POLL: Genre TV Show Down- Final Round


This is our Genre TV show down Final Round! We started with three categories: Comic Inspired, Science Fiction, and Fantasy/Urban Legend Inspired shows. The top 2 winners from each category moved into this Final Round.

VOTING IS UNLIMITED, however polldaddy has an internal bot detecting system that we have no control over. If you vote too fast, you’ll get caught by it and put into a “cool off” period. We wish we could disable this. We cannot. We’re sorry.

Keep the comments section friendly.

Poll Closes: April 30th, 11:59pm EST

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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80 thoughts on “POLL: Genre TV Show Down- Final Round

          1. I don’t know. This is the first time that issue has happened and I’ve never seen that issue with a polldaddy poll before. Try closing your browser and trying again. Right now the votes for Supernatural are still going up.

            1. There are definately issues with the vote counting. Hopefully Polldaddy is working to fix the problem.

                1. At this point the only option would be to shut down the entire poll and declare nobody the winner because there is literally nothing I can do on my end. And I don’t think people who have put in hours of voting want to see that happen. I see votes for all options going up from my end, as have many other voters. I know of no bot that is able to stop votes in the way you are describing. The only thing I can think of is that it is a system wide delay, which means all are affected equally. What I’m seeing on my end still seems absolutely normal.

        1. all votes aren’t being counted. I watch to see if the numbers move when I vote. They don’t always.

          1. It’s possible they are delays by from my end votes are registering and numbers are consistantly going up. That is literally the end of what we are capable of doing.

    1. Attention!!! Cheating!!! They will not count votes for the supernatural. I vote but a vote has not increased, while for Person of Interest increase!

      1. Hi, I have no way of fixing this poll and I wouldn’t fix it for a show I’ve never watched. There is no bot program in existence that I’m aware of that can freeze votes on a polldaddy poll. It is possible the vote tally is delayed but they are being counted. I can see them counting up.

        -Admin Angel

    2. again, do not count the votes of the supernatural while others increase. absolute fraud!

      1. We take accusations of fraud very seriously. Please email us privately wih further issues. I will happily discuss specific concerns with you via email, but accusations against the site are bordering on policy violation. We are happy to discuss specific issues but derailing statements, accusations against the website and staff, and other such inflammatory statements are not allowed. Please cease this activity.

      1. I am currently at work right now and have no access to a video recorder: I will however take screen shots on my lunch time and post them as a comment. That’s all I can provide at the moment due to equipment limitations. My lunch is in 3 hours.

      2. I am having difficulty uploading pictures to the website but I’ll be tweeting those shortly and will post here when I’m home from work this evening.

      1. Hi, I have no way of fixing this poll and I wouldn’t fix it for a show I’ve never watched. There is no bot program in existence that I’m aware of that can freeze votes on a polldaddy poll. It is possible the vote tally is delayed but they are being counted. I can see them counting up.

        -Admin Angel

  1. My votes are not counting! I’m watching the # 4 spot tick up and it acts like it’s taking my votes. About every 5th vote is showing up! The100 is the best show ever!

      1. Why does it say “Thank you for voting” when I choose Supernatural but tells me my vote has already been recorded when I choose Agent Carter? Is it rigged so that certain options are closed?

        1. It is not possible for us to “rig” this poll as its done through polldaddy and we don’t have any backend features to tamper with it. And as an aside, I’d personally vote for Agent Carter of all te choices listed so IF I was going to rig something, it wouldn’t be against my favorite. That said, I wouldn’t have access to cheating polldaddy if I tried.


  2. Constantine. A show that is worth the blood, sweat, and tears of months of campaingings, emails, calling, tweeting, and fan-based promotionals. Constantine is the kind of show that inspires, with the kind of diverse characterization that is often no more than a fans wishful dreaming.

  3. Supernatural has no need for another award because it doesn’t risk of not coming back for another season. Point of Interest is coming up on Season 5 so its a perfect spot for the show to stay in – there is no need to prove their winners either. BUT CONSTANTINE is holding on to anything and everything to show we are a worthy to avoid cancellation. So PLEASE – don’t hurt this fresh fandom who have yet found our one meeting place to win polls like this. The show deserves a Second Season or we won’t be trying so hard to save it – and I wouldn’t humbled myself to write this request. Thanks.

    1. (correction to sentence above) Point of Interest is that a show like Person of Interest who is coming up on Season 5 so its a perfect spot for the show to stay in – there is no need to prove their winners either. (missing some words when I cut & pasted).Sorry.

    2. Supernatural has been renewed for a season 11. So stop talking about something you don’t know

  4. Totally POI. And honestly I find the fact that this blog overlooks the show a bit disheartening. It’s wonderfully written and has one of the best queer storylines now.

    1. We wish we could watch every show. We do. Winning polls has attracted our attention to certain things. In the Flesh and Almost Human in particular. Also, I personally wasn’t aware there was a canon queer storyline on this show, but now that you’ve mentioned it my interest is piqued. I’m speaking only for myself on the latter part, as I’m not sure what my writers are and aren’t aware of in that regard, but I do know that none of them watch it weekly at this time. If we could cover every show, movie, comic, book, and game in existence, we totally would.

      1. Well, if winning the poll can possibly attract your attention, then we POI fans should do our best!

        1. Ha, yes, it can. Honestly though, hearing that there’s a good queer romance is even more likely to attract my attention personally. But again, speaking on behalf of myself and not the whole site with that one.

          1. As a Shoot fan I just cannon help quoting: “You’re saying maybe someday? It’s good enough for me.” 🙂

  5. @Angel if ya not watching POI, how can run a blog about whats hot on Tv? and there is alot more layers to the story line then a queer romance.
    the female characters are tactical and strategic players in this game of real world chess

    1. It’s a fans’ blog, so the only way you can get its writers on POI board is making them fans. And such comments won’t help, you know.
      There are a lot of layers now to the show but it was so different at the start that most people don’t give it another try. And if a queer romance gets anyone watching the series that’s fine with me. Because if they happen to love it they will love it not just for that.

      1. @ o.owl – i have No problem with any romance on the show and i think its great that it brings the story more towards these to great characters ‘root and shaw’, but they so much more then just there romance and my support and votes come to them and POI because who there characters are not just there romance

        1. It’s not possible for me to watch every single show on TV. And this blog is not and never has been about what’s “hot” on TV. Check out our About page to see what we do here: https://thegeekiary.com/about

          “The Geekiary is a blog started by fans, for fans, as a place to analyze media from a unique fandom perspective, report recent geeky news that matters to us, and share our passions and personal interests all in one place. We’re proud members of our fandoms. We’re Tumblr users and Twitter addicts. We’re con goers, photographers, cosplayers, artists, and writers. We’re consumers and analyzers of geeky media and enthusiastic fans. Sometimes we squee. Sometimes we rant. Sometimes we cry about our fictional character feels. The point is, we’re fans. We have a lot of FEELINGS. This is where we talk about them.”

          My FEELINGS are often about LQBTQ+ issues and feminism. I’m typically by interested in straight white male protagonists. I tend to like female leads or LGBTQ+ themes. I never watch something just because it’s “hot.”

  6. POI and shoot fan base has a strong online presents and is quit on this poll, but is still pulling a 20% lead – great!!!

  7. Im voting for Constantine i really loved this show and was really pissed it got canned imo it reminds me of how Supernatural used to be the demons are monsterous and evil unlike the demons in Supernatural who are dull and not the least bit interesting which feels more like a soap opera then a horror show these days , Constantine should have been givern another season at least.The trouble with American networks these days is they bail out on promising shows like Constantine but keep shows that have lost their spark a long time ago just to pander to their fans

    1. We encourage respectful debate but please be sure you don’t veer into hating on other shows in the process. Thank you.


  8. Is it possible there is a “bot” voting for POI. Those #’s sure go up a lot faster than any others. Just an observation

    1. You know we’ve won Zimbio poll this year with numbers in the final rounds close to 150000-200000. And Zimbio limits number of votes per ip, so you can only guess the votes we can get now… I can only guess it myself.
      The only reason we were a bit low at the start is that we missed it somehow.

  9. Ok who told the Agent Carter kids we had a poll with their name on it? It’s hard enough to win against Supernatural & Persons of Interest who have couple seasons under their belt – now we have to have the Marvel people on us too? 🙁

  10. Person of Interest & Supernatural might want to start working together and click for each other in the vote (you can pick more than just one fandom) and do their best to keep of Agent Carter kids. They come in bulk. #justASuggestion

      1. I agree. And actually I vote not only for POI but for Agent Carter too. I like it. Absolutely wouldn’t mind if they come 3d or even 2d.

  11. Question to Agent Carter kids – on the E! poll – did you guys win or did Hart of Dixie win?

  12. 3 times in a row I voted for Supernatural and the number of votes did not change.It was tallying each vote for the first 4 times and then 3 times it stayed the same ,after which it resumed immediately to counting each vote I am making.I can’t help but wonder if there is a glitch somewhere in the system.I need to say this is not sour grapes,I’m all for fan based votes but I was surprised they were losing by so much and now I wonder if this is why.

    1. It’s possible the tally is delayed, but the votes for all the top shows are going up so votes are being counted.


  13. Voted only for Constantine! Why? Cause there’s no doubt in my mind that Supernatural will continue already. But Constantine is struggling. And I want this show to continue!!!!!

    1. Yes, I agree with this. Constantine needs more support, especially since there are discussions with NBC about whether or not the show lives to get a second season. It’s really under appreciated and I’d hate to see it go, especially with its fantastic cast and great writing. It’d also be a crime to cut it because of the way the season ended. #Save Constantine

  14. This is not fair. Constantine an Supernatural should be way up there but their percentage isnt changing. Cheating? Possible. …. this is not giving the best shows credit for all the people voting for them. Not good.

    1. Really? Best shows in your own opinion I suppose. Maybe the fact that their percentages aren’t changing is because there are more fans voting for the others. And calling others cheating because your “best shows” aren’t way up is just sour grapes to me.

    1. There is currently 3x as much traffic coming from POI fan sites, forums, and social media accounts than there are from Supernatural so it seems about right.

  15. I like both Supernatural and Person of Interest. But my votes for Supernatural don’t seem to be registering.

  16. I’ve really enjoyed POI this year so my votes are going to it and the 100. Even though Spn has my favourite character the series unfortunately is not a fav. anymore.

  17. The votes are definitely being counted. After first vote, Supernatural had 62,182. I voted again, and the count was 63,186. I voted a third time, and the count went up to 63,189. Perhaps the people complaining were clicking View Results.

  18. Hey Supernatural fans, please stay respectful. No one is cheating, as you might’ve heard by now. We POI fans are slowly getting experienced with these claims, though. In the Zimbio Poll, SwanQueen totally lost it and just couldn’t lose (it was a close battle). It was a shitstorm against us, based on >NO< evidence. Really awful.
    And after that, the Clexa fans started accusing us, too. Zimbio investigated, there was no foul play. (Or in other words, they have ways of filtering bots & stuff. They don't count)

    Just like there isn't here. So just keep your dignity, ok? I used to be a big Supernatural fan for many years but I can't watch it anymore. I've stopped at mid-season 10.
    My personal votes go to POI.

  19. The “Thank you, we have counted your vote” thing is probably just the cool down period. It happened to me after a long bout of continuous voting. Give a bit and come back and you’ll be fine.

    Go Agent Carter!

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