Wednesday Webcomics: Making Peace with Pain and Loss in “A Plant Called Milo”

A Plant Called Milo by anana alog

A gardener grapples with the loss of his twin brother in “A Plant Called Milo” by anana alog.

Fran’s twin brother Keith passed away four months ago, leaving behind his son Milo. Fran spends his time at the Green Kit planting and nurturing his plants. But raising a child isn’t as simple as watering and watching a plant. A single gay man, Fran struggles with the challenge of taking care of Milo while dealing with the loss of his twin in A Plant Called Milo.

A Plant Called Milo takes place in an original world called Little Pickle Town, created by anana alog and lenabyn. Little Pickle Town’s official site describes the setting as a town on the outskirts of a city, where the homeless and the lost can find refuge and hope. I first discovered this webcomic without any prior knowledge of the creator’s universe. However, I never got confused while reading. The story is concise, and I feel like I already know the characters from the first chapter. A Plant Called Milo clocks in at five chapters, but the webcomic’s quiet moments and emotional impact resonate more than most longer webcomics.


A Plant Called Milo by anana alog


The webcomic explores themes of grief and loss. Fran handles his grief with doubt and frustration. His nephew Milo is overwhelmed with depression and anxiety, wanting to quit school because his classmates are bullying him for being biracial (Filipino and white). Keith’s passing is hard on both of them, but the tension between Fran and Milo escalates when they confront their grief. The story takes its time developing their relationship as they learn how to address their feelings. Grieving isn’t something to be ashamed of. Being emotional isn’t a weakness. The pain of losing a loved one will stick with you forever, but you can keep it from consuming you. Appreciate what you have now and move forward. The webcomic does a fantastic job conveying these messages.

If you decide to check out this gorgeous webcomic and end up enjoying it, don’t stop there. Please take the time to check out the animatics on YouTube. Visit the official site to learn more about the characters in Little Pickle Town. There’s so much potential, from the impressive storytelling to the memorable characters. I can’t wait to see where anana alog and lenabyn take it all in the future.

For more great webcomic recommendations, check out our Wednesday Webcomics archives!

Author: Bradda M.

Bradda M. currently lives in Virginia. He teaches ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) at a public school and spends his free time reading and watching movies each night with his partner. For The Geekiary, he writes about webcomics and SFF media.

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