Stranger Things Season Two Finally Announced

stranger things season two

To the surprise of nobody, we are getting Stranger Things season two in 2017.

Stranger Things was a surprise hit this summer.  Our very own Erin wrote a recommendation –  Stranger Things: 80s Horror Nostalgia at Its Best.  I was late to the game thanks to San Diego Comic-Con, but when I finally sat down to watch it I plowed through all eight episodes in a single sitting.  Even people who aren’t typically into horror or 80s nostalgia seemed absolutely captivated by the show.  So with all the buzz, I was left wondering why we didn’t have any news on Stranger Things season two?

Turns out they were sitting on some news so they could drop a surprise trailer on us out of nowhere.  The trailer doesn’t have any actual footage, but what it does have are the titles of every episode from the upcoming season set over that amazing and haunting opening title sequence.

The episode titles are as follows:

  1. Madmax
  2. The Boy Who Came Back To Life
  3. The Pumpkin Patch
  4. The Palace
  5. The Storm
  6. The Pollywog
  7. The Secret Cabin
  8. The Brain
  9. The Lost Brother

There’s a lot of speculation about what these titles could mean.  Check out The Independent and /FILM‘s excellent write ups.  I’m caught somewhere between wanting to speculate on every little thing and patiently waiting so that I can go in completely blind.  I didn’t know anything about the first season before watching it.  All I knew was that my Twitter timeline was freaking out about how good it was.  That’s it.  Then I hit play and didn’t move for eight hours.

As soon as Stranger Things season two was announced, there was a blitz of new information across the internet.  First up we have this awesome information from the Russo brothers at TV Line.  The most interesting tidbit:

Matt and Ross Duffer are introducing three major new characters, one of whom, “Max,” is a “tough and confident” 12-14 year-old female whose “appearance, behavior and pursuits seem more typical of boys than of girls in this era.” Max eschews Hawkins’ primary mode of transportation — the bicycle — for a skateboard, which she uses to get around everywhere.

Stranger Things season twoI’m not sure if they are attempting to “replace” Eleven, so to speak.  Eleven is going to be missed greatly.  But this new character certainly sounds interesting and it seems she’ll be introduced very early on as the first episode is titled “Madmax.”  Yes, I know, I said I was thinking about not speculating on the titles, but this one is kind of obvious don’t you think?

In a separate piece with TVLine, the Duffer Brothers indicated that Eleven’s involvement would be “up in the air.”  I find that rather dubious.  She was enormously popular, her fate was left very open ended, and she’s kind of crucial to the mythos.

Then we have this interesting quote from Ross Duffer with EW:

“I think we talked like a larger time jump where the kids are older now and it’s a different decade. That’s something we batted around from the very beginning. But for us, there’s still more story here [in the 1980s], there’s still things that are unresolved.”

Long-running shows starring children tend to have issues with their talent growing up, so scheduling a time jump may help smooth that over.  If any of our adorable child stars hit an unexpected growth spurt, the time between seasons can be used as a convenient excuse.

Ross Duffer also teased that we may see more of the Upside Down:

“We obviously have this gate to another dimension, which is still very much open in the town of Hawkins. And a lot of questions there in terms of, if the Monster is dead, was it a singular monster? What else could be out there? We really don’t go in there much until they go in to find Will at the end. So we’ve opened up this doorway, and to us it’s exciting to talk about, like, what else is behind there? There’s a lot more mystery there to be solved.”

Well crap guys, I’m excited as hell about Stranger Things season two.  Another badass girl character?  Possible surprise Eleven? More of the Upside Down?  Guys, this is going to be amazing.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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