Joss Whedon Says He’d Do a Female Superhero Movie, Jamie Says “Nah That’s Okay”
Image credit: Disney Joss Whedon used to be held up as a shining example of feminism. Somewhere along the way,...
Image credit: Disney Joss Whedon used to be held up as a shining example of feminism. Somewhere along the way,...
Fox is gonna Fox. Just days after their annual upfronts, where they preview new and returning shows for their upcoming...
The Star-Touched Queen is a fantasy novel where the writing is so beautiful it qualifies as its own character. Combining...
In "Perverse Instantiation Part Two", Clarke takes the flame and the chip and finds herself in the City of Light,...
image courtesy Entertainment Weekly When CBS unveiled its fall slate, it didn't take long to notice a pattern. Of the...
Black Panther doesn't even come out for two years, but it's already a highly-anticipated movie, thanks in part to its...
(c) Waypoint Tavern Facebook page There are a lot of places in New York City that try to cater to...
This weekend marks the inaugural Ladies of SPN Convention - a fan-run Supernatural con that seeks to feature exclusively female guests, be...
Are you watching Game of Thrones and wondering what the heck is going on in Dorne? So are a lot of...
There has been an influx of celebrity interviews in the past week that discuss, even focus on, their struggles with...