Learn How To Make Promare’s “Inferno Volcano Margherita Mega Max Pizza”

Promare Pizza

Fan of Promare? Fan of pizza? Want to combine these two awesome things and recreate your own Inferno Volcano Margherita Mega Max Pizza? You’re in luck!

Pizza plays a surprisingly important part in the colorful queer action drama Promare. A crucial early scene that shows a glimpse into Galo’s moral character takes place at a pizza place. Galo is clearly a regular of the restaurant, as well as a huge fan of the Inferno Volcano Margherita Mega Max Pizza that’s served there. The scene also highlights the discrimination towards the Burnish in society, and sets the stage for the major conflicts coming later in the film for our two main protagonists.

Even though a highly dramatic scene takes place at the pizza place, the motif itself isn’t always a negative one. It’s been used in official artwork, such as the cover of Spoon.2Di above, to show light-hearted post-movie scenes featuring our main characters. Fanartists have also latched onto the pizza as a theme in their artwork and fanfics, making it basically the official food of the Promare fandom. If you poke around in fandom spaces you’ll find all sorts of adorable pizza-themed works and it’s absolutely delightful.

The ABC Cooking Studio in Shinjuku will now start teaching fans how to make the Inferno Volcano Margherita Mega Max Pizza starting on November 7th, with lessons running through January. People who take the class will get a card with artwork by character designer Shigeto Koyama along with a copy of the recipe. Fans who attend a special lesson on November 12th will get to meet both Koyama and Promare‘s creative producer Hiromi Wakabayashi. You can make a reservation for the class for 5,000 yen starting on October 15th.

Yes, you’re reading that right. This class is taking place in Tokyo so a lot of us who live outside Japan and can’t drop cash to fly out there for a fandom focused cooking lesson will miss out. But that’s okay, guys. The very existence of this unique and super fun opportunity is awesome, and if you really want to try your hand at the pizza itself the recipe will likely end up online somewhere (or the card may end up on eBay or something, because that’ll definitely be a hot ticket item for die-hard fans).

For those of you die-hard fans that do have the cash to drop for this, though, congratulations. This seems like an incredibly awesome experience to take part in. You’ll have to let the rest of us know if it’s possible to cook it without the help of the Promare. Inquiring minds want to know!

For those of you that missed out on seeing Promare on the big screen, you have one more shot to do so. GKIDS and Fathom Events are bringing the film back for one more screening in the United States on December 8th. So, maybe you can’t drop everything and fly to Japan to take a cooking class, but you can do this. And you should. It’s amazing.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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