The Ark 2×11 Review: “It Will Be Over Soon”

THE ARK — “It Will Be Over Soon” Episode 211 — Pictured: (l-r) Stacey Read as Alicia Nevins, Christie Burke as Lt. Sharon Garnet, Richard Fleeshman as Lt. James Brice, Tiana Upcheva as Eva Markovic — (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Felix is forced into a difficult situation as the crew of Ark-1 investigates an engineering explosion in “It Will Be Over Soon.”

Though it seemed at times like Ark-1 would forever be floating in space, the ship is moments away from its destination in “It Will Be Over Soon.” Sharon (Christie Burke) is still dealing with the memories of her dream life with Ian (Reece Ritchie) from her coma in “It Should Have Been You,”  but she doesn’t have much time to think about it, as someone is attempting to sabotage Ark-1.

The brief, joyous moments of finally reaching their destination are cut short when an explosion in engineering nearly takes out Alicia (Stacey Read). Maija (Olivera Perunicic) takes the brunt of the explosion as she pushes Alicia out of the way. Eva (Tiana Upcheva) figures out that the explosion was deliberate, and Sharon orders an investigation. Though it’s obvious that the target of the explosion was supposed to be Trust (Paul Leonard Murray), it’s surprising that it takes so long for the crew to figure that out.

Whoever is responsible for the explosion sets their sights on Felix (Pavle Jerinic), as a mysterious person contacts him, threatening his daughter if he doesn’t do what they ask. After Felix confirms that they do in fact have his daughter, he has no choice but to continue to sabotage Ark-1. It’s great to see Felix get more focus in the episode, and the revelation that his daughter is truly alive provides some hope for his otherwise tragic storyline.

Meanwhile, Kelly (Samantha Glassner) confronts Dr. Marsh (Jadran Malkovich) about not telling her about his own implants. Dr. Marsh assures her that her implants can do a lot of good, but Kelly becomes frustrated when he doesn’t allow her to try and use her nanites to heal Maija. The two have a nice conversation later as he once again assures her that she can help people and the two discuss their imminent reunion with her mother.

Felix attempts to inform the crew about his blackmailer, but quickly discovers that they can see everything happening on Ark-1 through the ship’s cameras. The unsettling revelation raises questions about how long this mysterious blackmailer has been able to observe the events on Ark-1. Unable to tell Sharon and the crew the truth, Felix reluctantly fulfills the blackmailers’ requests.

Ian witnesses Felix in the engineering room and grows suspicious of him. Sharon won’t listen to him, so he recruits James (Richard Fleeshman) to help him investigate. The two bonding over Spencer is sweet, and it’s interesting to see Ian integrate himself more into the crew as they continue to move forward in the aftermath of Spencer’s death.

THE ARK — “It Will Be Over Soon” Episode 211 — Pictured: (l-r) Richard Fleeshman as Lt. James Brice, Christie Burke as Lt. Sharon Garnet — (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Though Felix is unable to tell Sharon the truth, he finds a way to send her a subtle message in Morse code. Sharon figures out that Maija was also being blackmailed to set off the original explosion. After finding a way to shield the blackmailer from seeing and hearing their conversation, Felix informs the crew of what has been going on. As with previous crises that they’ve faced, the crew works together to figure out a way to fake both Trust’s and Felix’s deaths to stop the blackmailers.

With Felix and Trust safely on the Eastern Federation ship after faking their deaths, the crew can breathe a sigh of relief at the end of “It Will Be Over Soon.” The joy over their triumph is short-lived as they soon realize that the blackmailers’ signal was coming from their destination, and that whoever is behind it will be waiting for them to arrive.

The intrigue of who is behind the attempt sets up an exciting finale that will hopefully provide some answers and satisfying moments for the crew, as there is no news yet on a potential third season.

Author: Jessica Wolff

Jessica Wolff is a graduate of Drexel University with a BS in Film/Video. She has a passion for entertainment and representation in entertainment. She currently resides outside of Washington, DC.

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