Pokemon GO Halloween News

Pokemon GO Halloween News

Earlier today there was a special Pokemon GO Halloween news announcement that the game will be offering some extra perks for players from October 26th through November 1st.

It’s no secret that a lot of people haven’t been fond of some of the choices Niantic has made regarding Pokemon GO, especially within the past couple of months. Personally I wasn’t really affected by these changes as the three-step tracker never really worked anyway, and I also didn’t use Pokevision or other similar locators. To be honest, I’m more frustrated that they have yet to institute trading, although it’s nice to finally have the walking buddy system in place. And speaking of which – the buddy system is one of the things mentioned in this Pokemon GO Halloween news!

First and foremost, players will earn double the candy when they catch, hatch, and transfer Pokemon during the aforementioned time frame. So if, for example, you’re still trying to get that Dragonite, find some bodies of water and be on the lookout for Dratinis…catching and transferring just one of them will apparently get you 8 candy!

But back to the buddy system! For those 7 days, you will earn candy FOUR times as fast! My assumption is that this means you will earn four candy instead of just one every time you hit your buddy’s kilometer mark, so I highly suggest making sure you’ve got the right buddy starting October 26th (and that you do a lot of walking between then and November 1st).

Lastly, the Pokemon GO Halloween news mentions that you will encounter more “spooky” Pokemon than normal. I’m hoping this means Ghastlys, Gengars, Haunters, and the like, rather than just a bunch of Zubats and Golbats, so let’s all keep our fingers crossed about that.

What do you think of these Halloween perks? Will you be taking advantage of them? Let us know in the comments!

Author: Tara Lynne

Tara Lynne is an author, fandom and geek culture expert, and public speaker. She founded Ice & Fire Con, the first ever Game of Thrones convention in the US, and now runs its parent company Saga Event Planning.

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