ScarJo Defends Woody Allen, Seriously!

ScarJo Woody Allen

Notorious problematic actress ScarJo (Scarlett Johansson) continues to play Problematic Actor Bingo by defending Woody Allen.

After the infamous Rub and Tug casting controversy, and then her doubling down on her position a few months later, ScarJo has decided it’s a fabulous idea to defend accused pedophile Woody Allen in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter. If I were her publicist, I’d quit. Right now!

It’s hard to reconcile my deep love of the character Black Widow while the actress who portrays her continues to disregard those in society that could use her voice the most.  This particular statement feels particularly egregious since she has been part of the Times Up movement and publicly spoke out against James Franco.

While I would have hoped she would see the issues with her playing an Asian character or a Trans character as a cisgender white woman, I could momentarily believe she took those parts out of ignorance over the harm those actions caused (then she doubled down and proved she learned nothing, but still). This time there’s no excuse. She’s proving herself to be willingly problematic right out of the gate when she should know better.

There will be Woody Allen defenders popping up here, of course. They’ll point out his wife was ‘only’ his step-daughter, so maybe it wasn’t that weird (it is, though). They’ll say that the assaults on Dylan Farrow were lies concocted by Mia Farrow (I believe Dylan). They’ll make excuse after excuse for such behavior and I’m already exhausted from it. And now they have ScarJo in their corner, so congratulations on that, I guess. I’m not sure how great of an ally to your cause she is, though, considering her past behavior. But congrats.

My excitement over the long-awaited Black Widow film has been waning over the years due to ScarJo’s behavior, which is a shame as I’ve been following every bit of news about it since 2014.

In retrospect, I’m glad the first woman-led MCU film was Captain Marvel so I don’t have to associate such a major milestone with an actress who has caused many people so much anguish.

She’s really let a lot of us down over the years and it’s horribly depressing.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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