Honto Yajuu Chapter 20 Review

Honto Yajuu Chapter 20

Yes, you read that right.  It’s Honto Yajuu Chapter 20.

What happened to Chapter 19?  Good question.  It’s been more than 6 months since Chapter 18b so maybe she just lost count or something?  She has been working on other manga, after all.  I certainly didn’t miss it because I’ve been stalking my usual sources and they’ve got a gap, too.  They seem just as confused as me about this missing chapter. Oh, well, whatever; let’s talk about Honto Yajuu Chapter 20 and accept this new numbering system as our new method of operation!

HontoYajuu1Aki and Tomoharu are in a rut.  Or at least that’s what Aki seems to think since Tomoharu keeps spacing out on him.  This leads Aki to go to great lengths in order to “fix” their relationship, even putting on cat ears and cooking for him.  Can I just say it’s incredibly refreshing to see a healthy BL relationship that’s this sweet?  Sure, there are problems, but they never doubt their love for each other.  Badass Yakuza Aki is willing to put on damn cat ears if it means fixing whatever the issue is between him and Tomoharu.  That’s love right there, man.

But it turns out the issue isn’t that they’ve hit a “rut”. Tomoharu’s concern for Aki’s safety is what’s actually been causing the problem.  Aki’s father is constantly asking him to join their group, but Tomoharu enjoys being a police officer.  He wouldn’t leave it lightly.  When he was unable to be by Aki’s side while he was injured, though, that put things into a different perspective.  Once again, there are issues, but there’s never a question that these two characters are deeply and thoroughly in love with each other.  All the drama comes from external sources.  Aki’s Yakuza ties, Tomoharu’s job as a cop, crime, shootings, annoying family members…  These create stumbling blocks. But Aki and Tomoharu are solid together.

I haven’t been keeping track of Yamamoto Kotetsuko’s other manga right now, so I have no idea if it’s wrapped up or still ongoing.  I certainly hope we get more chapters of Honto Yajuu more frequently, though.  This is my single favorite manga of all time.


Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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