POLL: Supernatural Post Finale Rewatch – “Soothernatural”


The Supernatural finale is upon us and if previous finales are any indicator we’re all going to need some recovery time.  If you want something to help lift your spirits after the finale we’ve got a solution for you! We here at The Geekiary have collaborated with our friends at ProfoundBondInc to pick  out some of the more light-hearted episodes from the show.  We’ve assembled them together in a poll where you can choose your favorites to watch during a rewatch that is as light and fun as we can manage with this super-angsty show we all love.

The top 5 episodes will be included in the Soothernatural Rewatch to be held on May 24th at 5pm EST.  We’ll be tweeting with the same hashtag, which has yet to be decided.  Feel free to comment below with hashtag suggestions!  Please keep in mind our policies for the use of our comments section before commenting.

Stay tuned for a list of co-sponsors!

Hosts: The Geekiary, ProfoundBonInc

Current Co-sponsors: KeysmashBlog, Fangasm SPN, @CarryON_SPN

Pick up to 5 choices each time and vote as often as you want! Voting ends Sunday, May 18th at midnight!

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They’ve also written for Friends of Comic Con and is a 2019 Hugo Award winner for contributing fanfic on AO3. They identify as queer.

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