Hannibal already has a third season confirmed, which is great, because Hannibal is a great show – but this also means that you can let ITF win this. We have absolutely nothing, and this is a show that’s dealing with issues that no other show is dealing with right now. It’s important to keep it going.
I respect that it deals with important issues. I also respect that you guys are fighting as hard as we are for a show you love as much as we love Hannibal, and for the same reasons. Believe me, I got you. And I still want all of the fannibals to watch ITF and join the #SaveInTheFlesh movement on Twitter. I want you guys to get a third season. But I want Hannibal to be as stable as possible even more.
And I thank you so much for this! And believe me, I have followed Hannibal since the first episode, I consider myself a Fannibal, I get what you’re going through too. But I think Hannibal doesn’t really need this right now. It could do with a second place, simply because it has way better chances than ITF – it’s so much more popular, it attracts so much more audience. This poll doesn’t seem to be important to Fannibals to keep the show stable as much as it is to get a thank you from the actors…?
I have followed Hannibal from episode 1 as well, and I love it dearly. That doesn’t mean I don’t support ITF right along with everyone else. But we were fighting hard for Hannibal long before the promise of a thank you from the actors. That’s just an added bonus if we happen to get it. I can’t speak for everyone else, but my reason for voting Hannibal is because it is honestly the best tv series I have ever seen and I want to protect that. I love everything about it-from the music composition to the acting to the cinematography… You get the idea. I want it to be an example for the future of television, because no one appreciates real quality anymore. It’s just all about entertainment. Like say…Family Guy, for instance. Nothing against fun tv, but I enjoy a good story, well-composed, that makes me think. Everything I have heard about ITF makes me want to see it though. I will definitely grant that.
Yeah, my point exactly – I care about the future of television. And if good television has a future both In The Flesh and Hannibal need to be in it. I completely get you. My opinion is only that, given the huge fanbase and publicity Hannibal has, ITF seems to need this one poll more than Hannibal does right now.
I gotcha. If you guys have a petition or anything that you are planning to send to BBC, let me know. Someone posted a website earlier that I am definitely going to check out. Good luck. I completely admire the passion and determination behind ITF, and I think it deserves a third+ season.
I was going to link you to the same website, so I’ll just let you check out the one! Thank you for the support, and for having been reasonable (:
Hey, no problem whatsoever. And thank YOU as well.
I signed the petition too, a few minutes ago, so hopefully that helps.
It has terrible ratings. Where did you hear it has good ratings? Because your information is wrong.
I like Hannibal i realy do. But in the flesh needs als the attention it can get because it’s a lovely show with likeable charecters, gays but that’s not what the whole story is about, good character develepment and a good story line. Plus we are not even sure we’re going to get a new season. So could you please vote for in the flesh (or if you could only stop voting for other shows that would be great!!!) thank you
Okay, how is this? Dear ITF fans, please stop voting and let the Fannibals get their 20,000 vote lead so we can get our special thank you that we were promised. It’s very important to us. No? Didn’t think so. Sorry, but…seriously…
I think they will thank you anyway – and you still have many future chances to interact with them. We could not be getting a third season at all, and this show? It’s important to keep it alive.
My point was, you’re not voting ITF to destroy this chance for us, or to destroy Hannibal. Vice versa. We’re not voting Hannibal to destroy ITF. And this isn’t at you in particular, but there have been so many posts like “Stop voting so ITF can win this” that I felt the need to make said point.
There is a /serious/ reason ITF fans are asking to let us win this poll, and it is because, for once, we need this more than you. I know it’s important to Fannibals, I AM a Fannibal, but I can recognize a priority when I see one. No, we are not voting to destroy Hannibal, we0d never want that. But you’re more safe than us right now.
Just wanted to give my two cents since apparently competition is getting fiercer and fiercer. Until two days ago this comment section was a remarkable example of fair play within two fandoms and I was really happy seeing that everybody seemed to get along so well despite voting for different tv shows. Now, I get that we’re in the final rush but that is not an excuse for being despicably rude with your rivals. You’re voting for your favourite tv show, great, do it and let the vote decide without having to resort to insults.
And to my fellow Fannibals who had their comments removed by the admin due to ugly remarks against ITF I just wanted to say: stop. We Fannibals are many things but WE ARE NOT RUDE, especially not with another fandom so similar to us, small but passionate for a tv show that might get cancelled. We’ve always fledged ourselves of being a fandom made of nice people, I would really like if that stayed that way, thank you very much.
I’d just like to pitch in and say that I understand the sentiment behind asking Fannibals to vote for ITF because it’s at risk for cancellation… But I’ve seen a lot of people saying Hannibal is “secure” and “has all the support it needs.” Did everyone forget that the show was very VERY nearly cancelled two seasons in a row? Frankly it’s a miracle we’re getting a third season. I was absolutely positive it would be cancelled after the last season. I feel bad for saying it, but sorry ITF fans, I’m keeping my votes with Hannibal. Fellow Fannibals, it’s great if you want to help ITF! But let’s not delude ourselves into thinking Hannibal is getting ample support, because it isn’t.
Hey ITF people, my votes are with Hannibal, but I signed the petition that was posted earlier to save your show. If there is anything else that I can do (aside from changing sides, because that’s not happening), let me know, okay? Good luck getting s3 guys!
Thank you so much!
But of course.
This is absolutely NOT okay for me if we can’t get HANNIBAL to have more seasons- This is unbearable if I can’t see the reunion of Hannibal and Will due to the earlier cancellation.
Hannibal has already been renewed for a Season 3
We almost didn’t and it’s just for season 3, what about beyond that?
Well, whether or not a series is continued is usually always decided after each season (some shows have longer contracts). Even if it almost didn’t get a season 3, that doesn’t mean it would be the same situation for a potential season 4. Whether or not Hannibal gets further seasons depends on how season 3 is received… which hasn’t even come out yet.
Saying that, the show may end after season 3 purely because it’s completed (nothing to do with it being cancelled) but I don’t watch Hannibal anymore so I don’t know how close it would be to that status.
Reading through all the comments, I just want to say that I hope the ITF fandom and I don’t come off as too whiny and trying to guilt-trip you guys, like “Waaaaaah your show already has a season 3 and we don’t! So stop voting for Hannibal!” because that’s really not what we’re trying to convey. We are really desperate for s3 obviously, and the competition getting more fierce just makes us more frantic to post comments like that.
Also, I was misinformed about Hannibal’s stability. I didn’t know how hard you guys had to fight for more seasons and that it might not get as many as there were originally planned, so I hope that we’re not being rude. We can both relate.
May both of our amazing shows get as many seasons as they deserve, regardless of who wins in the end. ^^
Come on fannibals! This is our best start yet! Let’s get out 20K lead!!!
Don’t give up Fannibals. We’ve got this.
Only 8K more to our thank you, Fannibals! Don’t give up!!!
12 000 down, 8000 to go! We’re more than halfway, Fannibals, don’t give up now! Remember Will sobbing in the kitchen, of Abigail resting on the floor, of Jack shaking in the pantry, of Alana quivering on the glass, of Hannibal mourning in the rain; we can’t put our heads back, close our eyes, and wade into the quiet of the stream just yet!
Obviously my syntax is messed up because I need sleep, but you get my drift! Keep it up, Fannibals! We can do this! QUICK. THINK OF HANNIBAL IN A LEATHER SUIT ON A MOTORBIKE. Are you motivated yet? Yes? No? Maybe?
Either way, VOTE VOTE VOTE! <3
Triple yes!!! Let’s do this!!! *high five* MOTIVE!!!
6K to go Fannibals! Calling in all reinforcements!!!
5000k left Fannibals! Woot woot.
Only 4k until we reach our 20k goal!
Don’t stop Fannibals! You’re amazing!!!
Less than 1000 to our goal, Fannibals! KEEP ON VOTING!
Hurray!!! We did it we did it we did it we did it- I am over the moon!!
Fannibals, I love you all!!
Unbelievable!!! I’m literally crying right now! Amazing job Fannibals! I love you!!! Thanks for all the help! You guys are incredible! I can’t even-
And you were a part of that group effort so you’re equally incredible! Thank you for keeping me company in the comments section!
It always helps to know you’re not alone.
I just wanted to keep people motivated. You are very welcome!
YEESSSS!!!!! Go team Hannibal! Well worth the effort. This show is beyond fantastic – intelligent, witty, incredibly layered, visually stunning, masterful character development….etc etc. We need all the publicity we can get. I for one am going to keep up the voting, but couldn’t be more ecstatic at this milestone!!!
I’ve been voting for over 24 hours straight, so I’m going to sleep now, but it was SO worth it! Keep up the incredible work Fannibals! And honest good luck to ITF!
You go sleep, you’re a legend!
The Fannibals are legend. <3
Put in a few votes for Hannibal and Hemlock Grove for me.
Will do, lol!
Hey, can someone take a screen shot of this result and post it? I dont know how to do it..
Done and done! Someone also showed it to Martha’s twitter!
Very proud Fannibal here! Well done guys, amazing effort!
Hurray! I went to sleep at 2am to vote as much as I could and now that it’s morning here in Europe the first thing I did was checking this poll and I can’t believe that we did it!! Kudos to all the Fannibals!
On another note, I signed the petition to renew ITF and I’m also starting to watch it and spreading the word with my friends. I’ve watched the first two episodes and so far I’m really enjoying it
I really hope you guys get a third season. If you have more petitions for us to sign just let us know!
Can’t we do it like in the Hungergames and vote Hannibal as well as In The Flesh on the same level, like ‘fight the poll, not the fans’ and let them both be awesome and win?
I’d love that, cause both Series are perfect and I don’t wanna miss them. <3 It's already pretty impressive how close they are and how much love and teamworks goes into this from so many fans. Work together, and don't give in to hating!
Looks like we’re going to lose In The Flesh then
oh god please keep voting for in the flesh! we need a third season!
I am voting for Hannibal, but I did sign the petiton for in the flesh. I hope you guys get many more seasons!
Christ, its getting as heated in here as it was when Musical March Madness was going on on MTV. And I was voting super hard for Daft Punk, but we lost. I’ve only seen season 1 of Hannibal but all of In the Flesh, so despite the lead Hannibal has I hope that In the Flesh can pull through!
As much as I absolutely love Hannibal (a beautiful cinematic work of art if I have to say so myself) In the Flesh is in very critical condition right now with it’s channel closing down so it needs all the support it can get. Hannibal is getting more likely to be revived for a third season while ITF really really needs it. It’s such an amazing show full of really great characters with awesome portrayals and I would be really sad to see it go so please please give this show a chance to show a different side of it’s beauty!
I’m sad In the flesh is losing
Yeah, me too.
I feel sad if Hannibal is losing- I vote at least 10 hrs a day in the past week.
Keep it up! Loyalty is hard to come by, it would seem… And thanks for the effort!
thanks. I know you didnt sleep for 24hrs voting Hannibal
I am a fighter!! I dont beg!!
Exactly. You still with us?
Yes, as always!!
Come on Fannibals, let’s do this for our show Hannibal. I do love in the Flesh, but Hannibal is MY show all the way.
Count me in!
Hannibal MUST win
Even though the 3rd season is not out yet, I want to let NBC know we love the show so we can get a 4th season 
PLEASE vote for In the Flesh its really in the need for a third season since its obviously not as popular as Hannibal…
We are begging you, vote for In The Flesh !
I just started voting for In the flesh.
I mean, I don’t watch it (might later), I’m a Fannibal through and through, and still, gonna vote for ItF. It might not mean much, but I know the pain of losing a show I love early (don’t we all), and it’s not like Hannibal is really dependant on this. (I know our 4th season is far from sure, but we still have time to do that later. It’s not a fight for survival!)
You really should watch In the Flesh! It’s a really good show, and only 9 episodes long (season 1 is 3 episodes and season 2 is 6) so it’s pretty easy to get done. It’s a really neat spin on the zombie genre given that it’s about the zombies (or Partially Deceased Syndrome sufferers) trying to reintegrate into society while tons of people are completely prejudiced against them. It’s really good!
I notice there are someones who claimed that they are fannibals but starting to vote ITF, a bit tricky…maybe I think too much…
Divide and conquer, and all that. Loyalty is important Fannibals
Listen to me, In the Flesh fans…

I’m an avid fannibal and I haven’t seen In the Flesh, so my vote obviously goes to Hannibal. I can’t foresee who’s gonna be the winner, but it sure has been (and still is) a great “fight”
What I’d like to say is that I’ve read some comments here and there and I understand your motivations and your fear of not having your favourite show renewed. I’ve been through the same pain (and I’m afraid I’ll be again next year) so I can feel you, really…
BUT. Remember, itf fans! It’s not by winning this poll that your show will be safe, but rather it’s by having more visibility and viewers! And I can assure you that your tenacity – and the brief summaries written by some of you- have caught my attention (In the Flesh has directly gone into my list of “must-see”) and I bet the same happened to many other fannibals who didn’t know of your show before this poll
So don’t worry! With this poll you’ve surely gained more viewers and almost surely more fellow fans, regardless of who’s gonna win
Sorry for the rant but I felt the itf fan’s high concern and I wanted to cheer them up
the same here. I’m a fannibal, and ITF gain enough visibility and made me curious. It is now in my to see list. I really hope you guys get a renew.
Guys, please keep voting for In The Flesh! I’m so sad it’s loosing because bbc might have seen how many people love the show and maybe would have considered season 3..
I think the number of people who are passionate over ITF are very visible in this poll. It’s not because you come first or come second that I’m saying this, but because of the sheer love behind all your comments. Just because you come second doesn’t mean BBC WON’T see it, and similarly, just because you come first doesn’t mean they WILL see it. What’s important is how many people you manage to gather to your fanbase, because that in itself is a victory (especially if you can get enough people to join you in making it trend on Twitter, for example! That’s something that draws attention!)
You make a great point. Even if ITF comes in first or second, we were battling head-to-head most of the time, and with over 270,000 votes that in itself an incredible win.
Even if ITF doesn’t win. I still think everyone who hasn’t seen it before should watch it. It’s a great show. The acting is amazing. It has great representation although lacking poc characters, it has LGBTQ+ people in it and really touches on Mental illnesses, which is great.
The show is also amazingly written.
I’m of course not undead but I’ve gone through a lot of what one of the main characters has gone through. So I can relate much more to the show. I can also tell you that that’s a lot of what real life family’s are like sometimes.
So vote as much as you can for ITF and even if it doesn’t win Watch the show and raise the ratings and help us get our series 3.
I’m a diehard fannibal – and always will be. However, thanks to this competition and ITF fans I was intrigued by the show and just started watching it. Really enjoying it so far!
How about this guys? I’m super impressed with the Fannibals, and also with the efforts of ITF. No matter which you’re voting for, can we also propel Hemlock Grove to a solid 3rd place? I love SPN but as a Netflix original series, it needs the representation, and it’s epic.
Aye aye, Captain!
I’ll add Hemlock Grove when I vote. I’ll do my best to make that happen.
Thank you!!! You’re awesome!
I’m at the point now where I would just love to see us get 1 million votes collectively. We’re the most dedicated fandoms, and that’s saying something, because I was part of the Supernatural and Sterek fandoms. Good job, everyone!
How long is cooling off period? And why can’t I see the results?
The cooling off period isn’t something we have control over and Polldaddy is really vague about how long it lasts. The best answer we’ve had from them is “a few hours.” As far as the results go, not sure. They appear fine on our end.
-Admin Angel
From my experience – at least two hours. Though I seem to remember (from other polls) that it’s supposed to be an hour and a half.
I have the impression the cooling period restarts each time you try to vote. I’m an unreliable narrator, but it always seem to take less time when I leave it alone, and more time when I keep trying to check back on it.
I think it does restart if you came back too early in its opinion. And an hour later seem to count as “too early”, with me, at least – I’ll get “We detected suspicious activity, please, try again later”. Returning two hours later works. Returning an hour and a half later… works for some other people, apparently. Maybe there are even lucky voters who are free to come back thirty minutes later.
So sad that In the Flesh is losing. I want to do everything possible to try and get a third season. The show means so freaking much to me…
Really sad to see that as this poll wraps up both the hannibal and itf fandoms are showing their true colours, just a week ago we were complimenting each other for our politeness!! Please don’t let a silly internet poll ruin this friendship guys!!
That being said, as a fan of both shows, I’m gutted that itf is now losing.. it would have been a real boost for us as a fandom:(((
Lot of little girls seem to be pulling for In the Flesh. Which is fine–their seems to be just kind of a beggy tone to all the pleading for ItF. If the show makes it, great. But them winning this panel won’t do s–t to help their ratings or future on telly, so maybe tone it DOWN a bit, girls?
Despite voting for In the Flesh myself (and being female and not appreciating the ‘little girls’ comment) and somewhat agreeing with your statement, there isn’t really much you can do. It’s always the same thing in every voting thing for TV shows, music, whatever. People are going to get beggy and rude and horrible as it gets nearer and nearer to the end. It’s true that winning this panel won’t do that much to get a third season, besides maybe getting a bit more notice from other people to watch the show, but there’s really no need to sound condescending and rude about it.
While I can sympathize with your annoyance, calling In The Flesh fans ‘little girls’ was unwarranted for, and frankly, quite condescending. Yes. Hannibal requires a certain degree of maturity, seeing as how literary the symbolism and dialogue is sometimes… but different people enjoy different things. Please don’t look down on people whose tastes don’t match up with yours. I don’t think that it was in your intention, but that first sentence came off as… well, rude.
Please don’t refer to the ITF fanbase as ‘little girls’. Yes, we’re very desperate for s3 and we’re sorry if we come off as too pleading, but that was unnecessary.
This comment goes against the rules of the poll:
“Please keep the comments section POSITIVE. Read our POLICIES for posting in the comments.”
And our policies: https://thegeekiary.com/policies
“Disagreement is fine, but please do not be cruel, hurtful, rude, or downright mean towards other community members. Personal attacks are not allowed. Stay on topic. If you can’t engaged in civil discourse do not engage at all.”
If you violate the rules of this poll or our site policies again you will be removed from the website.
Also, as a member of both the Hannibal and ITF fandoms I have two points: 1) going by the “eat the rude” ethos we should be having you over for dinner in due time an 2) I am in my later 20s and thus not a “little girl.”
Don’t be rude. Hannibal would hate it and it makes our fandom look bad. Don’t generalize other fandom’s either because hey, the admin is part of the fandom too and won’t tolerate it.
-Admin Angel
ooh! lets play a game called spot the misogynist!!!
Hannibal vs. ITF aside, check out Hemlock Grove! Yeah!
I will! I read about it online, looks interesting!
It’s well worth the watch. Interesting, and VERY original.
To all the ITF fans who were saying that Hannibal didn’t need the votes because our season 3 is already secure, this is WHY we have a season 3. This is what we do.
You’re really just enforcing their point here! This is exactly why we need the Fannibal’s help! In The Flesh has some of the best representation on TV (the protaganist is queer and mentally ill!) and it would be a true shame and a scam if it were to be canceled. Our show is in serious danger right now just as Hannibal was a few months ago. As a big fan of both shows just let me say that ITF winning would mean so much more in the long run You know what it’s like to be scared for your shows safety! ITF needs votes more than Hannibal does right now. That could change in a few months when we’re awaiting news for season three but that doesn’t change the fact that right now my fellow Redeemed are in critical condition. We just need some support right now is all!
I am by no means against ITF getting a third season. In fact, I would very much appreciate it if you did. I had never heard of it before this poll, and now I want to see it…ergo, mission accomplished. It’s not about who wins or loses a poll that likely neither NBC or BBC will ever see. It’s about promoting your show as much as possible. I think it says a lot that you are even in this. poll to begin with (not to sound condescending or offensive). It says even more that you have over 300,000 votes to represent your show. Not to mention all the comments describing and/or supporting it. Someone posted a petition earlier to sign for ITF to get a new season, and my name is on it. On Twitter, I have given you guys promotion. Also, I have suggested it to many people saying that I had never seen it but I would like to. That is me helping, and I will happily continue to do so. That was my point. Hannibal is no more secure or stable than ITF just because we got another season secured, which is the reason we fight so hard to be recognized. I have been not only impressed with, but blown away by the passion and dedication of this ‘small’ fandom that seemed to just appear out of the blue. No matter who wins this poll, I think both fandoms have worked very hard and done their jobs of being recognized.
Just so many people were saying that Hannibal had good ratings and a large viewership, and that we already have a season three, so essentially we don’t need this win. The point was that hell yes we are probably more stable than ITF at the moment (if not by much), but only because we do everything we can to promote our show at every turn. It’s not one of those ‘we need this more’ or ‘we are better than you are’ things, and if it came across that way, I sincerely apologize.
Also, I love over half the shows on this poll. Hannibal just happens to be the example I want to set for the future of television, so it’s the one I promote. My statement was meant to be more encouragement than taunting.
Aah I really appreciate your response! I agree that the poll won’t be exceedingly important regarding our renewal but seriously we need all the help we can get. It means a lot. I was just a bit apprehensive considering I’ve see a few condescending and passive aggressive Fannibals commenting. Thank you so much for your support on Twitter! I’ve seen some folks saying that they’ll check out the show now and I hope you might as well
Any time! Like you said, we fannibals definitely know what it’s like to live under threat of cancellation.
I watch most of these Shows and some of them are realy good. Hope fans of other shows can leave comments here too.
Hey Fannibals, pls hold our leading position…we may be fallen behind again soon.
I mean it sucks if we only get a “thankyou” after so many fannibals dedicate their efforts. If,in worse scenario, Hannibal get cancelled earlier than 5 or 6 Seasons, I would ask myself why I haven’t fight harder for the Show today.
Come on Fannibals. We can do better than this.
Last night I was so proud of all the fannibals for helping us to get a 20K lead. Now, I am extremely proud of and thankful for the ones that have struggled through tonight. Thank you all! <3
Hey Fannibals, we are still leading 12K at this pt of time. I’m going to sleep before I get stroke- pls help to keep the lead…please!! – in a beggy tone.
You are a hero. Sleep well!
As much as I am a fan of multiple show on here, most of them are fairly secure in their programming (ie. decent budgets, advertising, secure network spots). The exception is ‘In the Flesh.’ We’ve only had 2 seasons, with 9 episodes total. Living in the US I never saw any advertising, but happened upon it on BBC America, after it originally aired on BBC Three. Now its in major jeopardy as the network is moving online and the fate of ITF is undecided. Either it could move to another BBC network (ideal scenario), move to an online format (with the budget likely cut), or the fate that shall not be spoken (worst case scenario). I get that everyone is a major fan of whatever show for their own reasons, but ITF has meant a lot to a lot of people on a personal/emotional way based on some of the subject matter that is slipped into what on the outside looks like just another zombie thing. Fanibles are obviously awesome, and even our shows’ creator Dominic Mitchell loves you guys and gave you a shout out on twitter. We however, would really appreciate the win hoping that the little stuff like this gets seen by the powers that be at the BBC in the slight glimmer of hope that it would make a difference! Sorry for my rant but I really love this show and a third season is really freaking needed
I get your point, but ITH Fandom also shows its strength to win even not pleading or asking Fannibals to’ back off- So, pls just let our fans show their love to their shows- here is the poll for our favorite horror TV show- let simply stick to the theme – I will be fine to loss after a hard battle. Some of the Fannibals also emotionally invested in the Show . For me, I will keep voting as long as my fellow fannibals are still struggling to win <3 ANNIFannibals will be sthstick to ishoworor oreassjust let our fans show their loves to their shows. heach of fansJ or aother
I get your point, but ITH Fandom also shows its strength to win even not pleading or asking Fannibals to back off- So, pls just let our fans show their love to their shows- here is the poll for our favorite horror TV show- pls let simply stick to the theme – I will be fine to loss after a hard battle. Some of the Fannibals also emotionally invested in the Show . For me, I will keep voting as long as my fellow fannibals are still struggling to win <3, and be proud of whatever the outcome it is.
Hey Fannibals, Murder or Mercy, we know the answer, don’t we?
One of the things I love best about ITF is the understated horror. It’s not like The Walking Dead (another show that is dear to my heart) where it’s, IMO, survival horror. In that, everyone is so different from how they used to be. You have to adapt to a world where there are seemingly neverending zombies out to kill you and having to deal with the other humans in the world who are just as bad as the zombies. (Also, Carol Peletier is the most bada$$ character and if you don’t agree, then I just don’t know what to do with you lol).
In ITF, it’s like how much can you delude yourself into thinking everything’s okay before it comes to the point where it ends in tragedy (I’m looking at you, Bill Macy!). It’s also very true to the times we live in. Fanatics on both sides looking to do harm to the other and innocents getting caught in the crossfire. People preaching to others and preying on their fear and ignorance. Someone touched on this point earlier, but part of the horror is realizing that since the PDS sufferers are now “cured”, so many other rabids (someone’s parent, child, sibling, significant other, etc.) were killed before they had a chance to come back. Also, there’s the horror of the PDS sufferers having to deal with the fact that in their untreated state, they killed people (one character killed their mother, and two main characters killed a girl in a store).
Not to mention the make up is really spectacular – from the hand painted contact lenses, to PDS sufferers natural state, to the rabid ones when they take Blue Oblivion, Rick Macy’s face scars, Amy’s scars… But I do have to say that I did see something on Tumblr awhile ago with Hannibal showing the violin guy and the fate of a certain female character, both of which looked really freaking disgusting and I loved it. Great. Going to get sucked into yet another show. I have about 60 things sitting in my queue on Netflix to watch, so I plan on having no life for the next 20 years.
Sorry for the text dump and on a kind of unrelated matter, if anyone wants to discuss the Nogitsune and/or Stiles Stilinski, please let me know because I can discuss them for DAYS. Or anything else dealing with TW.
Come on Fannibals! We CAN catch up!
No one can stop me voting Hannibal unless there are new chaps on my favourite Hannigram fanfic..okay this can wait too
This is my favorite comment because…reasons. XD
Fannibals, pls mobilize all our resources to vote. Someone keep bombarding our Hannibal Tumblr asking us back off..
Excuse me but I think you do know that no one can tell you to back off if you don’t want to, right? and with all those votes and graphic edits to encourage people to vote I doubt that we still have time to “bombard” anyone
People can still tell you to back off, you don’t have to. But they can still tell you to and we are just saying someone did it’s not like we are accusing you or anything.
We kicked the supernatural fandom’s ass last year we can do anything! Go Hannibal!
Look, guys. As much as I’m voting for in the flesh because it’s a beautiful show, I think we all know the real reason why we need s3. Philip needs a new toaster. Seriously. So keep on voting and get Philip his new toaster damn it!
(Also vote for Simon’s hideous sweaters.)
basically these are main reasons, dude))))) totally agree with u here.
you think what all this fuss and fight here is about? certanly – let’s be honest – cuz the main canon pairing toaster/philip has to survive at any cost.
and fifty shades of sweaters, of course…
i love u, guys, keep up the struggle and vote In The Flesh! <3
He needs a new toaster and his girlfriend back!
(i live in denial)
I just googled “Philip needs a new toaster in the flesh” and found this!
Come on, Fannibals! I know we can get back in the lead before the 20th!
I’m a little disappointed that some Rotters seem to think that we’re being spiteful in voting for Hannibal, as though there is some direct correlation between this poll and a renewal of season 3 of In The Flesh. I think most Fannibals can empathize with In the Flesh, with the fear of cancellation, but I think most Fannibals just want to demonstrate their love of their show above all. In my opinion, if one loses or wins, it shouldn’t be because of mercy. I wouldn’t want to win that way. I would rather everyone try their best and at the end of the day, I’ll either go “WOW, ALL THOSE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS PAID OFF” or “GOD, THEY TRIED HARDER THAN I DID- LETS RECTIFY THAT NEXT TIME.” Because, in my opinion, friendly competition really does help everyone- not just one side giving up.
Yes, friendly competition is always good. I’m actually extremely proud of both sides of the battle despite being a ‘rotter’ (although fun fact, rotter is a derogatory term in the show! We’d be more of the Undead or the Redeemed XD)
Honestly compared to the Musical March Madness that I was apart of, this has been at least 100x more civil than anything that was on there.
I saw a fan referring to themselves as ‘Rotters’ and so… I suppose that as a fan whose fan-name is relating to the word ‘cannibal’, I suppose I’m not the best qualified person to distinguish what has a good connotation. But anyway! Thanks for telling me! The Redeemed actually has a nice ring to it~
I can’t speak for all In The Flesh fans, but I agree with you, I would much rather win through hard work and dedication than one side agreeing to back off or whatever.
Love this comment! I’m okay with losing fair and square, but if we lose because some ItF fans are emotionally blackmailing fannibals not to vote I’m going to be royally pissed!
Yeah, I don’t want ITF fans to guilt-trip Hannibal fans into voting for ITF. Friendly competition is great, but that just doesn’t seem right to me.
But here’s my thing, If ItF gets renewed and later down the line Hannibal is on the cusp of getting renewed or not and there’s a poll like this pitting the two fandoms together, will ItF fans help us out by not voting for their show?
To be completely honest, (and I can’t speak of other ITF fans here) I would. I’m a fan of Hannibal too, it’s just that I care for ITF more. And if you guys were having trouble getting a season 4 or 5, I would do as much as I could to help you guys out.
If ITF is 100% secured for another season, personally I’d say I’d help and vote for hannibal if it were in danger of getting cancelled i think because lets be real here an online poll wouldnt affect the show if it was already renewed so……
For all “so claimed” fannibals, if you choose to vote ITF, pls do so but keep it to yourself, there are still many fannibals struggling very hard voting for Hannibal.
It’s rude how you said ‘so claimed’ fannibals. I don’t see how they still wouldn’t be huge Hannibal fans despite their decision to vote for ITF. They should be allowed to give their reasoning as to why their voting for ITF, just like fannibals should be allowed to be continually saying how they’re voting for Hannibal and how the undead are allowed to say how much they’re voting for ITF, or even if there are ITF fans voting for Hannibal.
Pls dont get me wrong- i’m not saying “fannibals” not allowed to give their reasoning or to vote for ITF- I am only begging those “fannibals” who post at Hannibal Tumblr asking other fannibals to let ITF win, also aware that the fannibals here need support as well. So that’s why I ask them to vote ITF but pls keep it to themselve.
People have a right to post those types of comments here just as you have a right to state that you’d rather not see it. What isn’t right is bashing other fandoms (against the rules of the poll), being rude (against the rules of the site and would put you on Hannibal’s dinner table) and “true fanning” other fans (heavily frowned upon around these parts).
I voted once to get the ball rolling and voted for both Hannibal and ITF. I like Hannibal more, but would like to see ITF get a third season. I’m happy whoever wins, but I understand if some fans of both shows would make a decision not for their favorite, but for their second favorite that “needs” the votes for renewal. Hannibal fans had a similar outlook last year and wanted SPN to back off since they were pretty secure. By saying this I’m not claiming this poll will have a direct outcome on the chance of renewal, but I have had conversations with producers who say it helps sometimes, especially for smaller bubble shows. Who would I be voting for if I wasn’t an admin of the website? Not sure. I’m a fannibal through and through, spent my birthday sleeping on concrete to be front row center at the Hannibal panel at SDCC, and worked my butt off to get into the NBC party to meet the cast and crew (so many selfies on my phone soooo many selfies) but I get where ITF is coming from because we were there a year ago. I haven’t voted since my first vote, though, as I’ve taken a more admin role since it took off. But I get it. We’ve been in there shoes, man.
-Admin Angel
Ok… there’s nothing else for it. Mads and Hugh need to agree to kiss for 2 minutes if all the Fannibals vote. I bet the ITF loving Fannibals wouldn’t feel so guilty about voting then…
This response has me laughing so hard right now. XD
I second this motion!!! Will vote like crazy for Hannigram!
it’s a damn great proposition! *_________*
but i’m still voting for in the flesh. sorry, guys
cuz for me it’s not about my inner specific preferences right now. in this i stand for logic, not just emotions, and thus my choice is ITF.
Voting for Hannibal as it is my favourite TV show seems logical to me.
I’m not saying this is your reasoning – but voting for a troubled show because the BBC might see a poll and decide to save it despite it having no viewers/no dvd sales doesn’t seem so logical to me.
If you want to support In The Flesh’s renewal, do what I did. Buy the series 1 DVD. It’s not expensive.
Its in trouble as bbc3 (the channel it used to air on) got shut down and completely moved online, yes itf isnt very famous, its a low budget British tv show but the fans are stirring and making more and more people curious what this show is and why does it seem so important to us,thus making a loooottt of people watching it after it has already aired on tv (including me) as for the support you can check the shows creators twitter dominic Mitchell, youll see him retweeting a lot of people who bought the dvd, roleplaying costumes, drawings, this poll to which he will tweet the results to to both bbc and bbc america, we’re doing everythig we can to support this show as you can see and all we’re hoping for is just renewal
actually, i’ve already bought five dvds of firts season and both seasons in one set long before this poll started. i do the agitating oh signing the petition on change.org.
but the logic i’m talking about is not the one you talking about. it’s not just the formal logic of making actions to get us the third season. it’s wideer then that – it’s dialectical. i’m sorry i can’t explain it properly. english is not my native language, but anyone in here who study philosophy professionaly will understand what kind of logic i’m talking about.
Hey guys, seriously, why not combine our efforts to get 400K a pierce and leave it even? Then we both win, and it makes a statement that we both deserve the attention and renewal!
Not to mention the fact that it will show that we respect each other’s struggle better than anything else.
If everyone could agree on voting both ITF and Hannibal up to 400K and stopping, through combined effort, I would swallow my broken fannibal pride and cooperate. We’re both struggling to get recognition, renewals, and respect. I think it would send an amazing message.
If you vote for both shows, your votes cancel each other out. You can raise the tally for both shows if you like, but if you want to help a show win, you have to choose.
Go ITF go!! <3
Also, special shout-out to Martha @DeLaurentiisCo for being so supportive of us! Thank you for the motivation booooost~~ <3
Admin Angel, do you have an email address? I’d like to ask you something in private please.
Various forms of contact info is on the contact page. Email is TheGeekiary@gmail.com
Please do not state that you are going to contact me, then NOT contact me, but tell people that you did and create lies about a private conversation that never took place. Thanks.
-Admin Angel
Come on Fannibals! Don’t do sympathy votes for ITF, that’s ridiculous. Vote for the better show. The one you prefer.
Vote for the better show? I shall have to vote for ITF then!
(Ok, ok. I don’t want to start anything, I’m joking. It’s just that which is the ‘better show’ is your opinion. Best of luck to both shows in this.)
I am specifically referring to those who prefer Hannibal but are voting ITF (which is boring and been done before, IMO – if you wanna go there) because of some misconceived idea that it will miraculously save the show
I think most people are well aware that it won’t miraculously save the show, but people should feel free to vote for who they want for whatever their reasoning is. (and IMO, I could say the same comment back at you about Hannibal. I was a former Fannibal but couldn’t get through season 2 cos I got bored. But I am very impressed with how well the Fannibals have done!)
Fair enough!
But I still think these sorts of competitions are about what the individual thinks is the best show, hence the title of the competition. You guys have done a great job tho, well done
Although I would also like to know the other examples of what would make In the Flesh ‘boring and done before’ because I do like the genre.
Just my opinion. The teenage angle, the undead angle. I find Hannibal is more layered, and with a more intricately woven story and characters. MY OPINION tho. Gotta go back to voting, best of luck
Hah, yeah. I was pretty done with the whole Undead thing too until In the Flesh. I guess it was because the way it was focused was interesting y’know? Putting them back in society instead of being ‘myeehh brains’ and such. And IDK how well they count as teenagers as they’re all in their twenties at least
but hey, opinions are opinions. But Hannibal and In the Flesh are two pretty different genres even if they’re both being categorized as horror.
True, I see your point about it taking the undead thing to another place. The main character is 18, and a lot of the others are thereabouts – even if early 20’s. And they are different genres, I agree. And I’m signing the petition because it deserves more seasons too. Considering some of the shows on TV that get renewed…lol.
Yeah, better things like Hannibal and In the Flesh to get more seasons than some shows that are on air! XD I’m always tender about cancellation because 2 of my fav shows have already gotten canned!
It actually gets confusing about their ages because you have no idea if you go by the age when they died or how old they’d technically be. Is he 18? Is he 21-22?? The world will never know.
LOL! I concur
Thank you for signing the petition. That helps.
Absolutely! Hope it does <3
Are you saying that ITF is boring and has been done before? I respectfully disagree.
Also, having ITF win means a lot because the show has a small fan base, (much smaller than Hannibal’s I might add) and having it win will help gain publicity. I don’t think that winning this poll will help us get a season 3 directly, but if it wins and it gets noticed, hopefully we can get more people tweeting #saveintheflesh to @bbcthree on twitter and buying the dvds if they really love it. (And other suff too.) Let’s face it, doing that stuff is what will help the show, not winning this poll. You guys apparently worked hard to get another season too, so you can hopefully empathize with our situation.
I apologize for ever saying that I was disappointed in the Fannibals. Now we know what was happening, and if you know, you know, but it’s not your fault. I’m SO sorry! You’re all amazing. :,(
Haha I’m so happy now even Hannibal is fallen behind in voting- Fuller is planning to have 6 seasons- Mads and Hugh are so “intimate”- We win in every sense!!
Sorry I still not buy the DVDs- order them right now
Still I’d keep voting to show my endless love to Hannibal!!
Likewise! HannibalHannibalHannibal! Mads! Hugh! Come one fannibals <3
See how Mads looked at Hugh when Hugh said Hannibal and Will are in platonic love….I dont ship real persons..I can’t- I am dying… the whole crew just so daring
I know! I loved it. Too cute! They’re all so funny and talented, Caroline, Mads, Hugh, Laurence etc etc
if mads could just knew what the words “platonic love” meaned for real and not just that misunderstending modern treatment, that says: platonic love is friendship. oh, dear mads! u r so wrong at this. and if u’re saing something, then mean it. mean it for real, using the true value of the term)))))))))
Come on, Fleshdom! We can win this!
Ahhhhh, that livestream~~ <333
YES! Lets do this
We’re in it to win it, and we can!
Dear ITF person,
Not people, but person. You know who you are. I have a message for you from the Fannibals:
They know.
That goes for all 4 of you. The rest, I’m great with. This is just a courtesy.
I love you right now. XD
This right here… yes LMAO
lmao at this point I’m barely even voting. I’m just chatting with people. Fannibals and Redeemed alike, if y’all have tumblrs we should chill. I’m fenrirvodka.tumblr.com
Haha me too. I’ve voted so much. I’m not ready to give up, but talking to people is nice.
I’ll hit up! Voting is hard work, I think I’m going to have permanent joint damage in my fingers and wrist from this…lol
It is! I remember this year’s Musical March Madness. Obsessively voting for Daft Punk, it was a bit easier though because all the choices wouldn’t scramble all over the place! This place is definitely a lot nicer. The MMM had a livechat and people were HORRIBLE.
Yikes. Luckily everyone is pretty decent aye, well the ITF and Fannibals – don’t think there are many others around? Dam tho, it would be so much easier if they options weren’t scrambled here.
It would! That split second of trying to find your show isn’t fun XD. But seriously, the chat wasn’t modded like here. Everyone was throwing insults to each other’s favorite bands and each other and just SPAMMING the chat. I managed to make a few cool Daft Punk friends though, and even though we lost it was pretty fun in the end
So I hope we can all finish in friendly terms too!
Yeah, me too! I like camaraderie here. Did Daft Punk win I hope?
We managed to get to the semi-finals! It was very impressive, but unfortunately we lost there. We definitely did super good though! People really pulled through! Just like we’re all doin’ here, really XD
I’ll have to check that out for next year
I can never see the polls on this site, and I don’t know why! I’d love to be able to vote, but I can’t
I think I saw it once, a long time ago, for whatever reason, but I haven’t seen it since. Someone help?
Fannibals, it’s late (or really early) and you’re tired. I know. But can we get just a little support to push them back to a 15K lead?
I’m with you- I’ll try- I vote lazily not really check the voting result- now trying my best
I’m with you too. Team Hannibal! Vote vote vote
I’m here. Lets do it!!1
in the flesh defnitely deserves to win this poll
i personally suggest you give the show a go, their is only 9 episodes , but they are nine brilliant episodes
you will then see why in the flesh is worthy of winning this poll
Seen it and, nah. It’s alright, but Hannibal is the (far) better show – imo
I seen it too but not impressed me enough… my opinion only- all the fans think their show is the most favorite one and we vote to express our loves- it’s simple as this. Many BBC shows only with a few espisodes each season- like Sherlock , Fall Down- these two definitely are my current most favorite TV shows in UK.
No. I have watched ItF, and it’s cute–but only that. In the Flesh is kind of social commentary more than horror, and thus does NOT deserve to win this poll.
You are incorrect. In the Flesh fits the requirements of this poll:
“The show has to have some element of horror in it such as vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, or some other level of grotesque or gory quality (such as cannibalism for Hannibal). Not everyone may agree that these shows fit squarely in the “horror” category (In the Flesh, for example, isn’t a typical zombie show), but the horror elements present within the narrative qualify it for this poll.”
Please read the rules and qualifications for the poll before making statements like that.
-Admin Angel
Yeah I can see why it might look like ITF might not belong on this poll. I think it does though, as much as any of the others, anyway. It has some pretty horrifying sequences involving executions, gore, and rabid zombies peppered throughout – but that’s never the focus of the show, which makes it fantastic. I love Hannibal but I think ITF is more understated and the characters more complicated (in terms of *all* the characters, not just the main ones). I’m glad its getting recognized. Hannibal is fantastic though, no doubt about it.
My fingers are bleeding, but I’m so happy. There’s only one day left guys. Keep voting. we’re gonna make it.
Keep voting!
PS. I’m sorry for capslocking and maybe being a bit overzealous but this show just…it brings that out in me.
We can do it rotters!!
I’m officially an expert on finding ITF, clicking the box and going back to vote again.
Haha me too.
So I checked last year’s poll, and we’ve already surpassed Hannibal’s sheer number of votes of last year (and that means Supernatural’s too! We’ve surpassed freaking SUPERNATURAL in number of votes!!!)… all this with our little fandom of an almost unknown show about depressed, canonically queer zombies and systemic oppression and tough social issues. This is amazing, Fleshdom. We’re amazing. Keep it up and let’s win this thing.
Keep up, you perfect beings!!! Show ’em your infinity of love and dedication <3<3<3
Come on In the Flesh! <3
Funny how you guys start voting like this only after we gained a 20K lead. Just sayin’. (And yes, I’m very much aware that it’s not EVERYONE, but the people responsible know who they are and know what I’m talking about.)
We need to win this as an In the Flesh fandom because it might help us get a new season. Hannibal will get a new season anyway because the makers are not being assholes. Let’s keep voting and not get cocky!
Know what? It’s fine. I don’t care. If I get kicked off the poll for this, I will still feel like I did the right thing.
This, by no means, reflects the entire fandom-so those innocent please disregard this. There are about 4 members of the ITF fandom that are using synchronized bot voting (likely by means of copy/paste). I don’t mind losing at all, especially to such a great fandom, but I would want it to be a fair fight. Yes, we know about it. And yes, we’re righteously indignant. What’s funny is that it stopped for a while when it was mentioned to DLC, and now only picks up (in smaller numbers) from time to time.
So thank you to all of you for an originally fun and fair competition. Again, this has nothing to do with those not involved, and I’m not trying to insult the ITF fandom altogether.
It started right after we got our 20K lead (and our thank you). Coincidence? Not likely.
How do you know if they are using bot voting? I’m actually curious because I’ve always wanted to know how to tell on other polls.
There were about 20 votes/second coming in for 48 hours straight, which is what made us suspicious in the first place. This started right after the fannibals gained a 20K lead. Then someone pointed that out. An admin was spoken to [ADMIN EDIT: the Admin of this poll was NEVER spoken to and the following claim is incorrect] and said that the votes were coming in from 4 different IP addresses, one at a time, for 4 hours. Then it would switch to another IP address for 4 hours. Then another. Even if it WAS just THAT well organized, no one can vote 20x per second every time for 4 hours straight. It’s just not humanly possible.
And again, this doesn’t reflect the whole fandom, by any means. I have a world of respect for most of the ITF fandom thanks to this poll. I just thought it should be fair.
If what you say really proves bot voting (which I don’t know), it’s up to admin to decide what to do with the poll. These facts can’t be left without any reaction.
I understand that. I’m not saying any of this to hurt anyone in the poll or anything. I just want to make sure it doesn’t happen again anywhere else-and maybe if it is publically voiced, it will prevent it in the future.
I get it and I’m not insulted by your words at all (being an ItF fan myself). But I also want to win or to lose in a fair competition, not in a fraud. So I think admins surely have to say something about this bot or no-bot voting.
The thing is, it just LOOKS like incredible organization. They can’t swear that it’s not, so they can’t do anything about it. And that’s okay. I mean, if the ITF fandom really is THAT good, I am more than happy to bow to a superior fandom. That’s great! But it is extremely doubtful.
Interesting…. If that’s true, then that’s a really shitty move on the ITF fandom’s part. But do you have any proof?
I can’t prove it, personally, but the admins can confirm everything I’ve said if you ask.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you said 20 votes a second right? That would mean 1,200 every minute, and 72,000 every hour. Because if that’s right, we would be in the lead sooooo much more than we are right now.
Did you mean something else? I’m not disregarding the bot voting thing, but those numbers seem way too big to be plausible, or maybe I just misinterpreted what you said? (Or maybe I’m just really bad at math, which is true.)
You have a point, and the numbers were not actually confirmed by the admin, so it may have been less, and some were just fan votes. Like I said before, I am only voicing it because I don’t want it to happen again-here or anywhere else. Nothing against ITF whatsoever.
The admin have however stated that the claim about admin evidence was false. Which makes me question the claim. If you ask me, it’s just that the fans have different time zones. In the Flesh is an England based show and when the voting started, it was probably that a large part of the fan base was just waking up.
What admin said this? I am the admin running this poll and the only one who has access to the IP addresses and I never said ANYTHING like this anywhere. Where did you here this from? Because it certainly wasn’t from me or anyone on my staff.
-Admin Angel
Hmm…I heard that it came directly from an admin, and I assumed it was you. If I was wrong (and I apparently was on that point) then I sincerely apologize for any misinformation. Would you mind looking into it for me? I really wasn’t trying to cause any trouble, and I haven’t voted at all since sending the original message about it.
I have looked into it. I am the only person who has access to this information. Nobody else on staff has access to the Polldaddy account or is even looking at this poll except for me. So I can assure you that whoever told you it came directly from an admin is wrong. Can YOU tell me who told you it came from an admin? Please email me at TheGeekiary@gmail.com with that information.
-Admin Angel
You know you can’t say this kind of thing without giving any proof. Right now it sounds like you want to spoil the fun of competition both to In the Flesh and Hannibal fans.
Look at the evidence and judge for yourself. I know I will probably be kicked for this, but at least I feel justified. I have nothing against losing (fairly) or friendly competition, and I have been a firm supporter of ITF since this poll began, even though my votes went to Hannibal and Hemlock Grove. I wish ITF the best of luck getting s3, and I’m not trying to insult the entire fandom.
You may not have been trying to but it certainly came out that way. You say to look at the evidence but provide none. Unless you’re meaning it as the amount of votes we have. Just seems to me that maybe this whole accusing people of cheating was a way to fan the flames to make this a very bad forum and have the insults fly back and forth but it didn’t quite turn out that way. You even say below that you were expecting indignity and outrage… but maybe I’ve just become a very untrusting person I can say for myself only that I certainly appreciate your apology below but I’m still going to take it with a grain of salt. That’s all I’m going to say about this. back to the voting.
Nothing Jamie said came from me, the admin of this poll. There is no proof of any of it because it’s absolutely not true. There is no bot and I don’t know where Jamie got her information, but it wasn’t from the admin, as she has claimed.
-Admin Angel
I really thought this would be over, and I am all for getting back to a fun poll. However, while everyone here has been completely civil and beyond understanding (and I appreciate it immensely), I have seen reports of fannibals being harassed on Tumblr (I don’t even have a Tumblr account so…) over this. I have also seen both Hannibal and ITF people arguing over Twitter. I have also been publically disowned by a few Fannibals.
Just stop guys, please? I was wrong, I have admitted it, and I have apologized. I don’t know what more I can do. Frankly, I gave both fandoms a horrible reputation, in different ways, and I accept that. It shouldn’t have to spill over into the rest of life or affect these awesome fandoms as a whole. (When I said it wasn’t a reflection on the entire fandom, I meant it, wholeheartedly.) Also, if it had been my own fandom that I had the “evidence” (that I honestly thought I had) against, I would have done the exact same thing.
I admit, again, that I went about it the wrong way. I didn’t check facts for myself, just trusted. I’m sorry for that. I made a public accusation, and I am sorry for that too. But I’m not sorry for standing up for what I believed was right. If anyone wants to be angry at me for that, go ahead.
Also, while I’m at it, I saw someone say that I was “finally forced to apologize”. I wasn’t FORCED into anything. Every word was completely sincere and from the heart.
Now, PLEASE, go back to a friendly competition and stop fighting, okay? <3 Hopefully there will be no hard feelings when this is over-or preferably from this point on.
There’s always gonna be people who ruin the fun for everyone else. I’m just glad that most people in this comments section have been very kind and civil to each other despite all of the circumstances that happened. A lot of people seem to treat this like its something more grand than an effin’ poll on the internet. It’s just for fun! It’s not really a literal life or death situation that would warrant having to take the piss at people who may not completely agree with you.
There are people who like Hannibal, good for you! It’s a good show, even I can say that being a ‘former’ (don’t really like that word, but I don’t actually watch it anymore) fan I KNOW it’s good. And there are people who like In the Flesh. And that’s also rad.
People are taking this WAY TOO SERIOUSLY, and that just takes away from the friendly competition, imo. It’s always gonna be there in polls, but it still definitely sucks for the people who just want fun competition.
Honestly ITF, I was prepared for indignity and outrage, but never for such acceptance, kindness, and understanding. I am literally about to cry. You guys are amazing. <3
I guess it helps that our show is all about accepting others and being understanding (and gay zombies, lmao) but its super understandable to want a fair competition, and don’t think even we’d want to win via bots, because then it’d feel like an empty win, ya feel? I can hope that the Redeemed and the Fannibals can keep being good friends even after this poll. Cos really, Cannibals and Zombies? Hell yes.
Absolutely! I was so overwhelmed at the amount of mutual respect and support throughout this whole competition, and I think you guys are amazing.
And at least I don’t think we would eat zombies. Hannibal tends to prefer fresh ingredients. 
Who doesn’t love queer zombies and cannibals? XD
Though I’m voting for ITF (because I need s3. My life depends on it) I will absolutely check out Hannibal and help you guys get s4 when the time arises!
Apparently, I was fed some bad information, from a previously trusted source. If there was no cheating involved, then I’m sorry. If there was, then I have a feeling it will stop now. Either way, it goes back to being a fun competition. Good luck everyone.
I really AM sorry. If I wanted to start trouble, I would have started fandom bashing or something. Not throwing out accusations. <3
Who was the source? Who said they had spoken to me? Because I really would like to know who is speaking in my name?
-Admin Angel
Guys, seriously, I feel terrible. To be completely honest, I haven’t been able to quit crying for at least the last half hour. I know ‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t really cut it, but I am. I was only trying to keep things fair, but I went about it the wrong way and I know that. Think what you want of me, but if it’s any consolation, I feel like the biggest jerk on the planet. That’s all I’m going to say about it.
Good luck everyone…
If it’s any consolation at all, I, the admin, am not mad at you. I am mad at the people who fed you lies. I’m so sorry an Internet poll made you upset. This is supposed to be fun and it’s clearly not anymore. You have my deepest apologies.
-Admin Angel
I feel sorry for Jamie that they have been fed false rumors, and I don’t want them to feel bad about it either — it can happen, I probably would have reacted the same way. And I’m actually glad that it’s not true because I, like other people here, want In The Flesh to win fair and square.
But seriously, the person from whom these rumors originated is a true *******, because I started doubting the results too!
It all reminds me of a very interesting comment from the “Favourite Summer Show Poll” a few months ago: “Our research has indicated that trailing categories often accuse the leading category of cheating in the final hours of open voting. It is often the case that the losing categories will demonstrate disrespectful practices especially just prior to and in the following days of the poll’s closing.”
Hey. Ok, I’m going to be completely honest and I really am upset about this. I do apologise. It’s all gotten out of hand.
I and a few other Fannibals wondered if the ITF fandom was using a bot. I sent a tweet to you guys, and got a reply that made me feel foolish. The Fannibals I had talked to still felt a bot was being used and to try and sort it all out, I told them that you had emailed me and told me there was no bots, just four groups voting lots of times. It was a stupid thing to do and it was 5am for me so I just wasn’t thinking properly but as soon as I said it, I couldn’t take it back. Jamie is my girlfriend and got the wrong end of the stick… so my stupid idea fell flat. She is not to blame in any shape or form. I really didn’t mean to cause any harm. I was trying to put things right. I have said on twitter that no bot was being used and apologised to both fandoms.
I’m so sorry for this. Just a stupid mistake and I do regret it and I really do apologise to all of you.
Thanks, Jo.
There is so much wonderful acceptance on this. I’m used to people freaking out and getting mad, but it seems that everyone is being understanding and even the original commenter is accepting! It’s so brilliant. You guys are amazing ^^
Okay guys, we have all agreed that Jamie was fed false information and she’s already apologized and admitted it. We don’t have a need to beat a dead horse or whatever the saying is, let’s all stop sending messages about it and go back to doing what we were doing, and that’s voting for our fav horror show!
Well im glad that the whole matter has been sorted out,im happy that you realised your-I migt say misunderstanding- jo and I dont think any of us ITF fans will hold it against you, we can all move on now and go back to our fun cheerful poll, (in the future just make sure that you absolutely have your facts right)
I really hope this doesn’t cause anything between the fannibals and the redeemed
I actually like In the Flesh a lot. It really was just a stupid comment said at 5am, on no sleep, that I regretted as soon as I made it. I never meant for anything to blow up like this. I think the ITF fans and their show and showrunner are amazing and I do hope you don’t feel badly of me or Jamie.
I understand, I can see why 5 am you wouldnt have thought it through, it happens to all of us, its okay tho we dont blame wither you or Jamie and I just hope we can move on from this point onwards
Also Jaime, its okay we understand that youve been fed false information and we forgivw you seriously dont beat yourself up dont cry please just lets go back to the fun comment section
Now you guys are making me cry from being so nice, forgiving, and understanding! Stahp it! Lol. <3
Seriously though, thank you all. Your little zombie and cannibal hearts are amazing. I want you all to know that.
ITF fandom, your show runner is amazing.
Awww we know. After all, he is our Undead Prophet lol
With me being in Maryland (which is in the eastern standard time zone) and having to get up early tomorrow for work I have a feeling it’s gonna be a very hectic night before this poll closest lol. I always try to vote on my lunch breaks during the week so hopefully we can keep up this lead.
I’m just trying to keep optimistic that a 3rd or more season will happen. Got into ITF very late and there’s almost nothing worse than realizing you missed something incredibly different and poignant and there’s no hope of getting it back. I bought the DVDs and had my BFF watch and now she’s very upset with me because I told her everything was up in the air.
I lived through not having closure on My So-Called Life although it still pains me. I hope it doesn’t happen again with this show. You can’t end a series like that. Ugh. They’re killing me inside.
How many hours are left till the poll closes again?
Roughly 30 hours
In The Flesh is not only a horror tv show. It is sensitive and beautiful. I Ended first season sobbing, it was the first time a tv show made me cry this hard. This show is not about zombies, it is about people, religion and acceptance. In The Flesh is not only a horror tv show. It is sensitive and beautiful. I Ended first season sobbing, it was the first time a tv show made me cry this hard. This show is not about zombies, it is about people, religion and acceptance.
Well done, you ITF guys were amazing. I’m sad Hannibal didn’t win (the better show, hahaha, but glad ITF did – or as it obviously will. Here’s to a season 3 for ya’s!
Yes, Hannibal is a great show, but listen, y’all already are getting more seasons and In the Flesh is at risk of being cancelled. So if you can stop and just think for a second about how important it is that In the Flesh wins things and stop thinking about how Hannibal is great and all that and deserves it and blah blah blah when y’all are already going to definitely be getting more seasons, please… In the Flesh needs winning lots of these contests and chatter online to survive. We need watchers, we need ratings, we need it all or we aren’t going to get a season 3.. So please.
*season (not seasons)
Sorry, it’s been bugging me that people think Hannibal is incredibly well-established, instead of a show that’s had to fight for its future every single time. I’m not saying In The Flesh doesn’t need watchers, doesn’t need ratings, doesn’t need winning of contests… I’m saying that it’s not an In The Flesh exclusive thing, so it would be nice to stop implying otherwise, as to not invalidate the efforts of other passionate fandoms.
Everyone should vote for the show they like the best or want to win, regardless. I don’t think we ITF fans should be guilt tripping any other fandoms, fannibals are very passionate and want to show their love for the show and they shouldn’t feel bad about voting for Hannibal. I’d rather In the Flesh win because it’s an amazing show not because of some misplaced feelings of pity/guilt.
I hope there are no ill feeling between any fandom- A poll should be a place where fans sharing their love and feelings. last poll I voted for Hannigram is Slash Madness and I have had so much fun interacting with Sterek shippers- We, Hannigram shippers, know that we can’t win Derek or Sterek anyway, so in turn we took time to share our love with them- also from this poll, I knew ITF and watched it.
Out of curiosity, Angel, how much does the voting rate go up on the final day? I’m assuming there’s a huge spike of increase.
I don’t have an exact statistic, but yes it usually spikes by a lot.
I’m so pleasantly surprised that the small In the Flesh fandom has managed to gain a lead on the larger Hannibal fandom. Hannibal is a very good show, masterfully created, but In the Flesh is so much more important to me. It’s amazing what people can accomplish.
Hannibal fans: keep doing what you’re doing. You guys are one of my favorite fandoms. As a group, you’re always very polite, and this poll is no exception. You guys had an exceptional turnout as well, and 400,000+ votes is nothing to sneeze at.
Hannibal is a good show (its a great show, actually). However, it has a confirmed next season. In The Flesh is in real jeopardy here. BBC is considering dropping it unless it gets a bigger response. In any other situation, I definitely would be voting for Hannibal.
I’m not telling Hannibal fans to stop voting – go ahead! Show support for your favorite show. I’m only stating that if you’re torn between the two, please vote for ITF – it could mean the difference between another season or a cancellation.
Haha -again- I think I can never convince any Sterek shipper to ship Hannigram more no matter I tell them how much I think Hannigram is more canon- Now I may start to ship MaDancy- No..Mads, stop it!
I feel as though the actors tend to adapt the character’s point of view. That would explain Mads’ reaction to Hannigram as opposed to Hugh’s, seeing as Hannibal’s the one who was heads over heels, while Will was bitter ever since season 1 finale. I couldn’t help but let out a laugh during Paleyfeast, when Hugh called Hannigram ‘platonic’ and Mads just looked at him like “:3c”.
That was my favourite moment too.
And the fact we now know we’ll be getting “Memory Palace” scenes…
I think we’ll get a fanfic Hanni and Will spend 6 months on a horse soon…haha
Where do you ITF guys keep getting this whole “Hannibal is safe and its future is already determined” thing? We are “on the bubble” every season. We do know we are getting a S3, but beyond that? Who knows? We’re not Game of Thrones!
with 3 seasons under their belt it makes business sense to keep the show going for at least 5 season to get syndicated. and NBC knows the show is a big hit in some overseas markets. Meanwhile BBC3 literally isn’t on tv anymore, if in the flesh got a new season it would probably only be broadcast online.i love both shows but i’m voting ITF because of this, they literally need it more.
I’ll never understood what it was doing on BBC3 anyway. Though, I suppose, Torchwood started there.
yeah and it worked for Being Human too, and they got 5 seasons. it’s just a shame that in any other network it would’ve been renewed for sure by now.
That’s true, but at least your next season is confirmed. We’re such a new show, we may not even get to S3. However, you have a rather large fanbase, and I’m sure you’ll at least get two more seasons.
Maybe you guys can take a break a few minutes watching this video
One of the Hannibal fan video I love most- Being a fan, should have more fun ^^
Hannibal ||Corpse Roads , Keaton Henson (song from ITF)
Btw spoiler alert for anyone who hasn’t finished Hannibal yet.
Come on In the Flesh! <3
Less than 9000! GO FANNIBALS GO!
I’m voting Hannibal, but I’ll definitely be giving In The Flesh a watch. You had me at gay zombies tbh.
Come on PDS Suffers! You can do this! Hannibal has caught up really quick… But we can still beet them! Just keep voting!
It’s getting to morning in the UK right now, so a majority of the fanbase will hopefully be up soon!
Woaah you hannibals really picked up the pace omg its getting hot in here!!!
Keep voting ITF fans!!
We can do this!!!
Looks like it’s gonna be a fight to the finish!
It’s sad to see that no matter what the Fannibals want their triumph. I’m a big fan of the show as well but we already won last year. I’m saying this because I see that the In The Flesh fandom is trying to save their show. For them it’s all or nothing. So yes, this time I’ll step aside and vote ITF because it means a lot to them. Sad to see my fellow Fannibals only think about themselves. If Hannibals wins and ITF is cancelled I would never forgive myself. Hope it’s worth your victory then. Sorry this just makes me kind of sad. Why so selfish? I really hope ITF still wins, good luck ITF fandom! As a Fannibal I fully support your mission!
Let’s not call people names please. That’s against the rules of the website. I understand your frustration, but calling your fellow Fannibals names is rude (what would Hannibal do, hmm?) and not going to win any hearts to your side.
-Admin Angel
Hey mate, you shouldn’t think like that. Everyone has the right to vote for their favorite show. Just keep voting and trying your best. Everything is gonna be fine.
You do realize that this doesnt actually mean that either show gets a renewal, its just a vote for your fav
I dont see it as selfishness. The fannibals love Hannibal just as much as the fleshers love In the Flesh. Yes it would be devastating to lose the poll and not get season three, but I can understand there they are coming from.
Thank you. There is no selfishness here. I’m just voting for my favourite show.
But I do watch In The Flesh and really hope it gets renewed. That, Sherlock and Doctor Who are the only things on British TV I watch!
And plus, I’ve brought the DVDs
Hey everyone we just broke 1m combined votes!
thats amazing!
Have Fannibals gone to sleep now…?
Time for us to rise again…
Come on Hannibal fans! We were in the lead last night! We have less than 20 hours left! We can do this!
Its been a great battle but i think ITF has got this one in the bag
To be honest, Fannibals rise during the night. It’s Momday morning for me right now, so while I’ll vote a couple of times in between classes… well, I still have classes. Make no mistake though, I’ll try to help out as much as I can!
Keep at it! I’m proud of you Fannibals for getting so many votes! Truly amazing from both side!
I’m British – I’ll be up as long as possible with you guys tonight!
That’s great! Looking forward to it. ;3
This poll is so unpredictable!!! Yesterdat itf was in the lead with 25k and when I woke up again hannibal was back in the lead again, and now itfs back, i always think that whoever got around a +20k lead will win and woah guys this is about the 4th time ive seen this happen in this last week alone!!
so stressful!
Otherwises, what’s the fun in it? I just vote crazily- not even have time to check the poll- Vote Hannibal!!
I dont even have time to check the result- just voting crazily- so Hannibal in the lead again? Hurray!!
No, not yet… YET. Haha, just keep going! You’re doing amazing and every vote counts in the end!
Vote for Hannibal! Vote for Fannibals, Vote for Bryan! Vote for Mads ! Vote for Hugh! Vote for the Crew!
Go In the Flesh, try to save the show! If we win that’s so much more recognition and BBC three might actually continue the show!
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASEEE guys hannibal got a season three. in the flesh did not!!!!!
Fannibals, Keep Voting- Dont stop!
Hannibal: ” tell me, how would you do it?”
Fannibals: ” with my hands” ^^
Curse this cooling-off period to an early grave….
C’mon, Fannibals! We can do this. We had the lead last night, so all we need is one big push to bring us back to the top.
In the flesh is a really good show but it just isn’t “horror” enough for me.
True, it’s not really gory or frightening at all. It’s more of a social commentary about discrimination and prejudice, except using zombies.
Please vote for In the Flesh.Maybe if we win this bbc 3 will understand that iT NEEDS TO GET RENEWED.
Remember Hugh said there have been only 2 seasons in response to Hannigram’s platronic love- We know we need more seasons to see how Hannigram evolves from Bromance to Platronic love to something more sexy-
Come On Fannibals! We can do it!!!
My computer was super laggy, so I pressed the vote button repeatedly because I was in a hurry and now it says that I can’t vote anymore? Did I do something wrong? I’m confused. HELP!
No spoilers I don’t think but their could be so just be careful
Come on ITF!!!! This poll is giving us the chance to be noticed by bb3. Maybe they’ll continue the show if we win!!!
I love Hannibal, but this show already have a 3rd season on the way and has more chances of keep going until (at least) season 4-5, but In The Flesh really needs help! It’s wonderful and deserves to win! #SaveInTheFlesh
I sympathize with the Rotters and their show, but, Fannibals, this is to show how much YOU love YOUR show. Vote for your favorite, because this is what it’s about.
Go Hannibal!
Come on Supernatural family, vote for our boys!!!!
COME ON FLESHERS!!! (Redeemed?undead?rotters?? Whats our fans called????)
There’s been a lot of talk about this being a fair poll and it is… kinda. The admin is doing a wonderful job, can you guys imagine how much effort that goes into a poll like this? A ton I bet.
Hannibal has a far greater chance of winning simply because of the time zones, In the Flesh is a British based show; so in turn most of the familyfandom are from around those parts that run on an Europe time when the poll closes.
My point is, can’t we all just appreciate the fact that- as fandoms- We ARE SO BADASS!
Can’t we just take that away from this poll haha
Reminder to ITF fans that this poll isn’t going to end until nearly 5am for people in England. We’ve got to have a huge lead before some of us start going off to bed this time…
That’s why I sometime wonder how a US based poll can save a British based show- sorry my bad- I love ITF too
Any poll can save this show when it shows fan support from anywhere; and especially if we manage to beat a huge franchise like Hannibal… because “bad ratings” for a big show on a major channel in the US isn’t the same as “bad ratings” for a small show in the UK. Our fandom is A LOT smaller, while Hannibal has a huge following (maybe less than, say, Supernatural, but still a lot bigger nevertheless) and it’s a show that was sold to a lot of countries around the world whereas In The Flesh… not so much. We’re definitely not competing in the same category, here, so yes, any poll is good enough for us to show to The Powers That Be that we’re here and we exist as a devoted and passionate fandom. We’ll take any victory, thank you very much.
money isn’t about ratings now, especially on a channel that doesn’t exist anymore, it’s about dvds mostly and people all over the world buy dvds
Come on! Get In The Flesh to win! :3
Ok, closing the poll early. Why?
This was a technical error and has since been corrected. I apologize.
-Admin Angel
…it says “poll closed” right now… is it really over? Or is the poll bugging? (I mean I won’t complain if it’s over though, I’m exhausted)
This was a technical error and has since been corrected. I apologize.
-Admin Angel
It says “poll closed”…. Why?
This was a technical error and has since been corrected. I apologize.
-Admin Angel
What’s going on?
This was a technical error and has since been corrected. I apologize.
-Admin Angel
Wtf? Why is the poll closed?
This was a technical error and has since been corrected. I apologize.
-Admin Angel
poll closed? Did it close at ll:59 Am instead of pm??
This was a technical error and has since been corrected. I apologize.
-Admin Angel
Poll closed?????
aaaaand it’s back on
This was a technical error and has since been corrected. I apologize.
-Admin Angel
i’ve not been able to vote for roughly 15 minutes, it said the poll had closed… what happened?
This was an error and it is now back online. Sorry about the interruption.
Come on guys Hannibal has has got a new season on its way, in the flesh is in desperate need for a season three which we aren’t sure we are even going to get so we need all the support we can get!!!!!!! Please
And I wish you all the luck in the world. However, I think it would be the better and more honest choice if we all put our votes in for our true favorite. Pity-voting doesn’t express the power of a fandom, after all.
It’s not about pity-voting, it’s about not breathing so hard down our necks. Fleshers desperately need a win, Fannibals obviously don’t (having won last year and already having a third season with way more episodes than In The Flesh did in two whole seasons). If the roles were reversed, I probably wouldn’t have voted for Hannibal because I don’t particularly like it, but I would have given the fans some space because of their struggle.
Do you honestly think that that isn’t what many Fannibals are doing? To be honest, I think a lot of Fannibals are more relaxed about this poll than those that happened, say, when we were on the bubble for renewal. I’m not saying that you’re the one asking this of us, but there ARE fans who are asking of us to vote for ITF instead of Hannibal. And like you said, that’s something that’s impossible for some people due to their personal values. And that asking of votes is the issue, if I’m understanding correctly, that Lil is addressing.
May I add, there’s not a lot of polls around that a) have an option to vote for In The Flesh b) where the ITF fandom actually stands a chance; indeed because the show is not well-known and the fandom is small. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me that Hannibal has already won a lot of other polls, even if we don’t count the one from last year on this same website.
The ITF fandom seized this poll with desperation and turned it into a political statement, and yes, we may seem whiny and pleading and whatever else we have been called, but consider this: this is one of our very (VERY) few chances to actually win something. Do you think it’s pathetic? Perhaps it is. But we still want it, with all our hearts. So forgive us if from our point of view it seems cruel that there’s a very good chance we might lose this.
This being said, it’s probably good that Fannibals are putting up a big fight; we probably wouldn’t have reached that many votes without it. So, in a sense, I take back what I said, and thank you, Hannibal fandom.
I completely understand, Mara. I hope you understand that in no way was I trying to undermine or insult your fandom. You Rotters/Redeemed have my respect and support, just not my vote. I think that there is a very good chance ITF will win, but it would send more of a message if all you fans got together and pushed forward without the need of the rival team’s help.
In the end, it’s all about the sport and fun of the event. Haha…. Again, I truly hope you were not offended by my response, as I was only trying to express the importance of sticking to your favorite show and being beside your fellow fanatics through-and-through.
Vote In the Flesh! Redeemed and Undead unite!
“We are the first and the last! We are those that liveth and were dead! And behold, we are alive forever more and have the keys to Hell and death in our hands!”
Even if ITF loses, I am very proud that we can hold our own. Let’s make our Undead Prophet prouder!
It’s been a week we are voting here for ITF in Russia. Here are lots of fans of ITF, wondering what will happen to the series. It’s night time already and it really scares me that ITF won’t win… We don’t even know if there will be a 3rd season or not. We need to win this nomination, we have to do it! Hannibal has got more fans, it has got 3rd season, it will be continued. But ITF need some hope…
And Ukraine is here too!!! All the love, all the hope, all the blood in my fingers and heart <3<3
We can do it!
Hungary here, too! Voting for ITF with all my heart :3 GO ROTTERS WE CAN DO IT!
So is Poland! <3 Keep voting!
VOTE FOR IN THE FLESH!! We can do it, just 3 hours left!!
The poll closes at 11:59pm EST so there’s about 6ish hours left.
I absolutely love AHS, Hannibal, The Originals, and many other series on the list… But as a horror themed series I vote Penny Dreadful as the best. Just watch the Seance scene and you’ll know what I’m talking about
Totally agree, Eva Green is AMAZING, and all the shows on the list (that I’ve seen) are great.
Go In The Flesh Fandom ! We need to win this, we need a season 3 !
the hannibals are voting for what, the possibility of their ship existing? in the flesh HAS canonical boyfriends, who also have mental illnesses, it’s such a unique show to have canon queer characters, and if we win it will get more publicity and we may get a third series! it has little fans and the channel it is shown on is soon moving to the internet, giving it even less. we need this!
Our ship already exists. Did you mean “possibility of their ship becoming canon”? I don’t think anyone here really expects that. Also, not everyone of us is a slasher and/or Hannigram shipper. (Full disclosure – I do ship them, but it has nothing to do with anything.) Your show have canon queer characters? Good for you. No, really. That’s great. You know what? So does ours, actually. Oh, right, she’s just one person (for now) and not the main character, but she’s not a random one-episode extra, either. And she gets a love interest next season. Though you probably don’t think she even counts. Well, as far as I’m concerned, she does.
(And we have mentally ill characters too. And characters of colour. And interesting femalre characters. But I’m not in the mood to play “Which favourite show is more inclusive and progressive and the only one deserving of fans”.)
I found that “I do ship them” remark to be very amusing, Copybird. That, and I agree with what you’ve said here. To Greg, I’d like to add that we Fannibals are not voting for the canonicity of Hannigram–we just want our show to win. We’re excited fans who want to prove our love…that’s not such a bad thing.
Clarification (not for Greg who, most likely, doesn’t actually care): by “I don’t think anyone here really expects that” I meant “I don’t think anyone here really expects that voting’s results would have any effect on that”.
I believe in you, my fellow fleshers
Apart from a few people, the feeling around this poll over all have been so great, I love it. Been voting In the Flesh (and Penny Dreadful) for a while now, though there are so many shows on the poll that I love (Hannibal, Sleepy Hollow, etc.).
), which we’ve definitely succeeded with! Even if ITF doesn’t win, it will definitely be more recognized for this poll! BBC (or the NBC for that matter) won’t renew a show because of how well it places on a poll. But a poll will make more people talk about the show, and it can make more people buy the DVDs and show support, which is what we really need right now.
I think it’s important to remember though, that the most important thing for ITF (and Hannibal to a certain extent) is not WINNING per say, even though that’s fun, but it’s spreading awareness, and getting the word out there (which most people have been very enthusiastic and polite about which is GREAT! Just make sure to not scare people away from our show
Needless to say, whichever show wins, everyone’s been amazing and I hope these two fandoms continue to get on well in the future (I think even Dominic Mitchell invited the fannibals to a mass wedding.). Have a good few last hours of the poll! Good luck everyone!
I watch most of this tv shows, but I want Hannibal to win, it’s a such underrated tv show.
Come on fellow Fannibals! For the puppies!
(Note: I hope this won’t cause an argument over puppies like it did last time, lol.)
keep voting guys!! we can’t let our votes slip!!
Hannibal is great, but we really need In The Flesh to win. We need season 3, i dont want this to end like a Pushing Dasies incident guys, im still traumatized.
WHOEVER wins, i want this to be said: It was an honour to be competiting with you guys. You all rock!
we can really do it!!
I just found a great tv show. You should see it. It’s beautiful.
I see what you did there. XD
:> ayee rotters
C’mon, Fannibals. Vote your hands off.
i love hannibal but in the flesh really deserves this AND a third season
Go Fannibals! <3
I rarely make fan art, but when I do, it’s for In The Flesh. This show deserves a 3rd season! Come on Rotters!
Everyone keeps calling themselves Rotters! *Amy voice* We are the REDEEMED, we are the UNDEAD!
A flawless show with two incredible male characters in love! And its canon!
Go Hannibal go!
Hannibal is an amazing show that deserves more viewers than it gets. It’s intricate and subtle and it has the loveliest cast one could ever ask for and wow, did I mention the cinematography? It’s filmed like art, organic and alive and awe-inspiring. The characters are horribly human and wretchedly complex and each in their own way, have a heart-breakingly honesty to them. It’s a show that races and intensifies and thrives to surpass itself. To peg it as a simple overdone concept of cannibalism is a crude understatement, and for the reasons above and many more, there should be more people watching it.
*coughs* I should also add that the first few episodes are free on Amazon Prime. ;3
I second this!
Actually, isn’t the whole first season free on Amazon Prime?
Also, classic Shit Fannibals Say: did I mention the cinematography?! Lolololol gods I love it.
So glad we won!
When does the poll close? Isn’t it an hour or two?
In three, give or take.
Fannibals, Vote to the last minute! this is a glorious fight!
I’m hoping we get pass the 600 000 mark! :3
Hm, okay, lets see if we can get over 610 000…
Fannibals! Please Calm Down! You are having a third season! You don’t need this win! Please! ITF needs the win for bbcthree to notice us and give us a third season!
I’m a Fleshling as well as a Fannibal, but please! We really need this win!
Not now, not at the pt, PLEASE!
Let me respect ITF- Let it be a honest fight! This is no big deal win or loss- Just Fight for our SHow!
I agree. I’m desperate for another season of ITF, but since this is the last day of the poll, both fandoms are doing heir hardest to support the shows they love. I want this to end on a positive note between the fleshers and fannibals without any hard feelings. We’re all amazing, and holy crap look at how many votes each of us have! This is so much more than last year’s horror poll! It just shows how hard we’re both fighting.
Naturally, I hope Hannibal wins. This is THE ultimate thing on television for me. BUT, I completely understand ITF’s struggle and amazing values, and fully support them getting renewed no matter what. Best of luck to both amazing fandoms.
Hey Fannibals! Just to let you know that I did the math (I know, amazing, I’m voluntarily doing math), and I’ve found that at the rate we are going, we are capable of catching up to In The Flesh before the poll ends!
SO VOTE VOTE VOTE! Hannibal doesn’t go down without a fight as we all know from the season 2 fina… okay, maybe lets not talk about that since I don’t want you guys to break down in tears. ;_; (Jack… A-Alana… W-Will… A-A-Abigailllll… Hanniballlllllllllll)
Nicely done there. XD
In The Flesh is a great show, but Hannibal is better. It’d be rude to let such a masterpiece lose. Let’s win this, Fannibals! Eat them!
I don’t think you guys would find rotting flesh particularity appetizing.
Nom…nom nom nom… *questionable look* Does this meat taste funny to anyone else?
I doubt it’s better. It’s just different.
Come on Fannibals! <3
I hope hannibal does well, but I know how much it means to the in the flesh fandom so I wish you the best of luck too
You deserve more seasons also, and it proves just how strong your fandom is by overtaking the hannibal fandom (Which is a pretty scary fandom who will probably eat you
) Good luck to everyone 
Please, admin- while it is an honour to be put up against some of the best- can you please restrict the voting next time cause how can we compete with all American shows with an American time zone for the poll to end?
It’s not fair when you’re a small group pushed up against it from the start. When the poll ends it’s 4.59AM in the uk on a school night as well. I’m sorry if this is harsh but my anxiety has shot right up.
Please just think about restricting the votes next time. I mean you no harm.
It’s kinda the point tho, we all have advantages and disadvantages and we have to overcome them if we want to win.
I only can’t compete with the server
Come on, y’all! One last push! For Kieren and Amy and Simon! For Philip and Jem and all the amazing characters we’ve come to know over two seasons. For Dominic and Luke and Emily and Emmett. For all of them, and all of us, and everyone who’s yet to watch an episode of this amazing show.
i don’t know, it’s just really upsetting to me that ITF has no chance because of the time the poll closes. every night Hannibal takes the lead and then every day ITF regains it so what’s the point.
The point isn’t whether you win or lose. ITF is fighting to get their show noticed and renewed, and whether they win or lose, they have put forth a valiant effort. This poll has been a struggle for both the Fannibals and the Redeemed from day 1. I think it’s beautiful how much effort everyone puts into it, and 500K+ votes is going to look very impressive to ANY network station.
i guarantee you NBC won’t care about this one bit but this would’ve been a big accomplishment for a tiny ass fandom like ITF
I, for one, disagree. The entire Hannibal cast and crew have taken notice of this poll. Whether we win or lose, I believe the Fannibals and ITF have both made an amazing effort that is sure to be noticed. I understand that Dom is following it too, so there you go.
NBC never cared from day one- which explains why we’re always last to be renewed and why we’re never ever ever ever advertised by them. Such a backwards logic though, seeing as last year, it was a back and forth between the artistic section of the network and the commercial section of the network with the latter going: “Oh, Hannibal’s good for critical acclaim, but is it worth the tiny ass amount of money we give it? I mean, look at the terrible terrible ratings!”
I digress. I suppose that the lack of advertising is the reason why the Hannibal fandom have taken it upon themselves to advertise their own show instead. Eh. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, I guess.
Come on Fannibals, we can b(eat) the competition!
The problem is that most of In The Flesh fans are in UK. Where it is currently the middle of the night and so they can’t vote.
Alright, American In the Flesh fans. Let’s band together now. It’s really late in the UK and I’m pretty sure that’s where most of our fandom is, so we have to pick up the slack!
Hey guys I love Hannibal and it’s a really good show but its popularity guarantees that it will be picked up again. The future of In the Flesh is undetermined and winning this poll could really help it get the third season it deserves. Can we have this one?
There is zero guarantee for us past season 3 and the whole fun of this is to vote your fingers off. If it’s not a true fair good fight what’s the point?
The point is for In the Flesh to get a season three. We’ve only had 9 episodes so far, and a renewal might literally be dependent on them seeing how much people care (vs NBC, who only care about ratings and budget).
Having over 600k votes should mean something to the BBC and Both shows are unstable so we should keep it a fair fight and vote for what we individually care about and see who wins
Go In The Flesh! We can do it! Not many hours left!
Looks like the Fannibals will pull this out but I will NEVER SURRENDER!
Do you think that “I was trying to support my show” is a good excuse for falling asleep in class ?
it’s a risk im willing to take haha
Fannibals votes are increasing by thousands in a matter of minutes and everyone for ITF is mostly asleep by now since the time in England is now after 3am. Looks like In The Flesh just isn’t going to make it. It was a nice ride, and I’m really disappointed but with the Time Zones it just isn’t possible at this point. I wish we’d pull through and win it somehow because it WOULD help us out so much and it was an honor to compete against Hannibal. But I’m just so sad that we’re losing because of the bulk of our fandoms location.
It’s so unfair.
really sad rn
600k is still hella impressive! And it’s what you get for an american site hosting the poll, that’s no one’s fault.
It might not be anyone’s fault but it’s also not that fair. The poll should end at a more reasonable hour for everyone. For the simple fact that, it’s not because we haven’t pushed hard enough, or given everything we can but because our efforts are all for naught when the time is against us. 5am on a weekday is quite ridiculous. If anything, the poll should have used 11:59 GMT. Standard WORLD TIME. It would have been 1am for UKT and about 8pm for EST. Significantly more reasonable. The fact that a British show was included should have been taken into account by the admins.
At least take it as a tip for next time? A lot of us feel really cheated over it.
I wouldn’t mind the change, but at the same time, isn’t it the amount of total votes that is counted at the end? Regardless of when they were imputed, it’s still that same quantity of votes, and thus when they were imputed doesn’t really matter.
you’re not getting the point, INF leads during daytime (and for a longer period out of the 24 hours in the day) when it’s a reasonable hour in the uk. hannibal always takes over for a few hours during the night but it never stays that way. since the poll is closing now when people in europe are asleep, it’s unfair.
Assuming that this poll started at the same time as it stops, which it probably did, your point becomes moot though. Because ITF would have had the advantage of seeing the poll first, and thus getting a head start. Of course, you can argue that you guys didn’t see the poll until later… but is that really the pollmaker’s fault?
I’ve voted in polls where my team’s high was during the time opposite the closing time. Sometimes we’ve won. Sometimes no. There’s a difference, but it’s not colossal. For example, I believe that Orphan Black was the day team while we were the night team, and they pulled through so…
it’s americentrism at its worst, it’s really disheartening
Like the British ITF fandom weren’t voting while the Americans were sleeping? Come on now. I have personally not been to sleep before at least 4 am all week because of this poll.
no one says they don’t? but it’s common sense to take into consideration the time zones if you’re having a poll with shows that aren’t american. the fact is itf lead the poll more consistently and hannibal only takes over during these hours that europeans are asleep so yeah this feels really unfair. there’s a global standard time for a reason like another poster said.
I am not arguing with the time change. That would be fine. But it would still be the same in the sense of Hannibal voting all they can and In The Flesh voting all they can. Personally, I think we should ALL be very proud of ourselves-win or lose. Have you SEEN those numbers?
Well done!!! It has been a constant struggle for both fandoms, and the amount of effort from both is absolutely astonishing and humbling. It has truly been an honor.
oh please, spare us this condescending kumbaya bs. you guys accused us of cheating and now we’re all buddies because we lost? nah dude.
and you’re still not getting that itf ALWAYS lead during normal global hours so this arbitrary american poll closing time is what’s making us lose this.
That was uncalled for…but I won’t hold YOUR rudeness against your entire fandom. I suggest we all keep that in mind.
You are the one being extremely rude and condescending. Please never return to this website.
-Admin Angel
It’s not really about the voting during the competition but rather the ENDING TIME. During the week both sides had fair shots at voting while the other was asleep but the ending time was set only in favor of Americans which crippled us for even a *chance* at winning. You can’t expect a whole country of people to stay awake until 5am.
How long until I can not go to sleep ?
Go In The Flesh!
Even zombies sleep in In the Flesh, why can’t we ?!
whens the poll over?
In about an hour and 15 minutes.
In just over an hour, I think.
We’ve got this, Fannibals! Keep pushing.
It would be rude to let Hannibal lose!
please let itf win this one :^(
i really need that third season to be in my life okay
This poll won’t decide if you guys get a new season or not. And if this is about impressing the BBC so much that they will renew your show, I am pretty sure that 600k+ votes is pretty damn impressive. If the Fannibals stopped voting so thar ITF could win, it wouldn’t really be a fair win, would it? Just keep voting for your fandom and we’ll do the same and that’s what this is all about. Our show is not standing that great either, even if we got season 3. We’re all just trying to do our best for our fandoms.
Except that you totally got the time zone as advantage
Actually, I am in the UK. It’s 4:38 AM here. I’m up, voting for Hannibal. So, no real time advantage for me, really.
it’s a fact that itf takes over the poll during the day though, you can’t make assumptions on anecdotal data (you’re own experience). itd leads for most of the day, and hannibal takes over during these 8 hours, that’s just a fact that us, the people who’ve been following the poll closely, know.
I’ve been following the poll too, cause just like you guys, I wanted my fandom to win. Yes, it may be true that we always take over at these hours, just like ITF takes over during the hours when American fans are sleeping. So really, if this poll would have ended when it was afternoon in the UK and late night in America, ITF would have won. But it didn’t. So Hannibal won. So why are we arguing here? It’s not like the Fannibal made this poll. It just happened to be set this way.
i suggest you inform yourself on the concept of americentrism because it’s frustrating to argue with someone who refuses to acknowledge that it is a thing that exists and that it played a part here. Itf lead for THE MAJORITY of a 24 hour day, hannibal took over for the short period where europeans go to sleep. hannibal ends up winning. this is unfair, the set up of the poll was unfair and the fact that you’re trying to deny this is silly.
Y’all should both just chill. I understand, this means a lot, but it’s all fun and games. This is a friendly poll here. Nobody is out to get each other. We all love our fandoms a lot. I understand that you think it’s unfair, and it is a little bit, but it’s not like the world will end just because the show you want to win doesn’t win. There are more important things in life than this. This is just for fun.
I never said that this wasn’t unfair. I know it was. And it would have been just as unfair if the poll ended when the Americans were asleep. This should have ended at a time when everyone would have been able to be up and voting their hearts out. But it didn’t. So yeah, maybe the website is American biased. But really, this was a ‘battle’ between Hannibal and ITF from the start, since the other shows did not score much, and I am sure that the great efforts of both these fandoms will be taken in consideration, if this poll really is worth anything in the end.
The point is that, no matter who would have won, if they used a time in GMT (one that wasn’t super late for UK or USA) and not Americancentric, it would have felt a lot fairer. Even if we (ITF) still LOST, I don’t think we’d be this upset about it because it wouldn’t have been the fault of a time zone…it would have been that the Hannibal fandom simply pushed harder.
Not to say you’re not pushing hard. The Fannibals have amazingly represented their fandom and I still hold a lot of respect for you all but, the fact still remains that we weren’t really given a shot to try and keep pushing just as hard as you have, at the end.
here comes everyone blaming time zones and bashing Hannibal.
It was going to win, that was obvious. It would have been unfair for us if the time zone changed the time it closed for us. It’s late here too, maybe not middle of the night but we are up voting. Please don’t start with the bitterness, it was a tough vote and I wish the best for your show, but we need the best for ours too. We need as many views and any notary we can get. We are in the same boat, just one more year of luck ahead of you.
Its nearly midnight, it’s nearly 5 or 6 am here. I believe that yes, it has a certain difference. Especially since it’s a week day. And why was it “obvious” since it just passed ITF one hour ago ?
if the poll included a british show the FAIR thing to do would’ve been to close the poll at a reasonable global standard time, it’s common sense and i don’t know how you guys don’t get this.
and it wasn’t obvious, hannibal only takes over during these few hours europeans are asleep so try again. and no one’s bashing the show so i don’t know why you’re trying to start wank like this.
Only you guys are sore losers. Someone in your own time zone just said they are awake voting for Hannibal. And it was obvious because we closed multiple bigger leads than you guys. It’s also a week night for us too, and many of us stayed up to our wee hours voting to not let you guys get too far ahead while we were sleeping.
It’s sour grapes as we say in the states, sore losers isn’t attractive. Good luck to your fandom, no one is bashing you guys. You’re the ones who are making excuses and asking us to let you win. Most shows on this list are American shows, despite no one voted for them. Perhaps the best way to keep it fair is to separate American voting and European voting. I’m not interested in a commenting war or bashing your show/fandom, even if you accuse me of it. Sorry you’re up late and I REALLY do hope you get another season and I’m going to check out your show after I finish Blacklist. You should check out Hannibal too.
Goodnight <3
ohhh woooow one person???? really??? omg i was so wrong then.
typical american refusing to see that they get an unfair advantage, how gracious of you guys.
Lol and you’re stereotyping us. That crosses some serious lines. How dare you say something like that over a television show voting poll? A REAL poll wouldn’t have unlimited voting, that’s how you determine anything. This was just for fun, but you are EXTREMELY out of line. I’m not even American, but you shouldn’t speak about them that way this was the worst comment I read on here, shame on you.
You are breaking our site rules by using personal attacks and are thus banned. Please do not return.
-Admin Angel
Stop it!!! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!
What the hell are you saying in here!? We, ITF fandom, are to be tolerant, understanding, an example of nobleness and high morals. But definitely not like this.
I’m so sorry, guys. Don’t take it to heart, please! I guess it’s all because of the sleepless night and tiredness.
Admin here. I’m a member of both In the Flesh and the Hannibal fandoms and it hurts to have a member of my own fandom lambaste me for my country of origin, but I don’t let it taint my view of the entire fandom. I hope nobody does. M has been banned for personal attacks and they are just one individuals. The ITF fandom is amazing. M is not the ITF fandom.
-Admin Angel
Thank you, dear, for keeping an eye on all of this and being here all along not just as an admin, but as a member of both fandoms! You are amazing!
Aww thank you. And I feel like ITF has succeeded in showing it’s power AND spreading the word to Fannibals. So I’m really proud of both fandoms right now and happy to be a part of them.
-Admin Angel
Letting itf isn’t a win isn’t a win… I know it would be the same thing but it’s not fair and square. But like I said it’s nothing personal and we really do wish the best for your show
I just woke up and gannibals in the lead again! I thinl that ot really has something to do with the time difference hannival always picks up when im sleeping but ITF gets back in rhe lead a few hours after we wake up so in the future id say close a poll in a time and both suitable for brits and americans
I’m an American who has been voting for ITF as much as possible. It’s obvious, though, that the ending time was always going to handicap ITF’s chance of winning. It too bad an end time, or day, couldn’t have been set that would have equalized things better for the fans outside of the U.S. The ITF fandom showed an amazing amount of passion for this show, though, and have nothing to be ashamed of, not even the need to get a good night’s rest
. I hope the BBC powers-that-be take notice, and give this wonderful and deserving show another season
Excuse me but the whole time-zone thing is really stupid, it’s not a USA/UK war.. IT’S JUST A POLL,those are TV SHOWS, people watch TV SHOWS all the time on tv or on their computers. I’m voting for Hannibal and i’m from Latin America, people all over the world is voting for their favorite series, it’s not about the time, it’s just about voting. A poll won’t give you a 3rd season, and the fannibals need this as much as you do, our show is always in danger
that’s why there’s a thing called global standard time that should’ve been considered since you know, it was a global poll.
Yeah I agree and Hannibal is know worldwide to a much larger extent than ITF which is know basically in Europe. Seriously, we had much more trouble than you guys to come back because it’s just like one time zone, or a really restricted one, against well everyone, but still we managed to lead this most of the day til well everyone goes to sleep around the UK time zone, we’re sad but we should be proud for a minute (or more)
are you telling me i got up at 5:30 am just to watch us lose
No but I fell asleep and woke up to this. Ugh, I knew it, well it’s not like we’re not used to it nowadays, everything is America and nothing else matters ^.^
Anyway, a really tired and angry me doesn’t want to watch Hannibal ever again, but yeah I most certainly will since it’s gonna have more seasons and yeah I love it, the thing is I might not ever watch a new ITF ep and I’m really sad about this.
Please don’t bash America, it’s extremely rude and out of line. We watch shows from
other parts of the world too. Hannibal airs in many countries. Please remember these are television shows and speaking poorly on ones Nationality is beyond.
lmao google “americentricism” wow
I’m sorry I offended you, I didn’t mean too, that was a joke (hence ^.^) but everyone is upset and tired, I’m sorry.
I proud of our fandom, even if we won’t win <3
You should be! You did very well, and over half a million votes isn’t something to take lightly!
Good job everyone.
I am very proud of BOTH fandoms. And good luck to ITF on getting season three. I will definitely be watching it, and I hope that all of the ITF fandom will give Hannibal a shot.
I now in exactly 30 min, I am in the bus for school. Yay. Well clearly, I will support ITF by looking like a zombie.
Thanks for Fannibals, you guys let me witness miracle <3
We'll become even stronger fandom
Wish ITF every best luck for the new season- sincerely I love ITF this is a very good show- beautiful, sad but always with hope!
Oh, and before I go to bed!
REMINDER THAT ALL FANNIBALS KEEP COOL AND STAY POLITE. We don’t want Hannibal get a stomachache from overeating, do we? I’m so proud of you for putting so much time and effort into voting for this poll, and I’m so thankful the amazing cast that never stopped encouraging us!
* of the amazing cast
Wow, time to sleep. OH! But another thing! ITF has something to be proud of with +600 000 votes, and while you might not have won this poll in the strictest sense, you have definitely succeeded in spreading word of it to one person more! It’s one my list of shows to watch- and if you could find some time to watch Hannibal, that would be great as well!
I’m really proud that we managed to pull runner-up. I mean honestly no matter how hard I tried I always sorta suspected we’d end up losing because of what time it’d end in the UK. But c’est la vie. I understand why a lot of us Redeemed may sound a bit whiny or like sore losers, but we should be proud that we made it. Yeah, I think it sucks too that in the end we didn’t make it. I hope it doesn’t stay sore between both our fandoms, and of course I’m still hopeful for season 3. Dominic Mitchell himself is proud of us (and called us moregeous, ofc) so either way it’s all good
I’m in New Zealand so time zones sucked for me too, but that’s how it goes on this planet of ours. It close race, both fandoms should be proud~
I think this would have been better if
1. Pick up a good time for EVERYBODY
2. Limit to one vote by person
1) There is no time that’s good for EVERYONE. There are a lot of fans in Asia, particularly China and Japan, and I’ve received complaints from them as well. Our last poll closed at the same time and In The Flesh won. So clearly British shows are capable of winning when a poll closes at midnight EST.
2) The poll is not about raw numbers. The poll is about enthusiasm.
-Admin Angel
I’m a Fannibal
Congrats, Fannibals. You did well!
I think all us ITF fans know what’s really at fault for our loss and it’s Gary Kendall.
Yeah, man. SCREW Gary. Ruins everything, he does.
Gary should learn to give back
hey guys good job though!!
As a fannibal, I wish you guys luck with getting your third season! And I will definitely watch ITF.
it was a really close race, and you guys proved to be a really tough competition.
Cheer up Fleshers now we can concentrate on turning our friends into In The Flesh fans, spread our love and In The Flesh to others!
I’m a fannible, but thanks to ITF fans now also appreciate ITF. That’s gotta be a bonus for the ITF fans, I’m sure you’ve opened it up to many ppl who otherwise would not have known about it
i suggest closing during a weekend next time instead. i can vote until 5 am if i must, but not on a monday night.
My weekend in NZ is on different does than those on the other side of the globe. Regardless, someone will be up late/early and on an inconvenient day.
Then limit to one vote by person, so we don’t have to keep up like a sprint.
The polls are about enthusiasm, not raw numbers.
-Admin Angel
And keeping European awake on school night because we are too enthusiast for our own good >>
lol I apologize. I’ve definitely heard the complaints on that. And I function on European time as well (I work night shifts on the other side of the globe) so I lose sleep over these things too. Lost about 4 hours of sleep tonight. You’ve been heard.
-Admin Angel
Yay ~ Yes, it is a comfort to know we’re not the only one to suffer, ahah. I hope you’ll get some rest as soon as you can =)
Well I have to go to work soon and I woke up 3 hours before my usual alarm to be here for the close of the poll so it’ll be… quite a while! But I’m going to head into work armed with tons of energy drinks YES. Then sleep like the dead (pun intended) tomorrow.
-Admin Angel
In any narrative we tend to root for the underdog to win against all odds (in this case, a bigger franchise and a bigger fandom), and here our hopes cristallised on In The Flesh: I honestly thought we stood a chance of winning. We desperately wanted first place and fought to the end for it and it’s horribly disappointing that it didn’t happen. I understand how my fellow fans are bitter about it, they fought like lions and must feel crushed that their efforts weren’t rewarded (I know I am); but those efforts have not been in vain, Fleshers. Over 600 000 votes for a fandom as small as ours and against a Goliath such as Hannibal, I would say that it’s still a win. In the words of Shirley Wilson: “You’ve done good.”
this was a lovely comment and very comforting <3
So we won while I was sleeping. Yay! (I hope no one’s going to be like: “Why did you sleep instead of voting?!” Because it was the dead of night in Russia, and I was exhausted. And didn’t expect to sleep *this* long. Thanks to everyone who was there when I couldn’t.)
In The Flesh fandom, you proved yourself a worthy rival. Your show might not be my cup of mushroom tea, but you have my respect. I can only wish we were as popular and as immune to the cancellation threats as some of you think we are… and you know what? I wish the same to you. I hope you’ll get your third season and all the seasons you want.
(I also hope next year I won’t fall ill right before the poll’s beginning and will be able to vote more than I did this time.)
Must admit I’m sad now. Congrats to the Hannibal Fandom. I’m from Germany and for me it’s impossible to stay awake all night during the weekdays. And the fact that the poll ends 23:59 EST also makes it hard for British fans to vote. The voting time is perfect for people in America, when I went to bed around midnight in Germany, In the Flesh was leading.
Everybody needs to stop it right now!
Yes, it would have been lovely to win and if we had a more even playing field we would have put up a better fight.
But that does not give anyone the excuse to have a go at people- or countries- because we lost. It’s not right and we shouldn’t take anything away from the Fannibals because they fought as hard as we did, time just worked more in there favour near the end.
There has been bad blood on both sides and it really got me upset to see because it should be a love for the shows… not who can click a button the fastest. All this slam talk didn’t help. But I applied the Fannibals because we- as a fandom didn’t want never wanted pity votes.
I really hope that if In the Flesh continues that the admin lets us back on the poll (While I still stand by limited voting.) I really do hope that we are judged on the fandom and not the few hurt ones that have lashed out because their upset.
However, I don’t think it been explained about why the show’s in jeopardy in the first place; you see the ratings are good- for a British show- and as you can tell we have the fan support.
It’s the fact that the channel it’s run on will- well- no longer be a cable channel, it’s had to drop that and turn into an Internet channel, BB3 have to drop a whole load of shows to make it. And ‘In the Flesh’ is up the creek without a paddle.
Don’t worry. I haven’t judged an entire fandom on just a few rude people. I’m part of this fandom too and as far as I know I’m not a complete jerk (though the hatemail I’ve received states otherwise). This website will always support In the Flesh. We’ve written articles about it before and will continue to report on fandoms efforts to keep the shoe alive. Good luck with season 3.
-Admin Angel
At the end, its all about rating and everything else is just for fun.
Btw: Hannibal its such a quality tv show.
Oh and P.s.
Fannibals thank you, I have just seen a gif set of a certain somebody sitting down an having a ‘little chat’ with the bbcthree about a certain fandom. YOU ROCK! That cheered me right up.
Oh, no! I’m so sad we lost. I knew in the back of my mind that we would because the poll was a back-and-forth between Hannibal and In the Flesh due to the time of day, and it was Hannibal’s time, but I still had a little hope, you know?
Oh, well. There’s always next year, and other polls. We’ll get you next time, my pretties!
(Also, I’m very sorry for some of the rude people in my fandom on this poll… I hope it doesnt turn you off watching In the Flesh, because it’s just fantastic)
In The Flesh 45.08% (637,079 votes) speaks volumes about how much support there is for ITF. I myself voted for Hannibal, but whether you have won or lost the tv companies must take notice of the support your show has. Hannibal has a world wide audience, ITF less so so the final vote count was incredible. Stop arguing (the few who are) and dont despair, turn your attention now to the tv companies and get pestering them for a new season, and good luck. It was an amazing battle
Thank you to everyone, because even though In the Flesh didn’t win, we did pretty damn good. Also, thank you to the Fannibals because ya’ll were really nice and stellar competition; I don’t think we could have lost to a better fandom.
Here’s to both shows. May the network gods look kindly upon us all.
Incidently, i tried watching ITF but gave up on it as it didnt grab me…but after this i am going to watch it all, and who knows maybe become a fan. Good luck getting a season 3, you deserve it
Sad that we lost but congrats to Fannibals! You have worked hard for your win and as a Flesher I’m proud we managed such a tight competition. Still hoping or S3! :3
I’m a Fannibal and voted such, but I’m kinda disappointed we won. If only because so many ITF fans were hoping this poll could help in saving their show. I was part of the Almost Human crew during its run; I had wanted it to get a second season sooo bad. I haven’t seen ITF, but I hope it gets a third season, for the sake of its loyal and evidently dedicated fans. Best of luck, guys.
Oh hey, this thing is done. Congrats, fellow Fannibals!
I’m glad that Hannibal won, but am really hoping for the best for In The Flesh.
I just bought the DVD of the first two series, since I figured any show with such a dedicated fanbase MUST be good!
Fingers crossed you get your third series.
Fannibal here. I voted Fannibal all the way, but gave In the Flesh a go because of this poll. I sent along my appreciation and support through the link that BBC3 tweeted out. Good luck, all!
Everybody who voted for In the Flesh or wants to help to save this series, please get in touch with BBC three to tell them how much you love In the Flesh.
A friendly person on Tumblr made a fantastic post how to save In the Flesh: http://thefirst-risen.tumblr.com/post/100663165554/save-in-the-flesh-appreciation-webform-at-bbc-three
I am very surprised that Hemlock Grove made 4th place. But I am very pleased with it. Spread this show!! Also congrats to Hannibal, as it definitely is the best horror show atm. I love it.
As a fan of In the Flesh AND Hannibal, I’m glad they ended up on the top and really close as well! I hope more people see In the Flesh and support the show, it’d be really great to get another season!
Is there a new show called REDEEMED?