Lin-Manuel Miranda Gives Two F**ks So The Kids Can See Hamilton


Lin-Manuel Miranda has cleared the air regarding potential changes to Hamilton when it gets released on Disney+ next weekend.  He gave two f**cks to keep it PG-13.

People have been speculating that things may need to get toned down in Hamilton in order to be ‘Disney+ friendly.’  The streaming platform has made several changes to films on its platform, like when they added extra length to the mermaid’s hair in Splash to hide her butt.  They outright rejected Love, Victor from the platform, feeling it just wasn’t appropriate for the service. So people have wonder how the heck Hamilton, which has several f-bombs, will possibly get streamed on the platform.  Now we have our answer.

A fan asked:

hey hey so excited about Hamilton on Disney+ and OH my god I finally get to see you as A.Ham, BUT as it’s rated PG-13 does that mean that some (iconic) lines have been cut?? Is it changed at all?

Lin-Manuel Miranda responded:

1. On July 3, you’re getting the whole show, every note & scene, & a 1-minute countdown clock during intermission (bathroom!)
2. But MPAA has a hard rule about language: more than 1 utterance of “F**k” is an automatic R rating. We have 3 “F**ks” in our show. So I literally gave two f**ks so the kids could see it:
1. In Yorktown, there’s a mute over “I get the f___ back up again”
2. “Southern *record scratch*kin’ Democratic Republicans.”
You can sing whatEVER you like at home (even sync up the album)!
Love you. Enjoy.

The other profanity, including b**ch and all the shits, will remain intact.  The violence and infidelity will also not be censored.

This will probably be seen as a fair compromise to some, but a disastrous change to the integrity of the musical to others.  Personally, I’m just glad that Lin-Manuel Miranda had some say in which uses of the f-bomb got cut.  Besides, like he says, you can still sing whatever you want at home so you can drop those f-bombs back in if you’d like. 

I suppose this means I’m on the side that feels this is a ‘fair compromise,’ I guess.  Daveed Diggs seems to be on the other side of it all at the moment.  I guess we’ll see if either of us changes our mind once we actually watch it.  How big of a deal will a couple muted or record scratched f-bombs actually be?  It seems everything else will remain intact. 

This announcement comes a day after the official trailer for the musical dropped online.  And let me tell you, the trailer is amazing!  It gives us a glimpse at how they filmed it and just how incredible the quality will be.  I’ve seen numerous records of stage plays and this one already stands out as particularly well done just based on the one minute of footage that we’ve seen.

With so many of us still under quarantine and many Fourth of July events being cancelled, this looks to be a perfect patriotic event to keep us entertained next weekend.  The film will be released at midnight Pacific time on Friday July 3rd. 

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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