“Avengers” Issue 17 Brings Forth the Storm – Review

Avengers issue 17 review
Avengers Issue 17

With Storm joining Earth’s Mightiest Team of Superheroes, there was a lot of hype surrounding Avengers issue 17. Having read it, I do feel the chapter served as a satisfying setup for what’s to come. The action can wait for the next issue.

Written by Jed MacKay and visualized by artist Valerio Schiti and colorist Bryan Valenza, issue 17 of Avengers basically opened with Carol sharing her thoughts about how the team needed to perform better when handling the numerous threats that keep coming their way.

The recent Blood Hunt event took a toll on the team and so did what happened concerning Orchis and the mutants with Marvel Comics entering the post-Krakoan Age.

Now, while I understood where Carol was coming from, I do feel she needed to cut herself some slack. Yes, The Avengers is comprised of some of the most powerful superheroes to exist. However, the fact of the matter is that regardless of how much a hero might try, they can’t always save everyone. There will always be losses.

Yes, thousands of people died during the recent events in Marvel Comics. However, the team still managed to save billions. And that should count for something.

I’m not saying that those lost shouldn’t be mourned or that innocent lives should be considered mere numbers. It’s just that being too tough on yourself as a hero isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Having said that, I do agree with Carol about how the team needed to be better prepared for upcoming attacks. They needed to be more vigilant about noticing potential threats. They needed to be on the lookout for signs. And we all knew Orchis was a walking-talking red flag.

Even though Avengers issue 17 introduced considerable danger hurtling toward Earth, it still managed to check in with the characters for some interesting emotional moments. I liked the conversation Carol had with Tony about her current state of mind and how her guilt might be related to her journey as a recovered alcoholic. Wanda also had an interesting conversation with Vision which linked back to how Earth’s population could be seen as numbers.

As for Storm, Sam reached out to her because he wanted to talk to the Omega-level mutant Goddess about his team’s role during the war with Orchis.

Now, I do think Storm let him down easy. There’s a lot The Avengers could have done to prevent Orchis from forming into as big of a threat as it managed to become. But oh well, certain developments need to occur due to plot reasons. The Krakoan Age had to end (for now).

It’s revealed that a major reason Sam wanted to meet Ororo was to make her the offer to join the team. Sam wanted Ororo to bring a mutant voice to the Avengers table.

I mean, of course, Storm will agree. And I’m looking forward to seeing how she will aid in stopping the incoming threat posed by Hyperion (basically, Marvel’s version of Superman).

Not only that, I’m also excited about her future interactions with T’Challa, Thor, and the Scarlet Witch. I have a feeling it’s going to be good, especially the Ororo and T’Challa stuff.

For those interested, we are currently running a Digital Code Giveaway for Avengers issue 17. There are 4 Digital Copies up for grabs!

You just have to mention your favorite Avenger in the comment section to be entered.

All in all, Avengers issue 17 took a more emotional route as it took a bit of time to check in with our heroes while introducing Storm to the team. The action can wait for the next chapter.

It’s a nice setup issue and I have my fingers crossed MacKay serves the Weather Goddess well.

Did you read Avengers issue 17? What did you think?

Let us know.

Author: Farid-ul-Haq

Farid has a Double Masters in Psychology and Biotechnology as well as an M.Phil in Molecular Genetics. He is the author of numerous books including Missing in Somerville, and The Game Master of Somerville. He gives us insight into comics, books, TV shows, anime/manga, video games, and movies.

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