“The Ark” Christie Burke Teases Bigger and Better Season Two – Interview

THE ARK — “Failed Experiment” Episode 201 — Pictured: (l-r) Jadran Malkovich as Dr. Marsh, Christie Burke as Lt. Sharon Garnet, Stacey Read as Alicia Nevins — (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Actress Christie Burke shares details about The Ark second season and the experience of playing Captain Sharon Garnet in an interview with The Geekiary.

SYFY’s The Ark follows a group of survivors seeking a new home after the Earth becomes inhabitable. After an attack kills the leadership of Ark-1, Sharon Garnet and the remaining survivors must step up to figure out how to move forward and complete their mission. Season two, premiering tonight, promises to build on the tense action and exciting character development of the first season. The Geekiary sat down with actress Christie Burke (Garnet) prior to the second season premiere.

The Geekiary: What can you tell us about the upcoming season, and what are you most excited for fans to see?

Christie Burke: Season two is a whirlwind. I feel like Jonathan Glassner and Dean Devlin, and the entire writing staff, have done an incredible job of making this season bigger, better, more unexpected. There’s immense character development, I think everyone has a secret this season that potentially gets revealed. And there’s potential romance in Garnet’s life, so I think it’s a really great season and I hope the audience loves it as much as I loved making it. To be honest, I have some favorite episodes for sure. But I’m just excited for fans to see the amount of work and making this way better than season one. Although season one was incredible, we just really elevated this season. I’m excited for fans to see potential new planets, new Arks, all sorts of great sci-fi stuff.

TG: What have been some of your favorite episodes to film so far?

Burke: My favorite episode I’d have to say is episode ten, and I can’t really tell you much about it, I don’t want to give it away. But I will say this, we get to see Garnet in a light where she’s not necessarily leading, if that makes sense. Episode ten, and I would say nine’s up there. I start naming one episode and then I end up naming them all. I’m like, “Episode ten’s great, but also seven, but also, you know.” I think episode ten’s my favorite.

TG: Last season, we found out that Garnet was a clone. How did you react to finding out that twist and how did it affect your performance in any way?

Burke: I think in the basis of early character development, Garnet being a clone, I always knew that. That was something that Dean Devlin took me to a room, he took all of us to a room and told us a secret, and then was like “Don’t tell anyone.” That’s so hard for me not to tell people. I think that’s where a majority of the character preparation started really is like, okay she’s a clone. What does that feel like? She’s an outcast. Is she great at relating with people? Does she know how to be in friendships? I think in season one, we really see Garnet not only prove to the crew that she’s a great leader, but also that she’s a great human. That at the basis of who she is despite that fact that she has this label of being a clone, that really she’s a great human. Which I think is such a great story in general for people in the world, that you’re not the sum of your parts. That you’re actually more than that. Just because I might be a clone doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m bad or not a great human being. I really loved that storyline, the clone thing was such a big deal. Then in season two, I think you see her become more human and have more human experiences, not just leading a ship. Potential romances, potential losses, and friendships. She really gains a lot of friends.

TG: In the Captain position, Garnet has had to make some very difficult decisions. Have there been any decisions that you would have made differently if you were in her position?

Burke: I probably would be less trusting [laughs]. I’d be like, “Evelyn Maddox is terrible, we shouldn’t trust her.” But I think that’s what’s so beautiful about Garnet is that she gives everyone a second chance, that she’s so forgiving and really believes in the good of humanity. I wish I was more like that, I have learned so much from playing her in that sense because people aren’t just the worst versions of themselves. Just because they made a mistake, doesn’t mean that’s who they are. But sometimes, I’m like, “Can we stop trusting everyone?”

TG: What has been the most rewarding and challenging aspects of being a part of a series like The Ark compared to other projects you’ve been a part of?

Burke: Where do I start? I feel incredibly lucky, especially because Dean Devlin and Jonathan Glassner are the creators of the show. I feel really emotional and very grateful that they chose me to be a part of a very small group of female captains. When I first read the script, I didn’t know that Garnet was a woman and I think that’s beautiful. I’m like, wow, a fully developed, well-rounded female captain who makes mistakes but also is all in it for a morally good thing. To me, it is incredible. I keep pinching myself. Even this, even me and you having this conversation, I get to talk to people about this thing that I love doing. It’s crazy, it’s wild.

TG: Who was your favorite female captain in pop culture before?

Burke: Amanda Tapping, I guess she’s not necessarily a captain, but on Stargate. She’s also Canadian, and I’ve worked with her on a show called Strange Empire, she directed that. She’s the best… I’m always going to pick someone Canadian. I guess Sigourney Weaver, I mean, classic Ripley. I guess me. [laughs]. I’m kidding, I would say those two people for sure.

TG: Is there anything on the show that you would like to see happen in potential future seasons that you haven’t already gotten the chance to do?

Burke: I think crazier stunt sequences would be, although we have some intense stunts this season. It’s jam-packed with action. I know that aliens would freak me out because I’m extremely terrified of aliens, but I think that could be cool, like artificial intelligence would be really cool. Although I guess there is a little bit of that potentially on this season. I don’t think I’m going to put any limits on it because Jonathan Glassner and the writing team are just so brilliant, that they would come up with something way better than I could ever imagine.

TG: What is your favorite part of the on-set experience?

Burke: I definitely think the camaraderie, I feel like what you see on screen is exactly what we’re experiencing on set. They built this huge spaceship to scale, so when we’re on set it’s very interactive. When we’re walking and talking, we’re not going in a circle, we’re literally walking and talking and going to different rooms in the spaceship. I think the immersive quality this season is incredible, the cast, the stunts. I just think the overall whole experience has been amazing, and Garnet’s character development this season was one of my favorite things to dive into.

TG: If you could take one thing from set, what would it be and why?

Burke: I’ve taken some things from set, I don’t know if I’m allowed to say. Garnet has a lot of cool costumes, so I’d probably take one of those. Or just the spaceship in general, if it did actually work, I’d love to have a spaceship. Those would be the things I would take. I think my costumes are pretty rad. And maybe some of the people. I feel like, “Can I take you with me everywhere please?” Stacey [Read] is so funny, or even Ryan [Adams], who plays Angus. I just want them to come with me everywhere.

Season two of The Ark premieres tonight on SYFY. You can catch up on the first season with our reviews.

Author: Jessica Wolff

Jessica Wolff is a graduate of Drexel University with a BS in Film/Video. She has a passion for entertainment and representation in entertainment. She currently resides outside of Washington, DC.

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