Crowley is Clearly Responsible for the Petition Asking Netflix to Cancel Good Omens

Cancel Good Omens

Over 20,000 cranky Christians have signed a petition asking Netflix to cancel Good Omens. The good news is that it is not on Netflix. It never was. It’s an Amazon Prime show.

Crowley is clearly behind this petition. Duping people into signing a petition to cancel Good Omens on a streaming platform it was never on is pretty much on brand for him. And I’m sure Aziraphale is rolling his eyes and asking, “Really, dear? Does this amuse you?” And yes. Yes, it does. I’m sure he’s cackling with chaotic glee.

Cancel Good Omens

Complaints outlined in the petition include: making Satanism look normal, mocking “God’s wisdom,” and that God is voiced by a woman. Because of course these cranky Christians have a problem with that. Of course.

The official Good Omens account chimed in on the matter.

The Internet, like Crowley, is deeply amused by the situation.

Calling Crowley and Aziraphale “good friends” seems like a missed opportunity to get pissy about homosexuality, too. Because let’s remember: Neil Gaiman called it a love story. Come on, guys. You could have gotten even more mad. You dropped the ball.

In all seriousness though, this brings me way back to my teen years when the early Internet was flooded with websites saying that Harry Potter, Pokémon, and Dungeons & Dragons were satanic. The criticism and outrage is nothing new, but the fact that over 20,000 ding dongs signed a petition to the wrong damn company is noteworthy. Clearly none of them watched it, or they’d know what platform it’s on (hopefully?). The criticism is born of zealously and irrational hatred.

Furthermore, it’s a mini-series. It’s done. You can’t cancel Good Omens even if you did aim this petition in the correct direction because it’s already over. Neil Gaiman has been very clear it’s a one and done show. The petition is officially useless on every single level.

But hey, at least we’re amused. Thank you for spreading a bit of chaotic energy into the universe, Crowley. It’s been a hard week and I needed the laugh.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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