Wandee Goodday 1×04 Review: Episode 4

Oh no, I love them.

Oof, did everybody buckle their seatbelt? Good, because you’re about to get whiplash. This week’s episode of Wandee Goodday is all over the map emotionally- but, like, in a good way.

First off, I am living for the fact that every character on Wandee Goodday, except Yak and Dee, naturally, are fully aware that these two are absolutely in a real relationship. Kao keeps trying to knock some sense into his oblivious friend, and Cher brings up the fact that Yak gave Dee his necklace. These two are seriously going to be married and still telling everyone it’s fake. (Which, by the way, please stop talking about that in public; it defeats the entire purpose of the ruse.)

That’s what makes this episode so confusing, honestly. Yak and Dee are clearly into each other, yet Yak mentions that he already has someone that he likes – his tutor, Taem. This was hinted at in previous episodes, but with how obviously he’s been pining over Dee, I didn’t think anything would come of it. However, in Episode 4, Yak mentions his intention to pursue Taem and Dee even volunteers to help him win her over.

Of course, this leads to our first instances of jealous!Dee. To start off, he’s overcome during their first “flirting lesson”, when Yak takes Dee’s hands and so sweetly proclaims his love for Taem. Everything Yak is saying with regards to his feelings for Taem, Dee can’t help but think about his and Yak’s relationship. Next is when Dee actually witnesses Yak and Taem interact. He tries to be nonchalant about it (best use of a punching bag ever? certainly the cutest), but he is visibly affected.

I think he’s also thrown because for the first time, he has to consider Yak as a person outside of their relationship. Obviously he knows that Yak is a boxer, since a) that’s the reason they met and b) he’s been to the gym. But it doesn’t seem to have ever occurred to him that Yak may have other romantic interests in his life. Dee does point out that he didn’t think to ask. But at the same time, he probably assumed that Yak was single and available, otherwise why agree to the fake dating scheme at all? Especially since Taem clocked Yak’s necklace on Dee just as quickly as Oyei and Cher did.

Seriously, though, these two are absolutely in a real relationship. The way Dee comforts Yak after a nightmare, Dee helping Yak study for an exam at 4am, the two of them giggly and giddy over those silly animal costumes… These are all things that happen when no one can see them and therefore aren’t “necessary” to maintain the ruse. This is just how they are when they’re together. Even walking back from breakfast holding hands didn’t seem like it was part of the act. And as Kao says, they are happier in their “fake” relationship than any number of the genuine couples that he counsels.

Last week I talked about how I wanted more for Kao to do, and I think he was fantastic in this episode. I do hope he gets his own arc at some point and isn’t just there to be Dee’s “tell it like it is” friend. But I do appreciate how we got to see some of Kao’s counseling sessions. Yes, it’s meant to be a direct comparison to Yak and Dee’s relationship. But it also delivers some of the most sex-positive conversation we’ve seen so far – which is that everyone has different drives and every one of those drives should be respected.

Couple this with the safe-sex and sexual health PSA at the end, which encouraged everyone to get the HPV vaccine, Wandee Goodday delivers every single week.

So it turns out that not only does Dee have a tragic backstory – we’ve seen via flashback that his parents were killed in a car accident, which explains why he is so close with his grandmother – but also Yak has a similar tragic backstory. This explains quite a bit about Yak and Oyei. First, Yak is determined to get his degree, no matter how long it takes, because he promised his mother that he would. And their mother is who founded the boxing gym, which is clearly why Yei in particular is so determined to keep it running, even at great cost to himself.

We’ve also seen glimpses that Yak may not be one hundred percent attached to being a boxer. When Oyei pointed out that a degree was unnecessary for a career as a boxer, there was a moment where Yak looked uncomfortable. Surely his own brother would know the promise that he made to his mother, so I have to wonder if this spot of hesitation is evidence that Yak does not want to be a boxer long term. He does seem to love what he does, but it is a very violent sport, and I wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to keep doing it much longer.

I continue to love the familial dynamic between Oyei, Cher, and Yak. I’ve never been a fan of the “wifey” trope in BL, so I don’t want to call Cher a “mother” here. But the concern he expresses over Yak moving up a weight class struck me as extremely parental in nature. I also appreciate Cher gently inserting himself into Yak’s romantic issues by pointing out the obvious (and not believing Yak’s terrible excuses). And I love that it was Cher who diverted the conversation away from Yak and Oyei’s parents.

Oyei and Cher have a really cute relationship. And again, not a fan of the “wifey” trope in BL because it has a fairly problematic history, but I am a big fan of the “THAT’S MY WIFE” dynamic. (See, Polin in Bridgerton.) Oyei is so in love with his adorable boyfriend and can’t stop complimenting him, and they have a very supportive and loving relationship. But for the love of all that is holy, as long as Dee has his stupid no-kissing rule, Oyei and Cher have got to start making up for it.

Now, let’s talk about Ter. Mad props to the set design for having Ter live in apartment number 666. Proof that man is the devil. Why else would he be telling Dee things like, “can’t you wait for me?” when he has already turned him down by claiming that not only is he straight but even if he weren’t straight, Dee is absolutely not his type? I don’t know what Ter is playing at but can he faceplant on that stupid treadmill or something?

It really does confound me. First, he didn’t seem interested. Then it seemed like he was. Now he’s clearly jealous that Dee has seemingly moved on so quickly. (By the way, can I just say how much I appreciate that it looks like Dee actually has moved on that quickly?) Not only that, he’s subtly sabotaging Dee’s reputation at the hospital by implying that him being “too open” about his relationship is bad for his career. I do not know what this man wants, but I hope he never gets it.

Wandee Goodday is quickly becoming one of my favorite series. I am legitimately so excited every week, anxiously counting down the days until Saturday. I cannot wait to see where the show goes from here.

Author: Jamie Sugah

Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.

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