Mad Max Themed Graduation Cosplay? Sure, Why Not!

Mad Max Themed Graduation
Image via @mizyukumonoharu

Some awesome students in Japan put together a Mad Max Themed Graduation and it was amazing.

Apparently having a cosplay style graduation is a thing in Japan.  Kotaku has chronicled several of them in the past.  This time around some enterprising young students at Tokya’s Tama Art University put together some absolutely stellar Mad Max themed graduation cosplay that’ll be remembered for a long time.  I mean sure, the graduation will be remembered as a ceremonial stepping stone between college and the work force (or grad school, for some), but… Mad Max: Fury Road cosplay, man!

The event featured Immortan Joe being carried into the graduation ceremony by his War Boys…

Let’s take a minute to appreciate the details of the car here.  Costumes alone are difficult for me (I usually opt for simple closet cosplay if I can bother to throw something together for a con at all… I usually don’t).  Not only were their costumes top notch, but this vehicle is highly detailed and put together well enough to carry a dude above his fellow classmates’ heads.  I mean, they are arts students after all.  If they couldn’t pull this off, they may have to hand their degree in.

And yes, my friends, we are fortunate enough to have a video of that particularly awesome portion of the ceremony.  And yes, my friends, that’s the Doof Warrior on the back of the vehicle.

May all of you graduates ride eternal, shiny and chrome.  Or at least may you step into a quality job in your field with that art degree that you have so very obviously earned.  Maybe George Miller will hire you on for the sequel.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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