Con Nooga 2016 Cosplay Highlights
Chattanooga’s Con Nooga is a smaller convention, but it has a lot of heart – and Con Nooga 2016 produced some great cosplays, though of course at times they’re a bit more laid-back than those you see at conventions like Dragon Con.
This year I went out of my way to take pictures of some of my favorite Con Nooga 2016 cosplays. I may or may not have scared some people as I chased them down for pictures (just kidding, I’m a cosplayer, I’m always polite about these things)…and here are some of the highlights!
Like an adorable Hobbit…

This Jurassic Park employee with his MOVING BABY TRICERATOPS
::dies a bit inside because adorbs::

The ever-awesome Amethyst from Steven Universe

Geekiary author & editor Bekah with an amazing last minute closet cosplay of Lexa from The 100. She may have gotten her cosplay from the closet, but Lexa herself was not in there 

Young Slughorn and McGonagall in a perfectly picturesque spot…

Darth Deadpool…need I say more?
Obviously I had to pose with this Flash cosplayer because you know, CW shows. Plus he has a coffee. Which is hilarious because he’s The Flash. Or maybe I just like it because I love coffee. This caption has in fact been brought to you by coffee.
Kudos to these ladies to going all out with some great Adventure Time getups…

This wonderful woman who was all things Rose Quartz and therefore all things Hufflepuff
::insert heart emoji here::

Proof that Hufflepuffs and Slytherins can be BFFs…and that Puffs can be fighters while Slytherins can be sweet Lolita girls 
I’ll certainly have more to say about my trek to Con Nooga 2016 last weekend, but if you attended please share your cosplay highlights in the comments – and if you are pictured here let me know who you are so I can credit you, of course!
Author: Tara Lynne
Tara Lynne is an author, fandom and geek culture expert, and public speaker. She founded Ice & Fire Con, the first ever Game of Thrones convention in the US, and now runs its parent company Saga Event Planning.
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You didn’t get a picture of Colonel Sanders? I’m still trying to figure out how he kept that suit white all weekend!