Valentines Shipping Poll: Round 2!
The top 10 fandoms of the last shipping poll have been voted in. We’ve taken the top three ships of each fandom that were nominated in the comments and put them in the poll. Not every fandom had three nominations or clear winners, so we’re sorry if your fandom only has 1-2 ships represented. If there are enough comments to include a ship that wasn’t voted in last round, we’ll be happy to add it!
Ship hate in the comments will be immediately deleted. Repeated harassment will result in a ban. This poll is about love! If you can’t express love about your own ship and can only express hate towards other ships, this poll is not for you.
This poll has closed. View the results >>HERE<<.
Author: Angel Wilson
Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.
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why is cecil/carlos a ship??? their relationship is canon – they already are boyfriends!!
“Ship” doesn’t mean “not canon.” Amy/Rory and Kurt/Blaine are also canon. Ship is short for “relationSHIP.” There is no caveat that it has to be uncanon to count.
-Admin Angel
I love this site and your no hate policy. 🙂 Looking forward to a fun poll here and hoping my beloved Dean/Cas wins it all…though there are soooooooooo many other pairs that I adore on here, including Sterek and Jorian.
That was my exact thoughts! and you ship my three top otps!!! ahhh!
Where is the option for Doctor/River in Doctor Who? 🙁
It didn’t get voted in last round. I’m sorry. There were a lot of Doctor Who ships and only 3 were allowed to advance to the next round. It wasn’t one of the three unfortunately. My Doctor Who ship didn’t make it either and I’m the admin here 🙁
-Admin Angel
Destiel is the best love story that I’ve ever read, so my vote is for them. I was part and I voted for them in every single poll last year, and of course this year I will do the same! ♥
Destiel got like 100 votes in a minute! Woohoo, my fandom’s awesome! (a bit weird though considering it’s like 5AM in the US, but our fandom’s famous for this)
We are passionate like that =P
destiel went from about 200 votes to over a thousand in less than 30 minutes?? somethings not right here..
The Almost Human ship had the same results. The two are currently jockeying for first. If you’re curious, most of the traffic right now is coming from Russia. Links are mostly coming from Tumblr. The amount of hits this website is getting is roughly matching the amount of votes. They are indeed unique visitors. Polldaddy also has a mechanism in place to prevent bots. Rest assured, right now this is legit. I’m keeping an eye on it.
-Admin Angel
Thanks for the info! Ipromoted it on my tumblr too, and saw many of people I follow do the same. 🙂
Thank you.
No problem. Also a large portion of traffic is coming from a social media website called “VK” which is a Russia based social media site. I believe it’s the middle of the day and they tend to contribute heavy traffic to our polls. I’m used to seeing link backs from them. We’ve got about 500 hits from that social media site alone, over 1,000 from Tumblr. All of this is in less than 3 hours. I’ll be watching. 🙂
-Admin Angel
Thanks for the clear up, mod! Just out of curiousity, can you track the traffic of individual votes too (i.e. How many votes are unique), or just the clickthrough/referrals to this page?
My comment to this post and all subsequent posts have been deleted not because they violated our policies, but because I don’t want to reveal the behind the scenes workings and what measures I have in place to prevent bots to the general public. If you’d like to discuss the inner workings of this poll please email me at
It makes sense. Usually #ProfoundBond trends on twitter more in the US and (Moscow) Russia.
The poll has been promoted on Tumblr, by Destiel shippers like me. In my case, it was promoted to almost 8,000 accounts all around the world. All of them very eager to vote and make Destiel win. There’s no reason to start thinking there’s a bot.
Yeah, and now it’s kind of gone around with us Klainers ^^;;
And if Klainers know there’s a way to vote for Klaine then stuff’s gonna get real!
Ha, oh my. I remember the last time you two were in the top two spots for a poll and the term “Klainestiel” was formed. Have fun you guys.
With the fact that this website seems honest and it’s not fair to hate on others then I’m thinking it will be fun no matter who wins ^o^ It’s all about good fandom support (and I know that Supernatural is really popular I just….don’t like supernatural genre very much)
Thanks for the compliment on our website. 🙂 Yep, this is all in good fun. I remember by the end of the last Klaine/Destiel poll people were relatively friendly as far as shipping polls go. I hope that remains true here. Hate will be deleted. This poll is about love.
-Admin Angel
As usual with the SPN fandom, problems always start when the usual group of 5 or 6 brats come here and start insulting people because they don’t like Cas, and Destiel and anything apart from their own tastes.
As far as they are away, the environment will be awesome. I remember with Klaine, last year, we broke a website hahaha, and the difference in the end was of less than 100 votes I think. It was a good competition 😛
Oh definitely know what you mean. There is so much lol Blaine/lol Klaine stuff that it just brings it all down.
But honestly, I think the Glee fandom has gotten smaller whilst (feel free to correct me since I don’t watch SPN) the Supernatural fanbase has grown.
Thankfully we have a no tolerance policy on hate. Hate of any kind will be deleted. So far I’ve only had to delete one hateful comment. I hope the trend of relative civility continues.
-Admin Angel
I’m a Klainer so yeah I told my other Klainer friends so, stuff is about to get real! <3
it’s because someone made a post on tumblr saying to vote, and it spread around pretty fast
Being down by 200 only to jump that much within 2 minutes is indeed an oddity.
How is that odd lol I voted like 30 times within the last minute. Vote, refresh, scroll and vote again! And you don’t even need 10 people to make 100 votes a minute, especially if you have a decent comp (I have 100mbps and that is only mediocre)
And gud damn it I was supposed to be writing a Destiel AU but yet I’m here voting aaahhh!!!!
What’s the AU about? :))
Haha hi Anja
This is the AU I’m trying to continue:
A Destiel AU where Castiel is an angel trying to take away Ben’s nightmares but got mistaken as a kidnapper by Dean instead. It’s mostly narrative – which is a style I’m trying because it was supposed to be a ficlet on Tumblr and then it got waaaayy too long so I posted it on AO3 instead haha!
I’m actually a little sad that no Supernatural couples made it to the People Choice Awards voting (which was a bit…cloudy about the winning votes). That would have made it so fun and I know a lot of people who watch both Glee and Supernatural.
Who cares if it’s not canon, it’s implied canon from what I’ve heard.
Totally agree with you on this. 🙂
A lot of Destiel shippers really campaigned hard and I personally believe that we did have enough votes to have Dean & Cas in the Favorite TV Chemistry category for the People’s Choice Awards, but the PCAs took the heteronormative route and instead of including non-canon LGBT ships in their poll, they created new categories called Favorite TV Bromance and Favorite TV Gal Pals that included portions of some of the non-canon ships. Dean and Cas were paired with Sam for an option in the Bromance category, which was great to me as I do love all three of them (yay for Team Free Will and they did win the whole category too) but stunk that we were left out of the chemistry category like we were.
Glad to see Destiel at the top! 🙂
All the India-Russia fans are voting. No surprise since half the ship is anchored there!
(I really should be writing but….)
I can confirm that most of the traffic is coming from Russia right now. Is like your Facebook?
-Admin Angel
Firstly – I’m not from Russia (or India-Russia, for that matter, since it’s not a real) Haha, why would you think that!
Secondly – is //like// facebook (as far as social networking goes, it’s definitely not Twitter as far as I’m concerned, lol) it’s also like a forum. Do you know there is actually an English version:
Oh sorry! I just thought that since you had information about traffic you were from the source. My mistake. Thanks for the info. 🙂
-Admin Angel
I’m from Russia 🙂
VK started as a copy of FB,, just different skins and, well, in Russian. Two of them went separate ways from the starting point tho.
I have a question. Maybe I got it wrong last week but I thought from each show in the top 10 the 3 most popular ships would get in, if not suggested by us you would ask Google, but now I only see one Glee ship?
Klaine was the only one nominated and we really didn’t have a clue what other ships to include. Googling it didn’t seem fair so I just went with the only one any of the commenters suggested. Do you have any suggestions? I’d love to add them.
-Admin Angel
The 3 biggest and most popular ships on Glee in my opinion seem to be Klaine, Finchel (Finn & Rachel) and Brittana (Brittany and Santana).
Thanks for the info! I’ll add them shortly.
-Admin Angel
Destiel is my OTP and I will fight for it. 🙂
Ah none of my other ships/shows made it, just Klaine and Sherioatry. But I doubt the latter will get very far so I’ll just be voting for Klaine.
Surprised none of my doctor who ones did: Doctor/River, Doctor/Master, Captain Jack/…EVERYONE
I didn’t notice Torchwood was left off in the first round, has it really been that long? Jikes. Still love Janto though 😛
Kirk/Bones FTW! 😀
Arghhh, this is bittersweet *but mostly sweet* My bby Ichabbie ship didn’t make it to this round! D: But at least Dean/Cas made it; time to root for my boys! <3
Destiel: the OTP of the OTPs.
SPN fandom, tonight we’ll trend #wherestheangel.
Destiel :**
Johnlock FTW
Romeo and Juliet don’t even hold a candle to it!!!
Once again, Supernatural takes over the post. Congrats, guys.
Thanks 🙂
Sterekers? Where are you? Let’s rock this poll!!!
We are coming *_________*
And wow, you really did. The Teen Wolf fandom never fails to impress.
-Admin Angel
Makes me think of Torchwood: Children of Earth. 😀
OMG Sterek is on the 1st place!! We just have to keep it that way!! C’mon Sterek fans ! Or else, I’m gonna rip your throat out. 😀
I’m so sorry Klaine and Destiel but I had to….. I…. I…. I voted for Sterek! Just so you know, it was the hardest decision of my life and this doesn’t mean I love you less.
You’ve betrayed us.
-Destiel shippers
No they didn’t. they voted for another OTP. That’s FINE That’s not betrayal.
-Destiel shipper
Sorry friends it was a joke I respect who they voted for
Some of us got that. 🙂
omg….sterek and destiel… 2 otps and they’re BOTH cutthroat biggies…..
i don’t know who to vote for!!!!!
ok….i’ve decided to vote as much as possible for whichever of destiel or sterek is currently in 2nd place at the time of voting, until it evens out again and then let fate take it’s course in the final hours…just to keep things interesting!! ;P
Klaine was my OTP and then Sterek came into my life. Ok they aren’t canon but i don’t care.
Klaine for me is a dead end, the way that the writers hanle them, poor guys.
these are my exact thoughts. sterek still has a chance is interesting (when they actually get scenes together)…of course though i still love klaine they’re just very boring now
finally believe Sterek is going to win ♥
ugh both sterek and klaine are on this list so hard to choose.
Voted for Sam and Dean, the epic love story of Supernatural ♥
I voted Destiel a lot. I am sorry, but it seems even freakin Sammy notices how in love they are with eachother
Just saying.
I agree entirely. I wish some would have gotten voted in.
-Admin Angel
I nominated Faith/Buffy, but BtVS didn’t get in. Nor did Lost Girl.
Which on one hand means I can focus on Destiel and Destiel alone, on the other hand, so many ships I’m missing right now.
i would like to nominate allison/lydia from teen wolf if that okay.
Teen Wolf has a third spot available, so done. Allison/Lydia will be in the poll in 5 minutes. 🙂
-Admin Angel
Let’s gooooo, Sterek <33
I thought sabriel was more popular than sastiel (I don’t ship any of them, both make no sense to me, so no bias here, the only thing I ship is destiel) but honestly sabriel is a huger ship, surprised it wasn’t in the poll.
9×11 helped a lot I think. xD
I don’t see why, there was nothing in their interaction that can qualify as other than friendship, but I guess I’ll never get why people ship things that make no sense.
Not sure if you meant it, but that came off a little harsh. I don’t ship it either, but I understand why other people might. Just sayin’, after rare Sam/Cas scenes in the series, episode 11 was a goldmine for Sastiel shippers.
I have nothing against people who ship them, whatever floats their boat, but you basically said that the quantity of onscreen interactions are just enough to ship two characters regardless the nature of said interactions, and that’s what I don’t get; I can understand it as brotp, they’re friends, but there’s nothing remotelly romantic so I don’t understand why people see it as such. It’s not judging, nor dislike, it’s honest confusion that’s all.
Hmm, well in that case it’s probably because of how similar they are. They’ve both been down similar roads with trying to do the right thing, and they’re both good to each other; in that they don’t really fight, they’re caring about the other…but again, I don’t ship it…so I’m not sure how off the mark I am. If there’s a Sastiel shipper out there, it’d be awesome to get your perspective! 🙂
If you guys are really interested, here’s a page about why people ship Sastiel in a much better way than I could ever share:
But yeah, I’m a Sastiel shipper; fell in love from the first handshake, and just loved it more and more as the show went on. ^^
Wow, thanks for that link! This is pretty much what I’ve seen between Sam and Cas, just in a less romantic way. But I still understand where you guys are coming from, it’s a sweet ship. ^ ^
This was an interesting read. We just come from different POVs and I simply see it all as friendship. I do understand people have different views on romance though.
The one thing that bothered me was a scene of “The Man Who Would Be King” with this written on top of it “In fact, Sam always gives Cas the benefit—when no one else does.”. Because that scene was about Dean giving Cas the benefit of doubt and saying Cas would never betray them and Sam and Bobby were the ones saying Cas was lying (which he was, but that’s not the point when it comes to giving the benefit of doubt). The whole episode had Dean giving Cas the benefit of doubt and feeling betrayed at the end because Cas was lying and Sam and Bobby were right. Unless I understood the meaning of the sentence on top of the gif wrong. In this case I’m sorry.
I could say the same thing about Destiel, you know. To me, that ship is nothing but friendship. In fact, that’s what most of these ships are. This is what shippers do: we put a romantic spin on things where most regular viewers wouldn’t see any. It’s a bit rude to say a ship you don’t ship “makes no sense” just because you choose to see the interactions of Sam and Cas as nothing but friendship.
Seems a little rude of you to kinda demand explanation for other people’s ship preferences in the poll comments here. You know, if you don’t get it, and you’re not asking ‘why ship it’ just to try to mock, it’s not hard to do something as simple as google a ship manifesto. Sastiel has more screentime than Sabriel, at least, and half the ship hasn’t been dead for nearly four seasons. That probably helps far as poll nominations go.
I’m monitoring the comments for hate. I apologize if this comment offended you, but I’m not counting it as hate due to the subsequent explanations and good conversation regarding ship preferences. If you do spot hate in the comments that the mods haven’t gotten to please bring it to our attention.
-Admin Angel
It’s what got voted in. I wasn’t expecting it to be top 3, but it seems the popular fandom ships are shifting.
Thank you for making this a fun and fair competition! Go Destiel!
My votes are going to Wincest: The Epic Love Story of Sam and Dean. 😉
“So you know you can’t trust them, right? You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other, right?”
I love Sterek and so happy that they made it but I kinda wish Scott/Isaac or Scisaac would have made it
YAY! Destiel is winning!
We need to keep it up! Keep our boys goin’ strong! 😀
MMhmm. Haven’t stopped voting 🙂
Just curious, from the results of the first poll it looked like Psych beat out Doctor Who by several places and a significant number of votes, so I was just wondering why you chose to put up Doctor Who ships instead of Psych.
Wow, yeah that was absolutely a mistake on my part. We were keeping tally in an external document and things got out of order. I apologize. I’ll add Psych as an 11th option.
Oh, thank you very much! I’m sorry for the trouble, I was just curious. ^^
I’m going to be eternally rooting for Sterek, but the other ships are lovely too! Good luck to everyone! <3
Sterek Of course!!!
Sterek is the best ship ever
I love how it’s always the same two at the top, Sterek may be young but it is glorious. Destiel is cool too 😉
I found myself going, “STEREK!! >XD” One minute they’re way down there, next minute bam! 1st place. You guys never fail to catch me off guard. I sense a lot of flip flopping in # until the poll closes! xD
Looks like Sterek will be giving Destiel a run for its money. If I had to pick between the two it’s Destiel all the way but Sterek’s one of my favorites.
And Sterek Pulls through! Yay!!!
C’mon Klainers, Stydia is catching up!!!
I love the rivalry between Destiel and Sterek. Our shipdoms would make the cutest couple ever. Pretty sure we could rule the world together, tbh.
Love to Destiel from a Sterek fan<3
Hey, Supernatural just had a werewolf episode where they expanded the mythology to include born werewolves, packs, werewolves able to think and plan… And Teen Wolf is having a ‘demon and hunter’ season this year.
So, yeah, two great ships that would be even better together. Can we vote for ‘Super-Wolf’?
Agreed, world domination would be top of our to-do list once we join forces.
Love right back at yeah Sterek, from a Destiel fan. ;D
Haha, I’m glad the Destiel fans agree with me. I really hate battling with you guys, it feels like I’m going against my shipdom soul mates like this. :'( </3
… Needless to say, if 'Superwolf' was an option, I think we would break the voting box, lol.
That would actually be pretty cute indeed XD
Destiel and Sterek shippers together is the best! I love you Sterek shippers soooo much! Even though you guys provide us SO much competition in the polls, you’re always so terrific and it is just too fun talking with you guys and enjoying a friendly rivalry/competition. 🙂
Desterek/Stestiel for life! <3
I love this little section of the comments right here because it makes me so happy, and it’s so true! Together, Sterek and Destiel shippers are AWESOME! I loved Destiel before I even watched SPN thanks to how cool you guys are (though I’m really sold now that I’ve watched the show (; ). Thanks for being our lovely OTP Soulmate guys. <3
Why does it say “round 2”? will there be more rounds after this? is it top 10 or something?
Yes there was a previous poll to vote in the top 10 fandoms.
Thank you, Polldaddy for noticing something was up with those Stydia votes. I’m not even in that fandom and I knew it was strange that they were suddenly voting at the same rate as Destiel and Sterek. Good to see it’s gone back to normal. Come on Klainers, we have a chance!
I take it back. Whatever you’re doing to fix the problem only works for short intervals. The Stiles/Lydia vote rate will almost match the Destiel/Sterek vote rate for 10 minutes and then drop down to almost nothing for a while. This doesn’t seem right.
I’ll be monitoring this situation. The Stydia votes are the first votes that have been suspicious and haven’t matched. The numbers haven’t reached the point that it pings as a definite bot, but I will definitely be monitoring it. If it continues we’ll unfortunately have to close down the poll.
-Admin Angel
I’m in the Supernatural and Teen Wolf fandom and I understand your confusion because that is an unbelievable number of votes for Stydia to get. The online fandom for that ship is rare. It does look like the extreme vote rate you’re talking about has gone back to levels that seem right. Maybe everybody just voted at once for a while and then disappeared. Good luck for your Klaine 🙂
I have now made an announcement about this issue on Tumblr.
-Admin Angel
Thank you. It was a bit disheartening for us Klaine shippers to see Stydia gaining so many votes and then passing over us and pulling away. I’m happy to see that you’re trying to keep it fair for all of us. Thank you.
On behalf of other Stydia shippers I would like to apologize for the unbelievable actions of some of our fandom. Taking off 10,000 for bots (I have no idea how many there actually were) puts Stydia in 4th place but it’s pretty close right now. Best of luck and hope the bots are done with now.
And now I’m bored with the poll already. The results are the same thing every time.
I wish more people were more of aware of the Jorian the ship from almost human…I wish more people were in the almost human fandom for that matter…..anyway go jorian and destiel!
Destiel is my #1, but I adore Jorian too! Those two are so cute together! And that show is awesome! I really wish the fandom was bigger too.
oh my gosh….destiel is my number one as well! I just love almost human thought because jorian is super cute, and a human with a robot super cool!
Destiel only
Voted for Sterek too but where are all my Spirk shippers?!?!
Space Husbands all the way!!!
We all knew that this was going to be a competition for who comes in third. (Destiel and Sterek are unstoppable). But now we have third place taken by a ship that cheated and should at least be in 6th place if it’s correct that at least 8-10000 votes have been fraudulent. I’m so disappointed.
ADD.) If this poll can add ships in late like the Psych ships and Allison/Lydia and that’s still considered fair, Stiles/Lydia should be reset to 0 as well.
Nobody is going to be happy and I’m going to receive hate mail either way, so this is the option I’ve chosen to pursue that seems the most fair from my end. If I remove it now after I’ve already said they’d get a warning then I’ll be a liar and my inbox will be flooded with anger. This is day 1. There are 11 more days to get the other ships above Stydia. I have no doubt that some of the more popular ships will pull ahead at this point. I’ll be watching it closely and if they use a bot again they will be disqualified. That’s the best I can do at this point. I’m sorry if that option upsets you, but we are about 8% of the way through this competition so there is plenty of time for things to further develop. It doesn’t end tomorrow. If it did I might view things differently.
-Admin Angel
I think you’re doing a great job monitoring this poll! Thank you so much!
Continue voting dears! 😀
I’m a Sterek shipper and I have mad respect for Destiel shippers, because they are fair when it comes to polls :).
I totally agree, this website is really good at keeping things fun and fair. I’ve (unfortunately) never seen Teen Wolf but I really want to and Sterek shippers have made me already ship them… I just wish more Destiel (my OTP) and Sterek shippers got along. (I mean, can you imagine how beautiful it would be if ships cheered each other on instead of tearing each other down?)
“Sterek and Destiel joined forces could probably take over the world” – zainclaw on Tumblr
So true.
Hey, Sterek and Destiel are my two OTPs so I with you there!
As a Destiel shipper who also ships Sterek, thank you for respecting us. A lot of people think we Destiel shippers cheat because we win a lot of polls by huge margins, but in reality we’re just a huge group. Destiel is pretty much the #1 non-canon relationship on Supernatural, so we’re pretty avid fans. Thanks for the respect though, and may the best ship win!!
It’s not who is winning on day 1 but who is in the lead midnight EST Feb 15th! And I sincerely wish every ship good luck and support, but I’m voting STEREK.
Do we have any new estimates on how much botting there’s been (if there’s been anymore)? Last I heard it was around 10,000 but that was old. As a Stydia shipper I’m just curious how close it is between Klaine and Stydia (if the 10,000 is accurate than Klaine’s only ahead by a few hundred). Obviously we can’t know exactly how many douches have been botting but I’d just like a benchmark (if one is even possible).
I still suspect botting. From my estimates there have been less than 50 Stydia shippers visit this poll and it’s going up as though there are hundreds. Unfortunately it’s looking like I’m going to have to disqualify it. I hate to do that. I’m giving it a little bit more time to see how it goes.
-Admin Angel
I understand. Thank you for being so fair and giving them time to come to their senses. I hope they realize what they’ve done. On to cheering for my other ships.
I agree. Unfortunately these people, who are determined to undermine anything Sterek-related will now vote for Destiel. No offense to Destiel shippers, this is a reality of small- minded people with a big chip on their shoulder. Wish we could all have a fair contest and ship and let ship.
I agree. The hate against Sterek has gotten really bad since bisexual!Stiles became more explicit in canon. I guess we just have to just accept it and just keep on shipping. It’s nice to see Sterek being well-supported. Good luck fandom!
“The hate against Sterek has gotten really bad since bisexual!Stiles became more explicit in canon”
Your ship is semi-canon and that has increased hate against you guys?
People are crazy.
I’m really sorry for you even though I’m a destiel shipper.
When I see other shippers online I just think “maybe it’s time to watch their show…” I’ve discovered supernatural because of destiel on tumblr. ^^.
That was so sweet of you! 🙂
I absolutely detest revenge voting. Unfortunately there really is no way to combat that. I really wish there was. I can recognize bots and do my best to balance out the polls when bots interfere, but I can’t get into the heads of people and see their motivation for voting a particular way. The Supernatural fandom has a lot of revenge voting as well, so maybe it’ll balance out. I really wish I could combat revenge voting. I’m sorry. I wish people would play fair. 🙁
-Admin Angel
You’ve done an excellent job keeping track of the suspicious voting. There is absolutely nothing you can do about revenge voting and it’s something most of the Destiel and Sterek voters have gotten used to. It’s just a side-effect of being a bigger ship. I understand why other ships would get annoyed and revenge vote, but it doesn’t make it any less irritating. You’ve done an amazing job at keeping the poll as fair as possible 🙂
Thanks so much. I appreciate the feedback 🙂
-Admin Angel
destiel has always had it’s highly extreme haters as well who will be voting for sterek, so it evens out.
whatever happens between these 2, so long as no bots become involved (which no one genuinely voting for them would do at this point – the only reason one of those ships would have a bot would be sabotage from a hater) then all’s fair. they are the undisputed kings of shipdom – it’s neck and neck and up for grabs either way.
If you take off 10,000 for bots Stydia is still in fourth place. I have small hopes that we can pull through and hold on to 3rd legitimately and am appalled at the behavior of my fellow Stydia shippers.
I’m pretty sure the botting was done by the anti-sterek folks and not by legitimate Stydia-fans.
I find it extremely annoying that the ONLY canon ship in AU Star Trek isn’t represented! How about some Spock/Uhura hmm?
If it were voted in last round it’d be on the list. Unfortunately nobody nominated it. The only three ships nominated were the ones represented in the poll.
-Admin Angel
I thought it would be up these too. However if I’m honest I’m not shocked seeing as it really doesn’t have many fans. I mean yes there IS a fan base, but not one big enough to be of any note. Yes it’s canon, but that doesn’t mean it’s popular. It’s fan sites are pretty dead and the fandom is minuscule compared to other Star Trek ships.
man i hate it when two of my OTP’s are in a ship war. so hard to choose! but for the sake of the never ending battle between Destiel and Sterek im voting for Sterek. but i so so so badly want to vote for Felicity/Oliver from Arrow! oh the life of a shipper. =]
Come on people. Give some votes to Dorian/John Kennex ship from Almost Human!
The two of them talk about olive oil and where to put it, each others balls and there was even dick showing to the other in canon. This underdog show needs more love! Praying for it not to get canceled and instead renewed for a second season.
Go and watch the Dorian/John Kennex in the show and then come back to vote for them!
I have to admit, for a new ship, Dorian/Kennex (are we going with Jorian?) are fantastic! Great chemistry, good characters separately AND together, and portrayed by two GORGEOUS guys.
C’mon destiel shippers. let’s vote some more
While I totally ship Destiel, it does disappoint me that so many shippers “revenge vote” and take the fun out of shipping and ship polls.
Good luck to all the ships! And I’m sorry to hear about revenge voting happening in the Sterek fandom. We Destiel fans have certainly experienced our share of wrath from fans with more hate towards Destiel than love for their ship. It’s unfortunate to see this kind of thing happen in any fandom and to any ship. I am happy to hear about progress with Stiles and his bisexuality. I’ve only watched 2 seasons of the show and I’m far more of a casual viewer than anything else, but I love representation anywhere and Stiles would be a great character to have on *my* LGBTQ+ team. 😉
I’m loving all the love and support from you guys. <3
Hey guys, I’m sorry, I know revenge voting is the most frustrating thing ever. I remember when the destiel haters voted for Sterek just so that our ship would lose, and under normal circumstances I’d say the haters are balancing things out on both sides, but with how things are (Stiles possibly being bisexual and destiel basically being denied left and right by the writers) I guess you have the disadvantage this time, what with sterek haters boiling with rage and destiel haters kinda laughing in the distance.
There’s nothing anyone can do against that, though. Which probably only makes it more frustrating. But stay positive dear sterek shippers, you’re gaining credibility concerning canon, after all <3
Call me foolish, but I still have hope that tptb plan on a Dean/Cas endgame. Especially after this 2nd half of the season, it’s been parallel after parallel and I can’t /not/ think there isn’t something going on! >w<
I wish I could be as positive about this as you. I noticed the parallels, of course, and the Colette one was almost ridiculously obvious, but everything else is just one big destiel denial fest to me. All the girls Dean suddenly hits on again (after stopping almost completely during S8), strange scenes between them that somehow appear stilted and wrong, idk, I just don’t get the vibe anymore. Except for that one scene where they sit in the car and Dean tells Cas “Wait, I can’t let you do this”. But in the end, I guess it was bait after all, and I’m so so tired of being jerked around like that, you know? But that’s not the worst thing: The worst thing is actually how they didn’t only ruin Dean/Cas, but the show in itself doesn’t seem to really try anymore, neither with new characters nor with the story arc. I mean what purpose do all these fillers even serve? Everytime they build up these epic story lines and then they conclude the thing in like, two episodes. And now the strange Dean ‘n Sam thing, too? Ugh. Yeah okay, this wasn’t supposed to become a major wank, I’m still voting for destiel for old times sake. <3
I gotta respectfully disagree and say that it looks like they are very much manoeuvring Dean into position for a long term healthy relationship, and Cas at this stage is the only one in sight who fits the bill as far as who with goes. Dean is going through self destruct mode, and he’s always liked sex – difference is now he has even flat out said he doesn’t actually enjoy the one night stands anymore. Just gotta work the bad out so the good can follow. So yeah, massively hopeful that they won’t chicken out at the last second. Bad Boys showed that until the codependency is broken Dean can’t move on with his own life, and that is happening right now.
I just want to thank the both of you for keeping this discussion respectful. I have enough on my plate with the rest of the comments than to deal with this getting out of hand. So thank you. Active polite discussion is encouraged <3
-Admin Angel
Yes! ProxyOne made a great point, there are a lot of really good meta talking about where the brother’s relationship is going plus where they believe tptb are taking Dean and Castiel. I would definitely recommend Neven-Ebrez on Tumblr, her meta is so good. >w<
@Angel K Oh of course! Thanks to your strict policy on wank, it's helped give this place a good atmosphere. No trolls= Good times. 🙂
Thank you, good points and I will read the meta. There was a time I didn’t doubt it would go canon, actually, and I didn’t understand the people who were so against it, and neither the people who thought it wasn’t even possible. By now I view the meta and think: yes, that’s what I would like it to be, but it’s never this great and deep in the end, is it? Like every time someone makes absolutely brilliant observations but in canon it leads to…nothing? Yeah, I’m really bitter by now, but what gives me actual real hope are people like you who still think destiel is possible or even likely. It makes me stay. Oh and @Angel, I’m sorry if I violated your terms on wank? I hope it doesn’t apply to what I wrote. This is my last message anyway in this poll, I won’t have wifi for the next days. So keep voting guys, I have to leave you to it <3
So glad three of my ships are in the top 3 (yes, I can ship Stiles with more than one person). Come on Stydia, we don’t need stinking bots to maintain third place!
Whilst I have to admire the total dedication of anyone to ANY ship if they are prepared to spend time hunched over their keyboard voting over and over and over again…………What is the point? Surely one vote per site visitor gives a more accurate picture of the support/love for one ship, whoever it is? A few people with time on their hands simply skews the voting and tracking IP addresses checks authenticity.
I do have to admit, I’d like these polls better if you could just vote once, too. I only have time to vote once a day, if that. Just me!
I am loving how teen wolf cast and writers are paying attention to us sterek fans. Hopefully they pay atttention to this one too if we win. they have said before that we seemed to have gone quiet but we are sure showing them lol.
I don’t ship Klaine, but I feel kinda bad for them. If the Stydia vote really is skewed by 10,000 votes then Klainers should be in 3rd.
As a Sterek AND Destiel shipper, it brings me great joy to see these two in top form! That said, WHO DO I VOTE FOR? I absolutely love how both shows play into their fandoms, teasing us about these ships. I’ll echo the comments above, saying that I wish people were more respectful when it comes to fandom. I guess, I’ll just have to vote for both and hope that everyone else plays fair in what they love.
That’s what I’m doing. I’m also voting for all my other ships to see how many can make the top 5. I’ve got 3 in there currently.
Woo! I’m happy to see my pairing slowly rising! Keep voting, Lydia/Alison fans. We need more femslash love!<3
I’ve never heard of this ship but now I’m liking it. Femslash ah
Feeling bad for the Klainers who’ve been cheated out of a fair fight, so I’m voting for them even though Sterek is my OTP. I admit I’m disheartened that the site would let Stydia remain in the game after such blatantly hateful actions. Takes a lot of the fun out. 🙁
I know right? I’m voting for Klaine as well. I’m very disappointed in those cheating in the Stydia fandom. 😛
ETA: Whoops, that was supposed to be a frowny face, lol.
I’m personally glad the admins are acting fairly and not punishing all Stydia shippers for the botting. Personally, I’m just subtracting 11,111 off of the Stydia total (mostly because I don’t know how much botting there was). If Stydia is ahead by more than that by Feb 15th (assuming no more botting) I think it’s a legitimate win, otherwise I motion that they get whatever place subtracting that gets them (right now they’d still be in 3rd). I am not condoning the botters actions in the slightest but think that eliminating the entire ship would be inappropriate (although I am obviously biased).
A lot of Klainers have given up and quit voting because of the cheating. So no matter what happens, Stydia cheaters have ensured that the voting will never be fair. No win Stydia gets here will be earned or legitimate IMO.
Since they can’t go in and edit the poll section by section, could they at least post a disclaimer at the top with a penalty for Stydia so Klainers know how close it actually is? Not sure how much good it would do, but I really do want this to be a fair race.
It sucks for honest Stydia shippers and Klainers both because this will never be a fair race as long as Stydia gets to keep those votes with no penalty.
Stydia has been disqualified.
-Admin Angel
I probably came off a little harsh and you’re definitely getting hate from both side, so thank you for doing this and trying to keep it as fair as possible. You rock!
Thank you. <3
-Admin Angel
Stydia has been disqualified.
-Admin Angel
So its come down to this again has it? Well Sterek fans… *ties on a Destiel head band* Let the games begin. 🙂
When you ship both Sterek and Destiel. The struggle is real.
Do the ships have to be from shows that are still on?
As per the rules in round one, the show, movie, or podcast had to have had official canon installments since January 2013.
-Admin Angel
And after a run of high voting, Stydia votes have dropped down to nothing again. Which has been happening for a while. It looks like if you just cheat enough without doing enough to be traced as bot voting you’re allowed to stay in. Wonderful 🙁 We’re never going to catch up to that.
Yeah, what’s with that? Every now and then I’ll notice the Stiles/Lydia vote practically matching the Sterek and the Destiel votes and then it drops way down to only one or two votes for a little bit and goes back up again. It’s the only one I’ve noticed doing it because I thought it might just be a heap of shippers voting in waves, but the Sterek, Destiel and Klaine votes have kept consistent (I’m not sure about the others). I don’t know what to make of it.
I don’t know either. But we’re currently at the time that the Stydia percentage goes down fast because the vote increment is so small. Don’t worry though because just as I think the problem’s been fixed the Stydia vote starts voting again at a huge rate and we lose any percentage we gained during their ‘off’ period. I don’t know why I’m even bothering to keep voting except my Klaine love is just too damn strong.
Stydia has been disqualified.
-Admin Angel
Thanks for noticing the weird voting. I know we we way behind Stiles/Lydia but there were moments we’d make headway and the voting would shoot up again. Thanks.
You’re welcome. I want things to remain fair and fun.
-Admin Angel
Stydia has been disqualified.
-Admin Angel
Really not fair at all to the Stydia fans who had nothing to do with the bot, they should still be given a fair chance to vote like everyone else, now it feels like we’re being punished for something not all of us have done, or ever would…
Unfortunately this is the most fair thing we can do. There is no way to manually subtract votes and everyone below Stydia felt like it was unfair. I have been getting hate mail all night. Waking up to 84 emails about a poll is not fun. In order for the vast majority of poll voters to feel that things remain even this is what we had to do. I’m sorry. I ship Stydia too and removing it from the poll hurt me a lot.
-Admin Angel
Question about your Stydia shipper status! Do you have more than one ship for Stiles? I know you’re crazy about Sterek. (Personally, I like Danny/Stiles best of the choices in front of me.)
Yes. Stydia is actually my #5 ship. My OTP of the show isn’t even in this poll. The only ship for Teen Wolf that’s on this poll is #4. My top 2 ships for the show are pretty much all on the same ground. Isaac/Scott and Isaac/Allison. Then I ship Scott/Kira. Then Sterek at #4. Then Stydia. I wish some variation of Isaac/Scott/Allison had made it (or even OT3 which absolutely wasn’t against the rules, but nobody even nominated), but this isn’t my poll. It’s the readers poll. And the readers have spoken.
-Admin Angel
they were given a fair chance though. it always sucks when the honest people have to suffer because of the actions of a few twats….but tbh there’s simply nothing else for it. multiple warnings were given, both in general and then addressing the stydia fandom specifically, and yet were still ignored. it’s aweful for the honest voters like yourself, yes, but hopefully it might serve as a lesson to the cheaters in future – you can’t get away with it. for future polls, with that lesson learnt, the ship will probably stand a much better chance :). not just with stydia either – bots have been a long running problem for many ships, and the only way to stamp them out and make it a better environment for all is to show that they cannot get away with it. i really do hope this is the last that the stydia fandom at large has to put with them, and that they come back stronger for it next time,…but for now…it’s simply not fair to ignore the rules put in place from the start and let a ship that blatently cheated continue. fair warning was given….
i actually really want to congratulate Angel K on the fantastic job he/she is doing in running this, monitoring it and keeping everything running smoothly. it can’t be easy but they’re handling it wonderfully. this is one of the only places were the competition somehow carries a nice, friendly vibe, and irregularities are picked up on and dealt with fairly and efficiently. great job.
Angel, I just wanted to thank you for trying to keep things fair. I’m sure this has been really stressful on you, but your efforts are appreciated.
To the Stydia shippers who weren’t cheating, I’m sorry this happened. I’m sure it’s very upsetting to be associated with people who were cheating, and to be disqualified even though you personally didn’t do anything wrong. 🙁
Thanks. I had to deal with 84 emails before even making coffee. And I still have a day job to go to now. I appreciate the kind feedback. Makes this worthwhile <3
-Admin Angel
What’s to stop the revenge voters from putting a bot on the Destiel or Sterek polls just to get then disqualified? This is why the Backlot had to stop unlimited voting because that was suspected to have happened to Destiel and Sterek in that poll.
If further bot voting occurs we will shut down unlimited voting or put other measures in place.
-Admin Angel
omg how can spirk be in a lower position than sastiel…
Oh my Godstiel, it’s ridiculous *in a good way* how neck-and-neck Destiel and Sterek are. It’s like they keep trading the #1 spot every 30 minutes or so! Grr, this is going to be exhausting. x’D
what is botting? and confused
Botting is cheating using code. Please don’t do it.
-Admin Angel
oooh i assure you i dont plan to. I would want my ship to win fair and square i just was confused as to what it was.
Please add Jimlock to the Sherlock/Moriarty ship. I don’t like how there’s Sherlolly, but for Sherlock/Moriarty there’s no ship name while I personally see it as far more superior.
This was based off comments in the last thread. I didn’t know the ship name for this ship. It wasn’t a personal dig at the ship so I apologize if it read that way. I don’t ship either thing so it definitely wasn’t personal. Many ships don’t have ship names in the poll. I’ve seen “Sheriarty” as the ship name for that one as well and I wasn’t sure which was the common name. I left it blank so I didn’t get it wrong.
Either way, I’ll go ahead and add “Jimlock” as the official ship name as nobody else has commented otherwise.
-Admin Angel
I think “Sheriarty” sounds cuter, but I’m not, like, offended by “Jimlock.” (Gym lock? 😉 )
I compromised by putting both. 🙂
-Admin Angel
Reading through these comments just now has been joyful. Thank you sooo much to all of you that have kept the comments nice, polite, and fun. All you guys rock. And thank you Angel soooooooooo much for all that you’re doing to keep it that way and to make sure the poll stays fair. I’m sorry that it has been causing you such a headache and that you’ve been getting so many angry emails about it, but please do know that many of us really appreciate you and the atmosphere that you’re working to create and how hard you’re working to keep the poll fair for everyone.
I’m sorry that a handful or less of people using a vote got Stydia disqualified. I don’t ship it myself but I really hate it for all of you Stydia shippers that were playing fair.
And I’m sorry for the Klaine shippers that were disheartened before over it.
Sterek shippers and my fellow Destiel fans, you rock. I love how dedicated you all are to voting and supporting your ships, and I hate to hear of revenge voting going going. Keep your heads up, guys.
Jorian shippers, I’m sooo happy to see Jorian love being spread in the comments! Anyone who doesn’t watch Almost Human is definitely missing out on a great new show and a great new ship! John and Dorian really are just too awesome.
Keep the love flowing, everyone! <3
Thank you so much for the feedback. <3
-Admin Angel
I would definitely stop unlimited voting. The numbers get out of control and then people either use bot votes for their ship, or to revenge vote against someone by increasing their competition, or to get a ship disqualified they hate. As someone else said, this all happened during the backlot. If you can switch to 1 vote per IP, I’m sure that would save a lot of drama.
I’ll consider it, but not at this time. I like having people voting in a dedicated fashion. If problems persist I will limit it. But not now.
-Admin Angel
The Backlot solution wasn’t perfect though because the changed from unlimited voting to one vote per IP per hour in the middle of the poll when Destiel already managed to get a very sizeable lead. it was impossible to beat it after that. I hope the Backlot makes it one vote per IP per hour from the start next time. Unlimited voting just adds to too many problems.
This has been, for the most part, a fun exercise. Kudos to everyone who does it for fun, and love of their own ship, and shows respect for what other people love. Make this all worthwhile. And to the admin who kept their head, humor, through a patch of nastiness.
Thanks to everyone that kept it that way.
To paraphrase Scotty- I like these ships, they’re exciting!
im a dedicated destiel shipper I try and vote in all the polls and I love to blog about them and continue to hope that it will become cannon. But i still respect sterek heck my best friend ships it so I am so sorry to every fandom not just teen wolf for the hate or the revenge voting. Honestly nothings ever going to be perfectly fair but at least we know that we love our shows and that we have a bond together just as fans. I sincerely wish every ship the best of luck because remember even if they aren’t your cup of tea someone out there ships them just as hard as you ship your OTP
What a sweet comment. 🙂 I agree with you. This is supposed to be fun!
dude i feel you. my sister is a huge supernatual fan so i try to respect the supernatural fandom even if i am a huge sterek shipper.
I don’t know whether to vote for Doctor/Rose, Destiel, or Johnlock!!!
Vote for all three then. 🙂 You can vote for more than one ship at a time.
Destiel is my ultimate OTP, but Sterek is so very adorable. So many ships that I ship are listed; good luck to everyone!
in like a matter of 5mins the destiel ship went up by almost 3000 votes … ugh theres no hope in beating them 🙁 🙁
Don’t give up on Sterek!
Yeah, don’t give up! It’s actually staying pretty close. But Destiel has a huge fanbase in Russia, so when they start voting, they get a nice lead. It just means us Sterek shippers have to stick in there and vote, vote, vote 🙂 I love these polls because Destiel shippers are always so cool to us. They’ve been doing this a lot longer and have dealt with the hate that we’ve been getting from our own fandom for a lot longer as well. It’s nice that Destiel and Sterek have a bond but stay competitive. It’s going to be interesting to see the total number of votes this thing is going to have when it ends. It’s going to be high.
i love it!:)
it’s sort of like BFF/sibling rivelry. destiel and sterek are my 2 favourite ships and my 2 favourite fandoms (followed by johnlock, doctor/rose, kirk/spock and stydia). as far as i can tell people on both sides have always had a massive love and respect for the the other. it’s like they’re there for each other and supportive of one another all the time, and then still keep that friendly competition going with a wink wink nudge nudge!! like “OH, so we meet AGAIN! well, let the games begin, mwahahahaa!!!!…btw how’s your mum doing? you keeping well? that great, love you! good luck, hugs and kisses xoxoxox!!”
Very cute! 😀 I like it when ships make friends of people.
come on sterek lets keep going dont give up till its over
Don’t give up! Nothing is impossible and I’ve seen bigger leads than that be overtaken. Personally I’m rooting and voting for Destiel cause they’re my #1, but you never know what can happen in these polls so keep on voting for what you love, and remember that in the end it doesn’t matter that much cause it is just a poll and we’re all here just to have fun.
I agree. Big leads can change really quickly. Sterek shippers have been really organized and kept posts in the Sterek tag and on dashes to remind everybody. I’m sure Destiel shippers are doing the same and it just depends on the timezones. Destiel gets a big boost from the Russians and Sterek seems to get a big boost from the Australians (I’m guessing, I’m just going from the times and who’s more likely to be on). There’s been a lot of great joint Sterek/Destiel voting posts show up on my dash today, so everybody is motivated. I love it 🙂
Maybe a stupid question but can we only vote for one ship or multiple? Because it allows me to select several ships and I want to make my votes count.
Vote for as many as you like 🙂
So if I select lets say 4 ships, and click Vote, all will get a point? Is this how it works?
That is correct.
-Admin Angel
Thank you for the clarification.
And for the great work on an awesome Poll 🙂
I hope Sterek wins, although I do like Destiel &Klaine is one of my OTPs, but let’s face it, it won’t win; but I hope Klaine’ll be on 3rd place!:)
I just want to thank you all. I’m a huge Sterek shipper and I’ve had my lesson most of the time not to read comments under polls or stuff. But this one, I did read some, and I’m so nicely surprised how wonderful everyone here are. It makes it a pleasure to take pare in this, and yeah.
Ships, no matter which one, should be all about love and not hate, right? 😉
Only problem I see is the amount of great ships in this poll eh! Good problem tho.
Dear Admin,
you wrote Stiles wrong in your Admin note. It is Stiles not Styles.
Thanks! Sorry.
-Admin Angel
With Stydia’s elimination, Teen Wolf is done to two ships in the polls. Would it be inappropriate to add Scisaac this late in the game to bring them back to three? Obviously they can’t hope to catch the top 10 or so, but there is a fandom for it. I know Angel ships them, so rather than put her in a position to get hate mail because people think she’s biased I’d like several other people’s opinions (particularly those with ships on the bottom half because they could theoretically be caught up to in the next week).
Thanks for understanding the possible bias here since it’s a big ship of mine. Hopefully others will like this idea and then I’d love to put it in. 🙂
-Admin Angel
You should totally do that! Scisaac is a great ship and totally deserve it to be there and I’d definitely vote for them!:) (That’s my other OTP on Teen Wolf besides Sterek, of course)
Done. Thanks for helping me get one of my big Teen Wolf ships on the board 🙂
-Admin Angel
For some reason Scisaac isn’t showing up for me to vote but it is in the results so obviously some people can vote for it. I’m on a tablet, is there something I can do setting wise that would be causing this. I’ll try from a computer in a few hours but was wondering if there was anyone else with this problem or anything I could do to fix it from my end (I can still see and vote for all the other ships).
Never mind, it literally just showed up
I really like Scisaac as well. Though currently in canon I’m all for Scira. I know I’m not very helpful with my comment but put my vote in for adding Scisaac.
Destiel and Sterek, my two favorite ships, duking it out as always! If Destiel can’t win, I want Sterek to have the victory. Sterek shippers are wonderful and actually made me watch Teen Wolf to begin with. Also I’m happy to see my third favorite ship, Cecilos from Nightvale, doing pretty good. Cecil and Carlos are the cutest.
My only problem with this poll is the lack of chaleigh. Chuck Hansen/Raleigh Becket: Pacific Rim.
I am definitely a Destiel shipper! Like legit, Destiel is THIS close to becoming canon. I have never watched teen wolf, so I dont know about Sterek. But this is a fair competition, so its all fun.
Yay another Destiel optimist! <333 Well, cautiously optimistic. BUT THERE'S STILL HOPE. <33333333
I’m kinda scared for Destiel though after the last few episodes and watching next week’s promo. Especially when it seems like all of Deans character development is gone, but this could just be him struggling with Sammy trying to be independent.
I’m pretty sure they intend to make Dean hit rock bottom so they can “rebuild him”; this unhealthy relationship needs to be dealt with first. 🙂
I think I’m just having cas withdrawals to the amount of hella.
are you for real? the writers and tptb themselves have said destiel is never gonna happen. they have admitted to queerbaiting the fans from the start. there was never even a plan to bring destiel to the higher ups to be considered. had you been living under a rock when that whole destiel fandom drama happened? sorry to burst your bubble hun.
Unless I hear it from Jeremy Carver, I’m still going to be cautiously optimistic.
I’m with you on that plus time changes things and really you never know. But the profound bond between the two is undeniable. And honestly destiel becoming canon would really be helpful to the LGBTQ community.
Exactly! Until I hear it from the head honcho I ain’t givin’ up hope! >:3 The show so far has only been reinforcing my hopes, but I know things might not go how I might hope. So…cautiously optimistic feels like a good way to describe how I feel about Destiel going canon. <3
Let’s keep the conversation upbeat and positive. As this isn’t ship hate (you aren’t hating on the ship, just being a tad rude) it’ll stay, but the tone of this post violates our policies. Avoid condescending phrases like “are you for real?” and “have you been living under a rock?” please. You can have a healthy discussion about things without insulting those you disagree with. There’s been plenty of disagreement in these comments without insulting people who disagree with them. Try to do that, please. Thank you.
-Admin Angel
Patty, none of the writers have ever said Destiel isn’t going to happen. Someone from the network who supervises scripts said they didn’t have intentions for bi!Dean, but that same person also said that if the story called for it he wouldn’t oppose Destiel. However, the whole point here is that this man, Chad Kennedy, isn’t a writer. And he’s certainly not the showrunner. In other words, his word doesn’t mean anything in terms of Destiel going canon or not. The rest of the PR disaster came from a director, I believe (again who is NOT a writer) and just more wank from anti-destiel fans. So all together, no one ever said Destiel didn’t have a chance. And moreover, the writers never said a single word for or against. It’s all just been wank. I’d advise everyone NOT to get their hopes up, be as cautious as you want, but for those who are hopeful I say continue to be hopeful. There’s nothing concrete standing in your way, just a bunch of hot air and wishful thinking from fans who want the opposite of you. Which is fine! Everyone can ‘want’ what they want. Just don’t make it a fact if it isn’t one. 😉
Exactly this! Not to mention that was the perfect moment for Jeremy to say, once and for all that Dean/Cas would in fact, never be endgame. At that point we just wanted straight answers, it’s fine if you don’t plan to ever make them happen but just please tell us. Nada. Just a “wait and see”.
Come on klainers!!! Let’s do it for our babies!!! DO IT FOR DARREN!!!!!!!!
Hey people!! I like a lot the atmosphere here, it’s super welcoming and warming.
Thanks to the geekiary!!
It would be sweet is we started sharing our tumblr accounts or twitter users! So we can meet new people and make new friends outside this comment section. What do you think?
My tumblr is Onamelancholyhill (link in my name in this comment) and my twitter, @anabellebaggins. I’m a Destiel shipper and I enjoy a lot of fandoms as well.
And you???
Great idea! I typed your url in for tumblr and I’m already following you! I thought it was a funny coincidence. Here’s mine:
Awesome. My url is (linked in my name). It’s more or less an all purpose blog with the main reblogs being SuperWhoLock, Teen Wolf, and puns. I’m a big Stiles shipper (by which I mean I ship Stiles with nearly everyone) as well as Destiel, Scissac, and Harmony.
Aww I’m so happy this poll has lead to new friendships <3
-Admin Angel
You are literally the best admin I have ever seen
Awww you guys are makin me blush. Makes the work I’m doing feel worth it. If you want to find me I’m 😉
-Admin Angel
I just looked up your url and OMG I ALREADY FOLLOW YOU!
Great idea! 🙂 There’s so many awesome commenters here that I’d love to be friends even after this poll is over.
I’m and @LRavenscroft13 on Twitter. I’m a huge Destiel fan, but been getting really disheartened with the show itself this season. I’m becoming more and more of an Almost Human fan (especially Dorian/John) and also loving Agents of SHIELD too, and I always have been and probably always will be in love with Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit.
come on sterek we can do this
Is anybody going to even mention how well Cecil and Carlos are doing? I’m sure this is pretty big–I didn’t know they could ever be this popular. Sorry, I’d love to support destiel like I usually do, but this not this time–have to help keep my otp up there with the best of em. I’m rooting for you, though!
In the last poll Geekiary did (well I think it was the last one) it was about canon slash couples, Cecil and Carlos came second to Klaine 🙂 Gave us a challenge too 😉 Inspired me to check it out!
You can vote for multiple ships at one time! I’m voting for quite a few, including Cecil & Carlos.
ouh, this is going to get close. But it looks good for Destiel atm so all I hope is that the Sherlockians somehow manage to get Johnlock on #3. Keep voting guys :>
Oliver/Dinah is how that ship is referred to in the comics, not the TV show Arrow. In the show it’s Oliver/Laurel.
I’m confused. Isn’t Dinah laurel & Sarah’s mom? So wouldn’t those be two completely different ships? I’m sorry if I’ve misinterpreted your post. I’m just really lost.
Yes, in the show Dinah is Laurel and Sarah’s mom. But in the comics, Black Canary/Laurel’s real name is Dinah. They changed things in the show. I just noticed in the poll that Oliver/Dinah is listed. I suppose it could be that it’s supposed to mean the pairing of Oliver and Laurel’s mother, but I don’t think that’s the case.
Ohhh! Thank you for the clarification. I’ve never read the comics so I had no idea. I just watch the show on TV. Now it makes a lot more sense that it’s on their. I was so confused when I saw that as an option because we never see them interact.
Same. Oliver/Laurel’s mom is definitely a ship I didn’t expect to see listed 🙂 But it is the more common way to list the Green Arrow/Black Canary ship in the comics. Or maybe there are just a whole lot of Oliver/Laurel’s mom shippers we haven’t heard of before 😉 (I joke with love, Admin).
lol I don’t watch this show and relied 100% on comments for the entries. I have no idea who any of these characters are except I think Laurel was Ruby 1.0 from Supernatural maybe.
-Admin Angel
Yup she’s Ruby 1.0. I didn’t recognize her until I read the cast list. Lol
Why am I unsurprised that Stydia voters played so dirty they were disqualified…. ugh. Nice one guys *eyeroll*.
Hi, Destiel shipper here.
Good luck to Sterek in the run for first. I haven’t watched the show yet, but it’s definitely on the list. I’m really sorry about the hate and revenge voting. Congrats on the Stiles progress, though.
That is very nice of you, I at least appreciate it 🙂
I love fighting for the ship you love, but it shouldn’t end up in war between the people behind the ship. ^^ And you won’t be disappointed when you watch the show, believe me (:
When you mean with “Stiles progress” him being officially bi now, then thank you 😀
I also wish you Destiel shippers luck with Dean and Cas. I love the both of them, Dean is my fave character ever on tv, so it often feels strange to vote against him haha ^^
Love, a Sterek shipper
It’s always good to see people from opposing ships getting along. We don’t need to burn each other down 🙂
I admit, I have seen veeery little of Cas in SPN (because I don’t watch it) but I do understand why it’s loved
It certainly is good to see! 🙂 But unfortunately there will always be those people hating on each other. Well, we don’t have to join them (:
And yeah, I also understand why people like Dean and Cas together. ^^
Oh oh! *grabs blankets and pillows* Do tell, it’s always fun to hear an outside perspective on your OTP. *passes hot cocoa around*
Well, isn’t it pretty obvious why I would like Cas and Dean together? 😀 Probably the same reason why you do ^^ They really care for each other, have a special bond, would die for the other and are both very hot and the one is an angel the other one a hunter, who also happens to hunt angels ^^ There’s surely some more stuff to it, but that’s all I can think of right now ^^ I don’t know why I don’t ship them at all, besides from being very good friends. Theoretically they would make an awesome couple, but to me they are just very close friends or kinda brothers.
I don’t know, I never got that vibe from Dean, since he’s always with the ladies, and Cas, I’m not sure, he’s sometimes too gay for being gay, especially since he always seems like he has no clue what he’s talking about when it comes to love. ^^ And there have been enough occasions for them to get together, but they are still not an item, so I just can’t believe that they love each other like that.
I’m sorry, I’m not trying to talk them down, I’m just trying to explain my opinion to you.
I mean, there are a lot of people who didn’t get the Sterek vibe, so I don’t know if shipping is a thing about being right and wrong, or just a question of taste, but probably the latter.
I also think this was a great idea! Although im a little sad that I saw the polls to late to try to get doctor(11)/river on there ive gotten to vote for multiple ships awesom because there’s no way I could choose just one!
Stiles didn’t come out as officially bi, he just didn’t respond when the girl asked him if he likes boys. They’re is a huge difference. (BTW IDK if this came off as rude, it’s just an FYI)
Okay, he didn’t officially come out as bi, but I guess it is quite obvious that he is now. Only a blind man who cannot hear couldn’t know that. Especially since Jeff Davis already hinted at him being bi multiple times before. So this was quite the confirmation.
I ship, adore and love the idea of STEREK but have to agree with you. Stiles was kissed by a bi girl, he did NOT respond to her asking if he liked boys too. It’s has been widely interpreted as him admitting he does, when in fact he had a LOT of other things on his mind. I think there’s a great deal of wishful thinking going on here and ‘reading between the lines’ which may not be there. Until he says he likes boys and does something to show he does I think it’s sadly, pure fandom speculation.
What was the point of the scene if not to put that idea out there? It wasn’t relevant to the plot otherwise and didn’t advance the story, so it can only be interpreted as a stepping stone to an inevitable confirmation IMO. Air time is either used for plot or character development, and seeing as Caitlin is barely a background character, I’m guessing the scene wasn’t done for her character arc.
Also, if you’ve ever seen the directors cut of the scene (you can prob find it by googling around), Stiles actually nods when she asks him if he likes boys. I think they cut the shot to make it more ambivalent to either hedge their bets or draw the sexual identity crisis out longer for drama. Or maybe they have a surprise waiting for us and didn’t want to disminish the ‘shock’? You know how much Jeff Davis loves to shock.
Wonderfully put PSB! The stiles/caitlyn scene may not have been very straight forward, (when is jeff anyways) but it was there for a reason.
Personally I hope that the girl’s whole purpose it to make Stiles realize that he may be bisexual. He spent years being “in love” with Lydia and now he’s just friends with her and too much crap is happening around him to come up with a new obsession and Zelda William’s charcter might just be the push he needs to realize he can like girls and boys..
..or it could just be Jeff trolling his fans..
..sadly it’s probably the later.
Except Stiles has crap ton of other things going on right now, like being possessed and all, so I really hope Jeff underplays it using a romantic story line for Stiles right now. I am a 100% sterek shipper but even I know that there is a place and a time for that kind of plot line.
Sadly, you’re probably right. Jeff Davis will do/say almost anything to get higher ratings for the show , The only thing he’s said definitely is that STEREK will never happen. If Derek survives season 3B- 4 it will be a miracle, he’s being edged slowly out with very little screen time so far this season. As for the nod, I don’t know perhaps he WASN’T supposed to nod and they cut it? Things can be interpreted so many ways.
When did Jeff ever say that Sterek won’t happen? Actually at the moment there’s happening pretty much stuff that rather WILL make Sterek happen. From the point of like 10 episodes ago, it would have been impossible to make Sterek happen, certain things first had to change.
You don’t know how much I love you right now, PSB!
The whole point of that scene is so obvious, isn’t it? Each of your words, that’s exactly how it is and how I always explain it to others, who don’t seem to get television and plot points…
I can’t say anything anymore, since you already put my thoughts in perfect sentences, finally someone who understands it. That makes me really happy xD
But how do you know about this directors cut? Have never heard about it? O.O
I love Derek and Stiles and I truly hope they become a couple! Amen!
They are th reason i became hooked to teen wolf show!
Please Please Please guys Keep voting for Derek and Stiles!
About that there’s a very interessant director cut of this scene where Stiles nods when Caitlin asked about the boy, this was more efficient that the scene who aired.
Okay, I may be wrong but isn’t the fact that these top couples are bashed kind of a given in fandom land. (not sure about other shows). I know as a Klainer, I and my Klainer friends often have to endure kind of hate when talking about Blaine, but I’m happy for this poll. I can acknowledge that the other ships are more popular but us Klainers are (hopefully) not going to give up in going for third place ^.^
Plus, the whole Klaine fanbase has gotten excited that Kurt, (SPOILERwho is engaged to Blaine nowSPOILER) is going to Blaine’s graduation…kinda obvious but that’s how little respect we have for the show’s writing team.
It may be a given everywhere else but here. We are proud to be ship bashing free 🙂
-Admin Angel
aw it’s so great seeing such beautiful people like you here ;_____;
I watch both SPN and TW, and I can see chemistry in both relationships, although Sterek is still my number 1.
I also think that if Destiel and Sterek shippers would unite we could take over the world lol.
It’s great to know that there are people who don’t spread hate, because come on guys, hate in any form is just awful and will only lead to anger and sadness, and meanwhile we could just be kind and supportive to each other and live in the beautiful world of shippers who respect each other’s choices and basically a happy family. That would be so great.
Good luck to Destiel too – it will still be the first and biggest ship in history, no matter if it will become canon or not.
Destiel/Sterek shipper mutual appreciation! It’s a beautiful thing!
I need to watch TW, but I’m a little scared because Spn already completely took over my entire existence in just the 2 years since I started watching so I don’t know if I can cope with more potentially life-consuming TV 😉
But yeah – we should definitely unite and take over the world – bwahahaha!!
(But if Destiel looses I’ll probably be curled up in a small ball beside our fridge, crying over my broken heart and drinking Jack mornin’, noon ‘n night. Anyhoo. What I’ve said is done and done, twiddly winks and flip-for, adeiu!)
You guys are all so sweet and cute! *_*
I’m giving you all a big hug. :3
Yay a hug! I give a big hug back to you 😀
Lol well its amazing how Sterek overtook Destiel today, it kinda shows how strong the Teen Wolf Fandom is, and Scisaac is making its way up the ranks slowly.
Thank you for being really cool! I’m not a destiel shipper, I haven’t really watched the show tbh but I’m sure they’re really swell together!
It always comes down to Destiel vs. Stererk
I’m not sure if this will work but I just had to try putting a link to this gif here because it was too perfect not to use for this comment. Made me LOL, so I hope it does for someone else too. 🙂
Nope, it didn’t work. Oh well… here’s a link to the gif I was trying to use:
It’s the one where Lucifer!Sam tells Dean that they’ll always end up there. Seemed appropriate for this comment. *grins*
I feel like you are a tumblr person… lol
Nit really, mostly Destiel vs Stony, or something in that range
Hi! i am a destiel, johnlock, 10rose, and many others. but i must say, i am voting for my babies cecilos this time. go night valiens, go!!!!
It irritates me that whatever poll you go to it will ALWAYS be one of those two that wins. Maybe next time we could do a poll without them, just so that one of the other ships could have a chance to shine?
I did have a “canon only” poll and it came down to Klaine (Glee) and Cecilos (Welcome to Night Vale). If I could figure out how to have a poll about shipping that let some of the lesser known ships have a chance without simply saying “you can’t participate because you’re popular” I would. Having the canon only poll was the best way I could think of to do it. I’m open to suggestions!
-Admin Angel
Can we have a femslash poll? =]
Ooh yes, I like that idea very much. 🙂 Perhaps once this poll has concluded we’ll do a femslash exclusive poll.
-Admin Angel
Just want to update you: the editors and writers are now moving forward with a femslash poll so this will definitely be our next poll. 🙂 We’re just working out the details.
-Admin Angel
Its always down to Sterek vs Destiel…. Sterek always win.
Sterek fans hope that with this Poll Jeff Davis (Producer and writer) might add more Sterek bromance and hinted Sterek for us in Teen Wolf. Thats why Sterek usually wins.
I don’t know if this would work, but what about something like the way they do minor league sports teams? A triple-A division that is the big guns, a double-A division that consists of mid-size fandoms, a single-A division that’s more like Yuletide, very small fandoms that get crushed by everyone else. Granted, the big one would pretty much just be Destiel and Sterek fighting it out, but they still get declared the winner of their division, and can carry off a title without being excluded or curbstomping everyone else, does that make sense?
It would be easy-ish to figure out who goes were. Have an opening poll like you did before, where everyone votes couples they want in. Based on the # of votes pairings get in the pre-poll, they get assigned to a certain division, and then fandom/pairings that are more the same size can square off against each other without knowing going in that they’re going to get third place.
I like this in theory. The only problem I foresee is people getting mad at where their ship was placed. They might think they are bigger than they are and feel insulted to be put in a lower division OR they might feel they were put in a division that was too high and blame that for them losing. The comments section would be a war zone of disputes over which division I put them in. If I could find one standardized way of placing them in ‘shipping divisions’ I’d definitely be in favor of this idea. I could use this poll as an indicator, but people who didn’t know about this poll might complain. I could use the frequency of posts in a shipping tag on Tumblr, but not of our traffic comes from Tumblr and there’s disputes over portmanteaus sometimes anyway. If I could find a way to make this work relatively wank free, I will do this.
-Admin Angel
I love the idea that’s been brought up in the comments. Destiel & Sterek vs all the other ships. I’ve never actually seen that done before. The vote count would be huge on both sides and revenge voting would disappear because all revenge voters would just be voting with the other ships. Might still have a problem with bots though, but this poll has been pretty good with handling that issue.
This actually sounds like a fun idea!
Sterek and Destiel <3
Здесь голосуют люди из России? 😀
Голосуют,София 😀
За какой фэндом голосуешь?
I’m just going to assume this isn’t ship hate that I have to moderate 🙂
-Admin Angel
Я не очень хорошо знаю английский,простите. Не могу ответить,т.к не понимаю, о чем Вы пишете 🙂
Destiel vs Sterek 😀
Lets go Destiel!
I am a Destiel shipper, and I ship the Destiel fandom with the Sterek fandom u_u we are powerful, we are nice, we spread love. We are like two side of the coin right now. Can we set a fandom marriage? And the officer will be the third ship in this poll ^^
Imagine if it was a double couple poll? Like Sterek&Destiel Vs other double couples. It would be awesome domination!
Omg, that would be nuts. The #s would be in the millions…
I’d like to see a double couple poll where Destiel&Sterek are against the winners of the femslash poll. I bet the femslash shippers won’t give up easily. 🙂
I’ll consider it 🙂
-Admin Angel
Exactly! Can we all just get married to each other simultaneously? We sterek fans love you guys just as much, our love for destiel fans is basically circulating in the air. MARRY US!<3
Now we just need a 3rd ship to marry us. :))
For the most venerable ship, I’d say having Kirk/Spock do the marriage. (Besides, can’t ship’s captains marry people?)
The Sterek/Destiel love in these comments is so great! Yes, lets marry the fandoms <3
I love both Sterek and Destiel <3
As a proud Destiel shipper, I would like to say congratulations to the Sterek shippers for having the lead! 😀 For who knows how long we have battled for the title of the Best Unsinkable Ship and that, should you win this poll (not just this round but this poll) I would like to say congratulations and great job for the determination and hard work you guys put through it!
I haven’t watched your show yet (goddamn, it’s been such a busy school year I haven’t had the time so far to catch up on anything, even Supernatural) but from the little snippets that I catch here and there on my brother’s laptop screen, I can tell you two things: your show looks awesome, and the ship you defend seems very great. Teen Wolf is #1 on my To Watch list.
Also, don’t let these haters get you guys down – it’s a friendly competition that gets us all together and besides, hater shippers are amateur/extremist shippers.
Oops, sorry, I forgot – I got two names. 🙂 So please don’t get confused.
Voting Sterek and Newt/Hermann c:
Arg how do I choose? I ship all of these! I should cut down on my Ao3 and Tumblr time…
Just imagine the Destiel and Sterek shippers working together…
OMG We would be unstoppable 😀
Angel, do you have some stats of unique visitors voting Destiel since the poll started? I feel like this kind of information should start to be shared because there are still some people that believe we are 10 or less “crazies” voting 24 hours a day…
That information would be really really interesting.
Hey, just felt like saying that I am so happy that Destiel and Sterek shippers are wishing each other luck, both are amazing ships. So best of luck to both!
A Sterek shipper 🙂
Me too! Sometimes I cant stand to look at the comment sections of polls but honestly, the comments on this poll are probably the nicest I’ve ever seen. Good luck everyone! And may the odds be ever in your favor!
A Destiel shipper <3
OMG, it’s like a war here.
Guys, let’s keep calm and be awesomely level-headed. Every fandom is unique.
By the way, let’s vote only one time. Isn’t that the meaning of the poll?
P.S. I vote for Bella x Edward. Kidding. Thanx god it’s not there.
A little split about supporting Olicity vs. Destiel… I’ll go with Destiel. 🙂 Good luck other shippers and fandoms!
(led here by a tumblr post about Sterek and Destiel neck to neck in the poll with the SPN quote from the devil “No matter what choices you make, whatever details you alter, we will always end up here,” omg)
Bless our show; we have quotes and gifs for almost any situation. xD
Almost? I have yet to find a situation we don’t have a quote/gif for
Haha I may have recently made a post about this to the wtnv fandom. Glad to see it’s paying off. <3 P.S, maybe next time we could limit it to one ship per show/fandom? It's kind of disheartening when all the ships from one specific show are at the top.
I agree with the disheartening sentiment, but I don’t see it necessarily happening here. You have to go down to 6th place to find a repeat fandom. I realize all the Supernatural ships are in the top 7, but half of the fandoms in this poll have a ship above Wincest and Sastiel. As a matter of fact, Supernatural has the only repeat ships in the top 10.
Holy shit, I didn’t even notice ours had all 3 in the top 10! Give yourselves a round of applause Wincest and Sastiel. <3
I considered limiting it to one show per ship, but the amount of wank that would have been generated from that would have been terrible. I figured 3 was a nice number.
-Admin Angel
It’s so cool to see so many different people with different opponents getting along so well together! Not trying to hate each other for their opponents, but just excepting it. That is so hard to find in this time. Even thoughbit is just about shipping, it’s still hard to find.
Anyone else find it interesting that you have to go 8 places down before you find a ship that isn’t m/m? And that Doctor/Rose is the only non m/m in the top 10?
Yep, this is definitely a thing I noticed. And expected. I let it wide open so that it could go in any direction at all and it went down the exact path I saw coming. I guess I know our audience pretty well.
-Admin Angel
This is why one of the writer should put a normal no-big-deal gay relationship as a main pairing for once everyone would love it imo!
That’s essentially Welcome to Night Vale. Not to shamelessly self promote, but I wrote on why WTNV can get away with that and mainstream shows can’t:
-Admin Angel
no kidding..night vale has a boyxboy pairing as the main couple? What even is night vlae
Nooo-! Sterek, we’re starting to lose our ground. Keep fighting guys!
C… Can’t go on any longer! Go on without me, fellow soldier! -sobbing-
*ahem* I’ve gathered you all today, to honor the death of BigBadSeal. He/She was a courageous soldier, they poured every ounce of their life in defending their OTP. They will be greatly missed. *sad music plays as Sterekians carry the coffin out*
Loyal Sterek Activist
can next time the poll have ron and hermione in it?
-proud destiel and sterek shipper.
Unfortunately Harry Potter didn’t meet the qualifications to be on this poll. You can see the requirements in the previous round. You had to have had new canon material since January 2013, which Harry Potter has not.
Voting Sterek. but Good luck to Destiel! <3 Our ships totes should get married. I can see it now, our ships morphing into like one giant cruise ship or something.
That would be a one phenomenal ship. I wish that I could just embrace all of you rn! I love the love that spreads through the shippers, you don’t even know! <3
-Admin Angel
I remember this conversation happening two years back when After Elton ran their poll. At first, tempers were high, but then everyone sort of simultaneously said “But what if we shipped our SHIPS???” If you look up “Desterek” on tumblr you get some fun stuff. 😀
come on sterek we can catch up!
Дестиель и Састиель, Вперед!
Go Destiel!!!!! I love my otp.
So let me qualify this by saying I love Supernatural (I have a Supernatural tattoo!) and Teen Wolf. That being said I find it hard to believe that the votes for “Sterek” and “Destiel” are genuine. That looks like bot voting to me. The numbers are just too high. And since one Teen Wolf pair has already been disqualified for illegal voting it is certainly a possibility.
We’re watching. Right now we can see thousands of hits from both Destiel and Sterek supporting groups. The problem with Stydia is that we got about 40 hits from groups supporting them and they got 11,000 votes in a matter of hours. Thousands of hits per day from groups equaling thousands of votes per ship so far seems roughly accurate. If someone is botting either of them they are doing it so subtly that we aren’t noticing it.
-Admin Angel
I’ve watched both Supernatural AND Teen Wolf, and it was so hard to pick which side to support. In the end, I settled with Destiel because they’re pretty much my OTP these days, though I wouldn’t mind Sterek winning either. ^^
BTW, I love how these polls ALWAYS comes down to both Destiel and Sterek. They’re like the ultimate rivals of the fandom shipping world.
Good luck to all Sterek shippers. It must suck to have such a douche for writer, that he’d take advantage of a pairing to promote his own interests. I feel you, and I wish Sterek will be canon so he can shut up and you can be happy.
Keep kicking ass.
A Destiel shipper.
Oh…did something happen? <:O
Now, I'm not in the TW fandom, but I do remember a couple years ago Sterek fans saying that Derek/Stiles would go canon if the showrunner saw enough interest from the fans. I heard this 2 years in a row….and I didn't want to say anything then, but from an outsider looking in pov, it kinda seemed like they were using shippers to boost ratings/interest in the show. 🙁
I’m relatively new to the fandom, but this is my understanding of what happened: Sterek became such a big phenomenon that the showrunners and cast took notice of it. And Jeff Davis specifically said that he “could be persuaded” to make Sterek canon. Whether that was a joke or not (although I do think it was meant to be more playful than serious) is still unclear. Than they did this: (Fun fact: Dylan, the guy who plays Stiles, the guy in the white and navy shirt was drunk.) I mean, it speaks for itself, yeah? Vote for us and you’ll get more scenes with Stiles and Derek. Cool. Well, for this half of the season, Stiles and Derek haven’t shared a scene in five episodes. It’s half over and nothing.
Also, Jeff Davis was asked this:”Has the social media universe affected the show in any significant way?”
And said this: “It’s pretty remarkable. It doesn’t really affect us in the writers room at all. We know what they want, but I truly believe that as a writer, you have to please yourself first. What story would surprise us as viewers? I think once you go down the path of trying to please the audience, trying to throw fan service, it gets into dangerous territory. The characters may not act like they should or act like themselves. I’m not sure the audience would absolutely want that. I think they want to be surprised. I don’t think they necessarily want their versions of the characters; I think they want to be surprised and shocked by what’s on screen.”
He went from being receptive to the audience to totally shutting down on them. He has also been pushing Stydia really hard. And, you know, I’m not adverse to Stiles and Lydia scenes (they are two of my favorite characters) and although I’m not interested in the pairing, I think there are ways it can be skillfully, believably done. But this was sloppily written stuff. I half expect JD to lock them in a closet with holes on the sides so people can stick there hands in and make them kiss. Or he’ll have them play spin the bottle alone, in someone’s bedroom, with a pack of condoms on the bed. I’m wicked exaggerating; it’s more along the lines of “oops, I tripped and fell into your manly arms.” It’s bordering a bit on character assassination is what I’m saying. I wouldn’t call him an asshole just yet though. The series isn’t over. I think JD might be getting that the audience is interested in Stiles having a male love interest after the “are you interested in boys” gif got 46000+ notes off of the official Teen Wolf tumblr. Which is about FOUR TIMES what they usually get.
It’s hard not to hold out hope for it, especially when the actors get in on the phone. Holland Roden (who plays Lydia) has even said “Stiles and Derek are endgame.” I’m sure she was joking, but how are we supposed to respond to that? With uncontrolled glee, of course. But then we have our wrists slapped for getting excited over something that’s “never” going to happen. I just. Gah. Frustrating.
I have NEVER EVER EVER thought of advocating for a ship to be canonized. I’ve been in the fandom game for over a decade. And I have no idea what it is about TW that makes me believe it could happen so much. Trust me, it has taken me, as a fan, completely by surprise. I think it’s due to how receptive the cast and writers have been. But I don’t think they realized what opening that door would do. While I love their playfulness and don’t want that to stop, I have noticed that they’re pulling away and find myself shaking my head, thinking, “When you hint at it so much and tease it could happen, you’re surprised people are upset that it hasn’t? Come on, now.”
/end rant
That’s a pretty accurate summary. Don’t forget the phrase “vote or we’ll sink this ship” used when the ship video was released, or how they said they’d release the outtakes if we won the TV Guide Fan Favorites contest. They know Sterek is the driving force of the fandom, and they’ve banked on the shippers to get them publicity. It’s literal queer baiting: they bait us with Sterek snippets to get us to do what we want, then turn around and try to push straight pairings.
gahhh. I honestly don’t believe it’s done maliciously, but that doesn’t mean it’s not awful.
Ah, see, this is where being a newbie gets me. I didn’t know those details. Fills in the picture a bit more. Yeah, I honestly think they’re all nice people but that’s kind of a crappy thing to do. Don’t tease and know it gives your audience hope and then turn around and tell US it’s not what we “really want.” I wonder how long he can pull off banking on the Sterek fandom until we’ve had enough and move on. I’m on the fence of that right now.
what i dont get is…Jeff is actually gay why would he be so…weird about sterek?
I can’t help but wonder if it’s MTV that’s putting the hold on Sterek, rather than the writers.
Its hard to say Mtv can be..quite..weird with its values and choices and tv..honestly before teen wolf i coulda cared less about that channel..Still if its because of some weird reason on their part..they are only hurting themselves. Afterall having sterek be cannon would only blow up the ratings and bring in more viewers and money.
For the boat video, they were both drunk as far as I know. Not just Dylan.
While I agree that pandering to fans is dangerous *coughGleecough* as you can never satisfy all and how do you decide whom to listen to in the first place? it is also dangerous to do things in spite to teh fandom. and I feel lately that is what Jeff has been doing, even though it can be uncouncious.
They definitely use Sterek fans to get publicity and win polls and stuff and I would be OK with it but if they then turn around and act as though the love for Sterek is new and inexplicable to them then it makes me really angry. I as a fan feel used, then.
I also feel like Jeff may be someone who likes to shock and when the fandom guesses on his plans he changes them just to keep the shock value or somehting. He is also a bit of a hypocrite because he said the twins wer meant to die but they survived the Darach attack because fans liked them. Which I stopped doing the moment they killed Boyd. So they do take outside opinions into account.
and don’t even let me start on teh whole Stiles/Lydia thing. I don’t multiship. they are actually on my list of things that would make me stop watching the show. however I do agree they could be done right. unfortunatly so far it looks more like character assasination from where I’m standing. especially for Lydia. I mean, if you decide to do it, do it good. And it is sad to see because despite of what some fans say the TW writers are able to handle romance well. I’m pretty damn thrilled with the Kira/Scott stuff and how the aftermath of Scott/Allison is handled. you don’t see stuff like that on shows. let alone shows for teens. in a way the Stiles/Lydia stuff feels like baiting as well.
the sad thing is, and I think it can be said about many same sex ships on this poll, like Destiel, that if one Stiles or Derek was a girl they would have been at it like rabbits in season 2 at the latest 🙁
/end rant. I just miss their interactions
Reading this and the replies really just about makes me want to cry.
I was actually a Sterek fan first. I started watching Teen Wolf back in Season 1 but wasn’t really a huge fan. Between Season 1 and 2, I discovered Tumblr and the joys of male/male novels and had my eyes opened to the beauty that is being able to see love everywhere and between anyone regardless of gender. I believe it was during Season 2 of Teen Wolf when that video was made and when Jeff Davis said whatever it was he said about if enough fans liked Sterek he might be persuaded to do it and it was only after that that I started shipping Sterek and became a huge Sterek fan. I actually voted like crazy in the first AfterElton poll for Sterek when it won against Destiel, and also voted like crazy for Teen Wolf in every poll I could. I watched the show religiously every Monday and was so invested in it. Then as time went on the show seemed to move further and further away from anything Sterek related and at the beginning of this past season I actually quit watching the show for a time, unfollowed all the twitters related to the show and just gave up on it. Now I’ll watch Teen Wolf sometimes but not live ever and I don’t follow the fandom anymore or really consider myself a fan or a shipper for Teen Wolf.
Part of my leaving the show/fandom behind was also caused by Supernatural because I started watching this show and during that time and fell even more in love with Destiel than I had been with Sterek (nothing against Sterek though, I will always love them) and became even more passionate about SPN/Destiel than I was about Teen Wolf/Sterek. At first, like with Sterek, it was wonderful. It was a good season of Supernatural (I started watching during the first half of Season 8) and a good time for Destiel shippers. There had been so many instances where actors had given nods to the ship, our incredible and lovable Misha Collins had actually tweeted about the ship himself, the writers were friendly and responsive towards Destiel fans with one writer at one time even joking with fans on Twitter about Destiel being canon already. I had so much hope for the ship and got so much joy from the show and this season has been horrible being a Destiel fan and I’ve barely enjoyed the show anymore and at this point I’m just watching now because I truly adore Misha Collins and will watch anything that has him in it.
Anyways, the point of my loooonnnggg (sorry about that) rambling here- is that your last two paragraphs had me nodding in agreement so much that it gave me whiplash. You were talking about Sterek, but it could absolutely be applied to Destiel and Supernatural exactly the same. So frustrating, but you can’t stop loving the ships and characters and actors and can’t stop having that small nugget of hope inside and it is just definitely frustrating and heartbreaking and reading responses like yours and other people’s and knowing how I feel myself just makes it all the more heartbreaking, but it also makes comment sections like this one where there’s been so much love back and forth between shippers, where we’ve all been supporting our ships, but also able to empathize with each other and be so great to each other…makes small joys like having this place even better.
If there were 4000-5000 fans from any of the top ships here in just one day (as reported by this website) and each gave in 25-100 votes, you can easily reach 200k votes in one day. This poll has been open longer than that, and each ship has fans that don’t just vote a few times but will stay all day voting (thousands of votes). So, I don’t find the top results strange at all. Other polls have ended with over a million votes. What you’re seeing is extreme passion for these ships. If you give fans unlimited voting, you will see these huge numbers. Good luck to both, by the way. 🙂
Yep, this is why I’m not calling bot on either of those ships yet. The votes slowed down just as our traffic slowed down. The number of votes roughly matches the number of linkbacks from sources with various ship name identifiers in the title (destiel, castiel, misha, sterek, derek hale, etc). It’s not exact, but I expect some people are sitting on this page and voting multiple times and aren’t following linkbacks every single time. On day 1-2 it was about 4-5,000 per ship. since then it has been in the 1-2,000 per day range per ship. We are also getting about 6-8,000 visits just from Tumblr dashboards alone and we have no way of telling what ship those ones are going to. So based on these numbers it appears that Sterek and Destiel are getting there in a seemingly legit fashion. If linkbacks dry up and the votes far outpace the hits we’ll reconsider our position.
-Admin Angel
I haven’t followed a linkback since the first time. I actually bookmarked it in my toolbar and then each time I come by, I’ve been voting quite a few times. Basically once an hour since there’s a fandom poll for my fav band that allows only one vote per hour, so I just vote both things at once so I remember to do them. I told a few friends to toolbar bookmark it too. So, yeah, some of us aren’t following linkbacks at all.
You account for the few hundred that it’s off by, then. That’s why I’m not counting it exactly on the dot. I’m giving a little wiggle room for link backs.
-Admin Angel
Yeah, I put it on my favorites bar too and whenever I have time I drop by to vote for my ship as long as time permits. Sometimes its just a few votes, sometimes I have time to vote for a while. Glad I’m not the only one that bookmarks stuff like this. 🙂
I agree. I’m a Sterek shipper and there are multiple reminders every hour in the Sterek tag to vote, and that’s not including the reblogged ones on my dash and the reminders on twitter. I assume Destiel is the same. I come from a tumblr link and stay for a while voting and just refreshing the page. Those numbers for both Sterek and Destiel seem pretty right to me considering how passionate we both are and the size of the fandoms.
Can I just be another person to mention how nice and awesome it is, that everyone on this poll is super polite and nice?
Like yea, I feel the love. Also I have a new-found love for the Destiel-Sterek bond!
With that being said, I think it’s a bit sad the smaller ships get drowned, but it is what it is, right?
Lots of love from a Sterek voter
It’s so repetitive already that Destiel and Sterek are the ones in the lead. One can tell that shippers of all the other ships here got bored and went their own ways, while I’m sure people would die for the opportunity to find out which ship is the most supported without these two leads.
Actually, Hypable is running a poll that doesn’t have Destiel and Sterek in it. And the total number of votes for the other ships is very small. Those shippers still aren’t really supporting their ships without the bigger ones there. Destiel and Sterek get a lot of negativity because they’re so big, but it’s like they’re penalized for their passion. Both fandoms are very active, making fic, art, gifs, even just little headcanons. They keep their ships alive and get it to grow because of their passion. A lot of other ships appear to resent that, but can’t be bothered putting any effort in to making their own ship grow.
Do you have a link to this poll?
Also, this doesn’t count as hate so I’m not deleting it, but that last sentence might come off as rude to some of the other ships. I know that Sterek and Destiel get a lot of hate and the initial comment comes off as an attack on them as well, so this is a note to the both of you to keep it positive 🙂
-Admin Angel
Excuse me for jumping in with the link to Hypable’s Battleships 2.0 where winners of the summer poll from each fandom were disqualified from competing in this one.
I just signal boosted the poll again in my blog and we are almost winning again.
Can I hug all the Destiel shippers?
We are always facing so much shit … and we are always here to support our ship and what we believe in anyway… You’re the best, people.
I’m just so super proud that Johnlock is in third. We get so much shit, just like the destiel shippers. And I know Johnlock won’t be doing any winning. Which in the end is irrelevant. But I’m just super happy to see it that high up. Series 3 was johnlock heaven and just amazingly beautiful. While we may not be big voters when it comes to stuff like this…our ship rings true. So much love.
love all around!!!
good luck destiel and sterek <333
Gonna chime in and say I’m also very happy to see Johnlock in 3rd. Season 3 was the best season so far and even though I ship Sherlock/Molly, this season actually /really/ made me wonder if Sherlock was maybe in love with John. It really had me wondering! Not to mention it made me like Sherlock more…ugh, 5 stars for season 3. <333
I watch both shows and they are both my otp but I’m voting Sterek. Destiel is great but I’m tired of the queerbaiting the writers are doing and the almosts and nearlys each scene they have together has. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that it’s never going to be canon. Sterek, however, totally has a possibility now.
They’ve practically canonized Stiles being bi, and with Derek’s nicer ball of sass personality going on, they actually have a chance of liking each other now. The writers are seeing what the fans want and acting accordingly. Whereas the writers of SPN are dicking around and feel the need to show us how straight Dean is with every new episode.
I love both ships. But I think since Sterek has more of a chance, I’m voting for it. Besides, Derek totally needs more love, am I right? But good luck to both ships! This is merely a pole and I am taking it waaaay too seriously haha
This made me feel a little defensive, haha. But no harm done. :3
The first half of s9 may have been wobbly, but I feel the second half is more than making up for it, what with the tearing down of Dean and Sam’s unhealthy bond, Cas missing the little things of being human- knowing what regret feels like, etc. and the crazy amount of subtext last episode of Dean’s closeted bisexuality…the promo for the next 3 episodes also seemed to be hinting towards it! *Not sure if you’ve seen it going around on tumblr* As much as I’m taking everything with a grain of salt and side eyeing the hell out of it…I have faith Dean/Cas still have a shot. :’)
Sorry, I don’t mean to go on a mini tangent..orz
Sterek does the same thing go above and read Jenn’s post.. it’s all queerbaiting honestly. The ships fandom is so large and helps them in so many ways that they don’t want to come out and say nah this won’t happen because then that part of the fandom dies/they lose it. It’s pretty messed up honestly that writers and whatnot do this to their own fans just to gain benefit.
Voting Dorian/John. I awfully hope that producers somehow will see the results of the poll and will decide: Oh, people love these guys! We need to continue the show!
*cough* Feel free to pass it along to the show runners 😉 *cough*
-Admin Angel
I have been voting for them and destiel the whole time…..I want almost human to keep going….*cries*
Sastiel *-*
I’m totally into that ship <3
Any other Sastiel-Fans?
Here. 🙂 I’ve been shipping it for a while now even though Wincest is my OTP, and after the episode First Born my Sastiel feels definitely intensified.
Not a shipper, but episode 11 left me a gooey puddle. Cas and Sam’s interactions and talks were really cute. Q3Q
Hi! Fellow Sastiel shipper here. It’s definitely my favorite M/M ship on the show. ^^ (And a very close second overall to SamXMeg.) It’s great to meet you! I have to say, I’m so pleasantly surprised at how well we’re doing. ^^
So surprised Johnlock isn’t currently winning. Not I am a fan but this ship is bloody Titanic – where are you, shippers? 😉
we’re in our fandom still freaking out over how gay series 3 was, and writing meta and theories. no time for voting lol!!!
Nah I’m just happy to see it ranked so high. Makes me proud as a johnlock shipper, and proud to be part of one of the greatest love stories ever. Damn…I gave myself feels…back to the fandom!!!
Good question. But I don’t think Johnlock has ever won one of these kind of polls anyway. It’s always Destiel or Sterek. Johnlock did give it a good try in the huge Backlot slash poll, but that one came down to Destiel and Sterek as well. It’s hard to beat those two ships. Johnlock and Merthur usually come in 3rd and 4th. I think that’s the 4 strongest ships with Sterek and Destiel together at the top.
Go destiel!!!!!! I been telling everyone to go vote for them.
Same here! Been helping rally our forces in a couple posts and tweets! 😀
I’m totally a destiel and sterek shipper… But I’m surprised merthur isn’t here 🙁
Unfortunately it missed the time limit of the poll by about a month. You had to have new content since January 2013 and it ended December 2012. I almost changed the parameters by a month to include it but, like, wow, bias on my part if I did that. To keep things fair I kept it as is even though I wanted to include it.
-Admin Angel
Man, I forgot how exhausting these polls can be. Sterek shippers, this Destiel fan salutes you! You are truly a mighty and honorable foe.
*votes for sterek*
the destiels will never have that now..
Oh no you didn’t. xDDD
It always comes down to Sterek and Destiel *sighs happily*. I love the amical rivalry and how each treats the other. I swear, if both pairs were characters I would ship them together so hard XD
You are not alone. Some more cute Sterek/Destiel stuff 🙂
Hahahaha! Love it!
Who’s here because of this awesome Sterek voting post on their dash? I love this fandom. Such great work catching up guys 🙂
Are Sterek fans voting fairly? I don’t want us to get disqualified like Stydia did D: I’m so happy they are winning, honestly, it’s just surprising me bc Destiel is such a big ship! I’m so proud of Sterek for getting ahead! I really hope we get this x
Well this post is all over my dash at the moment So I think this is where the boost is coming in. Plus Sterek and Destiel are usually competitive. Sterek shippers are just as numerous and passionate as Destiel shippers. No doubt Destiel shippers will descend down and even things up. We’ve got to make sure to keep voting! 🙂
Yes, that post and also the possibility that it’s Derek holding Stiles’ bat in the preview photo for the next ep has gotten Sterek fandom excited after such a long, interminable dry-spell of no Sterek scenes or Sterek just missing each other. It’s been so long!!
I’m not trying to start an argument or anything. it’s just I am very upset that Destiel is losing, I’ve only seen the pilot of Teen Wolf so I can’t say anything about Sterek, but this really sucks
Don’t be upset. We’ve done well, but this is the time of day Destiel really starts to get a lot of votes again. I’m sure you’ll be in the lead soon and then we’ll have to catch up again. It’s the way it goes when we’re in a poll together 😉
Your ship is #2 in a poll that has around 30 ships. That’s not exactly losing.
Стерек, впереееед!!! 🙂
*support just by one Sterek fan in Kazakhstan 😉
ok. who ships StEVE CARLSBURRRGGg and Cecil? doesn’t Cecil hate sTEVE or did I miss something in the new episodes I haven’t listened to yet? I’m not hating. I’m just curious
Jeez, Destiel and Sterek are like a bickering couple. They’re just switching back and forth. (“No, I don’t want to be in first. You take it!” “No! You deserve it more, here!”)
So cute! 😀 Somebody should draw a comic.
Heyhey, destiel. x3
Sterek FTW 🙂 But I’m also hoping for some new Sterek AND Destiel scenes in upcoming episodes. It feels like ages that we’ve had any. Both shows seem determined to not have our couples in the same place. I have needs.
I don’t watch either of these shows anymore xD But yeah, DESTIEL FOR THE WIN.
Hah, so it isn’t just me? I mean I don’t know about Sterek – not so much of a fan – but damn, the scenes in which Dean and Cas interact with each other just seem so few and far between in the latest episodes 🙁
Where did the eyefu- … uhm staring go?? x)
before misha went on break for a while it was more one sided i found it cool how they showed misha’s character development…………..cas could have easily smited him but when dean touched his arm the fight just drained out of him
Can I just say how nice it is that for the most part everyone seems to be getting along here? <3 Just saying. Anyway! Carry on! <3 I love Destiel and Sterek, but I gotta give it to my angel and hunter this time. :DD Destiel FTW~!
I love destiel but I love STEREK more 😀
destiel, sastiel, johnlock _(:3rz
I was waiting for either STEREK or Destiel to be accused of using bots. Quite simply it is SO easy for a disgruntled ship to use bots on another to discredit them and get them thrown out of the competition. I have been watching voting since the start and the constant changing and vying for the lead and I believe as Angel that at the moment voting is fair. The admin is doing a great job. FYI there was a post on LJ last night making people aware of this poll and asking for support for STEREK. I’m not suggesting it made a great deal of difference to votes but STEREK fans are working their socks off and so are Destiel. If either is disqualified because of suspected bot voting unless it can be proven to come from that ship’s membership it makes a mockery of this poll and winning means absolutely nothing..
I ship and support STEREK in the absence of my first love SPANDER (BTVS) I have voted for STEREK multiple times and I want to see them win but do it fair and square. Good luck to everyone.
Go Destiel!! Destiel shippers! KEEP ON WORKING! DON’T STOP VOTING!! WE CAN MAKE IT!!!
We won the 99% of the polls last year, we need to start 2014 in the same way!! 🙂
Don’t forget to remind them later! This last week is important!
I will send you a message on twitter, hope you receive it 😀
come on Sterek fans keep up the good work. We need this victory after all thats happened this season and last.
STEREK FTW. Keep it going shippers! <3
Yeah! There’s definitely no time to rest when we’re going up against Destiel. They love their ship as much as we love ours so the voting never stops 😉 Just saw a cute ‘vote for Sterek’ post on my dash, so I hope that brings a few Sterek shippers here. We need a lead because Destiel are certainly going to pull ahead today when Teen Wolf airs. We’ve just got to vote hard now.
Why will Destiel pull ahead when Teen Wolf airs? Surely it will prompt STEREK fans to vote?
I think they mean, as the show is airing people voting for Sterek will be busy watching the episode.
Destiel will have the same problem tomorrow.
We’re on hiatus until the 24th because of the Winter Olympics.
Ahhh that’s true, I forget I’m in the UK, I see it tomorrow,
Destiel forever <3 Would have been awesome if Kum (Kurt/Sam) could have made it on the list
Sterek! Cecilos! Jorian! Mako/Raleigh! All good. But my OTP isn’t here :< Why no femslash esp Allydia? :<
I’m an eejit, I found them <3
Ships were voted in by users. It appears we have mostly slash voting users.
-Admin Angel
Sterek forever! <3<3<3
Keep it up awesome Sterek fans 🙂
Only Destiel!!!
Shout out to the Almost Human shippers and fandom!! You are blowing my mind with the fact you are hanging in the top 10 with well established fandoms when your show hasn’t even had a full season yet!! I am proud of you and excited for you too!! \o/
OMG Destielllllll <3
Come ON guys, it's MOONDAY!
STEREK all the wayyyyyyy
Why it’s so hard?! I love Destiel as much as Sterek!
Oh my my…isn’t it hilarious it always comes down to Sterek & Destiel?! I’m more of a TW fan (& Arrow) but regardless a shout out to the other team is well deserved after all these efforts with polls on line etc since ages I know well, so fingers crossed that it pays off in the end. ^_^ BTW greetings to all the other shows’ shippers around,keep the hope up guys <3
DESTIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333
Also love Oliver/Felicity and Amy/Rory <3
I love how all the first few ships are guy/guy…not that it's shocking…but still makes me feel like I'm among the right kinds of people 😀
Wish they had Doctor/River instead of Doctor/Rose…that's my only complaint *sigh*
DESTIEL AND JOHNLOCK AND DOCTOR+ROSE AND AMY+RORY <3333333333333333333333333333333333
On the picture, who are the characters on the top right. I know who everyone else is.
It’s John Kennex and Dorian from the show Almost Human 🙂
Come on destiel! We can do it Supernatural fandom!
Keep it up guys! ^o^
People, why are we so worked up over Sterek and Destiel when Cecil and Carlos are so far behind? Are we forgetting the ship that can’t actually be made weirder by fan fiction? The perfect ship? Come on, folks.
I think you’re forgetting the tentacles and third eye.
LETS GO STEREK!!! though I love Sterek I really wish Stydia(Stiles/Lydia) was on the list… Anyone else agree?
The were but were disqualified due to bots.
yo, it’d be nice to have a smaller ship win something like this. sastiel anyone?
Yeah, sterek and destiel should give it a break. I`d like to see a smallr ship from a smaller fandom win. :3
Am I the only one shipping Sterek/Destiel?
I think that the winner of the poll should buy the loser dinner for our Valentine’s Day date. 😉
I ship it! XD
But guys, I watch Teen Wolf and I can not understand FOR MY LIFE why people ship Sterek. I don’t really see Sterek as thing.. >_<
But I will respect it as a ship. Because I know that you should never insult anyone's OTP no matter what ship it is.
I don’t think you understand what the word ‘insult’ is. That’s all this comment was. The last sentence doesn’t balance out the passive-aggressive insult. Try and keep it classy.
What’s with all the negative comments appearing whenever Destiel isn’t in the lead? We are a huge ship. We can close leads easily if we stay strong. And positive. I’m tired of a petty few in my fandom making us all look bad if the vote isn’t going our way for a small amount of time. We did a fantastic job catching up and Sterek shippers are working just as hard as us, and surely are passionate about their ship as we are. If this comment was about Destiel, I would’ve gotten as defensive as hell and been much less polite in my reply than those other shippers were. Stop making us look petty. Destiel shippers are better than that.
honestly its comments like that ..makes me a little iffy about destial a sterek fan I dont always get desital shippers but you dont see me bad mouthing them on here.
You don’t have to feel like that. I’m sure that just like with Sterek there is a small group of Destiel people that do things that the majority don’t approve of. It’s inevitable with groups so large. I know heaps of Destiel shippers and they are nothing but nice. Let’s not generalize for the whole group of Destiel shippers because of just one comment. I’d hate it if they did the same to us. (There are plenty of things I’ve seen Sterek shippers say that make me cringe and I have no idea where they’re coming from). Vote Sterek! We’re gonna need a lead because there isn’t going to be a lot of us voting during the episode tonight and during the aftermath afterwards. We can do it!
I try not to..I have friends who ship destial..fortunently though on the voting side i wont be able to watch todays episode till after midnight due to wrestling so i will be voting durring wrestling and up untill i can watch .
Cool! I’m going to try and vote as much as I can during the ep, and I’m recording RAW and probably voting as I watch that too 🙂
AH A fellow Sterek shipper who knows the struggle of wrestling or teen wolf on monday nights. I just find it easier to watch it on my computer later and watch Wrestling while its on. My family hogs it anyway to watch wrestling lol
I know that pain 😉 I find I have to stay only on my tumblr dash as I watch Teen Wolf because twitter and pretty much everywhere else is full of WWE spoilers. Especially now with all the WWE drama. I just have to make sure not to get too distracted and vote 😉 And hope that there’s something a little Sterek-y in the ep tonight.
gosh i hope so too. Im watching wrestling and voting right now. so much going to be dramad out after tonight between raw and teen wolf
Please don’t do this. Had I caught this comment before tons of people replied to it I’d have deleted it. It has a lot of comments now though I’ll leave it up as an example. This poll is about love. If you can’t love your ship without putting down another please just don’t post anything at all.
-Admin Angel
I appreciate your last two sentences there, but please next time ask yourself if you read this comment and it was someone saying, “I watch Supernatural and I can not understand FOR MY LIFE why people ship Destiel. I don’t really see Destiel as a thing.. >_<" and please think how that would make you feel as a Destiel shipper. You may not have meant for it to sound like that and I'm sure that you didn't mean to insult anyone, but the comment does come off as very rude, and we Destiel and Sterek shippers have always had such a good camaraderie with each other and these comments have been so awesome that I hate to see one comment, especially if it was meant to be innocent, derail any of that. 🙂
I think that Sterek shippers see many of the same qualities in their ship as can be seen in Destiel… two amazing characters that have amazing chemistry and have the potential to have an incredible love story….and also that have very intense eye sex with each other already. 😉 And that's just a very simplistic view of either ship there without going in depth about the things that have happened in either show.
I’m honestly so proud of the Sterek fandom for fighting so valiantly for the 1st place when going up against such a huge and well established fandom as Supernatural is when the TW fandom is so young!
Sterek, I believe in you and good luck Destiel, a worthy adversary 🙂
This error keeps popping up for me. Anyone else?
Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
That happened to me once about an hour ago.
It always ends up being Destiel and Sterek, huh? “Whatever you do, you will always end up… here.”
Destiel!!! Destiel FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Yay my hour’s up! My one time getting votey happy and I get locked out. *pout*
STEREK!!!!!! FTW we can do this, Sterek is one huge pack WE WILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we are the alpha pack come on sterek!
Destiel shipper here. ^_^
Isn’t there a show called Shipping Wars or something?
They have no idea what a shipping war really is.
There is! I’ve watched a bit of it before’s got nothing on internet shipping wars….NOTHING.
This is my favorite comment so far. Thank you for that laugh.
(Sterek Fan)
Sterek shipper here 🙂
When Destiel and Sterek meet it always feels more like a Shipping Tug-of-War. Constant lead changes until either one ship falls from exhaustion or the other goes hard for a burst of voting and gets an unbeatable lead.
It’s both tiring and fun.
^This exactly. Any time Destiel & Sterek are in a poll, that’s exactly what it feels like. xD
I love everyone in this bar! seriously Sterek all the way, but everyone has been awesome, Sterek, Destiel and every other couple!
To the Sterek shippers who are holding down the fort here while the new episode is on… I salute you!
Yeah us Destiel shippers… We let us fall behind then we just all come and catch up again instead of spamming the whole time.. But yeah that video I just posted.. I am rallying the troops of Destiel..
Ok, now that the Eastern/Central times have finished being traumatized by Teen Wolf, back to voting!
cant watch teen wolf till later. Im going to see if i can get some role plays going and vote more till i can
Some awesome Destiel meta to raise spirits. <3
Klaine and Destiel FTW!
Just finished watching TW, omfg my bby! *continues to vote for Destiel*
In case any Teen Wolf fans missed it here’s Riddled:
It actually works, I checked.
♥ COME DESTIEL FANS KEEP UP THE VOTING! ♥ We can do this! Here’s some video’s to get your destiel spirit going! Remember our angel raised our hunter from perdition. Our angel turned his back on Heaven for our hunter. Our hunter killed monsters and ran through purgatory to find “His Angel”. Remember they do share a more “Profound Bond”. SO VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! ~♥~♥ Destiel S8 Destiel song “Hey there Castiel” “Hey There Dean” Here’s a little Team Free Will Love ♥ Sam ♥ Dean ♥ Cas ♥GOOD LUCK TOO ALL SHIPPERS LIVE LONG AND SHIP! NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR SHIP!!♥
here are some stereky teen wolf videos i have made in the past to help cheer on our sterek voters. keep on voting guys
Destiel! I need you! I pray to you every night! Actually I dream of you every night… I actually pray to Chuck.
I am voting for my OTP Destiel but I’m also voting for Sastiel (that hug was cute), JohnLock , Doctor/Rose and Finn/Rachel. But Good Luck to all ships! 🙂
Cool! I’m voting for my OTP Sterek, but I also vote for Olicity and Doctor/Rose. I agree with you that the Sam/Castiel hug was cute. All of their scenes were great in that episode, like the guinea pig 🙂 Good luck! (Not too much luck considering we’re trying to beat you 😉 and you’re making it very difficult to take a moment’s rest 😉 )
♥ COME DESTIEL FANS KEEP UP THE VOTING! ♥ We can do this! Here’s some video’s to get your destiel spirit going! Remember our angel raised our hunter from perdition. Our angel turned his back on Heaven for our hunter. Our hunter killed monsters and ran through purgatory to find “His Angel”. Remember they do share a more “Profound Bond”. SO VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! ~♥~♥ Destiel S8 Destiel song “Hey there Castiel”“Hey There Dean” Here’s a little Team Free Will Love ♥ Sam ♥ Dean ♥ Cas ♥GOOD LUCK TOO ALL SHIPPERS LIVE LONG AND SHIP! NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR SHIP!!♥
Absolutely no hate intended here, but how does the Doctor/Tardis ship work? I haven’t watched much Doctor Who and I was under the impression that the Tardis was a machine that doesnt even talk or anything… Can someone explain?
There is a meme in Doctor Who fandom of how the Doctor’s main love is the Tardis. But I’m assuming the ship might come from the episode that Neil Gaiman wrote called ‘The Doctor’s Wife’ where the Tardis actually became a woman. But if you’ve ever seen an episode of Doctor Who, he does like to caress it a lot even when it’s not a person 😉
Gotcha. xD Thanks!
What sadist made this thing last so many days? I mean, there’s still four days left and I’m half exhausted already. Seriously. This is just cruel.
Um that’d be me lol. It’s a valentine poll and most of our polls last about two weeks so I started it at the beginning of the month. Most of our polls aren’t quite so intense. I’m sorry.
-Admin Angel
Oh well dang. You seem really nice so I can’t be mad at you.
Teen Wolf fans, vote for both Sterek and Scisaac, maybe then Jeff will give us some Sterek themed episodes!
have to be honest. I am voting daily 😀
my top 5 = (1) STEREK <3 (2) DESTIEL. (3) JOHNLOCK. (4) FELICITY & OLIVER. (5) DOCTOR & ROSE.
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в России любят матрешек на балалайках и винцест
За кого Вы голосуете за?
*prays google translate didn’t screw anything up*
Еще один коммент на русском: в России ненавидят инцест и любят Динокас.
Only STEREK!!!
I swear that every time we participate in these polls it feels like exam time, the intense feeling I get never goes away until the final result no matter how bad or good it is.
I might be viewed as insane by others, ‘there’s nothing there’ ‘they’re not gay!’ ‘he’s like a brother you’re sick’ but I believe in my ship and I will always stand by them. I’ve only ever had one other ship as strong as I feel for Destiel and that was Janto from Torchwood, these ships are the only ones I’ve felt that strong connection, like this is meant to be, it’s too obvious, staring us in the face to not be growing.
It’s such a beautiful thing, looking back at how the profound bond first began, looking at where we are now. Through all the hurt, the pain and the loss, they will always find their way back to each other. All these years, and we’re still going strong, and I think it’s such a powerful relationship, it’s not a one minute wonder, it’s something that has to develop bit by bit, not rushed, that kiss, or declaration isn’t going to come yet because that isn’t what our boys would do, Dean doesn’t openly use the love word, but that doesn’t mean they don’t.
I believe in my boys, no matter what the result of this poll, over the years my feelings for this ship have become so much stronger, that now it’s impossible for me to go back, impossible to not feel my heart tug and be filled with butterflies when they’re on screen together or when Misha or one of the other actors or script writers mentions their connection.
“I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition”
“I’m hunted. I rebelled and I did it — all of it — for you”
“My superiors begun to question my sympathies. I was getting too close to the humans of my charge—you.”
“We’ve been through much together, you and I, and I just wanted to say, I’m sorry it ended like this.”
“I’m doing this for you dean, I’m doing this because of you”
“I gave everything for you, and this is what you give to me?”
“Dean and I do share a more profound bond. I wasn’t going to mention it.”
“I’ll find a way to redeem myself to you,”
“Stand behind me, the one time I ask”
“Dean, I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call. And I am your friend. Still, despite your lack of faith in me and now your threats, I just saved you yet again. Has anyone other than your closest kin ever done more for you? All I ask is this one thing.”
“I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but do I detect a note of forgiveness?”
“These are not just monsters, Dean, they’re Leviathan. I have a price on my head and I’ve been trying to stay one step ahead of them to—to keep them away from you. That’s why I ran.”
“Sorry, but I’d rather have you, cursed or not”
“Cas, I know you’re in there. I know you can hear me. Cas, it’s me. We’re family. We need you. *I need you*.”
“Don’t make me loose you too”
“Cas, buddy, I need you.”
” I prayed to you, Cas, every night!” < from a man who believed praying was the equivalent to begging.
"Let me bottom line it for you, I’m not leaving here without you, understand?"
"Where the hell are you, man?"
"I used to be able to shake this stuff off…what Cas did, I just can’t, I don’t know why."
"Castiel? Oh he's, he's not here. You see he has this weakness, he likes you." ~Uriel
"Sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you." ~Balthazar
"Ask him, he was your boyfriend first!" ~Meg
"You’re hoping Castiel will return to you. I admire your loyalty. I only wish that he felt the same way." ~ Naomi
"Castiel: I don't sleep.
Dean: Well, I need my four hours, so…
Castiel: I'll watch over you."
"Castiel: it sounds so simple when you say it like that. Where were you when I needed to hear it?
Dean: I was there. Where were you?"
"Cas: Dean, I’m sorry.
Dean: For what?
Cas: For everything."
Now if they can only man up and admit that they are head over heels, and resolve all that ST, Id be very happy…
If only. Those assbutts are so stuborn. >_<
Vote Sterek 2014!
Fight ! Win!
But also I love Destiel…… so there’s that.
Only Destiel. Forever. Sorry, Sterek.
|Will you be there||Dean♥Castiel||Season 9|
Parallels between Dean & Cain | Destiel
I have so many feels
OMG. I had only seen the first one before but not the Cain/Dean parallel one! *flails* This flippin show sometimes, I swear. Q___Q
Torn between Sterek and Destiel ._.
Destiel, Sheriarty and K/S
Oh, this is so amazing 😛 I’m glad My OTP is leading and some of my other favorites are on the top ten…
I’m a bit sad about Stydia, and that I didnt even get a chance to vote ;( still, Thank you Miss Angel for doing your best to keep the poll clean, from what I read it was very hard on you… so hats off for your effort (hugs)
Россия тоже любит Дестиэль. <3
These videos are great and please feel free to continue, but I just want people to know that if there are 2 or more links in a post it gets caught in our spam filters. I will gladly approve them, but if it takes a few hours I am either sleeping, working at my day job, or, like socializing with the outside world (it happens sometimes). So I apologize if anybody gets delayed! I try to approve as soon as I can.
-Admin Angel
Спасибо Россия! <3
All is Teen Wolf.
Scira or Skira- Scott and Kira
Allisaac- Allison and Isaac
Scallison- Allison and Scott
Melissa McCall and Sheriff Stilinski (no ship name yet)
I love both Sterek and Destiel so much and it’s gave me chest pains to choose between the two!
I couldn’t just vote for both cause honestly that would lead us nowhere so I decided to go for Sterek, cause it seems like there are much fewer of us around and I think Sterek should deserve to win after losing to Destiel in one of the previous polls I voted for.
Also, with how the leading ship keeps fluctuating between the two so frequently, I’m thinking that when the poll closes, the winning ship could have easily been beaten if the poll was closed say, later in the day. The time zones matter so much here and I don’t think it’s very fair but oh well.
STEREK all the way!
Voting for destiel, b/c they do share a more profound bond.
We weren’t gonna mention it. *lolol*
I have to go sleep for work but good luck guys,<3
With all due respect Destiel Fan, Dan and Cas are ok. However, I feel Derek and Stiles have more chemistry, are funnier and are way hotter.Surely i wish you guys a good luck, but i feel we deserve to win.
Vote for Derek and Stiles.
Thank you
*Dean* Please don’t tell me these kinds of comments are gonna become a thing now… first yesterday and now today. :c
Agreed. Destiel is amazeballs too, but I dunno, there’s something about Sterek isn’t there?
There’s something about Destiel too…personal preference?
personal preference. xD
You weren’t super rude about this, but… I think it’s better when the comments here about about solidarity, rather than trying to be divisive. Ya dig? Saying things like “your OTP is okay but mine’s better” can be hurtful.
Personally, I ship both Destiel and Sterek. I confess, I’m voting for Sterek because deep down there’s still a little part of me that feels like it has a chance of being canon, but Destiel is my second favorite pairing of all time. Season five, man, season five.
Don’t be a troll. There was no ‘due respect’ in your comment. Sterek fandom is better than that. All fandoms have to put up with that small minority of shippers that have nothing positive to add to anything and can’t ship a pairing without putting other pairings down.
Good luck Destiel shippers, you guys are keeping it close!
Vote, vote, vote Sterek shippers!
I adore how when there’s a comment here that is even remotely rude before our amazing admin can even get to it, there are several shippers from the original commenters’ own ship asking them to please not.
Love all you guys!
Thanks for the luck…we Destiel shippers are definitely going to need it with you guys! Y’all rock! Whoever wins this poll will definitely have earned their victory!
Dear Destiel Fan, (Dean and Cas)
I apologise, i sincerely wasn’t aiming to dis you. But i guess my text came across so rude and i am sorry. I love ( more like obsessed) with my guys (Derek and Stiles). So I guess i got carried away and forgot my manners.
i truly wish you guys a good luck.
Keep Voting, voting, voting,for Derek and Stiles.
Thank you
Please don’t do this. Please support your ship and don’t put others down.
-Admin Angel
I love Johnlock, but Destiel is my OTP to end all OTPs!
…But I must say, no Mystrade?! D: That’s just mean.
Raleigh and Mako come on.
Shout out to the Sherlolly ship! Voting for you too. q.q <3
I actually ship destiel more but with sterek becoming more and more likely if it wins the shipping poll it could become canon!!! VOTE FOR STEREK!
Okay, Destiel is and always will be my OTP. Sabriel is a close second. But DAAANNNGGG SON! Sterek is scary, am I right SPNFamily? They have had 3ish seasons and they are neck to neck with us. But everyone voting here is okay with pairing characters together. I feel like all the pairings would have so many more votes if all the fans voted….. OH SOLUTION! Convert as many fans from your fandom as possible!! MEHAAHAHHHAHAH. :3 I love everyone here. I feel so much better after being online and seeings things like these. Is that odd? I don’t think so. Yay tumblr.
STEREK (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
DESTIEL. No other pairing is as beautiful. Though this comment really is more to comment on the Oliver/Dinah pairing for Arrow. DInah was Oliver’s love interest in the comics…In Arrow she goes by Laurel. Dinah is Laurel’s middle name but only her mother goes by it. So that ship really is more Oliver/ Blah love Interest’s mom.
Wincest ftw uwu
So excited to see my top ships doing so well! Johnlock, Destiel, Sterek, Cecilos, Rose/10 and Shassie! Especially Cecilos, because WTNV is definitely not as well known as the other fandoms on here!
So… There’s a Doctor/Tardis option, but where’s the Dean/Impala option? Probably the only ship the Supernatural fandom can actually agree on.
It wasn’t voted in or even suggested in round 1.
-Admin Angel
Vote for Destiel – amazing OTP!
Destiel <3
Sterek FTW!!!! 😀
YAY WINCEST! Made it into third! We are awesome guys let’s keep it up!
I’m still voting for Sterek like crazy, cause duh, but I’m so happy to see Dean/Sam in the 3rd! I kinda had to stop watching the show regularly, but those two will always be important ah 🙂 And two Sherlock ships after that wow 🙂 Sherlock/Moriarty’s scenes in new season gave me all kind of feelings each haha.
Team Dastiel all the way but also Finn/Rachel Sam/Dean Winchester I mean like really the broke all the rules made deals with the devil and demons die several times all just to save each other
Blane and Kurt
Ugh!!! Sterek!!! I always hold out hope and in the end we always lose to Destiel!!!
its not over till friday we have time. Sterek has won polls with worse odds.
Wincest is doing so good.
I am proud of my fellow shippers :3
Sam and Dean, SOULMATES.
Ultimate supernatural pairing~ Taboo or not
Keep fighting bbs-
And you go Sastiel! You’re hanging with the bigboys.
You’ll be gunning for Destiel in the polls before no time ;3
I'm really happy to see Wincest in the top 5 🙂
I know! I’m so happy so see both Wincest and Sastiel do so good! <3
Well i know that I’m voting for all the Supernatural ships when i vote for Dean & Cas. You have to support the whole show, sum of its parts and all. There is enough love in the fandom for all ships, and what better way to do that then to have the top three SPN ships in the top five.
“Well i know that I’m voting for all the Supernatural ships when i vote for Dean & Cas.” Can you expand a little bit? Because I’m sure you ain’t supporting Sastiel or Wincest by only voting for Destiel. This is not how support works. But maybe I misuderstood you.
Sorry… my flu addled brain didn’t type that right. I’m clicking all three ships every time i vote.
Go Destiel, GO!!
You know what I would have voted for? Gabriel/Sam. Why is that not a thing?
Meanwhile: GO DESTIEL!!
Because it’s only the top 3 ships of fandom. Sabriel isn’t nearly as big as Wincest or Sastiel.
I thought sabriel was more popular than sastiel… Oh well GO DESTIEL.
See, me too. Little did we know, I guess…
I think sabriel shippers lost a lot of enthusiasm when Gabriel died.
I think Sabriel is more popular with Destiel shippers than with others in the Supernatural fandom. I’ve often seen it as a secondry pairing in Destiel ships, and I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a Sabriel shipper who didn’t also ship Destiel. But if you don’t ship Destiel, I don’ think very likely to run into the Sabriel pairing. This is the impression I’ve gotten as a Wincest and Sastiel shipper who has friends in the Destiel fandom, please correct me if I’m wrong.
I would’ve voted for it too. But since I can’t GO, DESTIEL, GO! VOTE, SHIPPERS, VOTE, VOTE LIKE YOUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT!
Yay Sterek ! OTP in the lead!
Go Sterek!
We need this after everything that went down on Monday night!!
What went down on Monday night? :O
so many things..its best to just watch…it…holy jesus mary was intense
Intense is not the word! I love how much Sterek there was even though they weren’t in the same room at any point and how much Derek clearly a) knows about Stiles and b) cares about him. These boys are so adorable :3
I know he actually defended him and tried to say it wasn’t stiles..when in the past he is known to actually kill first ask questions later….so much sterek
I like the doctor and rose…
Sterek, only Sterek <3
Go Sterek! And good luck to destiel (who I also ship!) and all the other ships!
Good job, everyone! Loving the new ships making headway on there, like Pacific Rim, Nightvale and Almost Human.
And, of course, Go STEREK. We need this for our poor baby Stiles, and what Jeff Davis DID to us this week.
Poor Stiles! He and Derek totally deserve to win this after Monday’s episode! I love how much Derek cares for Stiles now :3
Just hope Stiles gets a chance to reciprocate at some point!
Hi guys, I’m a Destiel shipper, but I’m becoming curious about Sterek too…Someone here wants to explain me how is it?Tnx!
Great video that shows how Sterek has progressed over the seasons.
Some happy moments from our little cute teen show this season that show what’s up with Stiles:
Hope that helps.
Just wanted to let you know that when there’s more than one link in the comments it gets caught in our spam filter. You are more than welcome to post links and rally your troops so please continue, but I’m not at my computer all the time so if there’s a delay I apologize! I approve them as quickly as I see them. 🙂
-Admin Angel
Hm…I’m planning to watch the serie (because of Sterek…just as became addicted to supernatural because of Destiel…ships do so much for tv series 😉 ) I can’t watch your video, but tnx! ;(
Destiel go! =)
actually Stiles in the sterek pairing Is bisexual. The creator Jeff even said so.
just voted for wincest, the ultimate supernatural pairing
Daaaaaaaaaaaaayum Wincest, I was not expecting you to knock Johnlock out of 3rd. You go guys! Now I’m just waiting for Sastiel to raise up in the ranks. 😀
the suspence is killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
//whispers destiel shipper btw
Go Sterek and Destiel! My babies <3
Go, Destiel, go! We must win!
I BELIEVE IN DESTIEL. I will go down with this ship!
its killing me how far but so close we are to catching up to sterek! we were in the lead for a couple minutes
awww so sad to see johnlock down to 4th. but thats okay. series 3 speaks for itself ^___~
We are falling behind so fellow Destiel Shippers: Vote! Vote! Vote!
I’m currently trapped in an ice storm. *cracks knuckles* All the time in the world.
Holy hot hell, my Sterek-ers. How did we make that big of a gap???
I have nothing to do and its too cold to leave. I have been voting all night and all morning. WHoot Sterek!
Voting for Sterek and wincest!
Why the heck is there Sastiel but NOT Sabriel?! Damnit! D:
Because it wasn’t voted in during round 1. Also your other comment was deleted as it was disparaging other ships. We don’t allow negativity in our comments. Support your ship, but don’t put others down in the process. Thank you.
-Admin Angel
Wincest is actually beating johnlock! Way to go guys, I’m proud of us (and sastiel too!)
And to think, I started watching Teen Wolf ironically. #sterek
i want cecilos to win but i also want destiel to win
Go Destiel! <3 We can still do it! Dean doesn't give up on Cas so we can't give up on them. =) And nothing will ever take away that love, no matter what the show tries to do, because we will always love and support our babies! 😀
You said it, I will keep voting for my boys! <3333
Same! We have the numbers, the only thing now is to figure out how to rally them. But I’ll be here, voting until the end. <3 Because Destiel means more to me than my homework does. *gets shot*
Lol homework? What homework? Not on voting days! xD
Voting basically is my homework now. ;D
I will take no responsibility for you failing classes. Now i feel responsible for your potential bad grades. lol 😛
-Admin Angel
I can’t help it, I’m addicted to polls, lol. No worries, I’m sure I’d find another way to procrastinate even without this poll. 😀
Awww, I’m so proud of the Wincest shippers! 3rd place! And Sastiel, keep going!
worked 8 hours straight no break but damn if I am stopping now XD I am gonna vote my assbutt off
Poll after poll it’s always a death match between DESTIEL & STEREK. Can’t we just acknowledge that they rule the internet and make them a Foursome already?! If not, they will just alternate the #1 and #2 spots every time!
:3 ah wells, win or lose we’ve done great, i’m proud of Destiel. I don’t think any ship is better for winning, we’re all equal we all have love in common.
I can’t wait till the poll is over, 🙁 makes me feel rubbish. I dunno all the negativity and winning ships thinking they’re the best makes me feel like my ship means nothing in the bigger picture, why even bother.
So basically you think yours is the best?
Come on.
The ship that deserves to win is the ship with the most votes. That’s the point. No use crying over it.
No ship is more important than the other ships here. There is no ‘bigger picture’.
They didn’t say it was though.
Guys. Let’s stay positive. All of you. Support your ship. Vote with love. There’s no reason to be upset about any of this. This is for fun and celebration!
-Admin Angel
never thought wincest would do so good, with so much destiel voters. glad to see they have a lot of shippers too 🙂 i know they will never be number one but i’m happy with a 3rd place.
Dean/Cas <3 the greatest love story ever told :'3
Destiel Shippers, don’t stop voting if we get ahead! We need to go really far ahead of Sterek so they cant catch up. No offense to those Shippers, i just want my ship to win.
Dean and Cas are SOULMATES FOREVER!!!!<3<3
Come one Destiel Shippers!!!
I am proud of you<3
Just remember Dean and Cas love for each other:))))
It seems we have been rewarded for getting back in the lead with another Misha/Pie vid. 🙂
LOLOLOLOL! These guys deserve to win #1. They have so much fun on set. <3
Vote destiel! We caught up so quickly it’s pretty awesome 😀
Sterek must be an epic ship, but destiel is just so gorgeous I just have to tell you to vote for it!
I just went for a shower and food and suddently damn look at those numbers! Destiel you guys are a bunch of ninja sleeper agents oh my god.
Awesome! *cautiously brings destiel shippers into a hug* o///o;; L-let’s do our best, okay!?
*hugs back super tight* We’ll do our best!
Come on, guys.
Vote Wincest –
We can totally take third.
Man, I just really wish this would end in a tie. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Considering the top ship keeps switching back throughout the day, I think it’s safe to say that Sterek and Destiel are evenly matched. 🙂
Go go go Destiel! It feels so good to see Wincest doing so good at the same time! Everytime I vote Destiel , i also vote Wincest <3
Good luck for Sterek, we're on fire since Jensen pied Misha earlier! <3 Go go go let's keep the party going! Go Destiel ! <3
The Wincest fandom thanks you!
I’m so surprised to see Sastiel doing so well! If it pushes a little more it can even overtake Wincest. That’s pretty interesting!
I think the episode First Born boosted the sastiel shippers’ numbers and energy, since it’s the most time Sam and Cas have ever spent together(not to mention, without Dean there too).
While I’m not a sastiel shipper myself(destiel and sabriel all the way), I hope all the best for both sastiel and wincest. It’s nice to see so many spn ships doing so well. 🙂
I’m so happy that sheriarty and wincest is doing so good! <3
so happy about johnlock! soulmates for over 100 years. such a great and eternal love <333
I can”t see the amount of sterek votes on the poll.
Derek/Stiles (Sterek) – Teen Wolf 33.81% (559,727 votes)
I haven’t done anything in four days but vote on this thing. It’s worse than flappy bird. I wanna kill my computer.
oh my god i never knew that much people shipped destiel
STEREK on the lead yaay!!!
I love Destiel but Sterek is my best!
Dont stop voting destiel shippers if we get ahead! We need to get ahead, and STAY ahead! GO DESTIEL!
Sterek use bots! For 1 click + 500 voted! I shure. For 15 second so many votes are impossible.
ADMIN NOTE: Please stop replying to this comment. PLEASE. The anger this thread has inspired is blowing up my inbox. They have been reprimanded and now I have to reprimand people that are responding to it with hate. Please read our site policies before commenting:
we ar enot useing bots. We have been spreading this thing around all over the net telling fellow sterek shipers to vote. there are alot of sterek shippers in the world. I for one have been votting all day and all night
I don’t want to offense anybody, but how can you know for certain that nobody cheats? What I know is that one moment there were 40 votes difference and after refreshing the page there were 500+ votes diff. This seems very suspicious
STOP NOW. Please read this post:
They COULD be cheating, but the numbers match up with what we’re pulling in. Any further comments about cheating without proof (either links to where these conspiracies are hatching or by refuting these numbers) will be deleted and repeated posting of these accusations will result in an IP ban. This is getting ridiculous. Please stop.
-Admin Angel
Most likely, There’s no cheating. Just cool people spreading it around.
The Geekiary has already addressed this issue in this post For the record, there has been no time when Sterek has gone up by 500+ votes in 15 seconds. Actually Destiel and Sterek have been keeping it very even right now. Both groups of shippers are doing an amazing job. Why not spend the time you took commenting in making a positive comment about the ship you ship, and not a negative and obviously false post. It just makes people feel defensive because Sterek shippers have been working pretty hard to keep up with Destiel. Even I feel defensive about what you posted and this is the nicest comment I can type.
Try and stay classy.
thanks paul . I appreaciate that. You stay class too ^_^
Thanks! I’ll admit I did get a little annoyed because there’s been so many posts in the Sterek tag and my dashboard urging people to vote and to just have a person accuse Sterek with absurd voting numbers gets me a bit ranty.
But I know it’s only frustration on their part. I get a bit frustrated too when we fall behind. I just wish they didn’t have to get mean.
You’re a class act too, dude 🙂
it kinda offended me..but i am not going to let this persons buthurt effect me. im only fueled by derek defending stiles and helping to find him in my love of sterek
Stay positive you guys. I’ve deleted some of the nasty comments left on this thread. Please don’t get negative here.
-Admin Angel
Thanks for that. I know I should’ve probably just ignored the obvious trolling comment but it just frustrated me after seeing how hard the Sterek shippers have been working.
I love the positivity here and to be honest, there have been much less negative comments here than expected. All the shippers have done a great job 🙂
Destiel fandom is rather large as well and have been working like crazy, having posts being around all the time encouraging to vote and even a contest going on for an ipad or something like that, along with fanfics + fanarts up for grabs. It’s kind of annoying to see that somehow Sterek keeps getting comments of them working hard (or even it being implied harder) than the Destiel fandom. Though, I do find it weird how fast, at random times, the Sterek gets a lot of numbers within such a little time frame. Bots can be used without making it look too suspicious, though. But, I highly doubt the person is being “butthurt,” about it, other than pointing something out they think would be unfair (ie cheating).
Also, this site is loading really off – as if bots are being used, I’m not sure how anyone can vote every minute when it the site can sometimes take between 1-3 minutes to load for me, though there are random times where it does load back to back but very rarely.
Botting is done offsite so if the page is loading slowly it has absolutely nothing to do with a bot and actually supports that bots aren’t being used. Bots attack the poll at the host, which means they bypass our website entirely. The website is loading slow because a lot of people are here voting. So you didn’t intend to, but by saying this site is loading slowly you are supporting the idea that botting isn’t occurring.
-Admin Angel
Thank you for noting that. I think EVERYONE is working hard. And botting in the two big ships is stupid, since they are SO active that I’m sure they’re getting pretty closely monitored compared to those lower down the list.
I think that part of it is just timing and demographics. There seem to be times when it’s more likely that Destiel edges up, times when Sterek does. When they go up, they often go up at a pretty fair pace. Sterek, yesterday, had an 8000+vote lead that was switched over into a more than 2000 vote Destiel lead in less than 2 hours. I don’t think THAT was botting, just someone noticed the lead, rallied their troops, and they voted a LOT.
Same thing here. *shrug* It’s like two heavyweights, just standing toe to toe and pounding each other until the bell rings. *laugh*
Both are worthy opponents, and I don’t think, to any appreciable amount, either ONE is cheating.
I don’t think that is what I said at all, I said that it could be being used since it’s how it’s loading (was merely basing my judgement from other sites with bot usage, it would always cause the sites to take some minutes to load and such), I know that botting did occur on this site since a ship was banned from the poll. Not really sure how my comment could had came off as not saying botting isn’t/can’t occur but sorry that you took it as such.
It’s really a shame that there are digs at the STEREK fandom from disgruntled Destiel shippers? Maybe the incentive needs to be bigger than an iPad?
Please, guys. NO ONE is cheating. Yesterday, I spent my whole day voting and I know that everybody is workin really hard.I know how important it is, I’m waiting for a “I love you” since season four, it’s season nine and all I have is sexual tension. Maybe if we spreed the word, writers forget about taboos (hope is the last to die).
Anyway, I wish good luck for all the shippers. We’re at the same route.
It is people like yourself that spread the bad feeling between ships! I support what Paul has said, I have been monitoring this poll from he beginning and there has never been a spike in either of the leading ships as you suggest. Voting splurges have coincided with time zones and posts by competing ships on Facebook, Twitter, LJ, etc. Both ships are working SO hard and fighting it out neck and neck.
All your post does is make people like myself feel that Destiel shippers are terrified of losing even one for fun poll and will do anything to win, including making wild accusations and attempting to get their biggest rivals disqualified,which is totally ridiculous, The majority of Destiel fans are lovely people and in this for fun. Let the big boys duke it out fairly between them.
Good luck to both ships and Angel all the kudos in the world.
Having said that :
Blair dude you’re talking through the back of your head. My cousin and I are sitting side by side on laptops voting STEREK and averaging 9 votes per minute so let’s say 3 votes per 15 secs. It only takes 125 others to be doing the same to exceed 500 votes in 15 secs. Not at all impossible, In fact given the awesome response by STEREK fans very possible!
Destiel shipper here. I think they are just spreading it around more. Sadly I noticed on my Tumblr the Sterek followers have been sharing the poll a lot more than Destiel has. And I follow more Destiel than Sterek sites. Not to forget to mention how awesome last Teen Wolf episode was and Super Natural is going to post-pone episodes until the Olympics are done and that’s going to effect the poll a bit.
This is, in fact, what is happening and this is supporting by the numbers here:
-Admin Angel
Or maybe there are soooo many sterek fans out there!!!! ♥ GO ON STEREK FANDOM, GO ON!!!!
We’re not using bots! If we were we would be eliminated, we are just a very large fanbase and also very dedicated which is why we are in the lead right now.
Sterek not uses bots. just a lot of people from Russia. seriously
Yesterday, Destiel went from being behind 8000 votes to being ahead by more than 2000 in a couple of hours. Nobody accused THEM of botting.
Just be a good sport, expect the admins to do their jobs, and enjoy your ship.
Sterek is botting unfortunately, check for yourself.
i really wish this botting accusation would just stop. Why do some of you Desital fans have to be such sore losers
They are not Destiel shippers but someone pretending to be, and you’re that naive you let them run their stuff here. If you don’t agree, don’t answer to them… they are coming from another site because they are bitter because nobody is paying attention to them and YOU ARE paying attention to them here.
Stop it.
STOP IT NOW. Please read this post:
They COULD be cheating, but the numbers match up with what we’re pulling in. Any further comments about cheating without proof (either links to where these conspiracies are hatching or by refuting these numbers) will be deleted and repeated posting of these accusations will result in an IP ban. This is getting ridiculous. Please stop.
-Admin Angel
hun, if you have nothing nice to say; say nothing at all.
if i were to say destiel was boting the poll the trend in which their votes go up suggests that, however we sterek shippers know that we are up against a more settled ship with a large fanbase so i and many of the sterek shippers across the globe vote our hearts out for our ship. petty thoughts of your are offensive and hurtful so keep your damn mouth shut.
No, honey. I clicked the vote a lot and following the numbers. Everytime I saw the vote, it went up just 20s or 30s. No bot, just power of sterek shippers. If you want your ship to get a lot of vote, just be cool and click the button, repeatly.
You and what evidence?
Let this go. They’ve already been reprimanded and I’m on your side about this. There have been far too many comments on this thread.
-Admin Angel
me and the admins provided evidence hun if you were kind enough to look at it you would realize that and stop with your stupid and useless argument and vote till your fingers cramp like i do no matter what happens in the poll win or lose sterek shippers areound the world can be proud that they actually tried. people like you undermine feels of others and only think about yourself you give your ship a bad name hun and you are totally forgetting that shipping is a joyous thing which is meant to be shared with everyone so shut it.
I’m pretty sure Ava was asking the person accusing the botting for evidence, not accusing people of botting. Also, while I agree that the evidence points towards not botting, try not to tell people to “shut it” in the comments section of this website. That falls under out ‘don’t be mean” section of our policies:
But yes, I don’t believe they are using bots and I think Ava agrees with us.
-Admin Angel