Mo Dao Zu Shi Watch Party! #MDZSWatch
Come wrap up the final weekend of 2019 with The Geekiary as we marathon the first season of Mo Dao Zu Shi!
“What the heck is Mo Dao Zu Shi” you ask? We wrote a pretty extensive recommendation for it here. But to recap…

Mo Dao Zu Shi is a delightfully queer Chinese action/adventure/drama cartoon (donghua) that has all the tropes we love. Want angst? It has it. Slow burn? That’s its finest feature, actually. Mutual pining? Oh heck yeah! Lovable and relatable characters? We got plenty of those too! And, believe it or not, there’s quite a few funny moments to break up all the drama. Add on incredible artwork and a catchy opening titles sequence and basically… it’s amazing!
The story is currently available in several versions including a donghua (cartoon), manhua (comic), novel, and live action show. For the purposes of this watch party, we’ll be watching the cartoon version, though we encourage you to check out the other versions if you really end up digging this story! Each of them is a bit different, with various levels of queerness and narrative structure.
To close out the final weekend of 2019, we’ve decided to marathon the entire first season of the donghua. There are in fact two seasons, though, so if you get hooked, keep watching! But 15 episodes at just a little over 7 hours is where we’ll concluding the festivities on our end.
So come join us on the last weekend of the year to binge watch the first 15 episodes of this amazing series!
11:00 am Pacific/2:00 pm Eastern
Each episode is kindly offered for free by Tencent and embedded below. Just hit play and watch along! You can join in the discussion on social media with the #MDZSWatch tag! You can join in whenever you’d like, but if you’ve never seen the series, we recommend not skipping any episodes. It’s a serialized drama and you won’t want to miss any of the plot.
The time zones below will be listed for Eastern and Western Standard time zones in the United States. Not in either of these time zones? Don’t worry. Neither are the hosts! Just use this converter! We’ll be counting down over on Twitter, too, so if you get lost just come check it out!
11 am PST/2 pm ET: “Banishing Evil (part 1)”
11:30 am PST/2:30 pm ET: “Banishing Evil (part 2)”
Noon PST/3 pm ET: “Pursuing Studies”
12:30 pm PST/3:30 pm ET: “Water Ghoul”
1 pm PST/4 pm ET: “Heretic Path”
1:30 pm PST/4:30 ET: “Returning Home”
2 pm PST/5 pm ET: “The Champion”
2:30 pm PST/5:30 pm ET: “The Indoctrination”
3 pm PST/6 pm ET: “Same Boat”
3:30 pm PST/6:30 pm ET: “Disaster Arises”
4 pm PST/7 pm ET: “Mountain Collapse”
4:30 pm PST/7:30 pm ET: “Loyal Heart”
5 pm PST/8 pm ET: “Fatal Position”
5:30 pm PST/8:30 pm ET: “Obscured Sun”
6 pm PST/9 pm ET: “Beautiful Tranquility”
Thank you for joining us for the the Mo Dao Zu Shi watch! We hope you have a happy New Year! And maybe we’ll see you in summer 2020 when the third season of Mo Dao Zu Shi premieres.
Author: Angel Wilson
Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.
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