The Heart Killers 1×09 Review: Episode 9

Oh, there’s the romcom! Our leads have all met up again for some shenanigans in the obligatory BL beach episode. (It’s all about the domesticity.) But there are still some lingering questions to which I desperately need answers.
When we rejoin Bison and Kant, they have fully reconciled and returned to their baseline of adorability, going through Bison’s father’s album collection, cooking together, and cuddling on the bed. We have Bison telling Kant, “You’re my home,” and then we have Kant telling Bison that he’s home now. Seriously, these two have no business being so cute. They need to stop.
Not to mention, we have Kant trying to talk Bison out of following through with his botched job. Style had suggested that already, but Kant accurately pointed out that even if they don’t do this one final job, they would still go to prison for everything else they’ve done. Still, I love the fact that Kant tries, and he doesn’t push after Bison shuts him down. He knows how important it is to Bison that he avenge his parents’ deaths. I’m sure Kant would like having something or someone to take revenge on.
Did we know that Kant’s parents were killed in a plane crash? And Kant survived? I know we saw bits of his ocean-related trauma a few episodes ago, but that is not at all what I thought happened. I assumed his parents died in a car accident or something. Who else was on this plane? Was Kant the only survivor?
(Also, jeez Kant, please call Babe! They even had a scene of Style calling his dad to let him know he was OK, but with how many times they mentioned Babe, I’m not sure if Babe knows that Kant is alive.)
And Kant is trying to overcome his fear! Just last week he was too afraid of the ocean to venture in to fish, but here he is voluntarily wading in. Because Bison loves the ocean, and Kant wants them to be together forever, so he’s willing to work on his fear. And wow, does he overcome it fast, as almost immediately he and Bison are frolicking in the water splashing each other.
However, Fadel and Style are still a bit at odds. Though Fadel trusts Style enough to sleep while he drives, he does so while still holding a death grip on his gun. But I think we all know by now that Fadel isn’t going to kill Style, including Style himself, which is why he wheedles a sudden shopping trip out of Fadel. His claim that he doesn’t want to die wearing Fadel’s clothes was hilarious, as was him trying to solicit fashion opinions from Fadel.
Fadel proves that he has no intention of killing Style when a helmeted assailant (who may or may not be Keen, they did focus on the tattoo which I haven’t noticed on Keen) goes after them in the shop, and Fadel’s first instinct is to protect Style. Likewise, Style wants to protect Fadel, so when Fadel runs out of bullets, Style acts as a decoy so Fadel can tackle the attacker.
I legitimately loved this scene. For one, serious battle couple energy, even if one half of the couple is no good in battle. For another, it actually shows what a good team they make and how much they trust and care for each other. Fadel hates it, but he lets Style be the distraction, and Style one hundred percent trusts Fadel to take care of the danger.
Fadel and Style eventually make their way to Bison and Kant. But before they realize what’s going on, Bison and Kant have a similar scene, wherein Bison asks Kant to stay behind and Kant refuses to do so. I love that Kant grabs his go-to weapon – a giant stick – before going off after Bison. I am really hoping that before this show ends, we get a scene of the four of them fighting together. That would be amazing.
There are a few tense scenes when Fadel and Style first arrive, because Style has been shot, and Fadel is freaking out and trying to control the situation by punishing Kant, the only person he can consider an enemy. And though Fadel has already confronted Bison about Kant still being alive, he still tries to shoot him. Bison immediately pulls a gun on Fadel, which actually makes me sad. I know there was a whole thing about how much Bison loves Kant, but Fadel is Bison’s brother. It would have been better if Bison pointed the gun at Style, since that’s what he threatened earlier.
But after everyone clears the air, there are some great scenes with the four of them. (Fadel asking if anyone was allergic to seafood like ten seconds after pointing a gun at Kant had me dying. The writing in this episode was fantastic.) Bison and Kant even fondly watch as Fadel and Style make up. And now that Kant is seemingly no longer afraid of the ocean, they play frisbee in the water.
So, we’re all thinking that Lilly had something to do with Fadel’s ex’s disappearance, right? My theory is that she had him killed, and that’s what she was referring to when she told Keen to hire the guy they got two years ago. We don’t know how long ago Fadel was with his ex, but they wouldn’t be mentioning this now if it wasn’t important later. I’ve been having my suspicions about Lilly basically since the beginning; I would absolutely believe she had Fadel’s ex killed to keep him in the fold.
But I’ve also seen the theory that Fadel’s ex is also a hitman, that Lilly used him as bait to test Fadel and when he failed, she told him to disappear. I’ve seen speculation that Fadel’s ex will be the one who shows up to kill them. Place your bets, everyone; I’d wager we get an answer pretty soon. After all, we only have three episodes left.
And I think this whole thing explains a lot about Bison and Fadel’s current dynamic. Because Fadel seemed pretty eager to leave Bison behind and run off with his ex. (I’d bet Bison didn’t even know about the ex.) But then he gets left behind, and it upends his entire personality. He latches on to the concept that he and Bison only have each other, and he becomes super protective of Bison.
Speaking of Lilly, she for sure killed their parents – or had their parents killed. It’s also interesting that Keen is there. Based on his position and the way everyone treats him, I would never have thought that he was raised the same as Bison and Fadel. I’m now very curious as to how much he knows and what he does from here on out. He’s clearly desperate for Lilly’s approval in a way that Bison and Fadel aren’t. And he’s in a similar position, with a boyfriend who wants him to quit.
Something I’m curious about is that given how paranoid and suspicious Fadel is about everyone, why does he take what Lilly says at face value? Is it due to his age when all this went down? Because you have to admit, three young boys being orphaned at the same time and simultaneously adopted by this random woman had to be throwing off so many red flags. But then, it’s easy for your idea of “normal” to become warped when you’re in a situation like that.
I’m so excited to see where everything goes from here. You know that Bison and Fadel are soon going to learn the truth about their parents, but I can’t wait to see how Kant and Style fit into everything.
Author: Jamie Sugah
Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.
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